At around 1.30pm, I started packing my stuff into trustee sling bag. Sunglasses to ward off the heat, hand phone for emergency and of course iPod for picture taking just in case. As the car stopped by the school gate, my grandma dropped off. The security guard opened the main gate for us, memories of high school were coming back to me. It felt like yesterday I started my high school life for the first time six years ago.
A lot of parents were at the canteen waiting for the school bell to ring because usually the bell rings at 2.10pm. Along the way, we bumped into my juniors, counselling teachers and parents. We walked all the to the new building because that's where Form Five's classrooms are. My grandma and I came to school to collect my sister's report card. Actually, grandma was doing the collecting part while I just catching up who I haven't seen them in three months. They visited to Sunway University College in March during their first school holiday of the year.
We climbed four flights of steps, it wasn't very tiring because I climbed them during my final year in high school. The moment I reached the top, the first junior I saw was Praveena, who is the former school captain. "Hey, Praveena! Happy 17th birthday!" I gave a pat on her arm. "Thank you so much, Kar Marn. I'm so happy to see you!" she said. "So am I!" All fifth formers in the prefect and librarian boards will "retire" four months before the SPM examination. They will pass the job on to the forth formers.
Students arranged the chairs along the corridor for the parents to sit. Well, to me, it's more like a patient who is waiting his or her turn at the clinic. Oh, I'm just pulling your leg. But seriously, the chairs were for the parents to wait for their turn to see the teachers. While grandma was waiting for her turn, I got a catch up with my juniors and some of my primary alma mater teachers' children are studying in the high school as well.
Once it's my sister's turn to see the teacher, I quickly got up from my seat and walked to the class. While she was packing her stuff, I got a small catch up with my former Modern Mathematics teacher, Puan Hoe Kim Yub. I passed the mobile phone to my sister to call my aunt that we were leaving the classroom. But somehow, grandma saw some friends which made her stopped in her tracks and had a chat with them. I dropped by to 5Sc1 to say "hi" to my physical education teacher, Mr. Sasi. I would love to sit and chat with my juniors but we were on a rush.
As I was about to descend the stairs, I saw my senior, Hwee San, who was wearing a black laced dress. Now it was my turn to stop in my tracks to have a small chat with her. We even took a selfie too. On our way out, we bumped into my Form One Bahasa Melayu teacher, Encik Asmi, even we bumped into the Principal, Mr. Chay Yew Choon and the Senior Assitant of Affair teacher, Mr. Tam Siew Shong. There were prefects at the school gate to escort the parents to their children's classes.
We were waiting for the car, I talked to Grace and as well as the birthday girl, Paraveena. We sang a birthday song for her. As the car came, we walked through the side gate. The weather was scorching hot so we have to speed up our walking to prevent from getting burned. Of course, we had to watch out for cars as well since it was after-school time.
But what's more important that my "mission" is accomplished! Looking forward to have another visit in the future.
Enter to learn, depart to serve.