4 May 2024

马大佛学会《法音清流》2.0 :总心得(4/5/2024)

 往常我是台上唱歌,这次以观众的身份出席马来亚大学佛学会《法音清流》2.0 专辑推介礼。我到崇文小学的礼堂外,马大佛学会主席——俊衔把门票交到我手中,就进去礼堂找个位子安顿。在推介礼开始之前,学慧带我 “穿越时空” 让我了解马大佛学会的历史一直到现在,从 1960年代至今,一甲子的岁月真的不易!在展览的最后,欣赏继程法师的书法作品。大家在陆续入场的时候,我也看到许久未见的佛友们从菩提工作坊、Nalanda 佛教会和全营37。

淼善和袈文 —— 双威大学佛学会校友会合体出席《法音清流 2.0 》佛曲专辑推介礼


晚上八时,推介礼正式开始!大家以诚心的心态唱诵《三宝歌》。之后,第六十二届马大佛学会主席—— 陈俊衔居士致词。时隔十八年,《法音清流 2.0 》佛曲专辑终于诞生了,在制作专辑中虽然艰辛,但是成品是靠每个的努力去完成。华文有一句:前人种树,后人乘凉。意思是前辈们所种下的种子,长成一棵树让后辈们有更好和舒适的生活;后辈们在享受这棵树所带来的庇护,就是继续守护它,直到让下一届来完成学长学姐们未完成的使命。

叮咚!哈咯!马大佛学会《法音情流 2.0》快递来了,请接受!无人机飞越观众席直到台上,里面的邮件会是什么呢?打开邮件的时候是 2.0 ,《法音清流 2.0 》佛曲专辑推介礼正式拉开序幕!

Let the music begin!《觉悟》说了佛陀还在太子的时候决定出宫找真理,让众生离苦得乐,最终在菩提树下成为你我熟悉的释迦牟尼佛。来到主题曲《法音清流》—— 佛法它是像在音符上的五线谱,不停的跳动,让它流动在人间感受佛法的美丽。

在每个佛学班,“因缘” 这两个字常常出现。你知道吗?因缘就是像身边的间谍,在默默观察我们的每个举动无论善恶,最终的果报还是我们要面对,就这样《以为没人知道》吗?第一次佛曲以摇滚风格呈现,台上的歌手们戴着墨镜真的是帅呆了!如果我戴上墨镜的话,会说:“走,我们去唱佛曲,把善法传递!” 

佛法流传2500年,我们今世还能够闻法我个人觉得是难得的因缘啊!我们都是《佛法的侍者》,以简单的词来说是 “佛法大使” ,无论我们到哪里,我们可以听到熟悉的法音。因为佛法就是像叶子一样,飘到哪儿就是它的责任传递真理。

推介礼的尾声,台上的歌手们再次呈现《法音清流》以尾声曲结束。在等观众解散的时候,我跟佛友们叙旧,也跟马大佛学会的朋友们合照。你要我选一首歌的话,我会选 《承先启后》,一盏灯可以传承至千百年。佛法在两千多年前一直传承到现在,身为佛教的我们,有义务把佛陀的教诲传承至下一代。


袈文和马大佛学会主席 —— 陈俊衔居士

恭喜马大佛学会《法音清流 2. 0 》佛曲专辑推介礼圆满成功!


Facebook: 马大佛学会

Instagram: @pbum1961

YouTube: Persatuan Buddhis Universiti Malaya PBUM

Official website: https://beacons.ai/pbum1961

19 April 2024

ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024 (16/4/2024-19/4/2024)

 During this time of the year, I'm always looking forward to attending the ECOSOC Youth Forum. This marks my fourth year attending and second time as a UNICEF Malaysia Young Leader, alongside with my fellow Young Leader - Xin Qi, this time.

Due to a busy week at work, I have to balance my time in between work and the forum. Luckily the forum is in the night due to the 12-hour difference Malaysia and New York USA. On the first day of the side event, I attended where youths presented their challenges in their education journey. There's a saying in Chinese "Even though you are poor, education is the utmost priority," in its original meaning is “我们再穷也不能穷教育”. 

Education is really emphasised in my house because my grandfather is a retired educator for 32 years. He was an English educator in a national school (sekolah kebangsaan). I remembered every word that my younger sibling and I pronounced a wrong word, he couldn't get the educator out of him. When I was eight years old, my primary school had a mini book fair and I saw him hold three essay reference books in each language - Malay, English and Chinese, I thought they were for him. Little did I know, it was for me to prep up for Year 3 in primary school - which I had to learn to write essays.

