After Organisational Communication lecture, I was about to make my way to the college boulevard. I saw Farah Ann was talking to one of the students. I walked up to her to have a small chat with her. "You were one of the athletes I wanted to meet when I first stepped into college two years ago," I said. "Really?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Well, your dream finally came true! I gotta go, Katelyn. You're a lovely person," Farah said giving me one big hug before she headed off.
I saw some my juniors were trying to sell the coupons but I was carrying my bag, it was hard for me to take my purse out since I'm walking with the elbow crutches. I headed to the ice cream stall to get my vanilla ice cream- I had two of them and a cup of coke to help cool off the heat. I walked around the boulevard to see the yummy food and drinks which were on sale.
I bought three packs of waffles and one plate of Terrenganu's famous fish ball satae. I even got a free treat from rojak from James, who is the team leader of the stall. There were some students came by to promote their products especially foods and drinks.
They even had two lucky draws- for the first one, if you wanna get a total amount of RM 2500, you gotta get two "7". Unfortunately, I got 4 and 9 so I didn't win anything but I did get a cuddly koala bear plush, even though it's the prize of the lucky draw. The other one was the normal lucky draw- your name got picked out randomly and you get the prize.
The time was getting late, most of the stalls were packing up to call it a day but some of them were doing their best to attract the customers. Hui Yee and Wang Nan came to the boulevard to promote their Nerf gun game which was held at the third floor of the college's South Building. Soon after, we decided to call it a day when the last customer bought the last package of rojak.
I helped out by cleaning up the table. Ms. Haslina dropped by for a bit to check on the progress. "You even got a new volunteer to help out," she was referring to me, the alumnus of MUFY! Not long after, my primary school friend, Colleen was trying to sell out her nugget celup. James was such a gentleman, "For the lady," he said. Wow, a treat from the juniors. I'll treat them next time around!
When the time was about 3.45pm, it's time to head back to the university building for the last lecture of the day. I cuddled the koala which I got earlier during the carnival. I'm happy that the MUFY Sharity Carnival is getting bigger every year, as a alumnus I'm proud to support my juniors and it's so good to be back at the carnival. It triggered the good old days of my time studying the pre-U course back then.
Hope to see you guys next year at MUFY Sharity Carnival 2018!
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
29 September 2017
Sunway SEA Games Heroes Homecoming Ceremony (28/9/17)
The 29th Southeast Asia Games came to a close on 30 August 2017- a day before Malaysia's 60th Independence Day. With the out standing performance made by our athletes by achieving 145 gold, 92 sliver and 86 bronze which added a total of 323 medals. Thanks to them, we had a day off on 4 September 2017.
As for Sunway University, a homecoming ceremony was held to welcome back our athletes who are the students and alumnus of the campus. Two days ago, I saw the Malaysian flags were put up around campus. My first thought was: Is there something special going on campus? Till I logged on to my Facebook page while checking out the Newsfeed, the official page of Sunway Student Life that there will be a homecoming ceremony. I was super excited! It's always been my dream to meet our national sports heroes.
I invited my buddy, Kai, to join in the celebration. He brought camera along to do a video blog (or vlog) on the homecoming. Representatives of Clubs and Socities of the campus gathered at the "I ❤️ SU" logo which was just right outside of the library. Mr. Kenneth and Desmond were the host of the event. They taught a few cheers like such as Tepuk-tepuk Sunway, Let's Go Sunway! Let's Go! And We Are Strong, Champion and Sunway.
To give a warm campus welcome, Samson and Sofia- the official mascot of the campus, were all geared up! For us students, we were given mini versions of the Malaysian flags. Around 11.00am, our heroes are "home"! We gathered at the main entrance of the university building to welcome them. A special appearance from Rimau- the official mascot of KL SEA Games 2017! Under the escorts of Tan Seri Jeffery Cheah (founder of Sunway), Vice Chancellor, Prof. Graeme Wilkinson and Sunway Education Group Senior Executive, Dr. Elizabeth Lee, our heroes made their way to the stage. The crowd went wild!
Dr. Lee congratulated our heroes for making the country and especially Sunway proud! She hoped the students and staff of the campus will be inspired by them and strive harder in order to be successful. A token of appreciation were given to them, the cheers came in again. A group photo was taken, the confetti were blasted! I sat the nearest of the stage, I didn't see that coming so got a little startled.
