27 December 2015

大众书局书展—— 马六甲站(24/12/15)

  圣诞除夕也被称为“平安夜“。今年的平安夜,我到大众书局书展去“补买” 小说。我已经两年没到书展逛因为当时我在筹备去年的大马文凭考试。早上十一时,我们从家往MITC 的路程出发。由于当天是公共假期,所以全马各地的游客们到马六甲观光;游子们则回家乡探望父母和亲朋好友。

  十八年以来,我第一次到MITC 参观。平时当地举行不少活动例如:填色比赛、演讲比赛、保龄球赛等等。我们要找泊车位,但是几乎都泊满了!阿姨把车窗打开问正在站岗的保安大叔:“先生,我是否能泊在残章人士车位吗?” 保安大叔说:“可以。” 就这样,阿姨轻松地把车子泊在残章人士车位。不然我要走很远呢!

  我们走直然后转右,我看到大大的标题:大众书局大型书展—— 马六甲站。我忘了带小妹的大众书局会员卡,因为我的手机在充电所以没注意妈妈传送的简讯。我第一时间就是要到中文书籍购买红蜻蜓出版社小说,我问站在门口的志愿者:“请问中文书籍在哪儿?” 志愿者说:“左手边就是了!” 我向他道谢便往中文书籍。不到两秒,我已经找到红蜻蜓出版社小说了!

  我把还没拥有的小说一一放进篮子里,外婆看了看就说:“这么多啊!” 我却说:“是啊!” 我走着走着,突然间我看到一个熟悉的脸孔。是立裕!“立裕!” 我呼唤他,“袈文,这么巧啊?” 立裕说。我问他:“你怎么会在这儿啊?” 立裕告诉我他在这儿当志愿者。我们俩聊了几句。

  当场有干眼症测试,我一时好奇就尝试。几分钟,我到英文书籍找阿姨因为小妹要《哈利·珀特》的小说系列。但是只有两本而已没有完整的系列。英文书籍有几个传记例如:新加坡已故的总理—— 李光耀先生、猫王埃尔维斯· 普雷斯利、《最后一个的中国女王》等等。我们到普食书籍看看,然后我逛整个书展。



11 December 2015

UK Trip (25/11/15- 4/12/15)

  "If you have the chance to go to the country of your dreams, where would it be?" That was a question asked by my Globalisation lecturer, Ms. Uma in class. Everybody in class had different answers. Some said the U.S. , Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even a very funny answer from one of my course mates when he said Thailand as his dream country to visit. The whole class cracked up! Relax, he was just pulling our legs back then. 

  As for me, I chose the UK as my dream country. Why would I choose the UK? First of all, it's historical connections. We all know, the then Malaya was conquered by the British until it gained its independence in 1957. Most places in Malaysia such as the mini Victorian fountain in Malacca, the buildings with the 18th century themed in Penang, also the traditional coffee making in Perak. These were left by the British. 

  Another fact, I love about the UK is the performing arts. Like The Phantom of the Opera, The Lion King, Charlie and the Choclate Factory and Les Misreables just to name a few. They have singing which I love the most, dancing as well as their music. In fact, I watched The Phantom of the Opera on the first day when I arrived in London at Her Majesty Theatre. It's really a fantastic musical! 

  I wanted to watch MJ Thriller Live featuring Songs of Michael and the Jackson Five but my mum said we will have the chance to watch it again when we come back. I was quite disappointed because I was staying opposite of the theatre at My Apartment in Piccadilly. I wanted to watch the show so badly but there are some other attractions were waiting for me. 

  I went to Buckingham Palace to watch the change of guards. For your information, the change of guards happen on alternative days in Autumn and Winter while in Spring and Summer, it is everyday. The change of guards starts at 11.00am (British Standard Time). My dream came true when I visited to the grounds of the Palace. 

The place where the Prince and Princess of Wales made their debut as man and wife in 1981. They appeared at the balcony of the Palace. 30 years later, same goes to TRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on 29 April 2011. It is not only for wedding appearance on Royal Weddings, also it acts as a place of Royal family gatherings such as the Diamond Jubilee, state banquets and also the annual of Trooping of the Colours. 

  In addition, I went to Madamme Tussad Wax Museum where all the wax figures of famous people are displayed. From Tom Cruise to David and Victoria Beckham to Angelina Jolie and Bradd Pitt and whole lot more! My favourite part of the museum was the Royal exhibition where they displayed past and present Royals including HM the Queen Mother, HM the Queen, HRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, HRH Prince Harry of Wales and Diana, the Princess of Wales. 

  The music exhibition was one of my favourites as well. We have Britney Spears, the Princess of Pop, Rihanna, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Lady Gaga, Madonna, the Queen of Pop and of course Michael Jackson, the King of Pop! He was one of the most legendary icon in the music world. He made a better world and will spread the message of love to the world. His legacy will live forever! 

  World leaders such as the US President Mr. Barack Obama, India's Prime Minister, Mr. Mathatma Gandhi, the current British Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and also the British First Lady Prime Minister Madam Margrate Tatcher, who was also known as The Iron Lady

  During the trip, I got the golden opportunity to stay at a real country side in South West. It was a great way to stay out of the hustle and bustle of the city. For the first time in my life, I had the chance to live my life as a country girl. It has a beautuful garden and there's a tree house as well! The place is amazing! It is called Debbie and John

 I had so much fun in the UK! I hope to visit the country in the near future. 


12 November 2015

点心记 (12/11/15)

  “铃……“ 早上八时分, 身旁的闹钟不停地响。 我伸手把闹钟按”停“ 按钮。我再看看屏幕的时间显示早上八时五分, 我迟起了五分钟。当我要到洗手间洗澡时, 外婆说:”文,你回来时才洗澡吧!待会儿仕维要来载你。“ 洗刷后,我到饭厅喝一杯好立克“顶饱” 肚子。我再回到房间取出我的手机然后放进背包里。当我在穿鞋子时, 哥(仕维)的车子已经到了。阿姨说:“还不快点?你的朋友已经到了!” 我说:“哦, 快好了!” 我戴上墨镜便走出门外。

  当我上哥的车子时,我发现有一辆车子。”哪是谁的车子?” 我好奇地问。“林汉的车子。” 哥说。不久,锡忠向哥拨电话说可以出发了!我们向外婆道别便往去点心店吃早餐。锡忠和智彬在前方;我们和林汉则在后面尾随着。我望着窗口,听着电台播出的歌首,心里带着雀跃的心情因为我首次和朋友们到出逛逛。

  我们驾驶入家喻户晓的文化街,“我们在这儿吃点心吗?” 我问。哥说:“对啊,就在这儿!妹,你们先下车,我去泊车。” 我小心翼翼从车子“钻” 出来。我们女生位子,店外有刚好七个座位。我们点了莲容包、鱼丸、烧卖等等。不久,男生们来了!哥问:“你们点了吗?” 佩盈说:”已经点了!剩下你们。”

  一碟碟的热腾腾点心碰上桌了!我最喜欢的点心是烧卖和莲容包。我们也拍了团体照留念,我也把店的环境上传到社交网站向外州的朋友介绍,以后他们来马六甲就可到此店吃点心啦!锡忠说:“你们有没有去西伯利亚雪橇犬咖啡馆?” 他们纷纷说:“有啊!我们有听过但是没去。” 说到狗狗,我就怕了!

