27 July 2019


"你长大后要当什么呢?" 这一句在中四被问的 "终身大事" 问题,我想了一下就说:"新闻主播。" 我给答案之后就被泼一桶冷水:"你真的可以当主播吗?" 当时的打击对我来说很大,不知如何面对当时的冷语。于是下定决心要努力把这个梦想实现它!

2015年,刚从中学毕业的我,当年《新闻报报看》主播———陈韵传,同样问我 "终身大事" 的问题:"你长大后要当什么呢?" 这一次我很肯定,"像你一样当新闻主播。" 韵传姐说:"相信有一天你会实现你的梦想!" 相隔四年后,梦想就在眼前。

当车子驾进astro总部的时候,心里有多兴奋啊!报名登入之后,就到等候区等待面试。既然我的编号较后面,不如就出席讲座会打发时间吧!工作人员带我们到studio 1。司仪颜伟俊到讲台和观众打招呼,"现在问现场的同学们,你们知道我们即将的主讲人会是谁吗?" 他问。

现场的同学们就说:"萧慧敏!" 伟俊说我们再喊一次就可以请到萧慧敏出来,"大家早上好!我是萧慧敏!" 我终于可以亲眼看到童年的偶像!"哪位同学来自双威?" 慧敏姐姐问。我马上举手,"你自己一个人来吗?你同学怎么没来啊?" 我说:"其实,我是来这里实现我的梦想!" 全场同学鼓掌。好了,话不多说,马上进入正题!

相信大家对509第十四届全马大选,这个符号熟悉吧?今天的讲座就是关于到509第十四届全国大选,对马来西亚人民,尤其是新一代的我们,是一个新的开始。"哪你们有看我们的《选战最热报》吗?" 当场的同学们都说有,我也不例外。当时我只是等放假的消息,因为很接近大学的休假星期。"除了509,513、505和308 都是对大马人民来说是一个符号。" 萧主播说,我想了一下,原来这些符号可以改变一个国家的未来,甚至是我们的未来。哪你会给的符号是什么呢?

第二场讲座会是《Melody, I love you 早晨!》的主播———大宝和Anson,如何培养默契呢?有十大步骤必须要注意。当然双方会有不同的注意,就会起 "冲突",但是和搭档商量就可以在节目上擦出美丽的火花。中午十二时,在王小姐的带领下,我们游览Astro总部。我们被带到新闻部摄影棚,我偷偷看一眼门后的摄影棚。

《新闻报报看》主播——— 庄文杰,亲自带同学们看看新闻摄影棚的真面目。"谁要试试看报新闻?" 文杰哥哥问。二话不说就毛遂自荐,他们给我稿的时候,在脑海 "消化" 每个字。上场之前工作人员帮我放clip mic 和earpiece,文杰哥哥先为大家示范一遍。

"好!接下来,有请我们第一位同学出场!" 手还拿着稿,"我们有提词机,我会给你个手势就可以进入状态。" 文杰哥哥说,听到倒数后,马上进入状态跟大家 "报导新闻" 。哇,当一日的新闻主播真的很好玩!参观新闻棚后,接下来我们就要去参观电台。我还偶遇到《新闻报报看》的钶媃姐姐。Go Xuan DJ——— Jacky纬轩,带我们各个语文电台。每次在社交网站看到的Go Xuan电台,现在可以亲身体验了!

导览后,我马上去面试。我把稿子念出来给评审们听,之后就和他们进行两分钟的交流。面试出来,就到食堂填饱肚子。接下来的讲座就是一哥——— 颜江瀚的《十年新闻报报看》讲座会。还有另一个讲座会是年轻人对政治的冷感,很庆幸可以聆听后半段,还得到了小礼物呢!

《十年新闻报报看》——江瀚老师有提到我们在分岔路口可一在两条路,做一个选择。我们不知道未来带什么惊喜,最重要我们要定一个目标,坚持走下去!他还给们看新闻报报看的变化,台前幕后以及主播的来去。在日新月异的时代,不管新媒体的加盟,还是不能 "打败" 旧媒体所给的资讯。我还是坚持看实体报纸的习惯。讲座会结束后,大家都争着和江瀚老师合照和索取亲笔签名。我离开之前还得了文杰哥哥的亲笔签名。


25 July 2019

Youth Speak Forum 2019: Start from YOUth! (23/7/19-24/7/19)

The semester break is already here, everyone at this time has gone back to their own hometowns to relax for a month. Is it back to university for me? You might be wondering why am I back to university so quickly? Well, it's a UN related event organised by AISEC Sunway, Youth Speak Forum 2019: Start from YOUth!

Once I arrive campus, I head up to the corridor of the JC auditoriums to sign myself up. While waiting, I have a small chat with some delegates who come for the event. We are given the green light to go into JC 1 when doors are opened at 10.00am. We have a little bit of warm up with the tagline: Hey AISEC! What's up?

