“铃……“ 早上八时分, 身旁的闹钟不停地响。 我伸手把闹钟按”停“ 按钮。我再看看屏幕的时间显示早上八时五分, 我迟起了五分钟。当我要到洗手间洗澡时, 外婆说:”文,你回来时才洗澡吧!待会儿仕维要来载你。“ 洗刷后,我到饭厅喝一杯好立克“顶饱” 肚子。我再回到房间取出我的手机然后放进背包里。当我在穿鞋子时, 哥(仕维)的车子已经到了。阿姨说:“还不快点?你的朋友已经到了!” 我说:“哦, 快好了!” 我戴上墨镜便走出门外。
当我上哥的车子时,我发现有一辆车子。”哪是谁的车子?” 我好奇地问。“林汉的车子。” 哥说。不久,锡忠向哥拨电话说可以出发了!我们向外婆道别便往去点心店吃早餐。锡忠和智彬在前方;我们和林汉则在后面尾随着。我望着窗口,听着电台播出的歌首,心里带着雀跃的心情因为我首次和朋友们到出逛逛。
我们驾驶入家喻户晓的文化街,“我们在这儿吃点心吗?” 我问。哥说:“对啊,就在这儿!妹,你们先下车,我去泊车。” 我小心翼翼从车子“钻” 出来。我们女生位子,店外有刚好七个座位。我们点了莲容包、鱼丸、烧卖等等。不久,男生们来了!哥问:“你们点了吗?” 佩盈说:”已经点了!剩下你们。”
一碟碟的热腾腾点心碰上桌了!我最喜欢的点心是烧卖和莲容包。我们也拍了团体照留念,我也把店的环境上传到社交网站向外州的朋友介绍,以后他们来马六甲就可到此店吃点心啦!锡忠说:“你们有没有去西伯利亚雪橇犬咖啡馆?” 他们纷纷说:“有啊!我们有听过但是没去。” 说到狗狗,我就怕了!
我曾经在七岁的时候被一群的野狗追逐我,所以从当天起我对狗狗有恐惧感。我说:“如果是我,我是不会去。” 哥说:“妹,你家里有养狗,你还怕?” 我只好向他们坦白啦! 锡忠补充说:“他们有设定的时间和狗狗零距离交流。” 小妹一定会去因为她喜欢动物而我则恰恰相反。
我们吃饱后就到英雄广场走走。其实,我已四年没到哪儿逛逛。上次,我到当地是观赏妹妹的新春表演。我们进入停车场时,锡忠对智彬说:“我们可以泊在残障人士泊车位,方便袈文。” 我从皮包里取出卡片,这样就不会碰上任何的麻烦。我们乘坐电梯时,突然间锡忠的手机响起。电话里传出哥的声音,他说:“我们正要来了。” 门打开的时候,我们遇见哥他们。
我们走着走着,我们突然提起仕聪,他班上被学生称 “阿龙” 。哪知道,说到曹操,曹操就到!“袈文!”他们纷纷喊我的名字, 我也觉得奇怪!“阿龙,这么巧会在这儿遇到你啊!” 哥说。“是啊!这么巧!来逛逛?” 我们点了点头说:“是啊!才刚吃完点心,打算来这儿走走。” 我们离开之前,我把仕聪喊住然后给他一个调皮的眨眼。哥说:“袈文跟你眨眼呢!” 我们带着笑声离开。
后来,他们到询问处向柜台的服务员说:“我们请求一个轮椅,因为我们有一个朋友行动不方便。” 我却到附近的衣店看看。当我走出,轮椅就在询问处了。哇,这里服务很快呢!“袈文,来你坐上。” 我坐上轮椅,他们轮流推。男生们用驾车的技术来“控制” 。走一段的路程,我们到麦当劳喝汽水解渴,好凉爽啊!怎么会少榴莲泡芙呢?然后我们在继续我们的路程。
我们来到“新文化街” 。“新文化街” 有一座小桥还有几间售卖娘惹服装和美食。我们就在小桥拍照留念。 到了午餐时间,我们到士林来买小吃。虽然疲倦,但是我开心!