  我曾经在七岁的时候被一群的野狗追逐我,所以从当天起我对狗狗有恐惧感。我说:“如果是我,我是不会去。” 哥说:“妹,你家里有养狗,你还怕?” 我只好向他们坦白啦! 锡忠补充说:“他们有设定的时间和狗狗零距离交流。” 小妹一定会去因为她喜欢动物而我则恰恰相反。

  我们吃饱后就到英雄广场走走。其实,我已四年没到哪儿逛逛。上次,我到当地是观赏妹妹的新春表演。我们进入停车场时,锡忠对智彬说:“我们可以泊在残障人士泊车位,方便袈文。” 我从皮包里取出卡片,这样就不会碰上任何的麻烦。我们乘坐电梯时,突然间锡忠的手机响起。电话里传出哥的声音,他说:“我们正要来了。” 门打开的时候,我们遇见哥他们。

  我们走着走着,我们突然提起仕聪,他班上被学生称 “阿龙” 。哪知道,说到曹操,曹操就到!“袈文!”他们纷纷喊我的名字, 我也觉得奇怪!“阿龙,这么巧会在这儿遇到你啊!” 哥说。“是啊!这么巧!来逛逛?” 我们点了点头说:“是啊!才刚吃完点心,打算来这儿走走。” 我们离开之前,我把仕聪喊住然后给他一个调皮的眨眼。哥说:“袈文跟你眨眼呢!” 我们带着笑声离开。

  后来,他们到询问处向柜台的服务员说:“我们请求一个轮椅,因为我们有一个朋友行动不方便。” 我却到附近的衣店看看。当我走出,轮椅就在询问处了。哇,这里服务很快呢!“袈文,来你坐上。” 我坐上轮椅,他们轮流推。男生们用驾车的技术来“控制” 。走一段的路程,我们到麦当劳喝汽水解渴,好凉爽啊!怎么会少榴莲泡芙呢?然后我们在继续我们的路程。

  我们来到“新文化街” 。“新文化街” 有一座小桥还有几间售卖娘惹服装和美食。我们就在小桥拍照留念。 到了午餐时间,我们到士林来买小吃。虽然疲倦,但是我开心!

9 November 2015

Semester Break Day Out (8/11/15)

  The semester break is here! Most of us from college are out of town, we went back to our respective hometowns on the last day of examination itself or the day after. As for me, I went back to my hometown where it's in Malacca, on Saturday. Actually I wanted to go back couples of days after the examination which is on November 6. But due to my dad's busy work schedule, so the day of going back was postponed to Saturday. Yes, I'm back for the semester break!

  Days before the semester break, my high school friends and I planned for a gathering since everyone is back for the holidays. We decided to have our day out at Hungry Bear in Bukit Beruang. I was very excited because I got to meet them again after three months since the Hari Raya holidays. At first, it was 12.00 noon but then it was postponed to half an hour because Yu Xuan had some things going on. As long as we have a day out it's fine by me. 

  I put on my black and red DC canvas and sat at the living room to wait for Shi Wei, my brother to pick me up. He was also picking Yu Xuan as well. I thought it the car but then it wasn't. After a few minutes, a car's honk woke me up from my thoughts. My friends were here! "Hey sis, we're here!" called out Shi Wei. I quickly put on my bag and sunglasses, then I walked out from the house. My sister's dog, Furry was barking at them, she doesn't like strangers around the house. 

   I tried to sooth her down "Furry, it's okay!" Before we left, grandma told us to be careful on the road. As I hopped into the car and it's off to Hungry Bear. Along the way, we chatted what we were up to during the past three months. We hopped down from the car once we reached our destination. We went into Hungry Bear and found a perfect spot at the corner of the diner. 

  The waiter gave us to have a look at the menus. We ordered a regular of Aloha Chicken pizzas, while drinks on the other hand, I ordered lemonade. Shi Wei asked if we could Andelin to join us. "Yeah, I'm okay!" Yu Xuan said, she turned to me and asked my opinion. "Fine by me!" I said. "Great! I'll call her up," he said as he took out his phone.

  Not long after that, as Andelin arrived, our food just served up in time. "Hey guys!" Andelin greeted us as she took her seat beside Shi Wei. We chatted about our days in high school and plans about our future. The topics is basically on friendships and international colleges. We decided to have another round of pizza. A surprise visit from our friend, Shi Yuan came to drop by. Around 3.30pm, we left because Yu Xuan was going to visit her grandmother in Tampin. Her dad picked her up from the place.

  Andelin gave me a ride home. After dropping me off, I got a text from my college mate and best friend XY, who was on a trip to Malacca with her family.We actually promised each other months before the big semester break. Whenever she visits to Malacca, we will have a day out. Around 8.45 pm, we left for Mahkota Parade. When I arrived, she was waiting for me at the entrance of Nadaje- a cake shop where it was our meet up place.

  As the time was late, the shop was at the closing time so we have a quick bite of Mocha Choclate cake, it was so good! We took a selfie while eating the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Lee asked about myself. "I live in Malacca with my maternal grandparents, aunt and sister. I stayed in KL with my parents since I started college," I said. As I was about to call my mum, she came just in time. It was an awesome night out with your friends. Especially those who are out from town.

  I had the best time of my life

Having lunch with high school friends at Hungry Bear 

Welcome to Malacca, XY 

18 October 2015

Ben and Ethel's Wedding (17/10/15)

  I attended my cousin's wedding. It was indeed a magical one! This morning, my parents and I came from KL all the way to my hometown, Malacca to attend the red letter occasion. This is my first wedding dinner in two years, the last one was Amanda's, she is too my cousin. I guess you must be why I have so many cousins. My maternal grandmother came from a big family. We have a long chain of connection  When it comes to special occasions like weddings, Chinese New Year, the fun will never stop!

  Speaking of dresses, I can't decide which one to put on. Even though it was hours before the wedding, I have to make my mind up somehow. Luckily, my mum brought a few dresses to try on. One was a sleeveless red dress which was not my sense of style, "There's a mini jacket you can put on," mum said. After putting on the red knee-length dress, the mini jacket is a perfect match. As they always say "mums know everything". 

   At 6.30 pm, we left for the wedding. I was in high spirits because I like big occasions which are lively. As we reached Ramada Hotel, dad dropped us first then he went to find a parking spot. At the entrance of the lobby, we bumped into my cousins, aunts, nephew and nieces. We went in together as a family. We took the lift to the seventh floor- that's where the wedding was held at the Grand Ballroom. Oh and I did mention that my school's senior prom was held at this very place as well? 

The room was packed with guests as they mingled around greeting each other. I held on to my grandma's hand as we mingled because there are a lot of people. I was almost knocked down by one of the guests (I mean, how rude they were?). 

  At 7.30pm, all the guests went in to take their places. The emcees introduced themselves as Dennis and Mary. When I heard Dennis' name,  I was star struck because he appeared a few times on JinnyBoy TV. He is one of Malaysia's famous top YouTuber! I can't believe he was the host of the night. 

  As the moment we were waiting for, the bride who is Ethel strolled down the aisle with her proud dad. This was the heartwarming scence ever! The couple went to the stage to cut the cake. Ethel gave her lucky bouquet of roses to her big sister. 

  Ethel hopes her sister will find her "Mr. Right". The dinner presentation was led by two singers, one by one waiters served dinner to our table. The Malaysian band entertained us with love songs. A magic performance by Zelvin- Malaysia's youngest magician. 

  My favourite trick was two cards were combined as one. How did he do that? I was so amazed! Ethel was even more amazed because she loves magic tricks since young. Every wedding dinner will have a toasting session. In the Malaysian way, we called it as "yum seng" which means "cheers". They showed the footage of the morning reception. There was a lion dance to welcome the couple

  As everyone was leaving, I saw Dennis, the YouTuber, who was leaving with Mary. As a big fan, I quickly went over to take a photo with him. "I'm a big fan of yours. My younger sister and I always watch the videos on Youtube with JinnyBoy," 

"Oh wow! I didn't know I have fans tonight! Which college you're in?" Dennis asked. "I'm in Sunway College," I said. He wished all the best in my studies. I was so star struck! 

  During the after-dinner party, everyone took photos because all the Tan family member are here. Not forgetting to take a photo with the stars of the day-Ben and Ethel. I had a time of my life and welcome to the family Ethel! 


2 October 2015

MUFY Talent Quest 2015 (2/10/15)

  I haven't been on stage for a year since I last performed back in secondary school when I was completing my senior year. Today MUFY held its very own annual talent quest. We called it MUFY Talent Quest. Before you entered the competition, you have to go through an audition just like any singing competition which we watch on television. The audition was 10 days ago and the results was announced a week before the competition.