The first session of the day starts with Dr. Maliki, he talks about the SDGs in Malaysia and how each of these goals can really help to build up the nation. The current project that Dr. Maliki and his team are doing right now is to provide clean water in rural areas in Sabah. This follow by a panel discussion from UNICEF Malaysia, Human Stories of KL and former MGAG Malaysia manager, Mun Yee, on the roles of youths in the country. I raise a question or two during the Q & A session.

Next up, delegates move to their chosen workshops. My senior, Hui Mei and I head to the Star R.age workshop. We have an insight on investigation journalism, how their work is infringed by third parties. Somehow in the beginning of the workshop, it related to one of the topics which I learned in law and ethics in communication. We are tasked to come up ideas that is related to the SDGs, and what we didn't realise is that our ideas will be entered in a competition. We are totally mind blown!

The final segment of the first day is Teach for Malaysia, and we are given a sneak peak that we are going to secondary schools to teach students on the 17 SDGs. It's been awhile I went back to my own high school, SMK Tinngi St. David Melaka. Hopefully we will make it through tomorrow. Now it's off to the second day!

The second and final day of the forum, we head to SMK Bandar Kinrara to educate secondary school students about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Four of us take a ride in Iman's car while the other go to the school by bus. When we reach the school, the security guard won't allow us to go in. After seeing me getting out from the car with my crutches, he lets us in to the school compound.

While we are waiting for the other students to arrive, somehow our Sunway University's logo is promoted at the school, and what's more? The actual students from the university are here! We ask directions from the students, they lead us to the hall which is upstairs. "Kar Marn, are you okay with steps?" my friends are concerned. "I'm okay!" I say.

We set up everything that we need later on, the students start to fill the hall up. Once the hall is filled up, our emcee introduces on AISEC itself as well as the 17 UN SDGs. "Now in a group of 10, we need at least two students in a group," In my group, we have Elizabeth and Soo En- the students, and the rest of us are just AISECE-ers and non-AISECE-ers. We have a little team building game which is using our body language to communicate one another.

After that, it's time for the main part- introducing the 17 SDGs to the students! "Do you know what is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?" Vanessa asks, Elizabeth and Soo En look at each other, and look at us again. "Okay ladies, relax!" We explain how did SDGs come about and why it is so important. "In Malaysia, we found out that young Malaysians are passionate about these three goals, out of 17 of them, which are: Quality Education (SDG 4), Reduce Inequailty (SDG 10), and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12),"

Here comes the fun part, all we have to do is to come up with ideas which are based on three goals that we have mentioned earlier on. They are still shy, but we give them encouragement as much as we can, because we want to hear their views on how they are going to commit one of the three SDGs. My team and I choose SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. One of the ideas is really cute: growing a pet!

We sit in  a round circle and pledge that which SDG we want to commit. For me, besides SDG 3: Good health and well-being, I'm also passionate on SDG 4: Quality education. Why? Education is the most powerful tool that can change the world! Group photos and videos are taken, and it's time to head back to campus. I'm also kinda practising my role as a UNICEF "ambassador" in some way.

Thank you AISEC Sunway for this amazing events! I hope to join in more related UN events.

15 July 2019

Sunway Model UN 2019 (12/7/19-14/7/19)

It's examination season for Sunway University students, but for Katelyn, she's juggling both Why? It's the yearly SUNMUN conference 2019! At first, I'm hesitated that whether I should forgo or stay at home studying for my finals? It's really a tough decision for me. I can't even choose! At a certain point, I decide to go for both! It's my final year in university, I have to support the SUNMUN team one way or another.

Before we head into real business, I forgot to tell you about my council. I'm in the Dewan Rakyat (DR), playing YB Tony Pua, MP of Damansara. Yes, the Malaysian Parliament! Sounds exciting right? Okay, let's get back where we left off. Like I mentioned above, I'm having mid exam indulgence, while waiting for my fellow MPs to arrive. I settle at the foyer to flip through the notes of the final paper, which I'm having on Monday.

We head up to the corridor of the JC auditoriums to sign ourselves up. After collecting the tags and door gift, we head back down again to meet up with other delegates to discuss on the topics that will be debating later on. AS we head back up for the opening ceremony, the corridor is filled with delegates and we are given the green light to settle ourselves in.

The ceremony starts with opening remarks from Sunway College Pre-U director, Ms. Cheng Mien Wee. I'm introduced to the delegates in the room as I'm the only university student who is representing the SUNMUN team. After a short speech from our Secretary Generals, Nicholas Sim and Leo Larkin, with the bang of the guvnor, it's time for SUNMUN 2019!

Under the escorts of the admins, we head to level 5, that's where most of the councils are being held. As I'm representing the PH government, my side is on the right side while the opposition is on the left, just like in real Parliament setting.

As we are debating, we are interrupted by the MP of Bagan Datuk, and I have to play the whipper at one point to make sure that peace is maintained in Parliament. When it is my turn to present, "Before I'm interrupted by the MP of Bagan Datuk..." I emphasise that we as the MPs of the country are here as one to raise the concerns of the people of Malaysia.