A group photo was taken to mark the end of the homecoming. After the group photo, it was time for our one-on-one selfies with the heroes. Chan Jie and Caroline were one of the firsts to take selfies. I was super star struck when I met Farah Ann- she's the person who I wanted to meet when I stepped into college two years ago. My dream finally came true! I even gave her a kiss on the cheek! I even had a small chat with Li Jane and Ing Yueh who were in bowling and gymnastics respectively.
Welcome home, Sunway Heroes! We are strong! We are champion! We are Sunway!
As for Sunway University, a homecoming ceremony was held to welcome back our athletes who are the students and alumnus of the campus. Two days ago, I saw the Malaysian flags were put up around campus. My first thought was: Is there something special going on campus? Till I logged on to my Facebook page while checking out the Newsfeed, the official page of Sunway Student Life that there will be a homecoming ceremony. I was super excited! It's always been my dream to meet our national sports heroes.
I invited my buddy, Kai, to join in the celebration. He brought camera along to do a video blog (or vlog) on the homecoming. Representatives of Clubs and Socities of the campus gathered at the "I ❤️ SU" logo which was just right outside of the library. Mr. Kenneth and Desmond were the host of the event. They taught a few cheers like such as Tepuk-tepuk Sunway, Let's Go Sunway! Let's Go! And We Are Strong, Champion and Sunway.
To give a warm campus welcome, Samson and Sofia- the official mascot of the campus, were all geared up! For us students, we were given mini versions of the Malaysian flags. Around 11.00am, our heroes are "home"! We gathered at the main entrance of the university building to welcome them. A special appearance from Rimau- the official mascot of KL SEA Games 2017! Under the escorts of Tan Seri Jeffery Cheah (founder of Sunway), Vice Chancellor, Prof. Graeme Wilkinson and Sunway Education Group Senior Executive, Dr. Elizabeth Lee, our heroes made their way to the stage. The crowd went wild!
Dr. Lee congratulated our heroes for making the country and especially Sunway proud! She hoped the students and staff of the campus will be inspired by them and strive harder in order to be successful. A token of appreciation were given to them, the cheers came in again. A group photo was taken, the confetti were blasted! I sat the nearest of the stage, I didn't see that coming so got a little startled.
A group photo was taken to mark the end of the homecoming. After the group photo, it was time for our one-on-one selfies with the heroes. Chan Jie and Caroline were one of the firsts to take selfies. I was super star struck when I met Farah Ann- she's the person who I wanted to meet when I stepped into college two years ago. My dream finally came true! I even gave her a kiss on the cheek! I even had a small chat with Li Jane and Ing Yueh who were in bowling and gymnastics respectively.
Welcome home, Sunway Heroes! We are strong! We are champion! We are Sunway!
24 September 2017
四籍家话 Tales of Four Dialects (23/9/17)
我一直很想看《四籍家话》音乐剧—— 它是在2015年十一月份首演,可惜当时的我刚考完学院的大考,在马六甲家乡渡过漫长的休假。我还以为没有机会看了!怎知某一天我无所事事在面子书看朋友们的最新状态时,突然间就来到熟悉的宣传的海报和四个字—— 《四籍家话》,心里非常开心!两年后,这部音乐剧回归舞台啦!
晚上八时三十分,音乐剧正式开始!第一个是客家音篇—— 年老的妈妈对儿子—— 生哥说赶快离开这儿,逃去安全地方避所。但孝顺的生哥不舍得离开妈妈,要走就母子俩一起走吧!妈妈不想拖累儿子,她对儿子说:“无论你去哪里,别忘记你是客家人。永远都是!” 他泪别母亲并逃生南洋岸就是现在的东南亚。
观众席的两边走道突然间亮了起来,一身穿蓝色中山装的演员献唱《我是客家人》为开场。场面把观众到稻田,一众的客家姑娘在稻田收割,而来着一群的客家的男子正在想办法如何 “诱惑” 姑娘们。阿英(Elaine李宜玲 饰演)是生哥的青梅竹马,但阿英不能和心爱的生哥在一起因为她家人为了要报答李家的养育之恩,就把女儿嫁他们的儿子。阿英对生哥说:“生哥,你保重!”