 Little did I know, I got in! I was so happy! I didn't expect to be in the competition, my aim is just to have fun and be in the spotlight once again. Well there was another surprise. My senior, Marverne got in as well! He didn't get through at first but he was told at the last minute, I was happy for him too. Our first performance as senior-junior, what's more, we were both singing solo! Well I picked If Someday by Malaysia's Queen of Love Songs- Fish Leong. While Marverne on the other hand sang Feeling Good and I've Got the World On a String by Michael Buble. 

  Before the show started, we had a rehearsal just to make sure everything was in tip-top shape. All performers were getting a run through. At 2 pm, everyone started to fill the hall in while performers were seated in front. The emcees introduced the first performer who is a boy band called the SPLURS. They sang a song by Dani California. The second performer sang a Mandarin song. Well, I guess I wasn't the only one who is singing Mandarin song. We even had a silent comedy which was performed by Aaron and Jason Lum (AJ) 

  Before it was my turn, I asked Marverne to record a video of my performance so I can show it to my mum. "Yeah, okay! I can do that," he said. After Marverne's and Ah Ri's turn, it was my turn to perform but I went to the washroom at that time which left the audience in a awkward situation. 

  Quickly, I headed back to the stage. To make it up to the audience, I sang a short verse of Fish Leong's latest single. Then came the main part of the performance. After I sang If Someday, I sang short verse of J'adore. After my performance, the audience wanted more but the emcee said "Sorry, we're running out of time! Thank you Kar Marn for that amazing performance. Let's give her around of applause!" 

  The crowd cheered and clapped as I left the stage. I went over to hug my seniors and they were proud. "You did great Kar Marn!" my seniors said as I headed back to my seat. "Hey Marv, did you record the performance?" I asked. "Sorry Kar Marn, I forgot to record because I was too starstruck and amazed by your performance. Anyway, I'm so proud of you!" Marverne said. Tori chimed in "Yeah girl, you did a job well done! You made us proud!" She gave me a squeeze on the shoulder.  

  After the last performance which Darren and Tori performed Toxic by Britney Spears, a special performance was arranged. A lecturer showed her hidden talent! Well, even lecturers have their specialties besides teaching. After that, Mr. Prakesh- Malaysia's famous photographer, Youtuber and comedian came up to the stage to receive a token of appreciation from Ms. Helen James. He praised all performers for a job well done. "I would like to give a shout out to Kar Marn. The crowd cheered as they heard my name. "You really inspired all of us today. I sent a video of your performance to my girlfriend," Mr. Prakesh said. 

  The crowd cheered even louder while Tori gave me a proud squeeze on the shoulder as Darren and Marverne as well as Amber proudly look on their junior. Mr. Prakesh made a joke on the three language songs. It was time for the prize giving ceremony. One by one, the finalists went up to the stage. As the emcee announced my name, I proudly walk over to the stage and stood next to Marverne. He leaned over and whispered "Great job Kar Marn. I'm so proud of you!" I whispered back "You did a great job too!" 

  It's time to announce the top three winners of this year's MUFY Talent Quest. Third prize went to Allyson and her dance group while the second prize went to Darren and Tori- the power couple singers! First prize went to AJ- the champion of this year's Talent Quest. We took a group photo with Mr. Prakesh. Performers hugged and praised each other for a job well done. We even take selfies too!  "fans" came up to the stage to take photos with the performers. Even a young girl asked me to take a photo with her.

  Food and refreshments were served after that. The official photographer of the event took a photo of me. I had fun at the Talent Quest. I had the golden opportunity to make comeback to centre stage after a year. Thank you to parents, seniors, juniors as well as friends who came to support all of us at MUFY Talent Quest. See you guys next year! 

3 September 2015

MUFY Sharity Carnival 2015 (3/9/15)

  It's been a month since my secondary alma mater- St. David's High School held a carnival and now Sunway College had one as well! We called it MUFY Sharity Carnival. The word Sharity is the combination of the word share and charity. This marked my first ever carnival in college. Clad in dark blue Sunway College t-shirt and a pair of grey jeans with a pair of blue Vans shoes, I made my way to the first class which was Globalization.  

  At 9.30am, I informed my English teacher, Ms. Felicia that our usual English classroom will be used as the Haunted Class for the carnival. "Thank you for informing me, Kar Marn," First, Fariz and I hang out for awhile until 10.00am because he wanted to meet up with his friends. Hui Yin and I waited for our next class in 30 minutes. Ru Tian came along so we took some pictures to kill our time. At 10.30am, we went class SW2-2 for English. 

   At 11.00am, it was time for us to head down to the Energy HUb to have some fun! All classes were reduced to half an hour because they wanted us MUFY students to join in the fun! Especially semester one students who are in the July and August intakes.

  "Hi, sorry I'm late!" I said. "No, no it's okay! You're just in time! Come and join my friends," Athira said as she led Ru Tian and I to a place. After settling my stuff down, Ru Tian and I went to the first stall to buy our food so I bought noodles. After having a few mouthfuls, I was totally stuffed! Athira and I just walked around while Ru Tian helped her Physics teacher at a stall where they sold jellies.

  After buying some stuffs, we went back to our place and stretched our tired legs. Athira and I tried the jelly which I bought earlier and it was really good! It looked reddish colour on the outside but when you scooped it up it is green. Hui Yin dropped by for awhile then she rushed to the library because she had some work to do. So just left Ru Tian and I. We walked around the stalls, looking for some food and souvenirs which will fit our budget, I mean the coupons.

  A Hena stall attracted a lot of people and the queue was super long. Ru Tian decided to try so I said "I'll wait for you at the Student Service Department," I said. "Okay," she said. After waiting for 25 minutes, I got bored so I went out just to have another look around. Suddenly, I saw a familiar person. It's my senior, Shu Yie! "Hey Shu Yie !" I said. "Oh hey Kate! Wanna hang out with us?" he asked. I nodded my head and said "Yes!"

   We went back to SSD to get my stuff and the rest of the day I spent time with my seniors- from both high school and college. Suddenly, the deejay said "Please enjoy our national anthem, the Negaraku. Someone wanted this song to be played," As the national anthem was played, everyone stood up and sang. When the song ended, everyone cheered.

  Around 3pm, under a watchful eye of Shu Yie, he escorted me to the car. My uncle picked me up and headed home. The best day of my life! My first carnival in college would be a memorable one.

29 August 2015

A Meal with College Mates at MKN in Sunway University (27/8/15)

  After Fundamental Maths class, Wali and I went to class NW-TR-1-2 to look for my friends Fariz and Michelle. They were just done with English class. "Do you wanna hang out for lunch?" I asked Michelle. "Yes, I love to but I have to Athira at MKN in the university itself," MKN which is MaKaN for short. "Is it across the college?" I asked. "Yes, yes it is! Would you like to join us?" Michelle said. "Yes, I love to!" I said.

  Along the way, I asked Wali how was his stay in Malaysia. "Malaysia is an awesome country! I have been staying for seven years!" Seven years? That's a long time. I thought. "That means you can speak Bahasa Malaysia? " I asked. "Yes I can. Actually, I learned to speak the language last year and now I can speak well," Learned the national language in a year? That's fast! We tried to take the lift but it was not working. 

"Shall we take the stairs instead? Since the lift is not working," I suggested. My friends turned to me and gave a blank stare. "Katelyn, are you sure?" Fariz asked. "Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, I was used to the stairs back in high school, so why not?" I said. As we reached the stair case, Michelle held my hand while Fariz carried the bag and the crutches. We took two flights of stairs down. After we said goodbye to Wali, it was just three of us. 

