10 February 2016


  早上九时三十分,我从温暖的被窝爬起来。我的脚还是有一阵痛但有好点了!于是,我慢慢从床“滑” 下,我蹒跚地走去洗手间。当我要去洗手间的时候,妈妈说:“文,你等一等。我抹干地上。” 妈妈抹干地上后就吩咐我去洗手间洗刷。

  今天我要穿的红色裙却给妹妹拿走了!妈妈说:“没关系!我再补' 买给你。” 我再穿回大年初一的服装—— 红色的连身裙。我在吃早餐的时候,二舅母告诉我们“种族” 的来源,“你们知道吗?专家指出在这世界上,'种族' 这两个词汇从来没出现过。因为我们由世界各地的人'组织' 。” 我们三人互相看了一眼还是不明白二舅母的诠释。

  “就比个例子吧!金花的脚较阔大因为她有罗马的'基因' 。” 二舅母指了指金花的脚板。“妈,你的意思是我'遗传' 罗马人的'基因'?” 金花问。二舅母点了点头就说:“是的!你们不知道阿公是华尔兹舞蹈比赛冠军吗?” 华尔兹舞蹈冠军?!阿嬷都没告诉我们啊!刚好阿嬷出来,我问她:“阿嬷,阿公是华尔兹舞蹈比赛冠军?” 阿嬷说:“是的!在他的青春时期。” 

  我看了看时间的时钟显示早上十时五十分,还剩十分钟我的朋友要到了!不如去洗手间吧!当我要去的时候,大舅说:“文,你朋友到了!” 还是招待客人先。第一个到家门口是宇宣!不久仕维和智彬也来了,凯杰也稍后来了。妈妈要派红包的时候,我说:“妈,我替你派吧!” 我把四封红包派给每人。仕维说:“妹,你几时'嫁' 人?怎么没请我们喝'喜酒'呢?” 

  我说:“哥,我已经'嫁' 学院有一段时间了。” 大家不禁哈哈大笑起来。在新春期间,大家一起分享快乐时光是最好的一刻。宇宣问我:“袈文,你邀请仕聪吗?” 我说:“可以啊!” 仕维说:“你们还记得吗?伟彬和仕聪向袈文表白在班上,他们把我们家的'大姐' 气到面红耳赤呢!” 想不到哥还记得当时的情景。阿公的妹妹和弟弟来了,他们进家的时候我向他们请安但没回复我,算了吧!

  可爱的表弟和我们一起玩耍,他只有六岁但是他已经“爱上” 我这个表姐了!第一次这么多年,我可以让一个小孩“爱上“ 我。不久,他们要回家了。虽然我舍不得,但他们有心来探望我是最大的福气!我很荣幸我有这一班好朋友。

8 February 2016


  “春天来,花儿开,我看见世界在慢慢动起来…” 是的,一年一度的农历新年来到人间了!早上八时正,《大盛年》在我的智能手机响。我起来然后按“停” 扭,我再把身旁的虹燕摇醒因为她昨晚告诉我:“文姐,你醒来的时候,把我叫醒。” 当我把她摇醒的时候,迷迷糊糊地说:“再给我多三十分钟。” 我从床上跳下,再往去洗手间洗澡。

  洗刷之后,我到饭厅享受简单的早餐。今天吃素所以佳肴都是素菜。吃晚早餐,我到客厅看电视的新春特备节目。我回房再打开平板电脑送上祝福在社交网站,突然间门外传出铃声。阿嬷说:“亲家,恭喜发财!” 亲家?不是小舅母的娘家吗?我从床跳下来向小舅母的娘家贺喜,婆婆对阿嬷说:“你的阿文真会说话啊!” 阿嬷附和说:“是啊!这是我的阿文的长处!在新年送上祝福是她的本领!” 



  大约旁晚六时,我们到钟家拜年。一个小时之后,我们回家休息。由于今年的大年初一很忙绿,所以阿公阿嬷决定明天初二派红包;得到三封红包在大年初一我已经心满意足了!在此,祝大家猴爷大盛年:相信可能· 事竟成!新年快乐!万事如意!学业进步!




  我看猴年的风水节目,我再转频道去306收看《Ola Bola 幕后花絮》及马来西亚的体坛成就——《光辉岁月》。《光辉岁月》在说着大马的足坛成就。七、八十年代被称为“马来西亚足坛黄金时光”。 

  我收看一半时, 阿嬷说:“来吃团圆饭了!” 我走去饭厅,所有的佳肴已经上桌啦!陈家三代同堂围着圆桌吃团圆饭,我感觉很幸福!这是我第十九年在妈妈的娘家过年。

  每缝佳节,妈妈都回来娘家庆新年而爸爸在霹雳家乡过年。每年的除夕,我会收看MY Astro 一年一度现场直播的新春倒数活动。他们为八十年代为主题,电视上的设置是所有来自八十年代。


4 February 2016



  慧银走向我来就问我:“图书馆可以让学生几本书?” 我耸了肩说:“我不知道!” 我灵机一动就说:“慧银,你会做这道题目吗?” 她一口拒绝说:“我没空!我得去上课!” 就这样掉头离开图书馆,让我在喷水池区傻乎乎瞪着桌子上的模拟小考试卷。

