There is a Mandarin saying which says "We may have a lot of friends, all we need is true friends" (朋友不须要多,真心就够了). We may seem to have a lot of friends, but how many of us will stay by each other's side? Behold! I present to you Sunway Friendship Week! At the start of the celebration, I could hear our Sunway 24 Festive Drums beating to kick off the event. I was still in time of the celebration when i made my way down to the university foyer to catch all the actions!
Dr. Elizabeth Lee, the senior executive director of Sunway Education Group, was giving an opening speech. Besides Sunway is commited to the 17 SDGs, what is the 18th goal if were to add one? Any guesses? The answer is friendship! I turned around to see students were lining up to get their "Friendship Passport" from Sunway Lagoon, as for me I had a special privilege to get the passport.But not today cause it's a quite a queue! I didn't want to wait for hours!
To pump up the event, Sunway Lagoon dancers performed "Proud Mary". By looking their outfits, I really wanted to kick off my shoes and having fun in the sun! Since it's also C & S week for the August semester, it's even more lively! I guess you can say it's the "Most Happening Campus?" Sunway Friendship Week was also a family affair for me and my sister, our cousin, Sandhya, performed an Indian cultural dance.
If you want to make friends on campus quickly, head over to our campus' student council booth where you can get to know your new friends through our very own friendship box. To be fair, I picked three randomly from the box. The next question that most of you will ask: Do I have any friends on campus? The answer is yes, I do have friends! I'll pick the best three of my friendship moments on campus.
First off, it's none other than Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS). I joined the society since my college days, but not until in 2016, which I was going through a difficult time that year. I decided to "officially" joined in the society, when they were having "Hope Forum"- which was some sort of "distraction" and to get off my mind off a little. Fast forward to three years, I'm now a part of the committee!
The second story is kind of sweet and heartwarming. I don't know about my fellow readers, but it's up to anyone to decide the theme of the story. Pamela (I called her Pam for short), and I met during our short semesters. I was in the third semester of my first year while she was in her second semester. We bonded through a ring which sat on my finger at that time, and it was made out of a pebble stone. After that we knew that we were studying the same course which is Communication- we'll be seeing each other more on campus.
My favourite moment of us was our ice cream adventure. I had a rough week since the start of the semester, I was trying to get over the academic failure. To put that frown upside down, we headed to Family Mart on the first day of semester. Pam and I can share just about anything! I mean anything!
The third and final segement of my friendship story: You know there is a saying that boy meets girl kind of fanstasy, fall in love and live happily ever after? Not for Ren Khai and me! We met at a PCV booth, where they were promoting an event. The first thing that Ren Khai said to me that I reminded a friend of his who loved singing too! We became each other's support system every now and then, mostly on studies and relationship, sometimes friendships too. We did work together to help a friend of mine to overcome a mental health situation. I would say we did make an amazing team!
There you have it! My three friendships story in a nutshell! How do you define friendship in your own way? Do you have any friendship story that you would like to share? What makes a strong friendship?
A shout out to all my friends in university, I'm so lucky to have you guys by my side. We may not see each other but when times in need, I know I will have you. Here's to a lifelong friendship! Since our Malaysian 62nd Independence Day is coming up, wishing all Malaysians Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
29 August 2019
21 August 2019
Back to University: Year 3 Semester 2 (20/8/19)
The Malaysian school holiday had came to an end, for Sunway University students were no exception. It's back to university after a months' break! Usually around this time, our results will be released but it was announced a week before the new semester. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side this time. I'm not giving up! There's always a second time around.
I just left five minutes before the first class which was Investor Relations. I had a hard time looking for the looking for the classroom, luckily one of the staffs kindly guided me. As I reached the classroom, it was announced that lecture was cancelled and will be replaced tomorrow. I headed back down to the university foyer again. Pam, my best friend, and I decided to meet up.