  To get to the university, we have to cross the pedestrian walkway. Unfortunately, there was a big lorry blocking the main stairs so we had to take the side stairs. We took the lift to the first floor. When we stepped out of the lift, Michelle said "Oh right, MKN is at Upper Ground floor so we have to go one floor down, sorry guys I just remembered," I said :"It's okay. Besides, this is my first time going to MKN," 

  When we reached our destination, Athira was having her chicken rice. I tapped the glass window to catch her attention, she was surprised. Fariz opened the door for Michelle and I to go in. "Hey Athira, sorry we're late, we took a wrong turn just now," Michelle said. "Oh no, it's okay!" Fariz was about to leave because he used this time in the library. "Fariz, join us," I said. "Oh okay," Fariz said. We talked about our studies, hopes and dreams. We even took a wefie on Michelle's iPhone. 

  After we had our lunch, we headed back to the South Building of the College by using the short cut. It was really fun to hang out with your friends when you're in college. I wish I could hang out with my friends more. 


1 August 2015

St. David's High School Carnival 2015 (1/8/15)

  After five months when the SPM results were released, this marked my first time going back to my alma mater- St. David's High School, Malacca, as a senior. I was clad in my Buddhist Society t-shirt which I wore back in high school with a pair of jeans and black shoes. I arrived at 9.00am. I walked straight to the Buddhist Society stall. I saw Cikgu Asmi- who is my Form 1 Malay language when I was in Form One and History teacher in Form Four for a few months. 

  Okay, let's go back to the main part. As I was saying, the main purpose I went back because I wanted to give back as I mentioned earlier. After dropping me at the stall, my mum left with my aunt. My junior Jing Hua explained the price for each item. "For magnets, key chains and handmade letter openers are RM 1 as well as the vegetarian food," Jing Hua said. One by one customers thronged to the stall. I have to say, business was running high. 

  The first senior who came by to the stall was the school captain of 2012-2013- Lee Jia En. I was happy to see her. "Hi, Jia En Jie! Welcome to the Buddhist Society stall," I said. "Hi, Kar Marn! Are you helping out?" she asked. I nodded. Before she left, we took a senior-junior selfie! My ex-classmates came to drop by too but they didn't buy anything. 

  Janice Ng- one of my juniors came to the stall. I bought a book marker from her. "I pick randomly for you, is it okay?" she asked. "Well go ahead, be my guest," I said. She picked out and read it out loud "If you dream it, you can do it!" I think it's very suitable for anyone whose dreams are big! A famous magician once said "Keep dreaming and keep the magic real," 

  When I was helping with the coupons, I saw a familiar face at the stall. My primary school friend- Ong Jia En came to drop by. Well, I haven't anytime for myself so it was time for me to get out of the stall and roamed around. I met up with my friends of class 2014 as well as some seniors who graduated in 2013. I walked around to meet up some juniors and teachers as well.  

  Kumar asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up one day. "Well, I want to help kids who are going through the same pain as me. And I want to be either a writer, singer or a professional blogger one day," I said. They were quite impressive! "Good keep up the good work! We hope to hear your voice on the radio or see you on television one day," he said.  "We will always be there with you no matter what because to us, you're our sister," Nichloas said. 

   Around 2pm, Jia En went back home so did Ling Hui because she was on duty. As I got back to the stall, I took off my shoes and stretched my tired legs. Not long after that, I spent time with my seniors again, this time was even longer. I even met up with Dylan! Samantha gave me a cup cake with picture of Elsa from the animated Disney hit movie Frozen. We joked around and talked about the fun stuff that we did back in high school, it's a total different kind of crazy! 

  After that, under a watchful eye of my senior, Nitin, he escorted me to the canteen. This was the best day of my life! Thank you St. David's High School to give me the golden opportunity to give back. 

  I love St. David's High School! 


25 July 2015

Cousin Xander's First Birthday (25/7/15)

  Xander- my cousin celebrated his first birthday today. The party was attended by family and close friends. The event was held at Equitoral Hotel Malacca. When we arrived at the party, it was themed with blue colour which marked the birth of a boy one year ago today. While I was finding a seat, I saw Stephanie, my distant cousin was waving at me so I walked over to take my seat. She was alongside with her grandparents. 

  "Hey Kar Marn, how's it going?" Stephanie asked. "Everything is going well, just busy with college nowadays," I said. Not long we were having our meal, one of Xander's older brothers took the microphone to announce that we should go to the front of the hall because it was time for the cake cutting ceremony. Everyone gathered around to sing Happy Birthday to the Xander's who is the star of today. 

  After that, Stephanie made a move. I saw Brian, my other distant cousin, who was taking pictures of the family of five. "Brian Gor Gor (big brother in Cantonese)! " I went over to hug him. Putting a protective arm around me, "Hey Marn, how are you?" he said. "I'm good! Let's go over there and talk," I suggested. We talked about college, life and a lot of things to catch up since we last met at Amanda's wedding on 20 September 2013. 

  Phoebe and her family arrived an hour later after the party had started at 1.00pm. Well, as long as you attend a party it's okay better than absent from it. We played a little game of darts. I did aim a few targets but not a bullseye. Well, this game actually did apply on Physics in terms of consistency which I learned back in high school. "Finally I applied on Physics!" said my sister.

  The party ended at 4.00pm, everyone went home. We thanked Uncle Soon Seng and Aunt Siang Ting for inviting us over. "Thank you for coming! Have a nice day!" It was a day to remember. Big family parties like this, it is worth to come. 

18 July 2015



  在途中我们购买摩卡咖啡在星巴克免下车,妈妈已喝一半的摩卡留给我。我喝半杯的摩卡以及几片的奥利奥饼干。然后我到房间,躺在我永久的床。哥哥传简讯说他来载我,我开门对妈妈说:“妈咪,仕维说他来载我聚会的地点。” 妈妈回应:“好啊!待会儿你准备,别让人等久。”

  我头还是很胀所以在长凳躺一阵子。突然间我腹部痛,我到洗手间。当我从洗手间出来时,哥哥在拨电话,我拍拍他的肩膀。“妹,你好了吗?” 他问。我点了点头说:“哥,我好了!” 外婆看看哥哥说:“仕维,你瘦了!” 妈妈和阿姨接口说:“对啊!瘦了!” 

  哥哥说:“很多人也这样说,不只是你们而已。” 我离开之前对妈妈说:“妈咪,拜拜!” 在路上,哥哥说他刚才有急事所以迟到。我说:“哥,没关系!反正我有睡一阵子,精神就不会那么差。” 我们到Oldtown White Coffe喝茶点。我本来点矿泉水,哥哥说:“别省啦!” 于是我点了烤面包和柠檬茶。不久,志豪、Shi Yuan和Vincent也来了。“你们吃了吗?” 哥哥问。“吃了。” 他们三人答。

  吃饱了后,我们回家啦!途中,哥哥的车子出问题了,我问:“哥,你车子会有事吗?” 他安慰我:“妹,别担心!哥现载你回家不然让你家人操心。” 他送我回家之后,他开车往回自己的家。我目送车子。


8 July 2015

A Mini Reunion with My Senior (8/7/15)

  After the lunch break, my friends and I went to JC 1 at Sunway University new building for the library tour. Earlier, I sent a message to my senior through Whatsapp that I would meet him at the auditorium when I reach the University. It was 2.02 pm, 28 minutes before the briefing started. Clad in a red shirt and blue jeans, Shu Yie came towards my direction. We greeted each other. I told him all the fun things that I had during the past two days. 

  He said:"Well, I'm glad you have a great time. Now you're in college, things will be totally different." Which was true because college life is totally different from high school. "I bumped into Vieshanthan on my first day of college during lunch break but he didn't notice me," I said. Shu Yie told me that he and Vieshanthan are in the same football club. Well that's cool! 

  I did tell him that I screwed up the placement test which was Maths on the first day. "It's okay, at least you tried. You don't have to worry about anything in college. The most important thing is you have to play your role well as a college student, complete your assignments and have fun! That my junior is the key to unlock your life in college," he said. 

  "Okay, I will keep in mind!" I said. 

  "How was the tour in Monash University?" Shu Yie asked. "It was great! The campus was huge and we had this workshop under the School of Arts and Social Science," I said. "Glad you enjoyed! What makes you to come here?" he asked. I told him my parents encouraged me to do the MUFY Programme because it is very flexible and well recognised. "You made a good choice!" Shu Yie praised me. 

