24 February 2019

Asia Leadership Conference 2019 (23/2/19)

Asia Leadership Conference- I bet the students of Sunway University College is not a stranger to this event. Since I stepped into Sunway four years ago, my dream was to attend the Asia Leadership Conference. Due to the pricing, I let the chance slip away every time they held one but not this time, I decide to take charge of it!

I arrive at the corridor of JC 3, the attendant ask me to take out my student ID for confirmation of my attendance. I'm about to take it out from my bag, Ms. Wan inform the student attendants and they immediately hand my participant tag. As I look around, most of the students are either in college or started their first year of university, I'm the only student who is about to step into the final year of university, that makes me the oldest participant. It's okay, most people comment that I don't look like my age which is a good thing so that I can "blend in" with the other participants.

Breakfast is served at Art Gallery, the room is almost full! I have a hard time finding a seat. After savoring breakfast, it's time for us to proceed to JC 3. Once everyone is settled down, the emcee gives opening remarks to welcome the participants as well as distinguished speakers. To warm up, we have an interactive ice breaking session. After that, it's back to our places and Asia Leadership Conference is officially on the run!

The co-founder and president of Asia Leadership, Mr. Samuel Kim, introduced the speakers that we are meeting them today at their respective workshops and professional developments. Not long after, Mr. Kim talked about his growing up and his family life, especially the people that he met which made him become the person he is today- standing in front of people giving motivational talks. His working experience in the UN, catches my attention, cause I'm involved in the Model United Nations circuit, which I'm hoping to step into the real UN one day.

Anyway, participants are broken up into groups to head to their first workshop of the day. Mine is "Communicating as a Leader to Inspire and Motivate" by Mr. Matthew Turner.  What are the values that we must have in a leader? Work sheets are given out and find out the four values that we think as an individual leader, while the second part is to share about the experience. There are three things to remember when communicating as a leader
1) The story of me
2) The story of us
3) The story of now

After all that energy is resumed from lunch time, time to head for the second workshop. To identify the barriers, first we need to find what is the root of the problem and how we find ways to overcome it. The third segment which is the first professional development, I'm back with Mr. Turner. He gave us tips on how to deliver a professional presentation. Visual presentations are always the trick to catch the audience's attention, make sure always have a dark background with light colours.

The forth and final segment is Networking Essentials with Mr. John Lim. There are four useful guides when it comes to networking.
1) Give First
2) Use Their Names (at least mention three times in a conversation)
3) Focus on the person, which means maintaining eye contact at all times
4) Maintain contact, keep in touch at all times. Who knows you are the lucky one to be hired in their company some day? Or a strong recommendation for potential candidates in big companies?

Time to head back to JC3. A small dialogue is held and a quick sharing session on how we feel about the conference. If you asked me, my favorites are the workshops conducted by Mr. Turner and Mr. Lim. As a Communication student, I will learn how to communicate effectively in future. We collect our certificates at the end of the conference and taking photos of course, with the speakers and fellow participants to mark the day.

I'm so happy that I join the conference and gain a lot of experiences from it. I'm hoping to join the next conference.

6 February 2019

农历新年2019 (5/2/19)

《勇气棒嘟嘟》的前奏把我从温暖的被窝苏醒,伸个懒腰让所有的细胞活跃起来!农历新年到人间了!我洗刷之后,换上红色的旗袍,归回传统。我到圆桌享受新年的第一个早餐。家人经过饭厅的时候,一个个赞叹新年服装:“阿文,哇!那么快就换上新年衣服了!” 我点了点头。

新年怎么不会少了新年歌呢?说不定在闹哄哄的新年歌就可以起身了!当然不会少Astro的新年歌,我开开到最大声量,新年歌传到整间家。二舅母说:“阿文,可以小量点吗?你的表哥表弟还在睡呢!” 新年歌哪可以开小声呢?新年的气氛不是没有了吗?“阿文,你乖点啊!你可以听,但是小声点就可以了。” 这时换阿嬷来劝我了,只好把音量调到适合的声音。

全家人都起身了,我就到客厅看看在电视上的新年的特备节目。今天还播出《败者为王》—— 我国马来西亚羽球一哥拿督威拉李宗伟的传奇故事,我把它录下,待会儿我们出去拜年。可是大家把时间延迟到下午四时多才进行向长辈们敬茶,这是我家必定的传统。

由大舅带领我们一家向阿公阿嬷拜年,因为他在排行中最大。一直到小舅母后,就到我们第三代了哪就是孙子孙女,我在七个孙中,我排第二。到了表哥之后,就到我了。去年他们跟着父母排行,这令我有点不满意。所以这一次一定要把握机会!表哥在和阿公阿嬷敬茶时候,我就站在他的后面。舅舅们说:“看来阿文已经排好队了!” 我露出胜利的笑容,幸好今年没被阻止。

“来,阿文!秀一秀你的新年祝福吧!” 舅舅说,好吧!哪我就来个从鼠年到猪年的Astro主题!“哇!好厉害啊!” 每个人叹道。“哪这是你多一封的大红包。希望你在大三也可以在学业上棒嘟嘟哦!” 阿嬷说。我盯着手上的金红包,哇,我是个幸福的女孩!舅舅们和妈妈陆陆续续给孩子们红包。



5 February 2019

大团圆2019 (4/2/19)

一年一度的新年除夕夜,已经来了!游子们在这时候回家园和家中等待回家的父母一起团聚!"家中有等你回家的父母,就是最大的财富" 相信大家对 《庆祝》 歌词的含义吧?为了避免在除夕夜堵车,我提早一天回马六甲家乡。可以说,我们第一个回家!当我在忙着练唱新年歌时候,小舅舅一家也回来了,他还买KFC给全家人吃呢!太有口服了!

今年我有帮忙备做团圆饭,步入了二十一岁成年就下定决心要学下厨。今年二十二了,就学会基础的先,待时机就尝试更难的。 陆陆续续全家人回来庆团圆。我在等待 《MY Astro 勇气棒嘟嘟迎春接大福》 的同时,我就打开《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》 追看最新的集数。直到大家都到到齐了,阿嬷说:"来,吃团圆饭了!" 由于饭厅的位子有限,只好坐在客厅边吃边看。

晚上九时正,《MY Astro 勇气帮嘟嘟迎春接大福》 新春倒数活动正式开始!电视上的艺人们唱十二年以来的贺岁主题曲---- 从 《大团圆》 直到 《勇气棒嘟嘟》, 我都朗朗背上口,陪大马人民的 MY Astro 的贺岁歌曲,怎么会忘记歌词呢?舅舅们还说: "哇,阿文!你那么厉害?"阿嬷附和:"哪当然!唱新年歌,我们的阿文就是最厉害!" 十三位的马来西亚和新加坡的经典电视和电影角色也陪全大马人民迎接猪年。

我最喜欢的一幕是阿炳(林德荣 饰)假扮成 "智能" 椅子,就是得到勇气队的策略,梁婆婆就因此 "上当"。超级搞笑!我在看一半的时候,三舅在准备迎接财神的祭品。"阿文,我们把电视声量小声点,要迎接财神。之后让你看,好吗?" 三舅说,我乖巧点头。我们一家迎接财神,希望年年都财源滚滚来!

