我们报到处的时候,谢富年礼堂的每个入口已经排满学生的长龙。“我们代表双威大学佛学会。” 我对招待学生说,“佛学会…… 好,跟我来!” 我们被带领侧门的入口。静慈说:“凯特,不如你在这里等吧!我们去排队。到时你跟我们进去,较方便你。” 我说:“好啊!”傍晚六时三十分,礼堂的入口正式打开。我从书包里取出门票,说不定今晚会是幸运抽奖者?
我们一入门,我被美味的蛋糕吸引住了!不禁垂涎三尺,“先走吧!我们可以慢慢享受。” 静慈说。我们安顿好后,就吃起美味的蛋糕啦!这一次我们被安排坐在前面,去年的文娱晚会,我们坐在后排。我觉得我们好像VIP呢!大大的屏幕上播放着文娱晚会的赞助商例如:星洲电子报、媒体伙伴MY和Go Xuan 等。
我们在等舞台剧开始的时候,我们和泰乐大学华文学会的同学交流。 灯光开始暗下来,文娱晚会即将开始了!台上的司仪向观众问好。我觉得男司仪的英文不错,和他的主持搭档很有默契啊!“大家请起立欢迎我们的贵宾们!” 贵宾们有双威集团创办夫人——谢夫人、双为大学副校长以及我们的原产业部长—— 郭素沁,在顾问学生们的带领下到台前。
“请大家肃立准备唱国歌!” 国歌的前奏响起,全体唱国歌。“谢谢大家!请就坐!” 大屏幕播放我国首相—— 敦马,呼吁国人支持本地制作的原产业油棕。郭部长在致词里提到我们现在很幸运,因为可以用华语来推广中华文化,同时让国际了解大马华人的特色。希望这一班的学生们继续把大马的中华文化传承下去,不要让它流失。
在颁发纪念品给贵宾们之后, 我们就有抽奖环节。接下来, MY DJ 们到台上和学生们互动啦!在台上见到已六年没见的赵洁莹姐,还有林德荣老师、颜薇恩老师、Kaka、也叶朝明等。我差点被抽奖啦!不然的话,我一定走上去给洁莹姐一个大拥抱啦!目前MY最红的网剧《MY不要玩啦!》已经来到最后一集了,我们的视线再次转移到大屏幕收看此网剧。洁莹姐当经理好酷哦!彤彤当前千金小姐,想要升职当董事长。
幸运学生们从主播们手上得了幸运奖,舞台剧正式开始!开场是男主角—— 柏君(俊隆 饰)和爸爸在客厅,“爸!” 爸爸说:“君,是你啊?那么大了!好,很好!” 爸爸他就回房间,无论柏君再呼唤,爸爸听不见。怎知,爸爸离开人间了。柏君和妻子—— 阿娟在忙着办爸爸的后事,这时大伯过来探望侄儿和已故的弟弟。“留着你爸几件的衣服。” 大伯说,可是柏君看也没看就说:“明天就把它们焚烧。”
谈着谈着突然间,传来敲门声。当阿郡开门时候,“请问您是……” 女方说:“您好!我是丽娜!这位是我先生鲁泉,我们来自中国福建。听说,李老先生在这里居住吗?” 阿娟说:“是的!进来吧!换上拖鞋……” 话未落,鲁泉夫妇就进了家里。“我没听爸爸说过我有中国的亲戚啊!” 柏君说。原来这对不速之客是多年 “失联” 的中国亲戚?
大伯拉柏君一旁问是否真实,柏君他也不知道到底是怎么一回事。办爸爸的后事,突然间来历不明的妹妹找上门来。“不会是‘骗子’?” 大伯开始质疑鲁泉夫妇。鲁泉开始环顾家里的四周,看到酒瓶在橱柜里,当他要伸手时候,“不能动!这是我双亲的结婚酒瓶!” 柏君说。丽娜看到丈夫的酒瘾再上身,上前阻止他别喝了便提醒上次所闯的祸。“不就喝一杯酒吗?” 鲁泉不理妻子就喝醉了,他的醉话把台下的观众笑翻了!