  Apart from that, Shu Yie gave me a bit information of the university's library. "You will definitely love it!" he assured, that means I will definitely love the place. I asked where were the other seniors back in high school. "Some of them are having their examination since you know it's examination week," Shu Yie said. "Yes, I understand. The lecturers did tell us one of these days. Maybe I can meet up with the other seniors sometime," I said. 

  Shu Yie told me that he would arrange the meeting next week if possible. Just left two minutes before the briefing, he wished me luck and gave me one advice:"Kar Marn, just do the best you can! I know you can do it!" He headed to the door and left. 

   Senior and junior finally reunited! 


6 July 2015

First Day of College (6/7/15)

  After months of waiting and spent three weeks of Form Six last May, the day has finally come- I'm officially a college student of Sunway College. It's always been my dream to be accepted by one of Malaysia's top universities.

  At 6.31 am, I wake up and check the screen of my iPod, well I'm 31 minutes late! After getting dressed, it's time to hit the road for Sunway College. As my dad drives his Volkswagen down the streets of Kuala Lumpur, my mind has produced a lot of questions "Will I fit in?" , "Am I ready for this?" and "Will I make new friends?"

  My mind comes to a stop when I reach my destination- Sunway College. I hop down from the car and head for the Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) corner to sign up. The first one who welcomes me is Mr. Lee Thye Cheong- the director of MUFY. A fellow MUFY student leads me to South West class room 2 at Level 4. They are having a ice breaking session. The game is simple: Introduce yourself to the whole class.

  After that, we are given a tour around the campus. At the University Hall, we are given a special "Welcome Ceremony" which is get to know Sunway College better. Time for my lunch break. A senior approaches to my mum and I, he said "Hi, I'm from the SAT Club. I would like to invite you to our freshmen night," I even bump into my schoolmate- Vieshanthan at the canteen as well! Unfortunately, he didn't notice me.

  There are two placement tests which are English and Mathematics. I screw up the Maths test because the time given is only 45 minutes. I did manage to complete 23 questions out of 35 but it's okay, at least I have a chance to prove myself.

  College life is my new beginning.

5 June 2015



  年幼的我当时见到陌生人的时候,就会大哭起来。亲朋戚友来拜访时也是会大哭。为了克服我的恐惧感,外婆带我到不同的场面去例如:游乐场、喜宴、生日派对、百货公司等等。外婆是要让我知道我是可以像其他平常的孩子一样——— 一块儿在孩子群疯玩。长大后,对陌生人的恐惧感慢慢消失。

  外婆对我而言,她是我生活中最重要的人因为她用爱心来培养我们姐妹俩。到了今天,我们快快乐乐在外婆的照顾下长大。今年的情人节,我为了见Astro本地圈艺人见面就纠缠着外婆带我到新春嘉年华。她便答应了便带我去见艺人们的本人。当时我觉得我是一个幸福的孩子。这不是我第一次见Astro本地圈艺人,一年多在我母校——马六甲革成华小和Astro本地圈联手举行“我来自新村武吉巴汝嘉年华” 。当天的慈善晚会圆满结束,我到台上和《Astro新秀大赛》2011的亚军得主——赵诘莹合照。

  自从我出生以来,我妈妈每逢星期五从首都吉隆坡搭巴士回马六甲家乡来探望我。虽然妈妈有工作在身,但是她还是以妈的妈妈身份来陪伴我和妹妹。周末时,妈妈会陪我和妹妹做功课、到百货公司逛街、在餐厅聚餐等等。我爸爸在学校假期带我和妹妹到首都吉隆坡。每一年KLCC有举办大众书局海外书展,爸妈都会带我们姐妹俩到哪儿去到“书香世界” 挑选我们最喜爱的书本。


  在这双亲节让我们勇敢· 跨越让爸妈听见爱!祝爸妈双亲节快乐!


29 May 2015


  上中六的我已经大约三星期了,如今学校中年假期到了!马六甲武吉巴汝中学的学生们也完成了中年考试,总算可以放下心头大石,好好享受两星期假期。铃声响,学生们一窝蜂似的从教室的门口冲出去,有一些则喊:“假期到了!” 我向同学们说一声“假期快乐!” 哇,好久没尝试学校放假的滋味!由于在这五个月没有返回校园,自己也不知道在家玩平板电脑、听歌、看书等等。相信读者们有假期计划吧?


  刚踏进中六的我,我并没什么兴趣要去报读它因为我的计划是到学院升学。怎知三个我却被选中报读中六!虽然我不愿意,但是为了顺从外婆,我只好硬着头皮去。现在我还是在“挣扎” 着。一般上的科目都是国文,我会加倍努力去尝试。若是我不能,我只好退出中六吧!不过换一个角度看,我觉得中六其实有苦中甜。






22 May 2015

Congratulations to Faris! (22/5/15)

  First of all, I wanna say congratulations to my best friend, Faris, who is accepted to KUIM. Faris and I became friends about two weeks ago. I can't believe that we became best friends in these two short weeks! Okay, let me tell you my friendship with Faris. 

  It was the first week of Form Six class. The Upper Six students were having their second semester examination. Our class, 6B1, had been used as the examination hall so we were placed at the school's library at that time. Our classes were conducted at the library throughout the second semester examination. We were having Bahasa Malaysia class, I was seated way back of the library. 

  To get a great seat, I asked one of the girls to help me to the front row. My movement was alerted by Cikgu Shamsul, "Girl, what are you doing?" he asked. "Dia tak dengar, nak duduk kat depan.(Sir, she can't hear clearly. She wants to sit in front)," said Sarah. Cikgu Shamsul gave me the green light to sit in front of the library. 

  After Bahasa Malaysia class, a boy came up to me. "Siapakah nama awak? (What is your name?)" he asked. I introduced myself as Kar Marn and I told him, he can call me KM for short. The boy later introduced himself as Faris. Faris reminded me of my ex classmate, Amirul back in St. David's High School. He facial looks a little like Amirul. 

   We talked about our dreams and ambitions. I told him I was hoping to meet Malaysia's badminton star, Datuk Lee Chong Wei and also to travel to the UK with my family one day. He said "Wow, I have never seen a girl with such high ambitions! Hope your dreams will come true," And from that day on, my friendship between Faris had developed. 

  Yesterday, I was doing a research on Business Studies (Pengajian Perniagaan). Suddenly Faris called me "Chin Kar Marn!" I turned back said "Yeah?" He took out his smart phone and took a selfie with me. That was my first selfie with Faris. 

  Just this morning, Faris told me that today is his last day in SMK Bukit Baru, his alma mater for the past five years because he has been accepted to KUIM. He is an awesome friend to me. I have no regrets to become Faris' best friend. All the best in your future undertakings! 

15 May 2015

A Meeting with Sunway College's Directors (15/5/15)

  I wake up at 10.30 am, it is a big day for me because I'm meeting with Sunway College's directors. My mum told me earlier on Wednesday that I'm meeting with these "VIPs", I'm really excited! After getting dressed, it's time to embark our journey to Selangor. On the way to Sunway College, my mum reminds me not to address them as "uncles" or "aunties". I keep that in my mind.

  When we arrive at the college, music is blasting through one of the faculties. Students are roaming around the campus. After my dad dropped my mum and I off, we waited outside at the Information Centre. We went to another Information Centre to ask some directions. "Madam, go straight forward and you will see the meeting room infront of you," says the security guard. 

  We go into the meeting room and wait for the "VIPs".Not long after, Mr. Lee Thye Cheong is the first one to greet us. He is the director of the Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY). While my mum is having a conversation over the phone. Mr. Lee asks me what I am doing at the moment. "I'm currently pursuing at SMK Bukit Baru, Melaka for Form Six," I say. "What are you going to do?" he asks. I say:"I'm going to pursue Foundation in Arts. After that, I'm going to pursue English and Communication." 

