23 June 2018

SBS A Night of Musical Drama 初心之心门舞台剧 (23/6/18) 

  "初心" 这两个字,你是如何在你的角度诠释它? 它对你的意义有多大?如果你问我,对我个人看法来说我们总是在人生的一段路上,会想要放弃。不过有停下脚步想一想:为什么当初我们立下这个意念呢?我们为了什么而要达到自己的目标?我相信大家对 "初心" 这两个字有各自的诠释。


 维成(Derrick 饰)—— 一名十九岁的大学学生。他有音乐的天分,很爱唱歌。然而随着环境的影响,在大学时期交了一班的损友,令他走投无路失去了方向,他的初心是什么呢?直到有一天他和这班损友在酒吧打架,令他昏迷不醒。而他的灵魂也暂时离开他的身体。

  在一个不知的世界,神秘人告诉他:“维成,你的初心怎么把它忘了呢?” 维成说:“我不知道你在说什么?我的初心?” 神秘人接着说:“是啊!这里有一扇门,找回你初心就从这里开始吧!加油哦!”

  时间就穿越到维成的第十五岁生日,爸妈就送一个吉他给他为奖励因此对音乐产生浓厚的兴趣和激情。随着时间的溜去, 父母的反对当音乐家,他决定做自己的主角。不管有多少的反对,他相信会变成一位成功的音乐家。只要相信自己,我们一定达到梦想!



  多年过去,维成的中学朋友—— 悟顺(Han Kee 饰)已经成了一名成功的歌手。维成渐渐领悟到他的初心是源自于他喜欢的音乐,只是被环境影响差点毁掉自己的梦想在手中。所以每个人都有初心,只是看个人如何去诠释它而已。哪如果你问我:“袈文,你的初心是什么呢?” 我的初心当然是唱歌!


  谢谢各方对此舞台剧的认可和肯定!特别是舞台剧的筹委团,五个月的筹备为大家呈现以初心为主的舞台剧,辛苦你们啦!哪我这秘书也正式 “卸掉” 工作啦!这不是一个句点,这是一个美好的开始!正所谓:心门不易开启。你心中的门打开了吗?
Yay! A Night of Musical Drama is a success! 
I'm proud to be on the team 
Katelyn with her singer buddy- Derrick, who is also the main character of the show 
Yih Cheng, thank you so much for your support! 
Katelyn with her Sunway Chinese Cultural Society family 
Katelyn with UCSI BuDdY! 
Happy birthday, Joevie jie! 

20 June 2018

Sunway Social Innovators Club Human Library (20/6/18) 

I love to read books. Books can take us anywhere with our imagination- be it a fairytale, an adventure or fictional you named them! Not only reading books can widen our knowledge and enhancing our language skills and vocabulary, it also makes us to become more compassion and kind towards others.

If there is any chance I would go to the library and book feast and spend for hours to check out the latest books to add in to my latest collection. My favorite genres of books are biographies, fiction and recently starting on romance.

But have you ever heard about the "Human Library"? The books actually talk to you, sounds interesting? A talking book like the ones we always watch on TV instead of a book form, these books are real humans! Sunway Social Innovators Club (SSIC) held its first "Human Library". There were four books in store for students and staff to "read". The first one was The Refugee from Myanmar, followed by The Refugee Teacher, The Homeless CEO and The Troubled Youth.

I didn't register prior to the event so I was considered a walk-in participant. But before going down to the "books", there were some rules and regulations for participants to abide by. After going through the four titles, my choice was The Refugee from Myanmar.

I spent 30 minutes to read the book. It was about a brave Myanmar girl who wanted to have a better life and future and came to Malaysia to seek refuge. She was hoping that her home country will accept her people and give them a citizenship like any people in Myanmar. Also, she was hoping the Malaysian government will take some action and look into this serious matter.

The girl of the book even started up her own NGO foundation and collaborated with Malaysian NGOs, to help people who are going through the same hardship as her. I loved the book so much and even read it for the second time!

I felt fortunate and blessed to live in a place where I have almost everything from family to education. Sometimes, I do take things for granted at some point but after reading this book, it made me realised that there are some people out there who really need our help to change their lives and create a bright future for them.

What else can I ask for? I'm the most luckiest girl ever! I'm looking forward to the next Human Library. Maybe something that related to mental health?