第二音篇是福建。年龄一甲子的张伯,想要追求年轻的女孩们。同乡们看就摇了摇头,不该如何是好!大家熟悉的《天黑黑》就进来了,张老太太看见自己老伴的 “风流” 死性不改,拉耳朵当教训。一旁青年的福建同乡看了不禁扑哧一笑!同样还在福建音段,但是场面展示阿花在等待雨停的同时,她遇到一位叫陈建民的男子从大城市来探望表姨——坤嫂。
十五分钟的中段后,就到我的籍贯—— 广东。在四十年代—— 战争的时代,日军不断袭击各个东南亚国家。为了大家的安全,戏剧院的老板打算要把该院关闭。可是忠诚的员工愿意和老板同甘共苦,一起度过难关!温馨的一幕是虾仔不能睡着,妈妈把他抱在怀里哄他睡着。在他耳边唱《月光光》。
最后一篇—— 潮州篇。阿成为了要过好的生活,赴到泰国营生。但每次回到家都会被妻子嫌弃,身为丈夫的阿成常对妻子说:“再给我多一点,我保证我们会过好的生活。” 后来阿成的后代人向观众说:“各位,他是我的阿公!我们的前人为了我们后人过好的生活,他们的付出不少的努力和牺牲。没有他们,我们就不会享受现在的生活。所以大家珍惜我们前人的一切!正所谓:前人种树,后人乘凉。”
音乐剧的尾声,演员们向观众打招呼及互动。Elaine姐姐看到我在观众席时,她和击掌,我给她一个拥抱。我们走出去的时候,碰见到白琳阿姨和饰演虾仔的小男孩。拍照环节的时候,一位小女孩天真地问:“你是不是真的在睡觉吗?” 小男孩摇摇头,在一旁的我,不禁嘴角微微上扬。孩子的世界永远是无比的天真!
我找不到Elaine姐姐。怎知,我转过身就看到她了!我走向前再次给她一个紧紧的拥抱。“谢谢你来哦!” 妈妈对Elaine姐姐说:“真是一个不错的演出。” 她对我说:“Katelyn, 待会我找你。” Elaine姐姐和朋友们合照后,就到我啦!我们还自拍几张。
晚上八时三十分,音乐剧正式开始!第一个是客家音篇—— 年老的妈妈对儿子—— 生哥说赶快离开这儿,逃去安全地方避所。但孝顺的生哥不舍得离开妈妈,要走就母子俩一起走吧!妈妈不想拖累儿子,她对儿子说:“无论你去哪里,别忘记你是客家人。永远都是!” 他泪别母亲并逃生南洋岸就是现在的东南亚。
观众席的两边走道突然间亮了起来,一身穿蓝色中山装的演员献唱《我是客家人》为开场。场面把观众到稻田,一众的客家姑娘在稻田收割,而来着一群的客家的男子正在想办法如何 “诱惑” 姑娘们。阿英(Elaine李宜玲 饰演)是生哥的青梅竹马,但阿英不能和心爱的生哥在一起因为她家人为了要报答李家的养育之恩,就把女儿嫁他们的儿子。阿英对生哥说:“生哥,你保重!”