在爸爸的房间里,丽娜问柏君:“哥,你可以告诉我爸爸的事吗?” 柏君叙说他小时候撒了谎,被爸爸惩罚。“从此以后我再也不要撒谎了,因为爸爸的教训告诉了我,做人一定要遵守诺言。” 丽娜说:“就这样而已吗?还有爸爸的事是我不知道吗?” 柏君摇了摇头,表示没有。“你有看过爸爸跳舞吗?” 丽娜问,柏君却说没有。
法师们来到家要为爸爸超度,可是祭拜的排位有点摸不着头脑。在祭拜过程,鲁泉问大伯:“这是大马华人丧礼习俗啊?” 大伯说:“是啊!怎么了?” 鲁泉说很有趣!这让我有点摸不着头脑。突然间在美国升学的女儿拨电话向爸妈报平安,她问爷爷怎么样了。柏君和阿娟不知如何向女儿说爷爷过世的消息。
妻子阿娟等人到附近的餐馆吃晚餐,只剩下柏君兄妹倆。“你第一次来马来西亚是吗?” 柏君问,丽娜说是,尬聊的场面再次把观众笑翻了。
柏君他感叹以前爸爸在世,父子俩不了解彼此;现在他和女儿一样,不了解彼此。妹妹安慰哥哥。孩子们和父母要多沟通,亲子关系是通过双方了解彼此。身为孩子的我们常说父母不了解我们,父母也说我们孩子也不了解他们。身为孩子的我们不够了解父母?还是在父母的眼中我们是 “永远长不大” 的心肝宝贝?
丽娜说她不知道有爸爸的是什么感觉,温暖的大手牵着小手;在难过时候,在温暖怀抱又是怎样的感觉。柏君二话不说,就把妹妹抱在怀里, 兄妹俩之间感情解开了。这时,到妹妹牵着哥哥的手跳舞,“哥,你放松点!” 时光转移爸爸妈妈在跳舞的画面。“你看是飞蛾。” 妹妹丽娜说,哥哥阿君跟着妹妹指的方向。爸爸的灵魂回来了!
我们要珍惜当下,因为人生无常。我们不知道一个人的去留,直到他们的离去,我们才会学习 “珍惜” 这两个字。未必还来得及或太迟了。感谢双威大学华文学会文娱晚会的演员以及台前幕后的学生们为大家呈现的舞台剧!恭喜你们,舞台剧正式圆满结束!
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
26 April 2019
19 April 2019
SBS Welcoming Night: Succeeding Stride (18/4/19)
It's the moment that everyone is waiting for, Sunway University Buddhist Society's (SBS) welcoming night! This year our theme is "Succeeding Stride". How can we achieve success? How do we define success in our terms? What does success means to you? Want to know more? I'll take you to find out!
All exco members of SBS gather at the lunch box to set up for welcoming night. I'm not involve in the helping part much, as most of the setting up are required to move the chairs and tables. I want to help with the pumping of the balloons but it requires a lot strength, the boys are on that part of the duty while the girls are mostly setting up the tables.
After everything is set up, it's time to welcome our new members. I'm in charge of the registration part. It's quite confusing in between, as some students are coming in to have their dinner and I'm not really sure whether they are new members of our society. While I'm handling the guests, "Kate, you can stop for awhile. It's time for dinner," Jing Ci says.
I have to admit that my tummy is rumbling while handling the guest lists. After dinner, the exco members mingle with our new members. Kar Lok, the vice secretary, has a little game up on his sleeves- draw the layout of your room, how does it affect your personality in a psychological manner. This sounds interesting!
Everyone moves up to the stage because the first activity of welcoming night starts with the introduction of SBS by our president, Jing Ci, follow by Bro. Mun Yee's talk on "How to achieve success?", which incorporates with tonight's theme- Succeeding Stride. All we state are not materialistic success which is a good thing because most people think that money and status define success.
"Even brightening up someone else's day is a form of success because we want to see them happy," Bro. Mun Yee says. One small act can turn into something big.
What's with a welcoming night without any music? I have the privilege to beside one of the BBFM's singers, Osadhi jie jie (big sister in Mandarin). She recgornises me from Sadhu for the Music, where I went with my daddy last month. Before our music session, we have a 10-minute break for everyone to recharge. I have a small chat with Osadhi jie jie.
