9 February 2017

CNY Gathering Round 2 at Cofeology Cafe (8/2/17)

  After the first one on CNY Day 4, we decided to have another one but this time grab a drink at Cofeology Cafe- the place where I performed last October. At first, we decided at the old Jusco Ayer Keroh but the cafe's prices are too costly so we decided to switch a place where it fitted our budget. I had early dinner at home before joining them. At 7.23pm, I waited for Yu Xuan to pick me up. 10 minutes later, the car came. I hopped into the car and we're off to our gathering. We phoned Shi Wei, who was doing some shopping at Jusco. He suggested to have the gathering at D' Puteh. We didnt know where it was. Mostly I come to Bukit Beruang for tuitions back in my high school days.

  We passed by a Taoist temple along the way and passed by a few shop lots. When we passed by D' Puteh, one look at it we knew the place was not so appropriate for a gathering. We decided to drop by at Shi Wei's place to invite his god sister along to join in the fun have but she declined the offer. It's okay! No choice, we chose Cofeology cafe since there was no place to go. The moment I stepped into the cafe, the manager recognized me in an instant. I performed at the cafe last October when they held Melaka's Got Talent. I got a certificate for that.    

  While waiting for the boys, I could hear my tummy rumbling. A dessert won't hurt right? Since it's still Chinese New Year, I guess a bite or two of cake would do the trick. I thought the cake would be medium size or a small but it turned out it was a really big! I also ordered a glass of chocolate milkshake. We also invited Shi Chong too. I also bumped into my primary friend, Her Xin. While Shi Chong and Her Xin, the rest of us just chatting what we've been up to these days. I felt a little bored because I wasn't really listening to the conversation they had so I decided to say hi Her Xin. "I'll be okay," I assured Shi Wei. "Hi Her Xin!" I greeted him. "Hey Kar Marn! How's it going?" Her Xin asked. We started to chat about university and the things we did recently. Before I headed back in, I told Her Xin to drop by a message if we want to meet up. "Okay, sure, cool!" That was easy, no awkwardness around. 

  I took a last bite of the cake and it's off D' Puteh. When we were checking the bill, Yu Xuan told us that the staff knew me so they gave us a discount. Okay, which was good.  The weird thing was I forgot to take my bag but luckily Jia Wen went back to retrieve it before the cafe closed. We went by separate cars to the place. I went with Shi Wei while Jia Wen went with Yu Xuan. It was a such an amazing feeling to ride in Shi Wei's car, a comfy ride. When we arrived, the four of us had to walk through a dark alley which was quite creepy. I can't even to look back! We went to say hi to some friends who we didn't see for three years. Joel and I even took a selfie. I got curious with the cards they were playing. Joel told me they were anime cards. 

   After the short chat, Shi Wei escorted us to the car. Before we leave, he said "You girls text me when you reach home," Before that, I even joked whether want to go a "date" for this coming Valentine's Day. "Seriously? You must be pulling my leg, sis!" Shi Wei laughed at the comment. On the way, Yu Xuan fetched Jia Wen and I home. I'm so lucky to have friends like them. 

4 February 2017

快闪能之初 XTY Young School Musical: The Z Tornado (4/2/17)

 Astro小太阳青春电影—— 《快闪能之初》叙说两位学生—— 林闪闪(Stephanie刘佩芯 演饰)和祝快乐(Gabriel Noel Pountney 演饰)来自不同家庭背景,但是他们俩就读同一间的学院—— 梦想艺术学院。林闪闪是个开朗爽快、学习认真的学生;祝快乐则是个有点叛逆、轻微的自闭过动儿,但他出众歌舞才华,得到奥达拉院长的赏识。

  有一天,祝福倪,快乐的爸爸(温绍平演饰)到梦想艺术学院和他的好朋友奥达拉院长谈谈电视台企划即将举行的才华比赛,校方必须派出两位学生代表学院参加。奥院长要快乐代表学院但是祝爸爸坚持反对。正这时候,奥院长的八卦秘书——赵瑶晶送茶点就偷听奥院长和祝爸爸的对话。她就胡乱猜测快乐是“靠关系” 参加比赛,就是因为一个谣言,让全校轰动起来,而快乐活在黑暗中。


  当她们在议论着,快乐就无影中出现把当场的学生们尤其是闪闪骂得一头雾水!这一幕真的让观众们吓得目瞪口呆!内疚,闪闪问自己是不是做错了什么,她只是想帮快乐而已。正她在内疚中,快乐的好朋友—— 唐小虎就出现。为了不要看闪闪自我内疚,他告诉快乐的家庭背景。灵机一动,闪闪她知道要怎样帮快乐。而K-Pop Gang的晓姬为了要让快乐跟她合作,隔天在大草场等他的脚踏车经过。晓姬邀请快乐一起吃早餐,但被他拒绝。在跳车的那一幕,两人就互相看不顺眼(演唱《缘分乱跳电》)。