第二音篇是福建。年龄一甲子的张伯,想要追求年轻的女孩们。同乡们看就摇了摇头,不该如何是好!大家熟悉的《天黑黑》就进来了,张老太太看见自己老伴的 “风流” 死性不改,拉耳朵当教训。一旁青年的福建同乡看了不禁扑哧一笑!同样还在福建音段,但是场面展示阿花在等待雨停的同时,她遇到一位叫陈建民的男子从大城市来探望表姨——坤嫂。
十五分钟的中段后,就到我的籍贯—— 广东。在四十年代—— 战争的时代,日军不断袭击各个东南亚国家。为了大家的安全,戏剧院的老板打算要把该院关闭。可是忠诚的员工愿意和老板同甘共苦,一起度过难关!温馨的一幕是虾仔不能睡着,妈妈把他抱在怀里哄他睡着。在他耳边唱《月光光》。
最后一篇—— 潮州篇。阿成为了要过好的生活,赴到泰国营生。但每次回到家都会被妻子嫌弃,身为丈夫的阿成常对妻子说:“再给我多一点,我保证我们会过好的生活。” 后来阿成的后代人向观众说:“各位,他是我的阿公!我们的前人为了我们后人过好的生活,他们的付出不少的努力和牺牲。没有他们,我们就不会享受现在的生活。所以大家珍惜我们前人的一切!正所谓:前人种树,后人乘凉。”
音乐剧的尾声,演员们向观众打招呼及互动。Elaine姐姐看到我在观众席时,她和击掌,我给她一个拥抱。我们走出去的时候,碰见到白琳阿姨和饰演虾仔的小男孩。拍照环节的时候,一位小女孩天真地问:“你是不是真的在睡觉吗?” 小男孩摇摇头,在一旁的我,不禁嘴角微微上扬。孩子的世界永远是无比的天真!
我找不到Elaine姐姐。怎知,我转过身就看到她了!我走向前再次给她一个紧紧的拥抱。“谢谢你来哦!” 妈妈对Elaine姐姐说:“真是一个不错的演出。” 她对我说:“Katelyn, 待会我找你。” Elaine姐姐和朋友们合照后,就到我啦!我们还自拍几张。
15 September 2017
Sunway University Malaysia Fest 2017 (14/9/17)
Sunway University Marketing Society (SUMS) and Sunway Rukun Negara (SRN) joint forces to hold Malaysia Fest in conjunction with the upcoming Malaysia Day which is coming this Saturday, on 16 September. The event took place at the NUB (New University Building) foyer. I had half a day to myself before my lecture started at 12.00pm. Settling myself down, I decided to walk around to warm up my legs, after spending two hours in the library.
The stalls were setting up and some of them had already started their business. They had a variety of Malaysian snacks from muruku to mua chi to the famous rojak and of course my favourite, cendol! Since I'm from Melaka, I gotta taste the dessert. It turned out the coconut extract was a little salty. Salt prevented the coconut extract from decaying. Overall, it tasted good! It made me felt that I'm back home all over again.
What's with a festival without any performances? Sunway Chinese Independent School Alumni's (CISA) students were bringing the 24 season drums over to the university foyer. A big fan of the drums, I tried a few beats with my bare hands before they shifted them to the stage. I had a chat with Ming Han, who taught me how to play the drums during last week's Clubs and Societies Carnival. The first performance was a traditional Malay dance.
I was having lunch with my primary school friend, Colleen, at the university cafeteria. The beat of the drums started to play, my attention shifted to the performance. "You really like the 24 season drums performance, do you?" Colleen asked. "Yup!" I said. Organisational Communication lecture ended an hour early, so my friends decided to look around the stalls, I just tagged along. I bought a small box of mua chi.
Caren and Stephi bought fish ball kebabs and Taiwanese noodles respectively. We headed to an empty lecture theater to watch The Internship. It's their group assignment for Organisational Communication. Some of our course mates also dropped by to watch the movie as well. Just left about 10 minutes to another lecture class, we headed back down to the ground floor.
11 September 2017
《爱。成长》粉丝见面会 + Nick龚建华生日聚餐(10/9/17)
出席了《爱。成长》微电影的首映礼,今天有机会和演员们见面。而且我们提早庆祝Nick龚建华的第二十四岁生日!爸爸放下我和妈妈在Njoy Planet Cafe之后,建华他已进去里面了。我第一位见到在门口是Winson林胡昇。在首映礼他也是我见到的第一个演员。“嗨,Winson哥!” 我和他打招呼。
一踏进咖啡厅的哪一刻,桌上摆放了小礼物和可爱的蛋糕,另一边则有小吃。咖啡的小厅有柜台让客人们为自己倒一杯饮料。迎接我和妈妈是今天的聚会主角—— Nick!“嗨,Katelyn!” 妈妈问他几时生日,Nick说:“阿姨,我的生日是在9月16日。是下个星期。” 我补充他是马来西亚日宝宝!