BBFM's singers gave us an insight on Buddhist hymns, and they can be in any form of genre like ballad, soft rock or even classical with a mix modern music. All of these they have one thing in common: spreading the Dharma through music. I sort of fulfill my two-year dream because I always want to have a duet with BBFM singers. Although not formal, singing with them is a dream come true! I hope that with my voice, I can spread the Dharma through music too.
I hope everyone enjoys the night, and I'm sure you might know how to define success in your own terms. If you miss out our welcoming night, not to worry! We'll be bringing you on a one-day trip to Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple and Tzu Chi Jing Si Hall KL! Isn't this exciting?
Welcome to our SBS big family! 佛学会永远的学会,永远的家 (Forver a society where I called home).
For more of our upcoming society's activities, look up on our official Facebook page:
Sunway University Buddhist Society- SBS.
All exco members of SBS gather at the lunch box to set up for welcoming night. I'm not involve in the helping part much, as most of the setting up are required to move the chairs and tables. I want to help with the pumping of the balloons but it requires a lot strength, the boys are on that part of the duty while the girls are mostly setting up the tables.
After everything is set up, it's time to welcome our new members. I'm in charge of the registration part. It's quite confusing in between, as some students are coming in to have their dinner and I'm not really sure whether they are new members of our society. While I'm handling the guests, "Kate, you can stop for awhile. It's time for dinner," Jing Ci says.
I have to admit that my tummy is rumbling while handling the guest lists. After dinner, the exco members mingle with our new members. Kar Lok, the vice secretary, has a little game up on his sleeves- draw the layout of your room, how does it affect your personality in a psychological manner. This sounds interesting!
Everyone moves up to the stage because the first activity of welcoming night starts with the introduction of SBS by our president, Jing Ci, follow by Bro. Mun Yee's talk on "How to achieve success?", which incorporates with tonight's theme- Succeeding Stride. All we state are not materialistic success which is a good thing because most people think that money and status define success.
"Even brightening up someone else's day is a form of success because we want to see them happy," Bro. Mun Yee says. One small act can turn into something big.
What's with a welcoming night without any music? I have the privilege to beside one of the BBFM's singers, Osadhi jie jie (big sister in Mandarin). She recgornises me from Sadhu for the Music, where I went with my daddy last month. Before our music session, we have a 10-minute break for everyone to recharge. I have a small chat with Osadhi jie jie.
BBFM's singers gave us an insight on Buddhist hymns, and they can be in any form of genre like ballad, soft rock or even classical with a mix modern music. All of these they have one thing in common: spreading the Dharma through music. I sort of fulfill my two-year dream because I always want to have a duet with BBFM singers. Although not formal, singing with them is a dream come true! I hope that with my voice, I can spread the Dharma through music too.
I hope everyone enjoys the night, and I'm sure you might know how to define success in your own terms. If you miss out our welcoming night, not to worry! We'll be bringing you on a one-day trip to Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple and Tzu Chi Jing Si Hall KL! Isn't this exciting?
Welcome to our SBS big family! 佛学会永远的学会,永远的家 (Forver a society where I called home).
For more of our upcoming society's activities, look up on our official Facebook page:
Sunway University Buddhist Society- SBS.
