一年一度的校园新春活动来临啦!虽然新春活动的第一天没有上课,也阻我的心情提早去感受新春的气氛。今年的校园活动主题是 《忆旧70》,让全校感受七十年代的大马新春气氛。大约早上十时四十五,新春活动正式开跑!
哪到底要去哪个摊位呢?正好坐在书法摊子的对面,不如去看看吧!去年我写的春联,阿嬷把它们贴在大门口。今年又再写一次吧!我分别写个 "春" 和 "猪" 字。秀一下书法,游戏的摊子仿佛向我在挥挥手,于是我买下游戏的的门票来自我挑战。第一项是抛球,只要丢进三个就可以了。由于我的手眼协调不佳,抛球对我而言是个挑战。所幸,我三个球都通通丢进!
第二个游戏是---- 《新年知多少》?动动脑筋,来考一考新年的知识。我答对十道题目,但没有以最快的时间上榜。没关系,还有其他的好康在等着玩和尝试。我最喜欢的游戏是—— 跳飞机格,相信80后和90后熟悉这个游戏吧?
时间接近下午二时,就是说《大地回春》新春电影校园见面会要来了!在演员与学生们见面之前,司仪来两项小游戏。第一位由该电影女主角---- Joey梁祖仪,现唱主题曲---- 《你的笑 我的幸福》。接下来《大地回春》的演员们和学生们见面啦!虽然他们在拍摄过程面对种种挑战,最终电影可以在如期杀青,我敬佩演员们。
歌唱环节是我最喜欢的一个项目,《万水青山总是情》是大家耳熟的歌曲。我有这个荣幸和林德荣老师与祖仪姐姐一起唱小段,我得了一张今年MY Astro 《万象更新勇气棒嘟嘟》的贺岁专辑,还率领和电影的演员们合照,还有索取亲笔签名。
我迈开脚步到大学大厅。"跳飞机格" 是在两天的节庆最喜欢的游戏。再到回书法摊子写对联带回马六甲家乡。还有怎么少不了大马的传统的杂货店呢?是不是勾起童年的回忆?
大马第三中文电台Go Xuan 主播---- Jacky纬轩和Catherine凯心向学生们打个招呼玩游戏!第一道问题是Go Xuan的雪隆区的频道,第二道是MY Astro 的新年主打歌曲。这似乎难不倒哦!
“你会唱《勇气棒嘟嘟》吗?” Catherine问,我马上点头就唱了两句。“你的歌声还不错!” 就此得了Go Xuan的周边产品。主播们继续和学生们互动。游戏结束,当然就要抓紧机会拍照啦!我还清唱《勇气棒嘟嘟》的副歌给Catherine 和Jacky。我还向他们二为索取亲笔签名呢!虽然我没有留到最后,但我很开心可以重温父母过新年的时代还有回到童年的滋味。童年的新年是最好!
FB: Sunway University Chinese New Year Celebration
Instagram: @su_the1970orientalspring
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
24 January 2019
15 January 2019
1970 Oriental Spring Roadshow 忆旧1970造势活动(14/1/19)
朗朗的读声,在繁忙的大学大厅,怎么会出现财神爷的身影呢?是不是为校园添加好意头啊?学生们穿着红彤彤的学会会服,让主角财神爷站在中间。《财神到》一响起,把繁忙的大学大厅热闹起来,感觉新春的脚步越来越近。我最喜欢的是《活出自己快乐Whoopee》,歌词有一段:“大吉利统统送给你,财神会一直照着你……” 双威大学独中校友联谊会校园新春造势活动正式开跑!