After leaving secondary school, people asked my elderly whether I would continue studies due to my disability. I proved them wrong, in the end I graduated with a degree in BA (Hons) Communication, specialised in Corporate Communication.

Young children, still don't have the right access to education in some countries which is disheartening to hear from it. Children and young people are the agents of change and everyone has the right to education to change the future. 

The opening ceremony is late at night, I have to rest up for the next day. While I'm in office, I watched and listened to the repeat of the ceremony. A musical number as an opening to start the day for youths who are in the United Nations' (UN) Headquarters to start the day! In the speeches, advocates are urging youths to make a change now as we just left six years to 2030 -  there is no time to lose to hit all the 17 SDGs by then.

Still on the second day, I wore my kebaya top to the office for a Raya (or Eid) event - I showcased this outfit during the networking session. This not only reflect my Malaysian roots but also showcasing the specialty that Melaka has - Baba Nyonya (though I'm not a Baba Nyonya descendant, it's what makes Melaka so special). 

Reflecting my Malaysian roots in a kebaya

The one key message I like to say to existing or future advocates during the networking session is taking the first step even before you are ready - an iconic quote from Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon - it has become one of my personal principles whenever I wanna take a risk or break the ice between people connection. In the breakout session for the Asia and the Pacific Region, youths are urged to take action now in the global issues they care about because a small action can make a big difference! 

My message to everyone.

On the third and final day, a side event on disability inclusion really hits me because as a person with disabilities, I do feel the struggles too - anyone who are caregivers to people with disabilities or any family who have people with disabilities.

In different regions we have different terms referring to people with disabilities. In Malaysia, we refer the community as Orang Kelainan Upaya (OKU) - it is translated to people with disabilities. When I'm in a conversation with my friends. I tell them I have special needs because not all of us understand the term. In global context, always use the term "people with disabilities" because we are referring to the person and not the disability.

If you don't understand, you are always welcomed to attend a Movers Programme's workshop on Disability Inclusion to learn more.

This not the end, it's time to do the next right thing!

Connect with me to follow my advocacy journey: www.linktr.ee/katelynchinmunconferences97 

10 March 2024

马佛青甲州联委会:新春感恩宴会 2024(10/3/2024)

 虽然农历新年已结束两个星期了,但气氛决定少不了!我起身时候,信息在群组里把大家 “唤醒” 在睡梦中。在家吃了早餐,换上今天的演出的衣服,果然真的合身!家人把我放下在林镇潘的侧门。我直接走去跟唱享6度的歌手们会合。不久,建亿老师一家也来了。

亿杰学长说:“袈文,今天你非常开心啊!” 我一时脸红,说:“第一个的感恩宴会,总算人生目标也达到了!” 我环顾四周看看今天多少人会出席今天的感恩宴会,亿杰学长给我简单的数学题目:“一桌有十个人,你看看桌子的数目。” 我真的须要再看仔细一点。我们在台上彩排的时候,建亿老师的幼女到台上也凑热闹,她问老师手中的吉他:“Daddy,这是你的吉他吗?” 建亿老师柔声对孩子说:“不是我的啊!你下去舞台先,daddy 等下找你可以吗?” 小女孩就蹦蹦跳跳下去。


我也碰到几个在马佛青总会的人,国胜看到我的时候,就走过来:“哎,袈文!好久没见到你!最近好吗?” 我说:“很好啊!谢谢关心!” 时候到了,大家以真成的心赞颂三宝 —— 《三宝歌》播放的时候,感觉鸡皮疙瘩都起来,即使是个感恩宴会,还是很庄严。接下来,念诵《心经》。


在等第二道菜上桌时候,我、瑞瑄、得拿等个歌手去后边设计的文化区。我也很久没起毛笔写春联,我选的是五个字,想了一下:“到底要写什么好呢?” 我灵机一动,就写开心到永久来自《Happy 龙龙 Way》的一段歌词:“把开心传递到永久”。就写了:“开心到永久” ,瑞瑄说:“你写得挺可爱啊!” 看来我的书法技术还可以再练多一下咯!