   "Very good! At least you have an idea on what are you suppose to do," Mr. Lee praises me. He explains the MUFY programme outline to us. I'm all ears when he explains every unit of the subject. After the meeting with Mr. Lee, we have a meeting with Mr. John who is a Principal of Sunway International School (SIS) based in Malaysia. He explains the Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP) which involves course work and community service. Madam Ruma Lopes drops by and gives us the Foundation in Arts brochure. 

  Lastly, Madam Cheng Mien Wee is the last one to meet us. She explains the programme outline of Foundation in Arts. Maths is the normal one so I can say it is okay to me. Then, we head to the Information Centere to gather some information. After the three meetings with the directors, it's time for us to head home. 

  Hopefully I will be accepted to Sunway College. 

8 May 2015

Form Six Orientation Week (5/5/15-8/5/15)

  It's been a week since I entered my first few days as a Form Six student. What is Form Six? Let me give you a simple explanation. Form Six are divided into Lower Form Six and Upper Form Six, at the  end of Form Six, students will have to take STPM (Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia). The Form Six today is very different now. 

  Now they don't call it Form Six, they called it as PPU (Persediaan Pra Universiti). We are allowed to wear either home clothes or school uniforms to selected Form Six schools. Mine will be in SMK Bikit Baru. On the first day of Form Six which is on 5 May 2015, I went to sign myself up at SMK Bukit Baru. A lot of questions were running on my mind. Can I do this? Is it the wise decision to pursue Form Six? 

  The first few days of Orientation Week were very boring. I almost slept throughout the orientation for three days straight, believe me I wasn't happy at all. I kept on begging my elderly to let me quit Form Six but all plead were fell on deaf ears. To be honest, Form Six is not one of my options after completing SPM. After the SPM examination results were released last two months ago, I started to search colleges and universities online. 

  My nightmare began when my grandma told me that they had a selection of Form Six last month. I was reluctant to serve the net because as I said before it was not in my "Options After SPM List". Believe it or not I was selected for Form Six. I wanted to reject the offer but my grandma said "Your mum, uncles and aunt did Form Six when they were your age. I think you should do it as well," Me? Pursue Form Six? No way! My grandma and I eventually didn't see eye to eye when it comes to colleges and universities, instead we had a heated argument. 

  Like I have mentioned earlier, they won't even listen what I have told them about Form Six. I have no choice but to be the "good girl" yet again. If only I have a chance to choose, I will definitely choose college to pursue Foundation in Arts which ever college are available.

  Oh well, what ever what I have gotten myself into. I'm sure there is a way out for me to go to college. 


4 May 2015

卫塞节 2015 (3/5/15)

  卫塞节—— 对佛教信徒说是一个重要的日子,因为是为了纪念释迦摩尼佛的诞生,终身以及启示。我国马来西亚在六十年代宣布卫塞节是一个全国公共假期。


  我们到哪儿的时候,只见人山人海,男女老少都来这儿庆祝卫塞节。爸爸对妈妈说:“你和孩子们先下车,我去泊车。” 我打开车门,然后跳下来。妈妈吩咐小妹替我拿拐杖,我们往佛堂走去。我上楼梯的时候,以为佛教信徒伸出援手说:“这位女士,你需要帮忙吗?” 妈妈说:“我可以,谢谢您的好意!” 后来,当地志愿者牵着我的手到门口,我向她道谢。

  我在门口看到乐捐箱,箱子写着:“为尼泊尔大地震受难者祈福。” 尼泊尔首都—— 加德满都在4月25日发生8.1 及大地震,八十年以来最严重的地震·。来自各国的搜救队员到尼泊尔伸出援手。尼泊尔也是释迦摩尼佛的出生地方。目前我国四个宗教团到当地为尼泊尔居民伸出援手。

  我们排队为小菩萨浴佛。浴佛让我们像佛祖一样有一颗纯洁的心。浴佛后,志愿者为我戴上平安绳子在手腕上,她问我:“小姐,你是受伤的吗?” 我微笑说:“不是,我是天生的。” 志愿者说:“希望你健康,平安快乐!” 然后她给妈妈四盒的饼干。我们乘坐电梯到二楼参观。十年后,佛光有一些的改变。

  二楼也是有浴佛仪式。我们向释迦摩尼佛致敬,爸爸告诉我:“文,你看看!这是为尼泊尔大地震的受难者祈福。 想到尼泊尔大地震,我的心突然有一种伤心的感觉。” 我记得爸爸曾经说过他为我学佛供养写上名字。我说:“爸,我记得我的名字有在这儿。” 

  我们找了几行,终于我的名字“陈袈文” 三个字眼依然还在!我们到楼下去购买素食,今天是农历四月十五。佛曲从播音器传到四面八方。回家之前,我点了许愿灯。



6 April 2015

A Distance to My Future (4/4/15)

  A month passed after the SPM examination results were released. It's time for most SPM leavers to choose their college or university. I woke up at 7.32 am because we had an appointment at Study Excel in Selangor. Study Excel is a place where parents and SPM leavers come to seek counsell on the courses that they are interested in. As you all know those common courses favourited by most SPM leavers are medicine, accounting, engineering, law and business. 

  As for me, my course is a little different from the other courses above. My chosen course is English and Communication. I bet most of you must be wondering why I have chosen this course, there are some reasons. First of all, English is my favourite subject. Secondly, I like to interact with people around me which builts up communication. Some of my friends support the course of my choice and some of them just give me a blank look. 

  After spending two hours at Study Excel, we went to visit Sunway College and it's not far from here. This is my first time visiting to the college and I'm really eager to know what are the courses they offer here. They have a ramp to go up- it's specially designed for students with disabilities. We went to the Information Centre to learn more about the courses,what's more my results are qualified to the college Unfortunately, the college didn't offer the course that I'm interested in although I like the environment. 

  We went back home to stretch our tired legs. At around 3.45 pm, we went to UCSI University at Cheras. I was quite impressed by the environment. There is a huge fountain. Once I stepped in to the university, there is a ramp to go up and I find it quite silppery because I was wearing my AFO which was quite heavy and I almost lost my balance. We took a lift up to the second floor of Block A at the university. 

  The most awkward part was students were staring at me, some of them gave me this disgust look. Come on people, I'm not from another planet! I'm just an ordinary girl who is looking for her future like any SPM leaver. Okay, back to the serious part. The counsellor gave us a briefing on the courses they offer here. Since my results are qualified to the criteria, that means I have a chance of studying at the university. 

  According to the counsellor, the university has five to six students with disabilities who are pursuing their respective courses. And it depends on the student support. We toured around the campus and it's huge! I will get lost easily because of my poor "direction sense". Once I got home, I immediately contacted my high school senior who is studying at UCSI University through Facebook. He told me there is a group called PAL Club. The club will help students with disabilities and students who are weak in their studies. 

  Well, I have to say both universities have their own specialties. We must choose the right one, where it will lead us to a bright future 

24 March 2015

Australia Trip 2015 (8/3/15-21/3/15)

  After three years of visiting to Australia, this year-2015, marks my first time visiting back to the country. Let me tell you about Australia. Australia is a Commonwealth country just like Malaysia and is also a Down Under country. The flag of the country consisted of three colours red, blue and white. On the top left of the Austarlian flag lies the British flag also known as the Union Jack because Australia is under Her Masjesty Queen E II's ruling. There are six stars on the flag which they represented each state of Austaralia. The people in Australia are called Australians. 

  I have been visiting the country since I was five-year-old. When I first visit to Australia in year 2002, I wasn't really used to the weather because I'm used to the weather in Malaysia where it's sunny all day. To prevent from catching a cold, my mum helped me to put on a jacket. After a few visit over the past few years I was getting used to it even though the weather is still cold! 

  Out of the six states, I always visit to Western Australia (WA). The capital city of WA is Perth-where I do treatment most of the time. In Perth, there is a centre called the Ability Centre (formerly known as The Centre for Cerebral Palsy). It's the place where I do my physiotherapy. I have Cerebral Palsy when I was 18-month-old. My parents were trying to find ways of physiotherapy to help me to stand on my own two feet. 