于是我安顿在座席区把自己安顿好。我看了身后以粉丝会颜色为主的气球,就拿起智能手机拍照。妈妈把制作卡片给我,Nick经过我身边的时候,我说:“Nick, this is for you!” Nick一脸惊喜接过我手上的卡,“你亲手做的?” 我点了点头。他一脸认真看我写给他的祝福,还开玩笑:“你下次透露我的岁数,我觉得 ‘老’ 呢!”
我还唱一小段的《青春的印记》给他听。Nick说:“你那么快会背歌词?如何在短时间内把它学好?当时我学的时候,花了一段时间才把歌词背好。” 我傻笑,说:“听了两、三次就学会了。” 他说:“下次见到你的时候,要听你唱《蔓延》哦!”
我不禁哈哈笑。还在二十来年的,还年轻啊!“你今年几岁了?在哪里求学?” Nick问我。“11月的时候,我二十岁了。我就读在双威大学。” 他说大学的环境不错,这我也无可否认。我说:“图书馆是最佳的温书地方,尤其是喷水区。” 待会大家到齐,主办单位才点算人数。我们被邀请到舞台前就座,《爱。成长》的演员们和我们分享拍摄的过程及爆料谁是NG王。
问答环节的时候,主持人问我要选谁?我不知道要选哪个演员,我还在犹豫的当儿主持人说:“哪你就问Newman蔡长葆吧!” 我直接点头。游戏时间开始啦!每位艺人找位粉丝为伙伴,可是Scarlotte一直找不到人选,我和她打个眼神。我们分为两组,各自组员要演出微电影里的情景,或是复制情景。游戏的尾声,参与者各自得了一个小礼物。
我们在吃的当儿,他们播放《爱。成长》微电影。演员们也通过社交网站做了现场直播。不久,我们到回舞台区为Nick提早庆祝他的二十四岁生日。《青春的印记》播放时,我熟练把歌词唱出,Scarlotte对Winson他们说:“她会唱呢!” 我也再次傻笑。
一踏进咖啡厅的哪一刻,桌上摆放了小礼物和可爱的蛋糕,另一边则有小吃。咖啡的小厅有柜台让客人们为自己倒一杯饮料。迎接我和妈妈是今天的聚会主角—— Nick!“嗨,Katelyn!” 妈妈问他几时生日,Nick说:“阿姨,我的生日是在9月16日。是下个星期。” 我补充他是马来西亚日宝宝!
于是我安顿在座席区把自己安顿好。我看了身后以粉丝会颜色为主的气球,就拿起智能手机拍照。妈妈把制作卡片给我,Nick经过我身边的时候,我说:“Nick, this is for you!” Nick一脸惊喜接过我手上的卡,“你亲手做的?” 我点了点头。他一脸认真看我写给他的祝福,还开玩笑:“你下次透露我的岁数,我觉得 ‘老’ 呢!”
我还唱一小段的《青春的印记》给他听。Nick说:“你那么快会背歌词?如何在短时间内把它学好?当时我学的时候,花了一段时间才把歌词背好。” 我傻笑,说:“听了两、三次就学会了。” 他说:“下次见到你的时候,要听你唱《蔓延》哦!”
我不禁哈哈笑。还在二十来年的,还年轻啊!“你今年几岁了?在哪里求学?” Nick问我。“11月的时候,我二十岁了。我就读在双威大学。” 他说大学的环境不错,这我也无可否认。我说:“图书馆是最佳的温书地方,尤其是喷水区。” 待会大家到齐,主办单位才点算人数。我们被邀请到舞台前就座,《爱。成长》的演员们和我们分享拍摄的过程及爆料谁是NG王。
问答环节的时候,主持人问我要选谁?我不知道要选哪个演员,我还在犹豫的当儿主持人说:“哪你就问Newman蔡长葆吧!” 我直接点头。游戏时间开始啦!每位艺人找位粉丝为伙伴,可是Scarlotte一直找不到人选,我和她打个眼神。我们分为两组,各自组员要演出微电影里的情景,或是复制情景。游戏的尾声,参与者各自得了一个小礼物。
我们在吃的当儿,他们播放《爱。成长》微电影。演员们也通过社交网站做了现场直播。不久,我们到回舞台区为Nick提早庆祝他的二十四岁生日。《青春的印记》播放时,我熟练把歌词唱出,Scarlotte对Winson他们说:“她会唱呢!” 我也再次傻笑。
9 September 2017
我在中学是一个怎样的学生呢?不是学霸,也不是校花。我只不过是你的 average high school girl,但我是留下深刻印象的学生—— 这是我留下中学的青春印记。无法出席首映礼的朋可以到YouTube收看哦!让我们重温中学青春的印记吧!