一系列的新年演出来自在甲州联委会旗下的佛学会。马六甲武吉波浪佛学会的小朋友们合青年们各自演出《龙龙的新年》《新年 Beng Beng Beng 》。唱享6度的歌手们在演出之前,我们来拍个 “全家福” 。大家聚在一起,让我觉得我还是属于唱享6度的大家庭因为这个平台让我圆满当歌手的梦想。

在唱享6度的演出,虽然很多已经离席,但是演出依然照样进行!每次在任何的佛青活动,周杰伦的《稻香》肯定少不了,仿佛回到当初回到中二时候;与其一个人孤独唱歌,不如跟现场的大家一起众乐乐听我们唱歌!由唱享6度的导师—— 吴建亿老师,来带唱《独乐乐不如众乐乐》。前几句我须要移步到老师的身边因为麦克风的电线太短。

演出结束,我们在舞台上来张大合照。感恩宴会的尾声以《佛青之歌》收尾。建荣学长带给大家一句话:“虽然唱享6度是一个小小的佛曲歌团,但可以楼下一个深刻的印象。一位 VIP 说他很好奇唱享6度的来源,这是我们留下的印象。大家继续加油!”



唱享6度歌手们和导师—— 吴建亿老师在舞台合照。

马佛青甲州联委会 YBAM Melaka SLC

Facebook: YBAM MLK SLC 

Instagram / Threads: @ybammlkslc

YouTube: YBAM Melaka Slc


Facebook: 马六甲唱享6度团队

Instagram: @changxiang6d


16 December 2023

LifeGen Church Manna Life Christmas Party (16/12/2023)

 It's been three years since I celebrated Christmas with a party, and now this is my first party with the Manna Life Connect Group from LifeGen Church! I got to know the party from Sammi's Instagram story while scrolling through Instagram. I replied to the Instagram story "Interesting!" Sammi invited me to the party, and I said yes.

I don't know what to bring to a Christmas party. My mummy made scones for the Christmas gathering and brought a little gift for the gift exchange session that would happen later at the party. We had a hard time searching around the house and finally found it. It was raining, and I might have slipped along the way. Luckily, Debby came to help with all the scones and gifts. 

Dan Dan was surprised to see me at the party. "I didn't know you were here!" she said. "Yeah, I like to make an unannounced appearance," I said, I like to give a mystery if I'm attending any events. I had pizza, cake, scones and a traditional Christmas log cake. 

To get into the Christmas mood, we all gathered to play a couple of games - a rendition of Bingo with some Christmas elements and a story of the first Christmas night when the baby Jesus was born - here's the catch, the presents that we chose were not for us, it was part of a game called Ke Kiri Ke Kanan (to the left and right) when we listened to the phrases "left" and "right" until the story ends, that's our final gift. 

It was fun passing the presents from left to right, right to left and back. At the end of the story, my gift was a skipping rope, not a gift I expected, so I switched to a bigger one. I wondered what it was and kept on shaking, my first guess would be a puzzle piece - I'll open it on Christmas Day. 

Now, it's everyone's favourite part of the party - Christmas carolling with classics Joy to the World, Come O'Ye Faithful, Feliz Navidad and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. A sharing session for Manna Life people on their spiritual journey. My favourite was Debby's - she broke off with her spiritual connection one year during her senior year in secondary school. That reminded a 19-year-old me in college how I found my way back home to the Buddhist society after experiencing a "friendship breakup" but that's another story to tell.

We were broken into groups to share our aspirations for 2024 and wrapped up our achievements in 2023. My 2023 is a year full of achievements and hope to achieve more in the coming year! Thank you LifeGen Church Manna Life and wishing everyone happy holidays! Click on the video below to listen to my favourite Christmas tune.

24 November 2023

Sunway Model United Nations 2023 Opening Ceremony (24/11/2023)

 It's been a week since UNICEF Malaysia's Young Leaders Programme Showcase 2023, now this is my first appearance since the showcase at the 8th Sunway Model United Nations (SUNMUN)!  During my campus visit last month, Xin Qi - the Deputy Secretary General booked my date for the opening ceremony as they needed a home grown SUNMUN alum - representing the campus to various institutions at Model United Nations conferences. 

After lunch, I head to the college side and straight up to the second floor at Auditorium 7 - where the opening ceremony is going to be. I take my seat in the first row and have a chat with Xin Qi and Sean Yee - the Secretary General of this year's SUNMUN. What's more, right behind me and Xin Qi are the delegates of the UNICEF council. "When UNICEF Young Leaders meet the delegates of the UNICEF council," I tell Xin Qi. We take a picture with them.