At 7.00pm, that's the debate of day one of council. I make my way to the foyer, I bump into my junior, Victoria! Well, a mini high school reunion on the first day of SUNMUN! On the second day of council, we resume with debate, but this time it gets spicier! The "worst part" of council is that we have "no confident" vote. Eventually, the PM "sacked" the Ministry of Defence and Mimister of Law. We have "a change of government" in SUNMUN, and now we become the opposition.

In mid council, the House of Commons MPs come in as they are having their "general election" to persuade delegate in each council to vote which party that they are confident in. I can't remember which HOC MP mentions about our Malaysian palm oil. Anyway, it's fun seeing them pulling votes from council to council. And one thought: Why DR didn't do that?

When you're at MUN conferences, it's tradition to attend socials! We have an opening act from our talented secretariat team, and a two songs from Guan Yu and me- which are Disney classics!

The third and final day with PH as the "opposition" and BN as the "new government" with the MP of Rembau as the PM. In mid council, Ethan and Belle who play the roles of PM and DPM respectively, suddenly switch to Anwar Ibrahim and Rafizi Ramli! Wow! That's a quick change of roles! With Ryan joining us as the MP of Sungai Petani, it gets so much better!

In the end we failed the "model Bill". This is how Malaysian politics works. Although I'm always try to keep my standpoints neutral at all times, we didn't even realise that we a part of politics all the time. Well, now I know now! Council ends and we have each other signatures and social media accounts to keep in touch.

Before the closing ceremony, we have Subway for lunch. That kind of reminded me at last year's SUNMUN, I guess history repeats itself. There is a slight delay of the closing ceremony, while waiting, we just hang around and talk about what happen today in our respective councils.

The closing ceremony starts with a slide show of the events that happened throughout these three days. When it comes to DR, the whole MP cheer on. After that it is the award ceremony! For DR, we have MPs of Kemanis, Gombak and Rembau for having the best delegate awards! Upcoming MUNs are introduced and with a one last bang, SUNMUN 2019 is officially over!

Although I didn't win an award, SUNMUN is placed second as group delegation after IIUM. That's an achievement, at least we win something at "home grounds".  The closing ceremony after-party with delegates mingling around taking pictures and exchanging each others' social media account, as well as having individual feedback from their respective chairs. As for me, I need to brush up my research skills!

I wanna give a huge shoutout to all the MPs in the Dewan Rakyat council, you guys did amazing! And a shoutout to Tuan Speaker, Ryan, and Deputy Tuan Speaker, Chia Yong, for leading the council and having faith in every MP. To my "boss", Thesya, thank you for being the best "boss" ever! To Ethan and Belle, thank you for guiding fellow PH MPs as Tun M and Dr. Wan Azizah respectively.

I can say that despite having my last paper on Monday, SUNMUN is definitely the best way to get away from the mid-exam indulgence. I wanna congratulate to Nicholas and the SUNMUN team on the success of the event! This maybe my last SUNMUN, but I'll continue to support the team!

4 July 2019

Sunway Riang Raya 2019 (3/7/19)

It's the last day of university before heading to the battle field for the final examination. I'm done with my last presentation of the semester, after class I head to the university foyer to check out the Hari Raya celebration organised by very own Sunway Sahabat Society and Sunway Rukun Negara. Although the celebration is over for most of us, for Sunway students, it's not over them.

I don't have a baju kurung with me but the floral dress I'm wearing for my presentation earlier seems to be a fitting tribute for the celebration. I come across the game station where they have traditional games such as five stones (also known as batu seremban), congkak, and bulu tangkis. Don't they just bring the memories of our childhood? We have a little mishap, as one of the groups is in the mid game of bulu tangkis, it was stuck up there at the wall. Oops!

I get down and take off my shoes to join in the fun. I have a hard time to get grasp the game of five stones as we toss we need to catch one by one. Back in high school, when I wanted to play the game, I was brushed off by my classmates, but years later I'm here in university, playing the game myself. Eventually I manage to catch one of the bean bags, now that's an achievement!

I'm joined by Hanis not long, we walk around the university foyer to check out if there is any good food that we can have a bite on, unfortunately we're not that hungry just yet. My favorite part of the celebration is the exhibition and the photo booth. I even take a picture at the entrance of the university foyer, the flower matches my dress as well.

As we are looking around, we are just in time for the opening ceremony of the celebration. We have the Sunway Kompang Club to move the ceremony to the beat, follow by traditional Malay dancers with joget.

The opening ceremony is officiated by Sunway University's Vice Chancellor, Prof. Grame Wilkinson, Student Life's director, Lee Siok Ping, to officiate the celebration by signing the big card. But wait, where are the pens? "Samson!" with a shout, Samson and Sofia, our beloved sun bears come up to the stage to pass the pen to the VIPs on stage, and with that, the celebration is officially on!

Hanis and I head back to the game station for a game of congkak. She wins the first round, while the second is a draw as I have to head back home to prep up for the final examination. My very first and probably the last time celebrating on campus.

I wish everyone selamat hari raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin!