18 June 2023

A Visit to LifeGen Church (18/6/2023)

 I have always wanted to know what is it like at a church service? What does a church look like? Sammi, my friend from university invited me to a church service in conjunction with Father's Day. I said yes to the invitation. We had a hard time looking at the place, I saw Sammi standing outside at the main entrance of LifeGen Church. 

We took the lift to the third floor, the moment we stepped in, I told Sammi: "Wow, I didn't know it could be this big!" Joann and Jia Xuan were my attendants before the service. I spotted Joshua, my coursemate from college! We caught up on a few key milestones in our lives and most of them asked me why I came to the service. 

I just said: "I want to know what are the similarities between the two and to create a better society. Besides, we focused too much on our differences," Once the doors were opened, everyone went in to take their places. Sammi told me there would be singing later on and the people would come before the stage. Once the music started, everyone got into the energy and I thought "Am I at a concert or at a service?" 

Pastor Michael took the stage to share a story about a relationship between a father and his two sons. At some point, one concept came into mind when he was telling the story - one of the four gratitudes 四重恩 which is gratitude to our parents 父母恩. We have to honour and respect our parents, it's just in different contexts. 

We always believe that action speaks more than words" when it came to parenting but I think it's affection and words of affirmation that will boost the child's confidence - this is a missing element in a parent-child relationship. Besides physical support, mental and spiritual support help in a growth of a child, especially during the early years. 

One more song to end the service. I shared a couple of the Buddhist songs to Joann, it's just that for me as a Buddhist singer, I can feel the message in the songs and the teachings, slowly applying them in my life. The crowd started to subside and headed to the cafeteria to have tea. I had a chat with Pastor Mike about the differences between the two beliefs - Buddhism and Christianity. 

All in all, no beliefs teach us badly, they all want us to do good, it's only so-called man-made rules which made us divided. 

Note: I'm a Buddhist, just my personal experience visiting a church 

3 June 2023

马来西亚华人博物馆一日游 A Visit to the Malaysian Chinese Museum (3/6/2023)

每次向国际朋友们自我介绍时候,我常说我是大马人,但每次的反应是:“你是大马人,为什么你长得像中国人?你来自中国吗?” 每次要强调自己是 “马来西亚的华人”,虽然常在线上活动遇到的问题,这也是对大马的一个起步了解。我知道自己是马来西亚华人,也知道自己的祖籍在哪里,不过认真思考一下:到底有多了解自己的根源?在大马独立之前至今,大马华人对国家的付出是什么呢?

The entrance of the Malaysian Chinese Museum. 马来西亚华人博物馆大门口



Posing outside of the museum with the tickets in hand. 

一踏进博物馆时候,郑和的肖像会是在左手边,而且可以扫描二维码跟郑和 “合照”哦!第一站是认识马来西亚的侨批,据说是为了寄信回去给远道的家人们。

我原以为第一批的华人是在1800年代末出现的大迁徙,原来首批是发生在1511年在郑和下南洋的时候,是在我的家乡——马六甲!虽然中一历史的第五课(KBSM 版本)有提到郑和下南洋的经历,但是在表面上而已。我感觉在一艘船,真的叙说先人们以水陆当主要的交通工具。相信大家知道马六甲也是峇峇娘惹之地,提到中国的汉丽宝公主和马六甲王朝的苏丹曼速沙的联姻,这也是峇峇娘惹的起点。

马来西亚侨批 Qiaopi from Malaysia

我们一路走着看到先贤们为了更好的生活,宁愿离乡背井下南洋生活落地生根。妈妈还指了指模拟割胶树,“以前你的外太公(妈妈的外公),是这样割胶的,看杯子里的胶汁。” 我凑近看一眼。除了割胶树,还有鞋子、理发店、杂货店、药材铺等等。有一些是勾起父母的童年回忆。当时新娘出嫁的轿子,真的须要人力把它抬起里面坐着的新娘回去未来夫婿的家。


后来,大马开始建设起来迈向独立之路。为了让当地的华人争取公民的权利,于是在1956年4月便发起《全马华人注册社团代表大会争取公民权宣言》,“哦,原来有为我们争取公民权利!” 我说。“是啊,要不然你我都不会有现在公民权!” 爸爸说。


大家现在熟悉的各大华文报章 The Chinese Newspapers that we see today. 


24 Festive Drums 二十四节铃鼓 

马六甲青云亭是百年的华人寺庙。每一年的新年,必定会到青云亭祈福或者有任何的大活动,必定会经过青云亭。在博物馆的尾端叙说大马的华文教育,为了华文教育,前辈的是付出很多才会今天的华文教育;如果没有他们,或许我们也没机会接触华文,更何况上华文学校。如果是我个人而言,我会是百分百的 “香蕉人” (banana)。虽然在英文背景长大的我,华文成了语言的一个优势,加上国文(马来文)和英文—— 三大语言在手中,去到哪儿也可以打人情牌。


The replica of Cheng Hoon Temple 青云亭的模型

This represents the diversity of Malaysian society - the morning market  早市的画面反映我国大马社会的多元性

迎娶轿 The marriage sedan, the bride will travel in this to her future spouse's home. 

Social Media 社交网站

Facebook 面子书:华总马来西亚华人博物馆 Malaysian Chinese Museum

Instagram: @malaysianchinesemuseum  

Operating Hours 营业时间 

Thursday-Sunday and Public Holidays 星期四至星期日 、公共假期

Time 时间:10:00 a.m.-5.00p.m. 早上上午十时至傍晚五时 (4.00 p.m. last entry 傍晚四时最后入场)

Admission Rate 票价 (All are in Ringgit Malaysia) 

Standard 普通: RM 20.00 

Senior Citizen (over 65 years old) and OKU (special needs) 乐龄人士(65岁以上)以及特殊人士: RM 10.00

Student  学生/ Child 小孩: RM5.00 

Below 3 years old 三岁以下: Free 免费