18 June 2018

《青色围墙》演员见面会 (17/6/18) 


  一路上,我心里很兴奋!我最喜爱的书展,我要来了!抵达目的,爸爸让我和妈妈下车,再找泊车位。由于书展人山人海,不方便我走路,所以把 “宝座” 取出让坐,方便妈妈推车子。我们往附近大厅(四)的售票处领取门票,幸好我的是免费因为十八岁以下的学生、六十岁以上的乐龄人士以及残障人士可以免票进去。

 我从售票处领取书展导览手册,就望去大厅(一)的主舞台。妈妈问我:“文儿,这地点不是像去年的书展一样吗?” 我说:“是啊!去年《鹅卵石》DVD首卖会也这儿举行嘛!” 我听见司仪的声音,可惜不是Yuii姐,是MY电台主持人—— 大头Aki!前排已经已空无虚席,只好坐在后面吧!而且很靠近签名处!

  舞台上播放着《青色围墙》的预告片。过后大头Aki再重返舞台和大家见面了!“大家下午好!我是MY电台的大头Aki!欢迎来到Astro the Zee首部中文青春喜剧《青色围墙》演员见面会!” 台下的粉丝们尖叫起来。“哇,好多的尖叫声啊!哪有请《青色围墙》的六位演员—— Gabriel、Elyn梁瑜麟、Hazell、Sampson周力文、Jamie朱健美以及April周雪婷!” 

 演员们在台上一一自我介绍还有在《青色围墙》扮演的角色。“看来你们身上的衣服都很配色,拍戏久了也建立默契了?” Aki姐姐问。“也可以这么说!” Sampson哥说。在拍摄过程当中,Elyn说有一幕是在海边,但是导演不小心把它删除得重新拍过。我也明白,因为拍摄过程很辛苦。我曾参与大学同学的拍摄功课,但是我们有苦中乐!

  谈了拍摄过程,我们进入游戏环节啦!第一场是比手划脚,参赛者们须在两分钟内猜字,猜最多的一组就获胜啦!第一场比赛由Sampson哥和April组合获胜!接下来的第二环节就是抢答问题,有六道的简单题目都和《青色围墙》有关的。只可惜啊,我的反应太慢了!前面的小朋友们都抢答了!两场游戏结束了,演员们在台上拍个大合照。“记得要把我们的演员标记在你们的社交平台哦!” Aki姐温馨台下的粉丝们。

  我想要走去台前,可是我被妈妈叫住了:“文儿,你等一下。” 突然间,签名处亮起灯,演员也来到台下和粉丝们合照啦!我从队伍 “钻进去” ,待一个女生合照后,我马上走去。

  心里按奈不住的兴奋!“Gabriel,long time no see!” 我说,Gabriel他马上认得我!桌布把我的拐杖压着,差点跌倒但是我们及时把它拉走。“Gabriel,你就站在她的旁边吧!” 他们说。拍了照,我问:“可以签我的书吗?” 他们说:“当然可以!” 签了书,我向他们道谢,我还给Elyn一个拥抱。

  好啦, 可以去逛逛了!由于时间短暂,没得逛书展!

  《青色围墙》在6月23日(星期六),晚上十一时,Astro AEC (301 及 306 高清频道)与您约好不断线!更多《青色围墙》详情, 留守在:
Facebook: Astro The Zee 

Instagram: @astrothezee 



主唱:William陈建宏 & Priscilla Abby  

Green Wall casts on stage
Group photos of the cast to wrap up the event. 
Aki from MY taking a wefie with the cast on stage 
Gabriel and Katelyn reunited at Green Wall meet and greet photo session
Looking on were Hazell and Elyn  

Katelyn having her one-on-one time with the cast
Signatures from the cast of Green Wall  
Katelyn at the gardens of KLCC after the event

6 June 2018

Can’t Touch This Campaign: Truth Be Told 2.0 Mini Carnival (4/6/18-6/6/18) 

Hey guys, Can’t Touch This Campaign is back! This time with the theme of Truth Be Told 2.0. Before we go a little further, let me tell you about what is Can’t Touch This campaign.
It was set up by students of PR Project Management and Corporate Communication from Department of Communication and Liberal Arts (Jan and Mar 2016 intake). The campaign was to raise awareness of anti-sexual harassment. They had a flashmob dance to kick off the event, poem showcase and maze challenge just to name a few.

