9 October 2021

First Movers Workshop: Introduction to SDGs (8/10/2021-9/10/2021)

 I have been a Movers participant since May, and have been attending Movers Workshop to explore each of the SDG. Before we move further into the topic, I'll let you know what Movers is. Movers is a youth group under Youth Co: Lab and UNDP to gather like-minded from over Asia-Pacific to share on topics we are really passionate about such as mental health, climate change and education just to name a few. 

The workshops I have attended with the Movers are World We Want, Leadership, SDG 5: Gender Equality (Chinese version), SDG 13: Climate Actions and Storytelling (Chinese version). I did host one with my fellow Movers Yudhish back in August with Penggerak Belia Subang Jaya (PEBS) when talked about SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 13: Climate Actions respectively. 

This time instead of focusing on one of the 17 goals, we are focusing on all of them! I know it is going to be overwhelming for some of us but if we want to know what are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are, this is the first step to know them all. I have an amazing mentor, Kay, he is mentoring Nisha, Piashi from Bangladesh and Sagar from Nepal as well as me. 

As with any first-time hosting, a rehearsal was done to make sure everything was smooth. We did two rehearsals - one week and a day before the event. Getting people to join is one of the most challenging parts when we are hosting any virtual events. Luckily for me, I have a Movers Facebook group chat some of them I am closed to in the Movers community. I asked for their help whether they can come on board for my first-ever workshop as an Aspiring Mover. 

On the day of the event, a small number of people turn up which is expected when we are hosting any first workshop. I'm not worried about that, rather the responsiveness of the participants who attended the workshop. Luckily, Nisha and Piashi are on standby so they can jump in anytime if no one wanted to respond to any of the questions. 

After I have done presenting my first part of the introduction of the SDGs, I pass it on to Sagar who will be presenting on the second half of it. It turns out well! However, on the second day, which is on SDGs in Entrepreneurship. Again, we are under a number of people. I hop in for the first half of the session and had to leave for the second half because I'm attending another online event. 

This is the beginning of my Movers journey. I hope to host more Movers Workshops in the future! Catch up on more moving events by following our social media below: 