  At first, we went to China for treatment but none of thecniques are good because the Chinese physiotherapists used so much force just to lengthen the muscles and it didn't turn out well for me. Two years after my China trip which was in 2002, my mum's colleague introduced to this Cerebral Palsy centre (Ability Centre) which is located in WA and it is the biggest centre of all! That's when my treatment started. 

  I was still carrying the fear when I was still in China. When my first physiotherapy started, I was really reluctant to do it. My mum had to find ways to get me focused on the session, she used a toy which they provided to catch my attention. After a job well done, she bought me chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate anyway? Especially kids! 

  Few years later, there was a big improvement after the treatment. I can take my shocks and shoes off all myself and even can put them on too! After the big improvement, the physiotherapist allows me to come back for the check up in two or three years time. Now I'm turning 18 this year, there a lot of things I can do on my own like wearing my own clothes, putting on my shoes, feeding myself just to name a few. 

  During my recent trip, the physiotherapist final-year student taught me the exercise I can do on my own. I'm still working on it though! Besides all the hard work, I also visited to some interesting places such as Busselton, the Yanchep National Wildlife Park and also went sand boarding too! I had a time of my life! 

  Maybe you should the country one day. Who knows you might  see a kangaroo waving to you at Yanchep Wildlife Park! 

3 March 2015

SPM Results 2014 (3/3/15)

  Today is the annual SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) results day which falls today on 3 March 2015. I believe everyone is nervous before the release of the results. Who isn't nervous before the results are released? It's the biggest examination of your life! Okay, let's take a look at the scene in my high school-St. David's High School, Malacca. 

  It was 11.15 am, I was getting dressed before the announcement of the results. I got to know my results through a SMS. Well, I was quite happy with the results I got but the subjects for each grade was still a mystery to me. We left the house at 11.30am. On the way to school, my heart was beating at a fast rate and my plams were getting sweaty, I was really eager to know which subject that I scored for each grade. 

  Once I arrived at school, the students of class 2014 were waiting under the tent to ward off the intense heat but it didn't stop me though. I just walked across the basketball to the hall. I was so happy that I had the chance to reunite with my friends after three months of separation some of us did a gathering during CNY earlier. When I walked pass by a group of boys, one of them asked me whether I scored straight A's in the examination. "Well, you'll just have to find out for yourself!" I said as I headed over to my gang. 

  When the students were given the green light to go into the hall, everyone just rushed in alongside with their parents who took their time off to spend time with the kids. Puan Zamnah, the school's Students' Affair Teacher announced the straight A's students. Siah Qi Zhuang obtained straight A+ in the examination, he had succeeded Lim Xin Yi-SPM 2013 straight A+ scorer! One by one the straight A's students went up to stage to receive their result slip. 

  After a group photo, it was time for the rest of us to receive our SPM examination result slip. I was quite surprised that my weakest subject-Additional Mathematics, scored an E grade (just passed)! Most of all I didn't expect that History-another weak subject, obtained an A-! It was a big surprise for me. 

  I thanked my teachers who taught and guided me throughout my SPM year and I would also like to thank my "little teachers" who sacrificed their time to guide me through. Well done to all SPM leavers, you all did a job well done! You really deserve it! 

  SPM leavers it's time for you to step into your future! 

23 February 2015


  今天我和中学的同学首次团拜。我相信你们应该知道团拜吧?下午十二时三十分,我们从舅公的家回去。我看看手上的腕表,他们要来了。我吃了午餐后,我到房间看Astro-On-the-Go 的《东瀛狂想曲。收看一半时,门外传来了铃声,阿姨说:“文,你朋友来了!” 我迅速从床跳下,然后我把衣服和头发整理好才从房里出来迎接他们。

  “你们来了!新年快乐!嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋!” 我迎接他们的到来。还有两位不速之客是——嘉雯和路加!锡忠对我说:“袈文,我邀请这两位。你有没有觉得惊喜?” 我兴奋说:“超级惊喜啊!锡忠,谢谢你啊!” 他说:“别客气!” 后来,Harshini姐妹也来了。我们谈谈在中学的时光。我的干哥哥——仕维问我:“妹,为什么你没邀请团长——班杰明来呢?” 

  我开玩笑说:“哥,别人有对象了!我哪敢当'第三者'?呢?” 大家不禁大笑起来!Harshini姐妹提早离开因为她们要去看一部电影,我说:“谢谢你们的到来!有空闲的话就来吧!” 宇宣对外婆说:“婆婆,我们带袈文去兜兜风。” 外婆一口答应了!离开之前外婆吩咐我要注意安全,我点了点头说:“阿嬷,放心吧!” 

  就这样我们往心慈的家去。她有邀请舞狮来带新年气氛!我们下车的时候,舞狮的车子也刚到张家。心慈迎接我们的到来,宇宣好奇地问:“心慈,你的脸为什么会晒到那么红” 心慈说:“我擦上腮红。进来吧,舞狮表演要开始了!” 我们踏进张家时,张爸爸妈妈亲切迎接我们的到来。宇宣说:“袈文,待会儿有燃起鞭炮。锣鼓开始敲起声就开始放了!” 

  鼓声铿锵起来,鞭炮跟着霹雳啪啦地响起。张飞狮开始舞动起来向张家氏拜年,我们在l屋里观看。张飞狮正在采青时,两位张家小姐和张飞狮合照。立裕、建鸿和Yi Chuan 三人也来了!张妈妈派每人一封红包。大约下午三时五十五分,我们到宇宣的家拜年——我的最后一站。

  房妈妈问候外公外婆的情况,我说:“外公还好,只是记忆较差而已。外婆还是一样。” 房爸爸为我们拍一张团体照。下午四时十分,哥载我回去。我永远不会忘首次的团拜!我期待明年的团拜!

19 February 2015


  “祝福你年年喜洋洋,送给你福贵又安康…” 一年一度的农历新年又来到人间了!早上八时四十四分我从床上爬起来,突然间妈妈的手机响起。

  “文,你爸拔来。” 妈妈把手机交给我。我假装伸懒腰然后把声音变成从梦苏醒,接过手机后就刻意把声音变得含糊。我们父女互相祝福后,我才掛电话后然后呼出一囗气!

  洗澡后,我换上一件白色的连衣裙然后我吃一顿丰富的早餐。我想起桂玲姨说有舞狮表演,我对外婆说:“阿嬷,我要看舞狮在桂玲姨的家。” 外婆说:“好吧!我拔电话给你表姨。” 

  收到讯息后,外婆说:“文,凯旋在哪儿。他在哪儿一阵子就要回家了!” 凯旋表哥在哪儿?我首次和大明星过年!我把头发整理好,我就到外面套上鞋子。

  小妹、金花、春生和春恒也跟着来。在二舅母的陪同下,我们往桂玲表姨家去。到哪儿,贲表哥迎接我们的到来。凯旋表哥在客厅陪着亲戚朋友玩卡,他马上迎接我们的到来。我对凯旋哥哥说:“凯旋哥哥,祝你嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋!” 凯旋哥哥说:“你也是!” 我们到圆桌聊聊天。过后我又到客厅陪其他的亲戚朋友玩卡,春生表哥陪他聊天。大约三时,凯旋一家人回家了

   当我们要离开的时候,玉龙舞狮队来到大门口。我要回去但表嫂要我留下,我对她说:“表嫂,谢谢你的好意但我不能受大声声音。” 表嫂说:“如果你要回来,也可以!我无所谓!” 春生表哥和二舅母载我回时,门上锁了!我们没办法就回去哪儿。表嫂一脸疑惑地说:“文,你不是回了吗?怎么你又回来?” 我告诉她门以上锁所以被逼掉回。

  二舅母说:“Damian, 你要盖袈文的耳朵,她怕鞭炮。” Damian 表哥说:“好吧,表姑!文,别怕!哥哥在这儿。” 我不禁投进他的怀抱。鞭炮霹雳啪啦地响起,鼓声也铿锵响起!关羽狮向我们拜年,它爬上竹竿踩青。舞狮队的负责人又燃起爆竹声!精彩的舞狮表演让我克服胆量,因为去年的新年小舅当时请两头关羽狮为柔佛新山家带新年的气氛。

  我到大门口去猜舞狮留下的字数。表舅说:“文,来你猜吧!它是什么数字?” 我把头奏近然后大声念出来:“1118!桂玲姨,您可以发大财了!” 我到卡啦OK 室唱一两首歌曲,然后我到外面喝一盒的菊花茶。大约旁晚六时我们回家去。

  小舅小舅母也到了!小舅母说:“文,可惜你没去。没像去年帮我高喊。” 不久,我们到客厅向长辈们送上祝福。嘻嘻、哈哈和洋洋也向外公外婆拜年。接下来我们拍一张全家福,嘻嘻、哈哈和洋洋也参这张全家福!