I was looking out for her, there was a photo of me was taken from the back. I turned around, Pam was walking to me. "Hi Kar Marn, long time no see! How are you?" we gave each other a big hug. "I'm good! I'm so excited for the new semester!" I said. We chatted all the way, and I thought, it's nice to catch up with your course mates after a month's break. We all also bumped into our fellow course mate, Nasrin, too! Nasrin and Pam decided to go to the library to chill and relax a bit, while I have a catch up with Hanis and Lit An.
Hanis and I were about to make a move to Subway for brunch, Lit An called. "We're coming in a bit," said Hanis. As a matter of fact, I had a quick catch up with my cousin while were on the way to Subway. Just down a few rows of shops and cafes, we made it to Subway. Also, it was a "late celebration" as Lit An just officially graduated from university.After that, Hanis and Lit An escorted me to my classroom for political communication- it was the same classroom that I went earlier at 8am.
Luckily political communication this time around is no exam, which means it's a 100% coursework. That doesn't mean I could just slack off easily, I need to give 100% of the effort that I need to put in as this is a core subject for my specialisation- Corporate Communication. Once the first lecture had ended, Pam and I headed for Family Mart to have our girls' day out with some ice cream to ward off intense heat.
We decided to drop by at the college link bridge to check out what they had in store. Apparently, SPAIR is having an event called Beyond Tomorrow, and two of our course mates, Raphael and Yuki, are apart of the event. We saw free packets of MAMEE but on the basket there was note stated that "free food upon registration". Raph kind of hurt himself a little when he was packing the bunting.
It's time for me to head home. This is my last chance to prove myself that I can do anything. When you ever doubt yourself, just remember those who always stand by you.
I just left five minutes before the first class which was Investor Relations. I had a hard time looking for the looking for the classroom, luckily one of the staffs kindly guided me. As I reached the classroom, it was announced that lecture was cancelled and will be replaced tomorrow. I headed back down to the university foyer again. Pam, my best friend, and I decided to meet up.
I was looking out for her, there was a photo of me was taken from the back. I turned around, Pam was walking to me. "Hi Kar Marn, long time no see! How are you?" we gave each other a big hug. "I'm good! I'm so excited for the new semester!" I said. We chatted all the way, and I thought, it's nice to catch up with your course mates after a month's break. We all also bumped into our fellow course mate, Nasrin, too! Nasrin and Pam decided to go to the library to chill and relax a bit, while I have a catch up with Hanis and Lit An.
Hanis and I were about to make a move to Subway for brunch, Lit An called. "We're coming in a bit," said Hanis. As a matter of fact, I had a quick catch up with my cousin while were on the way to Subway. Just down a few rows of shops and cafes, we made it to Subway. Also, it was a "late celebration" as Lit An just officially graduated from university.After that, Hanis and Lit An escorted me to my classroom for political communication- it was the same classroom that I went earlier at 8am.
Luckily political communication this time around is no exam, which means it's a 100% coursework. That doesn't mean I could just slack off easily, I need to give 100% of the effort that I need to put in as this is a core subject for my specialisation- Corporate Communication. Once the first lecture had ended, Pam and I headed for Family Mart to have our girls' day out with some ice cream to ward off intense heat.
We decided to drop by at the college link bridge to check out what they had in store. Apparently, SPAIR is having an event called Beyond Tomorrow, and two of our course mates, Raphael and Yuki, are apart of the event. We saw free packets of MAMEE but on the basket there was note stated that "free food upon registration". Raph kind of hurt himself a little when he was packing the bunting.
It's time for me to head home. This is my last chance to prove myself that I can do anything. When you ever doubt yourself, just remember those who always stand by you.
5 August 2019
SBS A Night of Musical Drama 2.0 双威大学佛学会第二届舞台剧:《寻音》(4/8/19)
双威大学佛学会第二届舞台剧强势回归!去年我们让大家找到初心的意义,找到初心的过程中, 我们会听到心中的声音。但是我们会去寻找心中的声音吗?寻音的过程中,我们会面对种种的挑战来测验我们的耐心和坚持。你会选择坚持走下去或逃避?你会用那个方式去寻找心中的声音呢?