17 April 2019
双威大学佛学会理事们出席交流会,我们从大学直奔出席博大佛学会举办的佛曲聆赏会---- 《觉有情》位于雪州梳邦再也佛堂,而此地点离大学不远,只须大约三分钟的车程就到了。我和璟芳先下车,我们到柜台领取门票。我们在最后一分钟决定出席此聆赏会。
大家穿越到古代,商家们在路边摆摊子卖各自卖书籍和茶,但是中间摆的一个摊子是鳖?摊主似乎要把它卖,可是没人愿意买下来。当摊主要放弃的时侯,一位公子和他的侍女经过。摊主哀求公子把这至鳖买下,"好吧!既然如此,我就买下吧!" 公子看遍体鳞伤的鳖,就到附近的河流为它洗伤口。之后,希望鳖可以度过一切痛苦。
在书房里,公子往常在挥笔。突然间听到敲门声,"咦,这么晚了!谁在这时候敲门啊?可以帮我看看是谁吗?" 于是侍女就到门口探个究竟,没什么人,只是一个黑色的 "石头" 。"有人在外面吗?" 公子问,"没什么人,但是外面有个奇怪的东西。"侍女说。当公子亲自到门口探个究竟,那奇怪的东西就现身一个女孩!"公子的恩德我感激不尽!" 女孩向公子跪谢,再仔细看,女孩的额头上有伤口。
公子沉思一会儿就说:"我记得了!你是那时候遍体鳞伤的鳖!" 大事不妙!整个城子在面临大水灾!公子、侍女和鳖在洪水划船逃命。一路上救了小狐狸、小蛇还有一个村民。靠岸之后,小狐狸和小蛇向公子道谢,同时也留下了 "受伤" 的村民。
画面转移到山洞,小蛇蹲在一旁哭泣。小狐狸问:"小蛇,你怎么了?" 小蛇说:"我们的家被洪水冲走了!而我也无家可归,不知道在哪儿住呢?" 小狐狸说:"不如就住在我这儿吧!" 小蛇她开心极了!当她在探索小狐狸的山洞,发现有个藏宝盒,她们俩打开一看是装着金银和珠宝。
小狐狸说:"可是我们不能用!"小蛇附和说:"对啊!我们是动物,不能用!要送给谁呢?" 这时就联想到在大水灾救她们的公子。小蛇和小狐狸送给公子藏宝盒,他看里面的金银珠宝就说:"拿去布施吧!帮助贫民。" 可是这时受伤的村民看到就想要独占,他们发现原来那个村民不是真正的受伤而是装的!
唉,可怜的公子被无辜冤枉,关在监狱里。另一边在皇宫里,当皇帝在看宝贝女儿跳舞,突然间公主晕倒了,让皇帝担心不已!当太医向禀报公主的病情不是乐观,这让皇帝更加怒了!"谁说公主的病不会医治好!朕宣布只要谁可以把公主的病治好,就封为他国相!" 然而此时在牢里的公子把鳖留下的仙丹,吩咐侍女去送去皇宫献给皇上。希望公主的病能够治好,同时为公子还清白。
大家穿越到古代,商家们在路边摆摊子卖各自卖书籍和茶,但是中间摆的一个摊子是鳖?摊主似乎要把它卖,可是没人愿意买下来。当摊主要放弃的时侯,一位公子和他的侍女经过。摊主哀求公子把这至鳖买下,"好吧!既然如此,我就买下吧!" 公子看遍体鳞伤的鳖,就到附近的河流为它洗伤口。之后,希望鳖可以度过一切痛苦。
在书房里,公子往常在挥笔。突然间听到敲门声,"咦,这么晚了!谁在这时候敲门啊?可以帮我看看是谁吗?" 于是侍女就到门口探个究竟,没什么人,只是一个黑色的 "石头" 。"有人在外面吗?" 公子问,"没什么人,但是外面有个奇怪的东西。"侍女说。当公子亲自到门口探个究竟,那奇怪的东西就现身一个女孩!"公子的恩德我感激不尽!" 女孩向公子跪谢,再仔细看,女孩的额头上有伤口。
公子沉思一会儿就说:"我记得了!你是那时候遍体鳞伤的鳖!" 大事不妙!整个城子在面临大水灾!公子、侍女和鳖在洪水划船逃命。一路上救了小狐狸、小蛇还有一个村民。靠岸之后,小狐狸和小蛇向公子道谢,同时也留下了 "受伤" 的村民。
画面转移到山洞,小蛇蹲在一旁哭泣。小狐狸问:"小蛇,你怎么了?" 小蛇说:"我们的家被洪水冲走了!而我也无家可归,不知道在哪儿住呢?" 小狐狸说:"不如就住在我这儿吧!" 小蛇她开心极了!当她在探索小狐狸的山洞,发现有个藏宝盒,她们俩打开一看是装着金银和珠宝。
小狐狸说:"可是我们不能用!"小蛇附和说:"对啊!我们是动物,不能用!要送给谁呢?" 这时就联想到在大水灾救她们的公子。小蛇和小狐狸送给公子藏宝盒,他看里面的金银珠宝就说:"拿去布施吧!帮助贫民。" 可是这时受伤的村民看到就想要独占,他们发现原来那个村民不是真正的受伤而是装的!