A reunion with veteran MUN-ers alike - Ke Wen, Danny, Michelle and Alexis etc. Zara, as the emcee of the event, welcomes all delegates and distinguished guests to the 8th annual SUNMUN - and it is the first physical conference since the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Ke Wen and I chat, and he asks me "Katelyn, when are you heading to New York, USA, to visit the real United Nations?" I say "I'm not sure but we never might know what will happen in the future. I'm hoping to achieve before I'm 30 but if it doesn't, there's always another way," 

After the opening remarks from the teacher advisor, it's my turn to be up on stage. I share about my experience heading to the MUN scene - from that one video of Roy Wang - a singer and member of the Chinese boyband TFBoys to my passion in mental health - inspired by the current Prince and Princess of Wales (Prince William and Princess Kate) - led me to the person I am today. My speech is out of the script a little, "Who knows I might represent Malaysia to New York at the real UN one day," I say. As always I end my speech with a quote from Raya and the Last Dragon

You just have to take the first step even before you are ready

 It's Shahil's turn to make his speech, he shared about how MUN shaped his personality starting with his first council in a crisis council as a Russian delegate. The crisis council is always a firm favourite in the MUN scene and the first to fill the spaces up as compared to other regular councils. 

After a photo session and some housekeeping rules, delegates made their ways to their respective councils. Of course, I head to the UNICEF council to see all the actions. Most of the delegates are new to the MUN scene, the chairs give everyone a MUN 101 before serious (and fun) council session begins. 

Michelle is playing as the journalist of The Star (which I also used to play back in FairMUN 2019). We have fun on the iPad writing to each other. I also share my position paper when I won at Global Goals MUN 2021 - I delegated under the UNICEF council and sure enough I was delegating as Malaysia and representing Malaysia at the same time - also I was the only Malaysian at Global Goals MUN.

By evening time, the first day of SUNMUN has ended. We go around the room by introducing ourselves. The new MUNers ask me what are the tips for them in council, "Observe and attack at the right time, always be firm with the policy of the country you are delegating." 

It's good to be back on campus again! Thank you Sean, Xin Qi and the SUNMUN team!

For more information: 

Facebook: Sunway Model United Nations 

Instagram: @sunwaymun / @sunwaymunclub

18 November 2023

UNICEF Malaysia's Young Leaders Programme Showcase 2023 (18/11/2023)

 My passion for children started when I joined the Model United Nations scene five years ago and at that time I had only one goal which is - to become a UNICEF Youth Ambassador for Malaysia. Besides that, I wanted to raise mental health among youths and children. 

At every MUN conference, my friends would ask this question: "Do you see yourself advocating for children's rights one day and becoming a UNICEF Malaysia ambassador?" My answer was "We never might know what will happen in the future but who knows maybe it will come true!" Two years ago, UNICEF Malaysia organised a two-year programme called the Young Leaders Programme, in partnership with Study Hub Asia and 45 Young Leaders throughout Malaysia were selected! 

Throughout the two-year programme, Young Leaders are divided into four main topics namely education, mental health, climate change and child protection. I'm in the mental health team of course! The first year it was fully online, we were given training on public speaking, topic discussions for each of the four topics and business and human rights. It was all about brainstorming on future projects.

In the second year, the projects that were proposed turned into a reality! Although I didn't join the execution of the projects due to work, the support is there. A week before the showcase, all of the Young Leaders gathered for the last time. 

I almost didn't make it because I was asked to stay back in Melaka but I was advised to attend, that was the best decision made! 

On 18 November 2023 - the day of the showcase! I was walking around to see if there was anything I could help with - tested out Monsta Amongst Us' game on the myths and facts about sexual harassment. The opening ceremony started with the Director - Benjamin Chay, giving a backstory of the Young Leaders until its present day followed by the Co-Director, 'Ariff - who moderated the first-panel session - Tomorrow's Tapestry: An Intergenerational Dialogue.

I almost got lost in the breakout session, and turned out it was in the same room as the opening ceremony! Our emcee - David, switched his role to moderate  Advocating Children on the Edge featuring Heidy Quah, Hassan Al-Akraa and Niba. Before this, I had a chat with Heidy and Hassan. "I thought I saw someone familiar!" when I turned around to see Ernest - aka Sherlock Holmes in the MUN scene. 

After that, it was lunchtime! Unfortunately due to some unforeseen circumstances, most of the food was out, especially the spaghetti is a firm favourite for the children! I managed to get a bite of a pie, rice and some veggies (carrots and broccoli). We were back to the main hall where 'Aliaa was the moderator for Trens in Child Protection - which focused on child marriage and keeping children safe online. 

Everyone was back in the main hall, and summaries of each break-out panel session were presented. The most-anticipated was the lucky draw, the JBL headphones were a crowd favourite! 'Ariff made the closing remarks to mark the end of the showcase. 

After everyone had left, a team photo was taken to mark the special occasion! We went to Mitasu for a Japanese-style buffet celebratory dinner! It's a wrap! Thank you everyone for the support, especially to the UNICEF Malaysia's team and Study Hub Asia - Brian and Richie, not forgetting the Director and Co-Director - Benjamin and 'Ariff! 