铭阳(Justin 饰)看到爸爸 (Sheng Yew 饰)在书房拉着小提琴,“铭阳,进来吧!” 爸爸说。“爸爸,你在做什么呢?” 年幼的铭阳好奇问爸爸,“我在拉小提琴。铭阳是不是想学啊?” 铭阳点点头,就在爸爸的指导下学小提琴。这时,妈妈(Yin Yin 饰)看看父子俩,“你们在做什么啊?” 铭阳说:“我在学小提琴。妈咪,以后我长大了,我要拉小提琴给你、爸爸和妹妹!” 妈妈说相信铭阳一定会达到这个梦想。
铭阳进爸爸的房间送晚餐,爸爸说:“铭阳,来!爸爸教你一个技巧。“ 当铭阳要给提琴弓,爸爸说不用,直接用手来弹四条线。“爸,你为什么不要实现你的梦想啊?” 铭阳问爸爸,这时爸爸怒火:“铭阳!够了!梦想是一回事,与你无关!” 铭阳失望走出爸爸的书房,“铭阳,你不练琴了吗?” 爸爸问,“不了,我有很多功课要完成。” 就直接走出书房。
爸爸后悔自己不应该对儿子怒吼,写完最后一个曲谱后,“铭阳,希望你会喜欢爸爸送你的礼物。” 突然间爸爸在书房晕倒了!在音乐学院,铭阳和同学们在聆听老师上课。“同学们,哪位知道什么是pizzicato 吗?” 课堂陷入安静的状态,“铭阳?” 老师把铭阳叫上,“老师,我可以示范吗?” 老师点头,他示范pizzicato 。铃声响,放学时间了。“哇,铭阳!你好厉害哦!是谁教你?” 其中一位男同学问,铭阳说是爸爸教他。女同学调侃:“也不难猜啊!他是身世音乐背景的!有什么了不起?” 女同学被李颖阻止说下去。
电话响,“铭阳,我和妹妹在医院。你爸爸出事了!” 妈妈说。铭阳马上到医院,“铭阳,你的提琴!” 李颖尾随铭阳到医院。“妈咪,爸爸怎样了?” 妈妈说:“还在紧急中。一起来你爸就晕倒在书房。” 医生就从紧急室出来,“医生,我老公怎样了?” 医生感慨说:“很抱歉!我们已经尽力了!你们要有心理准备。” 妈妈、铭阳和妹妹到紧急室看着爸爸的身体一动不动。“爸!你醒醒啊!” 爸爸还是依然一动再也不动。
办完爸爸的后事,铭阳到爸爸的书房。他看到桌上的曲谱,得知是爸爸留下的,“原来是我害爸爸!哪我学提琴有什么意义呢?” 铭阳狠狠地把小提琴砸烂,“铭阳,不是的!” 妈妈试探劝铭阳,妹妹也尝试哥哥,但是始终铭阳把爸爸的死怪在自己的身上。
五年后,铭阳到公司对面的咖啡馆想要享用午餐。“来一杯卡布琪若!” 他对服务员说,“来,你的卡布琪偌。先生,请问你是郑铭阳吗?” 李颖问,“你怎么知道我的名字?请问你是……” 铭阳似乎在找着 “线索” 。“我是李颖,我们曾是同学在音乐学院。” 李颖说。两个人就这样在咖啡馆叙旧,台下的观众也看到很入神呢!“这一杯,我请你喝!记得要多来哦!” 李颖说。铭阳和李颖慢慢就开始变成情侣。
当他们在逛茨厂街,经过一位吉他手在演奏耳熟的歌曲。铭阳仿佛看到已故的爸爸身影,“铭阳,你怎么了?” 李颖问。“没什么!” 铭阳简略说。他们俩到包包店买一份礼物给妈妈。“妈咪,我们回来了!” 李颖把礼物送给妈妈,妈妈说人来就好了不必花费买礼物。吃了晚餐后,李颖和妈妈就谈了起来。妈妈说自从铭阳爸爸过世后,他不碰小提琴,一直把把爸爸的死怪在身上。“郑妈妈,我会劝铭阳。”