我们送妹妹去舞蹈课后,就前往去Pavilion KL。一路上,我哼唱《青春的印记》—— 《爱。成长》的插曲。爸爸放下我和妈妈后,我们到询问处如何要去Golden Screen Cinema。服务员说:“走向你的左手边就是最附近的的电梯了。” 我们乘坐到五楼,拐一个弯就看到《爱。成长》的宣传海报。
到柜台处,工作人员问:“你是属于谁的歌迷?” 我说:“Nick龚建华。” 他们在名单找了几遍,似乎我的名字不再里面。幸好我有印出了比赛的证件,他们看了就说:“这是辣手网的。请您稍等。” 不久后,工作人员在证件上再三确认才让我和妈妈进场。我正在等妈妈的时候,不时往楼上看,Winson林胡昇在阳台。他向我挥挥手。
我从洗手间出来,只见Winson和慧瑜和几个人聊天。我走上前向他们正式的自我介绍:“你们好!我是陈袈文来自马六甲。” 我和他们合照,还跟Winson自拍。之后Winson说:“待会里面见吧!” 我说:“好啊!” 再到回戏院就座。
由于一些技术问题,微电影无法按照时间播放。但为了“安抚” 在场的观众,他们播放《爱。成长》的原声带。演员们和观众见面,他们也解释在微电影里饰演的角色。微电影播出之前,来个大合照吧!我转过身子的时候,竟然遇到四年没见到的洁莹姐和界辉哥也有出席!Jordan哥也不例外!
令我伤心的一幕是华仔(Nick龚建华 饰演)因病情严重得在医院的加护病房观察,状况不是很乐观。在一旁李家的龙凤胎—— 李筱明和李筱宁(何若瑄 饰演),在病床旁告诉华仔他一定会康复的。我差点流下了眼泪!电影的最后一幕是华仔的手动,似乎从昏迷从清醒过来。电影播完还有幕后花絮。我离开之前,Newman蔡长葆和几位粉丝在说话但我却被妈妈拉走,她说:“你在外面可以和他们拍照啦!”
我踏出戏院的时候,第一位见到的是Newman,“你好!” 我说。他说:“谢谢你来捧场哦!” 我只是傻笑说:“不客气!” 不远处看到Nick, “Nick哥!” 他看到我,说:“Katelyn,谢谢你过来!” Nick、Newman和我拍了一张照,我 “调皮” 接过Nick手中接过了花束。也有和Nick自拍。我走之前,给他一个温馨的拥抱。“我们明天见哦!” 他说。我说:“好啊!”
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The premiere of Love.Life |
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Winson Lim, plays the "bad boy" in the film |
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Meeting the cast. Left: Newman Chai , Right: Nick Kung |
8 September 2017
By MY Side the Movie Campus Tour at Sunway University (7/9/17)
We were having Organisational Communication lecture, Ms. Serena asked the class whether any one of us in the lecture theater knew the people from JinnyBoy. The class nodded and some of them were whispering among themselves. They were on a campus tour to promote their first ever movie called By MY Side.
I got to know about the event while I was browsing the News Feed on my personal Facebook page a few days ago, but when I looked at the time, it stated from 3pm to 5pm, that made me hesitated a little because it collided with Communication Theory and Practice lecture. Luckily, only one tutorial group had to attend the lecture while the other group was excused because we had ours during the Tuesday tutorial.
We were given the green light to leave the lecture theater early so we had enough time to grab lunch before heading to the event. I practiced the 24 season drums until 2.50pm, I packed my stuff and headed to JC 1. I bumped into Sean, who was my junior since primary school. I had to say it was a St. Davidian day out, well sort of! The room was pitched black as they were playing past YouTube videos of JinnyBoy. Sure enough, the hall was packed with students! We had a hard time to find a seat but luckily the usher reserved a seat for me which was right in front. Phew! What a relief!