Now they are back! But this time touching on the issues of bullying. Did you know? According to UNICEF Malaysia that 84% of children and teenagers are facing bullying issues. What is bullying? Bullying comes in various forms such as verbal, physical, social and especially online which is also known as cyber-bullying, which happen to youths nowadays.

I have personally been through bullying throughout my life- verbally, socially and online, you named it! Let me tell you about my experience on cyber-bullying. A group of my primary school mates (2009 class) created a hate group page on Facebook, they left nasty comments about me. Yes, I was really upset! After a few months, I thought to myself "Hey, what they did was really childish! They are bullying themselves, because you are not only hurting other people's feelings but yourselves as well,"

Hmm, that makes me wonder: How did the CTT team come up with the topic of bullying this time around? Maybe they got inspired by The Star in partnership with Setia on the recent National Kindness Week which was held in April?

What's in store for the CTT campaign team this time? Throughout the three-day carnival, they have henna paintings, pallet decorating, mystery book sales for only RM 5 and a race car too! Well, for the race car we can experience "digitally".

My favorite part of the activity is the pallet decorating. We can express our bullying experience through arts and crafts. What's more? It's a competition too! Post a picture of you and your masterpiece on your social media platform with the #TruthbeToldSU and #NotCool2BeCruel. The most likes gain on social media, you'll win a grand prize- a trip to a rock climbing theme park!

And I have a chance to sit-down with the PR spokespersons, Jia Deng and Mark, on why they decided to come back as a second time around and hold a gala night which is happening on Friday (8/6/18)! 

Katelyn (K): What has made Can't Touch This Campaign to come back a second time around? 

Jia Deng (JD): The successful of the first event of the campaign which came from the active participation of the students like you and me, we have decided to make a come back but this time we are focusing on bullying and to raise awareness about it. 

K: How do you see bullying in the Malaysian society? Why the team decide to hold a dinner gala? 

JD: Bullying is a big social issue in Malaysia, but sadly Malaysians see bullying as a social norm. Through this dinner gala, people will have a better understanding on the effects bullying. There will be special performances from MPO to interact with our guests, as in giving them to experience a feeling of bullying and going through the whole process as well. 

K: What are the challenges that the team face throughout the campaign? 

JD: It's the timing of  booking a slot for the places of  our activities. One advice for the juniors who are planning their future campaigns, book your slots early (laughs)!  

K: On behalf of the team, what do you want to say for those who are being bullied? 

JD: The most important thing is to be strong, stand up for themselves. Also, we can stand up for others too, we might change their lives. 

K: Does bullying affect one's emotional state and mentality? 

JD: Yes, definitely! Bullying does affect one's emotional state and mentality.  Most people won't show it on the outside, but on the inside they are breaking down emotionally and mentally. That's why we have collaborated with BeFrienders KL to let the bullying victims know that it is alright to speak up and talk to someone who we really trust. Besides that, Befrienders KL is a help line for people who are going through tough times, they can be a listening ear when we have no one to turn to.  

K: It's a wrap! Thank you so much for your time! 

JD: Thank you for the interview. 

I give you two words for bullying- not cool! It is not cool to be mean to someone. Bullying is not okay, it is not cool to be cruel! If we have courage and be kind to one another, we can create the goodness and magic around us.

For more information of Truth Be Told 2.0, follow these social media sites:
FB: Can’t Touch This
Twitter: @CantTouchThisSU
Instagram: @cttcampaign

Pallet decorating which we can express our bullying experience through arts and crafts (5 June 2018)   
Day 3: Strike a pose with  the race car (6 June 2018)  

1 June 2018

BeYoutiful SU Closing Ceremony (1/6/18) 

The feedback of the coverages of beYoutiful campaign had been receiving positively from the seniors. They liked the coverages so much, and offered me to be a part of the press team at the closing ceremony.

I was super duper surprised and happily accepted the offer because I always wanted to be a student reporter to cover big events on campus. Starting with your own course department is the first step. Let’s take a look at the scene shall we?

The event took place at Gallery View, Level 1, NUB. I had a hard time looking for the place as it was located right below the Art Gallery. The moment when I entered, the setting was absolutely stunning or should I say beYoutiful! They had a photo booth, the showcase of the complimentary boards which they had collected messages from students around campus and a food pantry for us to fill up our tummies!

I thought I was going to sit at the back of the room but my seniors told me they had prepared my very own "VIP seat"! Wow, that’s a first! Wait, there’s more! I got my very own media kit- a clipboard with free stickers and the itinerary of the closing ceremony.