第二场的新年开场舞蹈在学院的林荫道(boulevard)结束后,司仪和学生们一起互动。只要回答简单的问题,就会从财神本身送出的福袋,让这新一年得到暖暖的祝福!碰巧我在司仪们和财神的面前,不然碰一下运气吧!司仪们出的问题是校园活动的地点,我回答是大学大厅和学院林荫道同步举行。“恭喜你答对了!” 财神爷亲自把福袋送到手中,好开心同时感到新春的祝福。
第一个演出是扇子舞,接下来是双威大学好声音的选手们来助兴,其一位是我的音乐搭档兼好友—— Derrick庄伟楗。我摇身一变成 “迷妹”!还有《忆旧1970》的主题曲也首次公开歌唱给大家听哦!舞台确实最佳的地方来展现出魅力,属于自己的歌声的舞台。
虽然我没有留到最后,当我离开林荫道,一众的舞蹈学生献上《Dancing Queen》。当然大学大厅的一系列小活动也不能忽略,我在竹牌上写新春的愿望。如果觉得不够,还可以当天活动到许愿池许下新年愿望。
Event: 1970 The Oriental Spring
Date: 22 Jan 2019-23 Jan 2019 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Time: 11am-5pm
FB: Sunway University Chinese New Year Celebration
Instagram: @su_the1970orientalspring
第二场的新年开场舞蹈在学院的林荫道(boulevard)结束后,司仪和学生们一起互动。只要回答简单的问题,就会从财神本身送出的福袋,让这新一年得到暖暖的祝福!碰巧我在司仪们和财神的面前,不然碰一下运气吧!司仪们出的问题是校园活动的地点,我回答是大学大厅和学院林荫道同步举行。“恭喜你答对了!” 财神爷亲自把福袋送到手中,好开心同时感到新春的祝福。
第一个演出是扇子舞,接下来是双威大学好声音的选手们来助兴,其一位是我的音乐搭档兼好友—— Derrick庄伟楗。我摇身一变成 “迷妹”!还有《忆旧1970》的主题曲也首次公开歌唱给大家听哦!舞台确实最佳的地方来展现出魅力,属于自己的歌声的舞台。
虽然我没有留到最后,当我离开林荫道,一众的舞蹈学生献上《Dancing Queen》。当然大学大厅的一系列小活动也不能忽略,我在竹牌上写新春的愿望。如果觉得不够,还可以当天活动到许愿池许下新年愿望。
Event: 1970 The Oriental Spring
Date: 22 Jan 2019-23 Jan 2019 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Time: 11am-5pm
FB: Sunway University Chinese New Year Celebration
Instagram: @su_the1970orientalspring
8 January 2019
Back to University: Year 2 Semester 3 (7/1/19)
The Malaysian new school season had already started, and for Sunway University was no exception. It’s back to university for us too! Time to hit the books and gear up for a whole new semester to ring in 2019.
I was really excited as I’m starting my third and final semester of Year 2. After settling down in the library, I had a tummy upset. I guessed we couldn’t avoid the nervousness no matter how confident we are. Anyway, after I made my way up, I received an email from the course department that the results from the previous semester (Year 2 semester 2) were released.
Quickly, I checked the results and made it through the second semester, which means the third semester of is officially on the run! I informed my family and friends about my achievement. After checking the results one last time, I logged out of the computer and settled at the university foyer. The Sunway University Chinese Cultural Society (SUCCS) was looking for potential actor and actress for their upcoming stage play.
I popped my bag at their booth for awhile and made my way to the college building to check out if there's any interesting, I ended up bumping into a few friends and course mates who I haven't seen over the holidays. As I was scrolling through my phone, my best friend and former MUFY course mate, XY, texted me whether I was on campus.
I had about half an hour before lecture, I guessed a little meet up would be fine since I didn't meet her for a long time. What a surprise! An unexpected visit! I took a photo of my location so that XY could easily look for me. She eventually read my mind! She brought me a drink from YOY Tea cafe, which I initially planned to go the place itself. I had a grape-lemon drink, it was really refreshing to ward off the intense heat and a cool way to chill before the first and only class started.
The time was neared 2pm, I headed to class and seemed to me everyone was excited to see their course mates after the month-long holiday, and I was no exception. I had a good catch up with some of the kids in the August 2017 batch from my course, Communication.
What an awesome way to ring in the new semester and new year! Join Katelyn in a whole new musical journey as she resumes her first day of university of the year.

I was really excited as I’m starting my third and final semester of Year 2. After settling down in the library, I had a tummy upset. I guessed we couldn’t avoid the nervousness no matter how confident we are. Anyway, after I made my way up, I received an email from the course department that the results from the previous semester (Year 2 semester 2) were released.
Quickly, I checked the results and made it through the second semester, which means the third semester of is officially on the run! I informed my family and friends about my achievement. After checking the results one last time, I logged out of the computer and settled at the university foyer. The Sunway University Chinese Cultural Society (SUCCS) was looking for potential actor and actress for their upcoming stage play.
I popped my bag at their booth for awhile and made my way to the college building to check out if there's any interesting, I ended up bumping into a few friends and course mates who I haven't seen over the holidays. As I was scrolling through my phone, my best friend and former MUFY course mate, XY, texted me whether I was on campus.
I had about half an hour before lecture, I guessed a little meet up would be fine since I didn't meet her for a long time. What a surprise! An unexpected visit! I took a photo of my location so that XY could easily look for me. She eventually read my mind! She brought me a drink from YOY Tea cafe, which I initially planned to go the place itself. I had a grape-lemon drink, it was really refreshing to ward off the intense heat and a cool way to chill before the first and only class started.
The time was neared 2pm, I headed to class and seemed to me everyone was excited to see their course mates after the month-long holiday, and I was no exception. I had a good catch up with some of the kids in the August 2017 batch from my course, Communication.
What an awesome way to ring in the new semester and new year! Join Katelyn in a whole new musical journey as she resumes her first day of university of the year.
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