  被晓姬乱骂一顿后,快乐就出一个条件:他想有一个妹妹,想知道她是长什么样子。这让晓姬惊讶!他们俩到一间理发店。快乐告诉理发店的阿姨让洪晓姬做一个整形,而下星期的功课是拍一个MV。回到学院,祝快乐遭柯班主任和全班的“攻击” 令他、林闪闪、梅礼茂、洪晓姬和唐小虎都通通离开课室。快乐就梦到自己在妈妈的怀抱睡着,听摇篮歌曲—— 《希望纸飞机》。而从实现回来,原来是在晓姬的腿上睡着让快乐怀念他和妈妈在一起的时光。在朋友们的鼓励下,快乐决定要还自己一个清白。


  在电影的最后一幕,祝快乐在下课的时候向全校的学生,他不是内定或“靠关系” 来参加即将的比赛,是靠实力、坚持及梦想。无论有没有比赛,他还是会继续唱、继续跳,完成他心目中的梦想就像龙卷风。快乐最后得到班主任的肯定。

  如果错过这横冲撼动的节目,可以通过Astro On the Go应用程序或On Demand (OD)。让我们更有坚持完成梦想,形成龙卷风!你是不是也有一个梦想,但得不到别人的肯定?这部青春电影就献给Z时代闪亮时刻的你!

K-Pop Gang 
(Credits: Astro小太阳许友彬电视系列面子书专页)
Free Style Gang

1 February 2017

大年初四:中学团拜 2017 (31/1/17)

  一年一度的中学团拜又来临了!早上九时,我从温暖的床爬起来,再去洗刷。洗刷之后,我到圆桌吃早餐。我再到客厅等朋友们的到来。我们说好早上十时正,但时间越久我不知不觉打瞌睡在客厅的长登直到讯息的音响把我苏醒过来。在群聊组里,仕维向我道歉。我说没关系,反正我睡了一阵子也不会浪费时间。既然我有精神了,我打开电视看看节目。大舅走去门口看看说:“阿文,你的朋友来了!” 我“哦” 了一声就把电视关了,再调整我的姿势。阿姨再三确定就说:“文,他们来了。” 大舅却说没按门铃。不必摁门铃,我妹妹的小毛毛就是我们的“门铃”。它一吠就知道客人来了。

   大舅走到屋外开门让我的不速之客来拜年。“祝大家新年快乐!鸿运好福气,人人有转机!” 大家说:“一样!一样!” 锡忠问:“袈文,你的阿嬷呢?” 我说:“阿嬷在厨房。她一定很开心见到你们。” 他们走到厨房送上祝福,阿嬷都笑得乐开怀!桌子已排好的年饼和饮料已大家的面前。仕维问我:“袈文,你今天去吉隆坡?” 我说:“是啊!下午二时就去了。年初八回来因为我会去敦陈祯禄的祖屋向他的后代拜年。” 智彬问我们:“谁敦陈祯禄?” 我们齐声说:“马华的创办者。” 我和宇宣到客厅的一旁拍张照,拍了几张,我们就来张自拍。我建议仕维用个自拍棍较方便,他说:“妹,没关系!” 

  我们拨电话给嘉雯是否可以过去她拜年。她说:“方便啊!” 我通知妈妈和阿嬷:“我们去嘉雯的家拜年。” 穿上鞋子后,带着夸包在身边就出发去嘉雯的家。我和仕维乘坐智彬的车子;宇宣就乘坐锡忠的车子。我们先去,锡忠和宇宣待会儿到目的会合因为锡忠到饮食中心购买午餐。智彬的车子里播放着Astro的贺岁歌曲,一路上我唱出来。“哇,妹!你会唱很多首。你是怎样记得?” 仕维问我。我说:“哥,有时到YouTube翻找就慢慢把它们记起来。” 他说:“原来如此!” 

  宇宣和锡忠到了,我们三人从车子跳下来。我们在组屋的底楼等待嘉雯的到来。不久之后,嘉雯姐弟俩迎面而来。她的弟弟在玩小炮炮令嘉雯拉他的耳朵,再拿一个小炮炮抛在弟弟的脚边。仕维拿一个炮炮抛在我的脚边,我吓得后退几步。“电梯到了。” 我第一个进,其他才跟着进。嘉雯的弟弟也在里面玩炮炮,她又拉弟弟的耳朵。弟弟在二楼的四面八方抛炮炮。我们问:“你不拍邻居投诉吗?” 嘉雯说:“别管我弟,他是这样的。” 我脱下鞋子,再到神桌前向观音菩萨三鞠躬。萧妈妈回来,我们向她说:“新年快乐!” 她捧着一盒的肉干给我们品尝。我们再拍一张团体照!