Before we go into the closing ceremony, let me tell you about what is beYoutiful campaign. It was set up by Year 2 students from PR and Corporate Communication of Department in Communication and Liberal Arts (DCLA), to raise awareness on self-love and self-acceptance. As they always say,  "Self-love is your first romance" which is so true!

Around 10.10am, students and VIPs started to fill the gallery up. The ceremony started with the welcoming remarks from our loveable emcee- Ruwan! At 10.20am, the closing ceremony of Beyoutiful campaign had officially started. They kicked off the ceremony with promotional videos, highlights of their activities and special shout-out from Malaysia’s famous YouTuber, Dennis Yin.

"Alright! That’s our promotional videos and highlights throughout our campaign. Now, can anyone tell me how do you break your insecurities?" Ruwan asked the questions to the crowd. Ooh, deep question! "Katelyn, I’m sure you have plenty of things to say," Ruwan said as he handed the microphone to me. "Well I think to break that insecurity inside of us, we have to be confident and courageous to stand up, so we can be beYoutiful!" I answered. "So being confident and courageous are the key to break the insecurities! Give it up for Katelyn, everyone!"

Cheers were received from the crowd. Also, my fellow course mate, Oswald, was asked to come infront of the room to have a few minutes of friendly interaction with the emcee. The ceremony proceeded with speeches from the campaign director herself, Ms. Kelsie Keah, DCLA programme chair, Ms. Padma, acting HOD, Prof. Donald William Boyles and Vice Chancellor, Prof. Graeme Wilkinson
What’s with a closing ceremony without any entertainment? A contemporary dance from Sunway Dance Club and singing from our very own Amal! Lucky draw and Instagram online contest prizes to the winners. Tokens of appreciation were given to the VIPs and lecturers for thanking them to take their time off from their busy schedules to witness the ceremony. A group photo was taken to mark a close of the campaign
After the ceremony ended, I had my one-on-one with the campaign’s PR spokesperson, Ms. Shenna Padman.
Katelyn (K): Thank you for your precious time, shall we begin? 

Shenna (S): Thank you for the opportunity! 

K: What is the objective behind beYoutiful? 

S: We wanna raise awareness among Sunway students and staffs on self-love and self-acceptances. There were some constraints but we wanna be sure that through this campaign, everyone can be comfortable in their own skin. 

K: Who is the brainchild of the campaign? 

S: I would say all of us were the brainchild of the campaign as this is a class team effort. Under the subject of PR: Planning, Implementation & Evaluation (P. I. E.), PR students will work on a possible campaign and they will have to vote on the potential ones that would be running in the next semester.

K: How were you inspired to set up the campaign? 

S: People tend to change based on society’s view, so we thought "Why not creating campaign that everyone feels in comfortable in their own skin because everyone is unique in their own special way. Be themselves instead of what society think about them as a person. 

K: What are the challenges that the team face throughout the campaign? How did you overcome the challenges? 

S: The challenges that we faced as in booking the right venue and getting the correct date etc. The key to overcome the challenges is communication because it is a process builder which can build trust towards each other as a team. 

K: Will you make this campaign a yearly event? 

S: No, but we want to emphasise the importance of self-esteem which can create a deep confidence of an individual. 

K: What are your hopes after the campaign come to a close? 

S: We hope that the students and staffs of Sunway will continue be comfortable with themselves and love themselves regardless of people's opinion.  Besides, self-love is your first romance! Haha! 

K: How the activities help the campaign to achieve its objective? 

S: Again, what we have mentioned earlier that we wanted raise awareness on self-love and self-acceptance. We also wanted to educate the people that it is okay to be yourself and look beyond what we see in ourselves. 

K: Okay, one last questions before we wrap up. Is there anything you wanna say to the team? 

S: Good job! Without the whole team's effort, this campaign wouldn't be a success. I hope they continue to love themselves and spread the love to the people around them. 

There you go guys, the final coverage of beYoutiful campaign! I think I'm more confident with myself now after attending all the fun activities they had throughout the campaign. We must have the courage to step out of our insecurities, so people will see us in a different perspective. We can't change people but the only person we can change is ourselves.

For more highlights of the closing ceremony, visit the Beyoutiful campaign's official social media sites
FB Page: Beyoutiful SU
Instagram: @beyoutiful_su