唉,可怜的公子被无辜冤枉,关在监狱里。另一边在皇宫里,当皇帝在看宝贝女儿跳舞,突然间公主晕倒了,让皇帝担心不已!当太医向禀报公主的病情不是乐观,这让皇帝更加怒了!"谁说公主的病不会医治好!朕宣布只要谁可以把公主的病治好,就封为他国相!" 然而此时在牢里的公子把鳖留下的仙丹,吩咐侍女去送去皇宫献给皇上。希望公主的病能够治好,同时为公子还清白。
8 April 2019
Malaysia National Model United Nations 2019 (5/4/19-7/4/19)
This was where my passion began for Model United Nations (MUN), the Malaysia National Model United Nations (MNMUN). I'm off for the day from university, so that saves time spending hours on campus just to wait. Why not tune in to YouTube for a an episode of Mamak Sessions with JinnyBoy?
My mum drops me off at Sunway International School (SIS), that is where the opening ceremony will be held. As I make my way to collect my door gift, Zi En recognises me "Kar Marn, do you still remember me?" Yes, I definitely do! We were in the same UNICEF council back in Reform MUN in March. I settle down in my seat to make myself comfortable. I look around the room, most of the delegates are so much younger than me. I have a nostalgic feeling because I'm one of the oldest delegates in the hall.
This brought me back to my very first MUN last year, it was the 2018 edition of MNMUN. I was a first time delegate back then, I didn't feel that I was one of the oldest delegates because some were even older than I am, so I was a bit secured at that point. Back to MNMUN 2019! I saw my friend, Sara, who is sitting across the room. I haven't seen her since we last saw each other at the UN SDG 3rd anniversary celebration.
I get up from my seat and move from across the room, sitting next to Sara. The hall is filling up with delegates. The opening ceremony starts at 4.00pm, starting with the opening remarks from the principal of SIS. Follow by the video presentation of each council, next up we have the brainchild behind Sunway Model United Nations (SUNMUN), Jack. I want to highlight that Jack mentions in his speech, the MUN scene was not as professional as before. He said that he witnessed some of the delegates were being bullied or receiving harassment in council. At one point, it just hits me, and he hopes that the delegates sitting here will not repeat the same mistake. Keep it professional and diplomatic, create life long friendships.
Under the escorts of the admins, delegates move from SIS back to Sunway College for the first council session of the day. It's raining but that didn't dampen my spirits, and luckily I'm wearing pants so somehow it makes the journey easier when walking back to campus.
I'm the Malaysian Youth Council (MYC), representing myself as a Malaysian youth. My chair Kishan, is a absent on the first day. The co-chair Izabelle takes charge of the council. Our first topic is Women Empowerment while the second topic is Race Relations- an issue that the country is still facing today. Personally I want to work on race relations, as women empowerment is a common issue that the world is tackling right now.
Since everyone is keen on Women Empowerment, we just have to follow on majority. In HMUN procedure, we are put on the General Speakers List (GSL). I go off topic a little, but quickly I'm back on track. The debate adjourns at 7.30pm. I'm waiting for my parents to pick up at the university side. I talk to first-timers, Khemi and Ji Xian who are in MYC and DISEC respectively. "Do you have any tips for first-timers?" they ask.
Wow, that's a first! "I don't have any tips for first-timers but it's the best to observe other delegates and pay attention to their points closely. Maybe you'll find some points to debate. Be confident!" I say. "That's the best advice! Thank you so much, Katelyn!"
The second day of council, we are still on the topic of Women Empowerment. Before that, our chair, Kishan, has a little interactive session before debate is resumed. In mid council, it just gets interesting! Kishan pulls out the Jalur Gemilang from his bag, the council starts to sing the Malaysian national anthem "Negaraku". "I want you all to represent yourself, fight for the country you are in!" he says. Kishan places the flag in front of the council to remind delegates that we are fighting for our beloved country, Malaysia, as young Malaysian youths.
A resolution is passed and now we are moving on the topic that everyone is keen on: Race Relations. The topic is on fire, as this topic is Malaysia still facing today. What can we do as young Malaysians to unite the people of Malaysia? That we can think over lunch time. I hang out with Ji Xian, Khemi and my new friends from DISEC. We dine at Thyme Out- a Mexican restaurant. Jo and I kind of slack off from the gang, Ji Xian and Khemi come back to look for us.