Once the VIPs came in to take their seats, the event started at 3.04pm. Nadia, who was the host of the event came on stage to greet us. A thunderous roar was earned from the students. "Okay, if you scream loud enough, we'll bring the guys from JinnyBoy!" Sure enough, with our loud scream the guys from JinnyBoy- Jin Lim and Rueben Kang came on stage. They introduced their production team and shared their experiences from producing a good video to what it's like to be working on the team.
The moment we had all been waiting for- the appearance of the cast of By MY Side! Including our very own Sunway student- Arwind Kumar, was one of the casts in the movie! Ah, most of you want some movie spoiler right? Well, it's based on a Malaysian high school love story and showcasing the life of Malaysian high school students. It was time for the Q&A session! I took on the first question to the two main characters- Ben and Faye, played by Brandon Ho and Marianne Tan respectively, what can they learn from their characters in the movie, which earned "ooh's" and ahh's" in the hall. Every student who asked questions to the cast received a goodie bag.
"Wow, that's a very good question!" Jin said. Marianne said what she learned from her character, Faye, was how to be a strong and independent young lady after graduating from high school. Despite she and Ben (Brandon Ho) being away from each other, she still believes love- believing that Ben and her will have a happy ending. She has to stay strong for their relationship. Ben, on the other hand, he learned that being in a long distance relationship has its challenges. You have to trust one another, also making your own decisions.
The event ended at 5.05pm, a group photo is always the best way to end the last movie tour. What's with a movie tour without the meet and greet session? I was one of the last to meet the cast of the movie. Marianne was so down-to-earth and Brandon was handsome and I had a mini reunion with Arwind! I took selfies with Brandon and Marianne. I kissed Marianne and Josephine on the cheek! The best day of my life! A warm hug from Brandon too!
Thank you for making my dream come true! This Malaysia Day, let us take a step back in time to reminisce the good old days of high school. I may not have a first love now but somehow time will tell.
I got to know about the event while I was browsing the News Feed on my personal Facebook page a few days ago, but when I looked at the time, it stated from 3pm to 5pm, that made me hesitated a little because it collided with Communication Theory and Practice lecture. Luckily, only one tutorial group had to attend the lecture while the other group was excused because we had ours during the Tuesday tutorial.
We were given the green light to leave the lecture theater early so we had enough time to grab lunch before heading to the event. I practiced the 24 season drums until 2.50pm, I packed my stuff and headed to JC 1. I bumped into Sean, who was my junior since primary school. I had to say it was a St. Davidian day out, well sort of! The room was pitched black as they were playing past YouTube videos of JinnyBoy. Sure enough, the hall was packed with students! We had a hard time to find a seat but luckily the usher reserved a seat for me which was right in front. Phew! What a relief!
Once the VIPs came in to take their seats, the event started at 3.04pm. Nadia, who was the host of the event came on stage to greet us. A thunderous roar was earned from the students. "Okay, if you scream loud enough, we'll bring the guys from JinnyBoy!" Sure enough, with our loud scream the guys from JinnyBoy- Jin Lim and Rueben Kang came on stage. They introduced their production team and shared their experiences from producing a good video to what it's like to be working on the team.
The moment we had all been waiting for- the appearance of the cast of By MY Side! Including our very own Sunway student- Arwind Kumar, was one of the casts in the movie! Ah, most of you want some movie spoiler right? Well, it's based on a Malaysian high school love story and showcasing the life of Malaysian high school students. It was time for the Q&A session! I took on the first question to the two main characters- Ben and Faye, played by Brandon Ho and Marianne Tan respectively, what can they learn from their characters in the movie, which earned "ooh's" and ahh's" in the hall. Every student who asked questions to the cast received a goodie bag.
"Wow, that's a very good question!" Jin said. Marianne said what she learned from her character, Faye, was how to be a strong and independent young lady after graduating from high school. Despite she and Ben (Brandon Ho) being away from each other, she still believes love- believing that Ben and her will have a happy ending. She has to stay strong for their relationship. Ben, on the other hand, he learned that being in a long distance relationship has its challenges. You have to trust one another, also making your own decisions.