I'm a UNICEF Malaysia Young Leader! Follow me and my fellow leaders on our next journey!

For more information, head over to UNICEF Maalysia's official social media accounts to learn more #foreverychild: 

Facebook: UNICEF Malaysia

Instagram: @unicefmalaysia

Threads: @unicefmalaysia



StudyHub Asia 

Official website: https://studyhub.asia/

Facebook: Study Hub Asia 

Instagram: @studyhubasia 

LinkedIn: Study Hub Asia Sdn Bhd

Follow me: https://linktr.ee/katelynchin97 

21 October 2023

Sunway Project for Asia and International Relations Annual Conference 2023 (21/10/2023)

Sunway Project for Asia and International Relations better known as SPAIR 2023 is back! This year's theme is Human Capital: The Gap on Gender and Education, which mainly focuses on SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 5: Gender Equality. I always wanted to attend a SPAIR conference but it always clashed with my schedule, mainly on Model United Nations, it's always on the weekend! 

Now, not anymore! I'm attending and in a SPAIR conference panelling on the topic of education. It was a month back when Farhana, the current Vice President of SPAIR. She went through my profile on LinkedIn and Instagram (my personal account) and found out about my advocacy for disability inclusion. After some thinking, I said yes. 

The meeting was arranged to get first-hand of the program flow, and who were the people I was gonna panel alongside. For education, I wasn't the only Sunway alum, there was gonna be another fellow Sunway alum for that session but I wonder who he or she was. A week or two before the event, the full list of panellists was out and the questions were in to have a concept of what the moderators would ask. 

On the day of the event, I was led by the volunteer team of SPAIR to the Chancellor Suite - where they host VIPs. I called it the VIP room. Breakfast was served with light snacks and refreshments. Sunway campus has been upholding "Campus with a Conscience" by practising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on campus. I had my favourite Nyonya kuih (pastries) too! At 10.15am, we were given the green light to head over to JC 1. 

I thought the room would be packed with 100 people and it was the weekend. Turned out it was less than I expected. It's okay anyway, I like a small crowd on a panel session because we interact with the audience more. The event with the singing of the national anthem the Negaraku, followed by an opening remark from Sunway Education Group CEO - Dato' Professor Dr. Elizabeth Lee and the President of SPAIR - Farhana. 

The first panel session was on Gender Equality. I would like to take on the mention of parental leave. In society's expectations, the mothers are the ones who spend and nurturing newborns in the first three or six months but the question is: What about the fathers? Nurturing and raising children requires both parents to be involved in the process. Not only parents but also grandparents (from both sides) also play an important role too! 

I'm lucky I was raised by my grandparents, it was a big help for my parents, especially my mummy to focus on her career 100% and not worry about my younger sibling and me being left at home alone after school. After that, it's lunchtime on the Mezzanine floor. I had delicious Mac and Cheese with iced lemon tea! Before we headed back, Jeff, the moderator briefly introduced himself as we are heading back to JC 1 to continue to the next session - Quality Education. 

At the beginning of the session, each of the panellists what does education mean to them? I shared a fond memory of my ah gong (grandpa) - who is a retired educator who bought me essay books to prep me for essay writing in Year 3 of primary school.  I was asked how education and how can we make them inclusive? 

I talked about the difference between the inclusivity between Australia and Malaysia. Students with disabilities like myself are not able to have 100% inclusivity in class whereas in Australia, I was there during my yearly physiotherapy checkup. I could see the educators emphasised inclusion.

The education blueprint went well with other countries but with Malaysia, it doesn’t go anywhere, it always goes back to the same point. The role of an educator also plays an important part in a student's life. There is always one educator who leaves an impact on the students. For example, an educator whose child loves drawing but doesn't recognise it, what the educator did is she got it tattooed to boost the child's confidence. I think this is what really can do to always encourage the students to discover their potential instead of focusing too much on the grades.

I ended the session by encouraging parents to send their children because campus life is a pathway to a bright future and eventually a class above! Thank you SPAIR team for inviting me back to campus and hope to come back again for future events. 

Follow Sunway Project for Asia and International Relations (SPAIR) for more upcoming events: 

Website: https://sunway-pair.wixsite.com/sunway-pair 

Facebook: Sunway Project for Asian and International Relations 

Instagram: @sunwaypair

LinkedIn: Sunway Project for Asian and International Relations

Let's connect: https://linktr.ee/katelynchin97