Ji Xian is so considerate that he opens his umbrella to ward the three of us off from the intensive heat. Along the way, we talk about our interests, studies, hobbies and especially age. "Actually Katelyn, you are 22 years young, not old!" Ji Xian says, my heart melts! He is a sweet talker! A quick bite from our lunch, we head back to our respective council to continue the debate which we left off earlier.
After all that debate, it's time for socials! It's tradition in every MUN conference, where delegate can mingle with each other, enjoying good food and music at the same time. We have performances from Taylor's University Music Club! I didn't stay until the end as I'm too tired throughout the day.
On the third and final day, our topic on Race Relations is still on going. We are interrupted in mid debate cause there's a photo session for each council. We head up to the forth floor, where the college rooftop garden is located. I have the chance to drape on to the Jalur Gemilang, I feel a sense of pride and glory.
For the first time in a MUN conference, a debate is suspended which means we cannot come to a conclusion but nonetheless we have done the best to solve the issue of race relations. Prior to the closing ceremony, we have a little interactive session. After that, Kishan asks any one in this room is a Sunway student. I raise up my hand. "Do you know where JC 3 is?" he asks, "Yes, yes I do. It is at the university side," I say.
The closing ceremony begins with a slide shows of upcoming MUNs such as Taylor's, Monash, and of course our very own, SUNMUN! I'm kind of hesitant a little as the dates of the conference clash with my examination period. Awards are given out to delegates for best, outstanding, and best position paper award. The moment we have been waiting for, the best group delegation! Monash takes home as the best group delegation, follow by Taylor's University. Well, I hope Sunway will get one in future MUNs.
We collect the certificates on our way out and I lost my flag! Luckily it is retrieved after that. We have our very own photo session to mark the special day. MNMUN holds a special place in my heart because it was very first MUN. I'm off for a break, I'll make a comeback soon!
My mum drops me off at Sunway International School (SIS), that is where the opening ceremony will be held. As I make my way to collect my door gift, Zi En recognises me "Kar Marn, do you still remember me?" Yes, I definitely do! We were in the same UNICEF council back in Reform MUN in March. I settle down in my seat to make myself comfortable. I look around the room, most of the delegates are so much younger than me. I have a nostalgic feeling because I'm one of the oldest delegates in the hall.
This brought me back to my very first MUN last year, it was the 2018 edition of MNMUN. I was a first time delegate back then, I didn't feel that I was one of the oldest delegates because some were even older than I am, so I was a bit secured at that point. Back to MNMUN 2019! I saw my friend, Sara, who is sitting across the room. I haven't seen her since we last saw each other at the UN SDG 3rd anniversary celebration.
I get up from my seat and move from across the room, sitting next to Sara. The hall is filling up with delegates. The opening ceremony starts at 4.00pm, starting with the opening remarks from the principal of SIS. Follow by the video presentation of each council, next up we have the brainchild behind Sunway Model United Nations (SUNMUN), Jack. I want to highlight that Jack mentions in his speech, the MUN scene was not as professional as before. He said that he witnessed some of the delegates were being bullied or receiving harassment in council. At one point, it just hits me, and he hopes that the delegates sitting here will not repeat the same mistake. Keep it professional and diplomatic, create life long friendships.
Under the escorts of the admins, delegates move from SIS back to Sunway College for the first council session of the day. It's raining but that didn't dampen my spirits, and luckily I'm wearing pants so somehow it makes the journey easier when walking back to campus.
I'm the Malaysian Youth Council (MYC), representing myself as a Malaysian youth. My chair Kishan, is a absent on the first day. The co-chair Izabelle takes charge of the council. Our first topic is Women Empowerment while the second topic is Race Relations- an issue that the country is still facing today. Personally I want to work on race relations, as women empowerment is a common issue that the world is tackling right now.
Since everyone is keen on Women Empowerment, we just have to follow on majority. In HMUN procedure, we are put on the General Speakers List (GSL). I go off topic a little, but quickly I'm back on track. The debate adjourns at 7.30pm. I'm waiting for my parents to pick up at the university side. I talk to first-timers, Khemi and Ji Xian who are in MYC and DISEC respectively. "Do you have any tips for first-timers?" they ask.
