One MUN after another, it's time to head to Nexus International MUN Conference (NISMUNC) 2021 with the theme of #unitedby_. I'm back to the Dewan Rakyat council, I'm holding the position of the Prime Minister and MP of Pagoh. Before that, I contacted both government and opposition side to discuss on the issue of pollution due to urbanisation.
On the first day, I was given a seven-minute speech. I was too nervous that I have to pause in between the speech. On the government side, most of the MPs are either new to MUN or to Dewan Rakyat itself. As a veteran, I did the best I can to speak up while taking a step back supporting them. The first day ended, we straight went into Bill writing which was going to present on the second day.
The second day started off with the ministers' questions. As the role of Prime Minister, the pressure was on. I couldn't even answer from MPs Bagan and Langkawi, because the Opposition side is too strong. I couldn't take the stress anymore and broke down in council. Yes, I really cried in council during the break or something because it's too much of a pressure handling it.
Get this when we are playing the Prime Minister in a Dewan Rakyat council, we have to be mentally prepared for a no-confidence vote. The whole block just falls immediately when a no-confidence vote is taken place. Fair enough, few of the MPs hopped on the other side and my side became the Opposition. I couldn't take the stress anymore and broke down for the second time, for real this time.
After some compromise, the secretariat team is kind to let me to take a step back and to listen in the debate. Occasionally, I hopped in to give the MPs some back up support. The third and final day, I was off on the first half of the council, joined in the second half. We were working on the bill and managed to pass it in the end. It was better than my very first Dewan Rakyat bill, we failed completely.
I may not be in my best form this time, the next time it's going to better than before. Will I ever stop MUN after this series of events happened to me these three days? No, the message to spread the awareness on mental health is still on.
Thank you Johnathan, Yit Xiang and NISMUNC team!
This is Kar Marn, MP of Pagoh from Dewan Rakyat signing off!