铭阳在送李颖回家的路上,她就建议去个演奏会。但铭阳一想起爸爸的死,就是不肯去还和李颖吵架,气冲冲回家。铭阳和妈妈在客厅谈心事,“铭阳,你还记得小时候说长大以后要拉小提琴给爸、我还有妹妹听?应该时候放下它了,寻找你信中的声音。” 妈妈说。听了这句,铭阳到公园找到李颖,并且向她道歉。他们俩出席演奏会。
“来,带你去后台。” 李颖向保安取出通行证, 就向李爸爸介绍铭阳。李爸爸说:“铭阳,你爸常来我这里的,都是叙说你对小提琴的热爱。现在他不在,就由你来完成吧!” 铭阳再次鼓起勇气握着手上的小提琴,终于完成他对爸爸的承诺。
我们遇到挫折时候,我们会选择逃避。在逃避之前,问问自己:“我为什么要逃避呢?” 首先,我们要面对它,以勇敢的心态去面对挫折。接下来,接受它。要怎样去接受呢?当然是以宽容和坚强的的心去接受。处理它,这可以说有点 “难度” ,为什么?因为往往我们人就是这样,每次处理每件事,我们就以匆忙而草率的方式去处理它。静下来,听听自己的声音要如何以最好的方式来处理眼前的挫折。最后,是放下它。老一辈常说这一句:“拿得起,放得下。” 放下在现实是很难办到的步骤,如果以平静的心态来放下所有一切, 或许“放下” 这两个字对我们来说是个简单的事。这样的话,我们可以寻找到心中的声音!你已经寻找心中的声音吗?
Facebook: Sunway University Buddhist Society- SBS
Sunway University Buddhist Society- A Night of Musical Drama 2019
Instagram: @stargazing_on_the_bow
铭阳(Justin 饰)看到爸爸 (Sheng Yew 饰)在书房拉着小提琴,“铭阳,进来吧!” 爸爸说。“爸爸,你在做什么呢?” 年幼的铭阳好奇问爸爸,“我在拉小提琴。铭阳是不是想学啊?” 铭阳点点头,就在爸爸的指导下学小提琴。这时,妈妈(Yin Yin 饰)看看父子俩,“你们在做什么啊?” 铭阳说:“我在学小提琴。妈咪,以后我长大了,我要拉小提琴给你、爸爸和妹妹!” 妈妈说相信铭阳一定会达到这个梦想。
铭阳进爸爸的房间送晚餐,爸爸说:“铭阳,来!爸爸教你一个技巧。“ 当铭阳要给提琴弓,爸爸说不用,直接用手来弹四条线。“爸,你为什么不要实现你的梦想啊?” 铭阳问爸爸,这时爸爸怒火:“铭阳!够了!梦想是一回事,与你无关!” 铭阳失望走出爸爸的书房,“铭阳,你不练琴了吗?” 爸爸问,“不了,我有很多功课要完成。” 就直接走出书房。
爸爸后悔自己不应该对儿子怒吼,写完最后一个曲谱后,“铭阳,希望你会喜欢爸爸送你的礼物。” 突然间爸爸在书房晕倒了!在音乐学院,铭阳和同学们在聆听老师上课。“同学们,哪位知道什么是pizzicato 吗?” 课堂陷入安静的状态,“铭阳?” 老师把铭阳叫上,“老师,我可以示范吗?” 老师点头,他示范pizzicato 。铃声响,放学时间了。“哇,铭阳!你好厉害哦!是谁教你?” 其中一位男同学问,铭阳说是爸爸教他。女同学调侃:“也不难猜啊!他是身世音乐背景的!有什么了不起?” 女同学被李颖阻止说下去。