The event ended at 5.05pm, a group photo is always the best way to end the last movie tour. What's with a movie tour without the meet and greet session? I was one of the last to meet the cast of the movie. Marianne was so down-to-earth and Brandon was handsome and I had a mini reunion with Arwind! I took selfies with Brandon and Marianne. I kissed Marianne and Josephine on the cheek! The best day of my life! A warm hug from Brandon too!
Thank you for making my dream come true! This Malaysia Day, let us take a step back in time to reminisce the good old days of high school. I may not have a first love now but somehow time will tell.
C & S Carnival Cycle 2 2017 (5/9/17-7/9/17)
The final cycle of C&S Carnival 2017 at Sunway University College has come to an end. Let's take a look at the highlights during the three-day event.
On the first day, everyone was getting ready to get their booths set up at the NUB foyer (New University Building) and some of them were at the college's boulevard. On the eve of the event, we had to attend a briefing to draw lots for our location to set up our respective booths. Unfortunately for Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS), we didn't get a good spot as most of us were at a youth camp and studying for exams especially ACCA students. As a result it was last-minute planning.
After my lecture ended at 10.00am, I waited at the Sunway Chinese Culture Society's booth. Around 10.30am, Chia Tee and I headed to the boulevard. Our booth location was right at the end of the boulevard, near to the Graduate Centre (GC). I took care of the booth until 12.00pm because I had a PR lecture to attend. Luckily, the lecture ended an hour early so I went back to the booth to check on the progress but sadly no one came by. But at the end of day 1 of the carnival, I got my hands on the 24 seasons drums (In Mandarin: 二十四节铃鼓).
The second day I dropped by the booth for awhile after I took the mini quiz for Organisational Communication. As every Wednesday, I had a full day of tutorials from morning till afternoon. Luckily I got the quiz done early, so I did have a little time to spare. I was planning to practice the drums when the tutorial ended, sadly they were already kept for tomorrow. I even auditioned for SunVoice Season 2 held by the Chinese Culture Society, I didn't make the cut to the top 30 but it's okay! At least I had the chance to be on stage.
The third and final day of the C&S carnival, SBS decided to take a day off because during the last two days, our response from the students were not active and due to our location of booth, it was not the strategic place, so I helped out at Chinese Culture Society. Since it's located at the NUB foyer, it's an opportunity for me to practice the drums and learned some of the new beats from the students of Sunway CISA (Chinese Independent School Alumni).
Well, that's all for now! We'll see you at the next C&S Carnival in 2018!
On the first day, everyone was getting ready to get their booths set up at the NUB foyer (New University Building) and some of them were at the college's boulevard. On the eve of the event, we had to attend a briefing to draw lots for our location to set up our respective booths. Unfortunately for Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS), we didn't get a good spot as most of us were at a youth camp and studying for exams especially ACCA students. As a result it was last-minute planning.
After my lecture ended at 10.00am, I waited at the Sunway Chinese Culture Society's booth. Around 10.30am, Chia Tee and I headed to the boulevard. Our booth location was right at the end of the boulevard, near to the Graduate Centre (GC). I took care of the booth until 12.00pm because I had a PR lecture to attend. Luckily, the lecture ended an hour early so I went back to the booth to check on the progress but sadly no one came by. But at the end of day 1 of the carnival, I got my hands on the 24 seasons drums (In Mandarin: 二十四节铃鼓).
The second day I dropped by the booth for awhile after I took the mini quiz for Organisational Communication. As every Wednesday, I had a full day of tutorials from morning till afternoon. Luckily I got the quiz done early, so I did have a little time to spare. I was planning to practice the drums when the tutorial ended, sadly they were already kept for tomorrow. I even auditioned for SunVoice Season 2 held by the Chinese Culture Society, I didn't make the cut to the top 30 but it's okay! At least I had the chance to be on stage.
The third and final day of the C&S carnival, SBS decided to take a day off because during the last two days, our response from the students were not active and due to our location of booth, it was not the strategic place, so I helped out at Chinese Culture Society. Since it's located at the NUB foyer, it's an opportunity for me to practice the drums and learned some of the new beats from the students of Sunway CISA (Chinese Independent School Alumni).
Well, that's all for now! We'll see you at the next C&S Carnival in 2018!
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