Wow, that's a first! "I don't have any tips for first-timers but it's the best to observe other delegates and pay attention to their points closely. Maybe you'll find some points to debate. Be confident!" I say. "That's the best advice! Thank you so much, Katelyn!"
The second day of council, we are still on the topic of Women Empowerment. Before that, our chair, Kishan, has a little interactive session before debate is resumed. In mid council, it just gets interesting! Kishan pulls out the Jalur Gemilang from his bag, the council starts to sing the Malaysian national anthem "Negaraku". "I want you all to represent yourself, fight for the country you are in!" he says. Kishan places the flag in front of the council to remind delegates that we are fighting for our beloved country, Malaysia, as young Malaysian youths.
A resolution is passed and now we are moving on the topic that everyone is keen on: Race Relations. The topic is on fire, as this topic is Malaysia still facing today. What can we do as young Malaysians to unite the people of Malaysia? That we can think over lunch time. I hang out with Ji Xian, Khemi and my new friends from DISEC. We dine at Thyme Out- a Mexican restaurant. Jo and I kind of slack off from the gang, Ji Xian and Khemi come back to look for us.
Ji Xian is so considerate that he opens his umbrella to ward the three of us off from the intensive heat. Along the way, we talk about our interests, studies, hobbies and especially age. "Actually Katelyn, you are 22 years young, not old!" Ji Xian says, my heart melts! He is a sweet talker! A quick bite from our lunch, we head back to our respective council to continue the debate which we left off earlier.
After all that debate, it's time for socials! It's tradition in every MUN conference, where delegate can mingle with each other, enjoying good food and music at the same time. We have performances from Taylor's University Music Club! I didn't stay until the end as I'm too tired throughout the day.
On the third and final day, our topic on Race Relations is still on going. We are interrupted in mid debate cause there's a photo session for each council. We head up to the forth floor, where the college rooftop garden is located. I have the chance to drape on to the Jalur Gemilang, I feel a sense of pride and glory.
For the first time in a MUN conference, a debate is suspended which means we cannot come to a conclusion but nonetheless we have done the best to solve the issue of race relations. Prior to the closing ceremony, we have a little interactive session. After that, Kishan asks any one in this room is a Sunway student. I raise up my hand. "Do you know where JC 3 is?" he asks, "Yes, yes I do. It is at the university side," I say.
The closing ceremony begins with a slide shows of upcoming MUNs such as Taylor's, Monash, and of course our very own, SUNMUN! I'm kind of hesitant a little as the dates of the conference clash with my examination period. Awards are given out to delegates for best, outstanding, and best position paper award. The moment we have been waiting for, the best group delegation! Monash takes home as the best group delegation, follow by Taylor's University. Well, I hope Sunway will get one in future MUNs.
We collect the certificates on our way out and I lost my flag! Luckily it is retrieved after that. We have our very own photo session to mark the special day. MNMUN holds a special place in my heart because it was very first MUN. I'm off for a break, I'll make a comeback soon!
5 April 2019
C & S Carnival Cycle 1 2019 (2/4/19-4/4/19)
Looking for a club or society, but don't know which one to choose from? Head over to Sunway University College's Clubs and Societies Carnival, the first ever big extra-curriculum activity on campus! Over 60 clubs and societies for potential members to choose from. As for me, I'm in the Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS).
An hour before the carnival, I make my way to the college boulevard. I see everyone is carrying banners, posters and bunting for their respective clubs. I have trouble looking for the society's booth, but luckily with the help from student council, I mange to settle down. I almost fall, because the table is unstable. I inform my fellow exco members that I have already arrived at the booth, just need to wait for them to get the supplies to set up.
I take out the bluetooth speaker to blast some music from the iPad on my playlist. Not long the speakers at the stage area are blasting throughout the boulevard, so I have to keep the BT speaker into the box. Sometimes people will get confuse, when they visit our booth and listening to both music at the same time. I have to rush for Investor Relations class, I inform the group that I'm heading off soon.
My class ends at 1.45pm, so I head back to the booth to help out until the end of the day. Moving on to the second day, the status of the recruitment still remain the same. None of them drops by, but we have a student drop by to sign up as a member, at least is a good sign right? We are also having a second musical drama: A Night of Musical Drama 2.0, but we need people who can work on behind-the-scenes with us. Every student who passes by our booth, we try to stop them in their tracks but they just reject. Oh well!
Luckily Sunway University Chinese Cultural Society comes by to promote their upcoming stage play- Epaniour, which is happening on 25 April 2019 (mark your calendars!). They will help Buddhist Society to promote our musical drama too! Also I have a treat from Sunway HPAIR with their lemonade with just RM1! I guess it's good to treat yourself after all that hard work.
The weather is not nice to us on the second day of the carnival as we are approached by a rain storm, we have to pack up but it didn't my dampen spirits as I can relax after a long day. I head to the library to relax myself and also need to get some important things done like the upcoming Malaysia National Model UN (MNMUN) which is happening this Friday.
On the last and final day of C & S carnival, we are quite relax a little. Before the day ends, the student council drops by and ask how many members that we have recruited throughout the three days, we tell them that only one student sign up for our society. As time passes by till 4pm, the student council announces to keep all belongings and return them to Student Life.
After the weekly SBS meeting, we head over to the newly opened Sweet Gather to have a meal after a tiring three-day recruitment and we celebrate our president, Jing Ci's birthday too! What a way to end the first C & S of the year. If you miss out our recruitment day, join us on our welcoming night on 18 April 2019. It's not too late to join the SBS big family.
SBS Welcoming Night
Date: 18 Apr 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 6pm-9.30pm
Venue: The Lunch Box, Mezzanine floor, Sunway University
*Vegetarian meal will be served
For more information, look out for our official FB page: Sunway University Buddhist Society-SBS
An hour before the carnival, I make my way to the college boulevard. I see everyone is carrying banners, posters and bunting for their respective clubs. I have trouble looking for the society's booth, but luckily with the help from student council, I mange to settle down. I almost fall, because the table is unstable. I inform my fellow exco members that I have already arrived at the booth, just need to wait for them to get the supplies to set up.
I take out the bluetooth speaker to blast some music from the iPad on my playlist. Not long the speakers at the stage area are blasting throughout the boulevard, so I have to keep the BT speaker into the box. Sometimes people will get confuse, when they visit our booth and listening to both music at the same time. I have to rush for Investor Relations class, I inform the group that I'm heading off soon.
My class ends at 1.45pm, so I head back to the booth to help out until the end of the day. Moving on to the second day, the status of the recruitment still remain the same. None of them drops by, but we have a student drop by to sign up as a member, at least is a good sign right? We are also having a second musical drama: A Night of Musical Drama 2.0, but we need people who can work on behind-the-scenes with us. Every student who passes by our booth, we try to stop them in their tracks but they just reject. Oh well!
Luckily Sunway University Chinese Cultural Society comes by to promote their upcoming stage play- Epaniour, which is happening on 25 April 2019 (mark your calendars!). They will help Buddhist Society to promote our musical drama too! Also I have a treat from Sunway HPAIR with their lemonade with just RM1! I guess it's good to treat yourself after all that hard work.
The weather is not nice to us on the second day of the carnival as we are approached by a rain storm, we have to pack up but it didn't my dampen spirits as I can relax after a long day. I head to the library to relax myself and also need to get some important things done like the upcoming Malaysia National Model UN (MNMUN) which is happening this Friday.
On the last and final day of C & S carnival, we are quite relax a little. Before the day ends, the student council drops by and ask how many members that we have recruited throughout the three days, we tell them that only one student sign up for our society. As time passes by till 4pm, the student council announces to keep all belongings and return them to Student Life.
After the weekly SBS meeting, we head over to the newly opened Sweet Gather to have a meal after a tiring three-day recruitment and we celebrate our president, Jing Ci's birthday too! What a way to end the first C & S of the year. If you miss out our recruitment day, join us on our welcoming night on 18 April 2019. It's not too late to join the SBS big family.
SBS Welcoming Night
Date: 18 Apr 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 6pm-9.30pm
Venue: The Lunch Box, Mezzanine floor, Sunway University
*Vegetarian meal will be served
For more information, look out for our official FB page: Sunway University Buddhist Society-SBS
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