电话响,“铭阳,我和妹妹在医院。你爸爸出事了!” 妈妈说。铭阳马上到医院,“铭阳,你的提琴!” 李颖尾随铭阳到医院。“妈咪,爸爸怎样了?” 妈妈说:“还在紧急中。一起来你爸就晕倒在书房。” 医生就从紧急室出来,“医生,我老公怎样了?” 医生感慨说:“很抱歉!我们已经尽力了!你们要有心理准备。” 妈妈、铭阳和妹妹到紧急室看着爸爸的身体一动不动。“爸!你醒醒啊!” 爸爸还是依然一动再也不动。
办完爸爸的后事,铭阳到爸爸的书房。他看到桌上的曲谱,得知是爸爸留下的,“原来是我害爸爸!哪我学提琴有什么意义呢?” 铭阳狠狠地把小提琴砸烂,“铭阳,不是的!” 妈妈试探劝铭阳,妹妹也尝试哥哥,但是始终铭阳把爸爸的死怪在自己的身上。
五年后,铭阳到公司对面的咖啡馆想要享用午餐。“来一杯卡布琪若!” 他对服务员说,“来,你的卡布琪偌。先生,请问你是郑铭阳吗?” 李颖问,“你怎么知道我的名字?请问你是……” 铭阳似乎在找着 “线索” 。“我是李颖,我们曾是同学在音乐学院。” 李颖说。两个人就这样在咖啡馆叙旧,台下的观众也看到很入神呢!“这一杯,我请你喝!记得要多来哦!” 李颖说。铭阳和李颖慢慢就开始变成情侣。
当他们在逛茨厂街,经过一位吉他手在演奏耳熟的歌曲。铭阳仿佛看到已故的爸爸身影,“铭阳,你怎么了?” 李颖问。“没什么!” 铭阳简略说。他们俩到包包店买一份礼物给妈妈。“妈咪,我们回来了!” 李颖把礼物送给妈妈,妈妈说人来就好了不必花费买礼物。吃了晚餐后,李颖和妈妈就谈了起来。妈妈说自从铭阳爸爸过世后,他不碰小提琴,一直把把爸爸的死怪在身上。“郑妈妈,我会劝铭阳。”
铭阳在送李颖回家的路上,她就建议去个演奏会。但铭阳一想起爸爸的死,就是不肯去还和李颖吵架,气冲冲回家。铭阳和妈妈在客厅谈心事,“铭阳,你还记得小时候说长大以后要拉小提琴给爸、我还有妹妹听?应该时候放下它了,寻找你信中的声音。” 妈妈说。听了这句,铭阳到公园找到李颖,并且向她道歉。他们俩出席演奏会。
“来,带你去后台。” 李颖向保安取出通行证, 就向李爸爸介绍铭阳。李爸爸说:“铭阳,你爸常来我这里的,都是叙说你对小提琴的热爱。现在他不在,就由你来完成吧!” 铭阳再次鼓起勇气握着手上的小提琴,终于完成他对爸爸的承诺。
我们遇到挫折时候,我们会选择逃避。在逃避之前,问问自己:“我为什么要逃避呢?” 首先,我们要面对它,以勇敢的心态去面对挫折。接下来,接受它。要怎样去接受呢?当然是以宽容和坚强的的心去接受。处理它,这可以说有点 “难度” ,为什么?因为往往我们人就是这样,每次处理每件事,我们就以匆忙而草率的方式去处理它。静下来,听听自己的声音要如何以最好的方式来处理眼前的挫折。最后,是放下它。老一辈常说这一句:“拿得起,放得下。” 放下在现实是很难办到的步骤,如果以平静的心态来放下所有一切, 或许“放下” 这两个字对我们来说是个简单的事。这样的话,我们可以寻找到心中的声音!你已经寻找心中的声音吗?
Facebook: Sunway University Buddhist Society- SBS
Sunway University Buddhist Society- A Night of Musical Drama 2019
Instagram: @stargazing_on_the_bow
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