23 January 2018

Being Mindful is the Best Way to Grow Up (23/1/18) 

  The first month of 2018 is coming to an end and I believe that most of us have achieved our New Year’s resolutions. As for me, being mindful is one of my resolutions, I still haven’t achieved yet.

It all started when I was an 18-year-old, a fresh graduate from high school, just stepping into college. Sure, new environment, new experience and being away from home for the first time.

 Every time I asked my friends out for lunch, they would reject me or give reasons such as busy with assignments and homework, I could understand that.Until I started my second semester in college, somewhere in the middle of the semester, I realised not everyone will bear and tolerate our attitudes. I started to learn being alone- a first step being independent at a tertiary level. The feeling was great as I got to know myself better as a person.

  Last year in March, I reached another milestone- entering university. I was one of the active students in lectures and tutorials, always wanting to prove that I could be like everyone. I was very "competitive" among my course mates whenever the Q & A sessions came on.

  Due to my "competitiveness", my course mates started to distant themselves from me. After receiving counselling from my lecturer, I started to subside my "competitiveness" and give other students chances to answer the questions. In the second semester, I told myself "give other people chances".

  Being enthusiastic is a good thing, but going overboard will cause lots of "problems". People would think that it will  "scare them off". I try to tone down every now and then. Sometimes I need to be someone else’s shoes and not thinking of myself all the time. At one point, I shut out the people around me because I wanted to know the mistakes that I have made.

  One way being mindful is to be observant by watching the people around us. Observe how they act, talk, handling problems, from there we can pick up their positive traits to improve ourselves better as a person. Another thing being mindful is to see the situation- knowing when is the right time to act and talk.

  As a young person who is going on the road to adulthood at 21 in November, I believe that being mindful is the first step of being a young adult.

13 January 2018

《本来只想暗恋你》粉丝见面会 (13/1/18)

  今天是《本来只想暗恋你》粉丝见面会!2018年的第一场活动!我们往雪兰莪蒲种大嘴叭,突然间爸爸的车子出问题,原来车钥匙没电池了。一路上,妈妈说:“文儿啊,如果主办单位问你为什么迟到,就说爸爸车子出了问题。” 我们到目的地,可是找不到大嘴叭,幸好一路上有几位良心商家带路。乘电梯到三楼,我们看到go xuan 的牌子,进场之前还附送礼物哦!

  我进去时候,瀚元哥哥刚唱完《小幸运》的最后一句,全场欢呼。现场主持人—— Vivienne温慧茵到台上,“是不是很喜欢《小幸运》这首歌呢?” 全场直呼:“喜欢!” 慧茵姐就说:“好,现在进行我们游戏环节。有请Ruby狄妃、Kendra苏凯璇、Jacqueline程爱玲以及Daniel 冯伟权到台上。”

  第一个游戏环节是—— 《比手划脚》,演员和粉丝们要在一分钟内要猜提示者的答案。两组只猜到答案,而一组没猜到,游戏的最后大家都有礼物。第一个游戏结束,Ruby姐献唱《90后》,刚才在车上也听这首歌,它有摇滚风格;Daniel哥哥和Jacqueline姐姐则献唱汪苏龙的《有点甜》,歌曲来到尾声的时候全场喊 “在一起” 这三个字,我看了也不禁笑了起来。我也把他们的演出录在手机。
  第二个游戏则是复制网剧里的情节,演员们向台上的参与者示范。第一组是俊松向倾城 “正式” 表白;第二组是复制美怡向家星表白,后来家星拒绝美怡,她气得把家星要一口!游戏环节之后,全体《本来只想暗恋你》演员到台上来个大合照。他们为大家献唱《情非得已》,还到台下和观众互动。

  演员们到我的身边时候,我直接飞扑瀚元哥哥的怀抱!他和我四目相视,我的心一直 “扑腾扑腾” 跳,我不是在做梦吧?慧茵姐姐说:“大家看看你的纸袋里的卡片,可以让演员们签名哦!还可以画上卡通版的自己。” 趁大家在索取签名的时候,就让画家姐姐画上卡通版的自己。慧茵姐姐过来看一眼,“慧茵姐姐!” 她看到我时候说:“Katelyn,好久不见!你过得好吗?你在哪里读书?” 我说我过得很好,现在就读大一在双威大学。

  队伍开始减少了,妈妈带我去索取演员们的亲笔签名。由于舞台的面积小,不方便合照。“待会我们的演员会和每个人合照,不必担心!” 慧茵姐姐说,我和她先来个合照。“新年你们会来马六甲吗?” 她说:“哪你要留意我们的官方面子书哦!” 当场还有供午餐,我只是吃个鸡蛋三明治和意大利面,还有一杯的抹茶。“我们再有请《本来只想暗恋你》的演员们到前台进行拍照环节!”

  瀚元哥哥和粉丝们拍了后就转身对我说:“来,我们来拍个照吧!” 我马上从妈妈手中接过手机就自拍几张,心里很兴奋!凯璇姐也过来跟我合照,“谢谢你来支持哦!” 我给她最灿烂的笑容,到爱玲姐姐时候,有一张是我被她 “吻” ,后来灵光一闪就问她:“爱玲姐,可以亲你吗?” 爱玲姐说:“可以啊!” 我直接亲她的脸颊,我们俩看了照片就说:“不错!很美!” 还剩下Daniel哥、Meeki姐和Ruby姐,但是他们要走了。

  我们要离开时候,主办单位把我们留步,原因是不要让粉丝们的围绕。我还问Ruby姐姐是否她还有联络William,她说:“有啊!” 我、Daniel哥和Meeki姐的合照也拍在Meeki姐的相机。离开之前,我给Daniel哥哥一个拥抱,他爱怜抚摸我的秀发像哥哥爱护着妹妹的感觉。我也不忘向主办单位说一声 “谢谢” 。我很开心!


My favorite character, Jun Song, in Xuan's new web series "May I Love You" 
After one and half years, Vivienne and I reunited  

8 January 2018

First Day of Year 1 Semester 3 (8/1/18)

  The school season started last week, but today the students of Sunway University College headed back for their new semester after months of break. The first lecture of today was Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia, it’s TITAS for short but the English name for this subject is called Islamic and Asia Civilisation. It’s a compulsory subject for every Malaysian student and we have to pass it too in order to earn our certificate upon graduation.

  The subject is in Malay, and I didn’t touch the language nor speak the language since I graduated from high school for almost four years. Although I passed the subject in my SPM, learning a new subject with the language again, it’s gonna be a challenge. As a Malaysian, I still speak Malay but not so much like I did in high school.

  There were two tasks or rather course work to choose from as part of the subject. The first one was attending a day camp or the second one which was creating a video based on the topic which is going to be given by the lecturer later on. The day camp each group must consist of 10 students, as always I’m the one who is “left out” but it’s okay, I’m sure one of the groups have to “accept” me.
 When it was about 9.45am, everyone in JC3 Hall started to stretch their tired legs and some of them were about to doze off. Our lecturer, Dr. Yaccob, who “witnessed” the scene, she said: “Since it’s the first day, I’ll let you kids go off. We’ll continue on Wednesday.” I was coming down the steps of the auditorium aisle, my new classmate, Feng, who gave me a helping hand.

  Ivan, my course mate offered to escort me down to the university’s foyer. After that, I headed to Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS) booth to recruit students for our upcoming musical in June! Isn’t this exciting? That’s one way to ring in the new semester!

  I’m happy to see my friends again! New year, new semester! Gotta work hard!