18 February 2015


   “大团圆,大团圆不管距离有多远…” 一年一度的团圆饭又来了!游子们在这一天回家乡,老老少少庆团圆。团圆这曰子对我们重要因为我们可以和家人团聚了!




  我五年前就开始养成这个习惯了!虽然是引起家人们的不满,但是他们说:“文,只要你开心就行了!” 在看倒数活动时,家人劝我别睡太迟。

  一向热爱新春佳节的我说;“要完了!” 电视上的艺人们开始唱鼠年至羊年的主题曲,倒数活动也圆满结束了!


15 February 2015

MY Astro嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋嘉年华(14/2/15)



  妈妈捧着最新Astro 月账单到Astro Circle 站获取神秘礼物。我也遇到小学至中学的婷凤学妹和叶妈妈。妈妈说可以走了,我不服地说:“妈咪,哪里可以这样说走就走?待会儿艺人要表演了!” 就这样我们母女俩在公众下吵一场大架。

  为了不要在别人的眼光难甚,外婆连忙打圆场说:“好啦,别在这儿!教人难看!文,阿嬷带你去看。” 外婆牵着我的手到舞台。

  晚上八时正,主持人说:“马六甲朋友让我听你们的尖叫声!你们可以获得《嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋》的气球!” 全场朋友高声欢呼。“好,看你们的反应这么强烈,哪就把气球送给你们啦!”


  主持报告说:“我们由请陈韵传、曾洁钰以及文小菲到台上来!” 韵传姐、小菲姐和洁钰姐献唱《高唱Happy年》,我已经把歌词背得衮瓜烂熟。跟着节奏不是问题!

  接下来,她们和现场玩游戏,2014 年《Astro 新秀大赛》得到第五名的Ron 彭世豪也上台玩游戏!嘉年华的前几天,我亲手做一张生日卡给他。他们在互动玩游戏时,雪云阿姨在后台看她的宝贝儿子玩游戏。我对外婆说:“阿嬷,你可以交给世豪的妈妈吗?” 阿嬷问我:“在哪儿?” 我指向在后台站着的雪云阿姨。外婆交给雪云阿姨之后,雪云阿姨向我招手。

  Jordan 盛天俊和黄雪云为大家献唱《大地回春万象新。他们俩在台上唱歌仿佛一对母子在合唱。后来,MY FM 主播——Jym和Wayne 也到台上啦!我们看《搞笑之王》的短片会即将在大年初三播出。最后一场的表演嘉宾是——Astro 新秀帮!他们献唱《春风吻上谁的脸》—— 我最喜欢的歌首在《嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋》贺岁专辑。全体的艺人到台上唱今年新年的主题曲—— 《嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋》,嘻嘻也和大家拜早年!

  签名环节开始啦!大家在排长龙到台上得艺人们的签名,可惜我被赶下台去了!我的梦想差点儿被破碎,Slyvia 姐姐说:“小妹妹,不要灰心!待会我会为你偷偷安排到后台和艺人们拍照签名。”我还有一丝的希望!Slyvia 姐姐带我到后台时,我的心不断地在“扑腾扑腾” 跳着,但我告诉自己:“不要紧张!” 还好后台有冷气。

   艺人在台上拍照后就到后台,第一位艺人进来是2009年《Astro 新秀大赛》的季军——Yoke 曾洁钰!我说:“你是2009年《Astro 新秀大赛》的季军!” 洁钰姐姐说:“你还记得?” 我却说:“五年前谁不记得呢?” 所有的艺人进来的时候洁钰姐姐说:“我们和这小妹妹合照吧!” 负责人和相机师为我们拍大合照!我和新秀帮自拍,世豪哥说:袈文,谢谢你为我做的生日卡,我好喜欢它!” 我说:“不客气!你喜欢就好!”

  我还唱一小段的《春风吻上谁的脸》给宜玲姐姐、健华哥哥和世豪哥哥听。听了之后宜玲姐姐说:“你的歌声不错!新秀在等着你!” 他们为我签名在一本小簿子里。我向艺人握手拥抱道别,我带着依依不舍的心情回去但我还是很高兴!耶,我的梦想成真了!

Amy, Yunna, Yoke and Ron playing games before inviting some lucky audiences

Astro Star Quest 2014 first runner up- Sean Khor

Kisses from Ron and hugs from Elaine

Second time meeting Jordan. The first time was at my primary alma mater- SJK(C) Keh Seng back in 2013 where the school collaborated with Astro

First time meeting  Elaine in person

Meeting my favourite newscaster from Astro Evening Edition

18 January 2015

2015 年教育展 (17/1/15)

  一年一度的教育展又来临了!同样在KLCC 举行的展会。教育展是让毕业生和中五生锁开他们的前途。虽然这是我第二次参观这展览会,但是学院的方面还是在寻找着。大约早上八时十五分,我们出发往教育展去,我带着迫不及待的心情因为我等这一天的到来。

  竟然,时间紧密没时间吃早餐,我们得找一间餐厅吃一顿美味的早餐。沿着路途的时候,我的肚子在打鼓呢!到文华酒店的时候,服务员为替我们开车门有礼向我们请安:“欢迎来到文华酒店!” 妈妈带我和小妹到文华酒店的餐馆享用早餐,经过一架柜台的时候,我看到一头红色的关羽狮头。我看了不禁感叹!

  在餐馆里,有各种各样的美食例如:本地的美食、西式美食、糕点、水果等等。既然肚子在打鼓了,我真的想把一口吃完它!但是看看我的四周围都是高贵人士,还是我注意我的礼仪吧!妈妈在拿食物的食物的时候,服务员放了一本小手册:“两位,请写下您的房间门号然后交到外面的柜台谢谢!” 享受美味的早餐,感觉真爽!肚子都快胀了!

  去了洗手间后,我们往文华酒店的后门步行至KLCC。踏进的时候,天花板掉着大大的黄色的布兰写着——2015 年教育展:你的未来从这里开始!当我们要往展览馆(一)的时候,我看到一个熟悉的背影。我心里想:“咦,哪不是Siva 的身影吗?” 再走向前看,果然我没猜错!我想不到会真巧遇到中学的朋友。于是我们互相打招呼。

  早上十一时五分有一场讲座会。据说这讲座会是让中五和中学毕业生了解他们前途。当场,我全神贯注听三位讲者的内容。讲座会结束后,我们和邻家的谭家母女在门口集合,妈妈有告诉Joen 阿姨今天的展览会。Joen 阿姨建议我们吃午餐然后再到里面参观,妈妈就一口答应了!我们以为所有的门已上锁,唯一的门开是大门口。怎知侧门也可以服用!

  妈妈说:“嫣琪、慧,看看外面桌椅吗?你们俩去找一找。” 小妹和嫣琪到外面寻找桌椅,不久她们找到了!妈妈和Joen 阿姨到回里面去购买美食。吃饱后,我们到到里面去参观以及了解学院和大学的课程。我们参观四个摊子,总共有四间的学院我会去但是不知道是哪一间。