  突然间,我听到锣鼓的铿锵声。我把音乐暂停,通过透明的大玻璃窗口望上去,心里想:“奇怪,这么早有舞狮吗?” 我看了看手上的表显示早上十时三十分,我再心想:“Justine她这时候是下课时间吧?” 我拨她的手机号码,旧食堂很吵她听不到,我轻声说:“你可以传送短讯给我吗?我在图书馆不方便说话。”

  Justine到的时候,我把所有的书本放进去书包。我以最快的速度去洗手间。然后,我加快脚步去新食堂。只见双威大学学生已经在准备新春嘉年华了!四周围都已套上红彤彤的布条以及春联,我经过一个摊子的时候发现两位摊主和我一样—— 拥有缺陷但是他们亲手做钥匙圈,非常可爱!有与众不同的形状,于是我买了天使形状。我和Justine 到新食堂享受午餐,我看到双威大学的独中校友学会在准备着张飞狮头。

  我握着手机战战兢兢地走去,因为我要拍张照。毕竟是我首次在学院庆祝新年,我鼓起勇气说:“请问可以套上舞狮装吗?我想要合照。” 他们说:“可以啊!” 于是他们套上舞狮装,其一位学生替我拍照,我向他们说声谢谢。不久,新春活动开始了!首先他们邀请双威大学院长李院长为新春活动开幕。接着,双威二十四节铃鼓对献上精彩的表演。新春的活动怎么会不能少舞狮呢?我只看了几分钟然后回班因为我有小考。也好,看几分钟的舞狮表演至少可以在小考有点信心。


2 February 2016

Monash Information Week - Arts & Social Science (2/2/16)

  After economics class, Nieshail and I took the lift to the ground floor. I was planning to go to the new cafeteria where it's just opposite of the college by using the pedestrian walkway. As I was about to make my way up to the stairs, I bumped into Poon Kai. "Hey, Poon Kai! Heading for lunch?" I asked. Poon Kai said "Yes, yes I am! Actually we're heading out of the campus for chicken rice. Join us?" I said "I love to!" 

  The three of us were at the foyer waiting for our friends to come but they were already one step ahead of us because they were at the chicken rice restaurant. So we just headed to the old cafeteria to have lunch. "Do you want anything?" Poon Kai asked. I told him I brought food from home. He looked at my lunchbox, "Just bread? Kar Marn, are you sure?" he asked again. I reassured him "Yes, I'm sure!" 

  He told me to wait while he and his friend went to buy the canteen food. I only have about 20 to 25 minutes before the briefing started. Poon Kai asked me why I chose Arts & Social Science even though I was a pure science back in my high school days. "Because I love writing and I love to communicate with people. I'm hoping to be a newscaster one day like the one we see on television," I said. "Yeah, not a bad choice. It does suit you!" 

Did I mention that I get a call from the MUFY directory office a few weeks ago? If I don't meet the minimum criteria marks of the course I have chosen as my undergraduate degree programme, that means I'm not qualified to go to Monash University Malaysia Campus, they offered me to try out Sunway University instead because the minimum criteria marks is lower than the one in Monash. 

"Actually Sunway University is quite good! But why you wanna choose Monash?" Poon Kai asked. "As you can see Monash University is originally from Australia. Their teaching technique is very different compare to Malaysia. Most lecturers are Malaysians but they use the Australian teaching technique," I said. "I see, I see," he said. I saw a familiar figure at the canteen. "That guy really looks like Shaun!" I thought. I took a closer look, it is Shaun! 

  Our eyes caught each other's attention which caused me to look away a little. My best friend who I haven't seen for almost four months! As he was heading for the bridge, I called him "Shaun!" Shaun turned around and walked towards my direction, "Hey Kar Marn, how are you doing?" he asked. "I'm doing quite fine, thank you! How about you?" I said. Shaun told me that he came here to collect his results transcript and he had to go soon. We didn't talk much as Shaun was rushing, I felt a little disappointed a little to be honest. 

  When I checked my hand phone screen, the time stated 11.59am, I just left a minute. "We have to go now," I said quickly packing my stuff. "Take it easy Kar Marn, you'll get there," Poon Kai said. We took the lift up to the second floor where it's our territory- MUFY. We headed to SE 2-11 where the briefing is held. I knocked on the door. "Am I late for the briefing?" I asked. "Just a minute," said Dr. Sharon "Pleas do come in!" 

  As usual all eyes were on me as I made my way to the seat. "Thank you kind souls," Dr. Sharon said referring to Poon Kai and his friend. "Well, I better head off to my Science briefing have fun!" Poon Kai said as he patted my shoulder. I thanked him for his help. Dr. Sharon who is the acciosiate professor of the School of Arts in Monash Univerisity Malaysia campus. She explained which courses are available at the campus. They have majors in Communication, Gender Studies, Global Studies, Pyschology and Writing while the minors are Journalism Studies and Media Studies. 

  I listed all the things I need to know regrading of the courses which I'm gonna pursue after my foundation year. The briefing lasted for only half an hour. That was quite short but I have questions to ask so I stayed back for awhile. Dr. Sharon gave some of us a brief on the combined degree which is Bachelor of Business and Commuincation. "I'm hoping to be a newscaster someday. That means I take a major in Communication and a minor in Journalism Studies?" I asked. 

  Dr. Sharon said "Yes! We encouraged our students to pursue two majors and a minor but most students pursue a major and a minor throughout their undergraduate studies," Well, that was interesting! I hope I will get through but first I have to focus on studies which I'm currently doing now. You never might know what the future will bring you.