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
12 November 2015
9 November 2015
Semester Break Day Out (8/11/15)
The semester break is here! Most of us from college are out of town, we went back to our respective hometowns on the last day of examination itself or the day after. As for me, I went back to my hometown where it's in Malacca, on Saturday. Actually I wanted to go back couples of days after the examination which is on November 6. But due to my dad's busy work schedule, so the day of going back was postponed to Saturday. Yes, I'm back for the semester break!
Days before the semester break, my high school friends and I planned for a gathering since everyone is back for the holidays. We decided to have our day out at Hungry Bear in Bukit Beruang. I was very excited because I got to meet them again after three months since the Hari Raya holidays. At first, it was 12.00 noon but then it was postponed to half an hour because Yu Xuan had some things going on. As long as we have a day out it's fine by me.
I put on my black and red DC canvas and sat at the living room to wait for Shi Wei, my brother to pick me up. He was also picking Yu Xuan as well. I thought it the car but then it wasn't. After a few minutes, a car's honk woke me up from my thoughts. My friends were here! "Hey sis, we're here!" called out Shi Wei. I quickly put on my bag and sunglasses, then I walked out from the house. My sister's dog, Furry was barking at them, she doesn't like strangers around the house.
I tried to sooth her down "Furry, it's okay!" Before we left, grandma told us to be careful on the road. As I hopped into the car and it's off to Hungry Bear. Along the way, we chatted what we were up to during the past three months. We hopped down from the car once we reached our destination. We went into Hungry Bear and found a perfect spot at the corner of the diner.
The waiter gave us to have a look at the menus. We ordered a regular of Aloha Chicken pizzas, while drinks on the other hand, I ordered lemonade. Shi Wei asked if we could Andelin to join us. "Yeah, I'm okay!" Yu Xuan said, she turned to me and asked my opinion. "Fine by me!" I said. "Great! I'll call her up," he said as he took out his phone.
Not long after that, as Andelin arrived, our food just served up in time. "Hey guys!" Andelin greeted us as she took her seat beside Shi Wei. We chatted about our days in high school and plans about our future. The topics is basically on friendships and international colleges. We decided to have another round of pizza. A surprise visit from our friend, Shi Yuan came to drop by. Around 3.30pm, we left because Yu Xuan was going to visit her grandmother in Tampin. Her dad picked her up from the place.
Andelin gave me a ride home. After dropping me off, I got a text from my college mate and best friend XY, who was on a trip to Malacca with her family.We actually promised each other months before the big semester break. Whenever she visits to Malacca, we will have a day out. Around 8.45 pm, we left for Mahkota Parade. When I arrived, she was waiting for me at the entrance of Nadaje- a cake shop where it was our meet up place.
As the time was late, the shop was at the closing time so we have a quick bite of Mocha Choclate cake, it was so good! We took a selfie while eating the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Lee asked about myself. "I live in Malacca with my maternal grandparents, aunt and sister. I stayed in KL with my parents since I started college," I said. As I was about to call my mum, she came just in time. It was an awesome night out with your friends. Especially those who are out from town.
I had the best time of my life
Not long after that, as Andelin arrived, our food just served up in time. "Hey guys!" Andelin greeted us as she took her seat beside Shi Wei. We chatted about our days in high school and plans about our future. The topics is basically on friendships and international colleges. We decided to have another round of pizza. A surprise visit from our friend, Shi Yuan came to drop by. Around 3.30pm, we left because Yu Xuan was going to visit her grandmother in Tampin. Her dad picked her up from the place.
Andelin gave me a ride home. After dropping me off, I got a text from my college mate and best friend XY, who was on a trip to Malacca with her family.We actually promised each other months before the big semester break. Whenever she visits to Malacca, we will have a day out. Around 8.45 pm, we left for Mahkota Parade. When I arrived, she was waiting for me at the entrance of Nadaje- a cake shop where it was our meet up place.
As the time was late, the shop was at the closing time so we have a quick bite of Mocha Choclate cake, it was so good! We took a selfie while eating the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Lee asked about myself. "I live in Malacca with my maternal grandparents, aunt and sister. I stayed in KL with my parents since I started college," I said. As I was about to call my mum, she came just in time. It was an awesome night out with your friends. Especially those who are out from town.
I had the best time of my life
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Having lunch with high school friends at Hungry Bear |
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Welcome to Malacca, XY |
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