15 December 2024

马六甲武吉波浪佛学会结业礼 2024(15/12/2024)


平时在上课之前,我会带领喊佛学班的口号 —— 学佛的孩子棒棒哒!今天的结业礼司仪由中学的学生带领,我、希敏、雁婷、老师们等就在一旁等待结业礼的开始。“请大家肃立,双手合掌虔诚的心唱诵《三宝歌》。” 《三宝歌》奏起,大家以恭敬唱诵三宝—— 佛、法、僧。




最好的演出留在最后,由中学组(地藏王菩萨班)带动的《走出去,动起来》的手语演出!这让我想起在今年的新春感恩宴会跟唱享6度的歌手们和建亿老师的同台演出。结业礼结束之前,顿悲法师为大家慈悲开示。在开示中提到佛法是在生活中亲身体验,它所带来的力量也就是我们常说的 “Ehipassiko”。把佛法实践在日常生活中,就会感到的力量和美好。

我承认有时我觉得佛法很难实践在生活中,尤其是在艰难的时刻都会派上用场!当然在平日时候要做一件事都会问自己一句:“我这个举动会影响他人吗?” 结业礼的尾声,顿悲法师带领大家回向,拍一张大合照记下美好的时刻!

佛学班的学生们陆续给老师们的礼物,可以说今天的 “战绩” 是满载而归。谢谢小朋友们对我们的信任和肯定!我们一起加油!

今天的 “战绩”:小朋友送的谢师礼物



Facebook:马六甲武吉波浪佛学会 Bukit Beruang Buddhist Society


7 December 2024

Opinion: Out of My Mind (Movie Review)

Disney's new Out of My Mind is adapted from Sharon M. Draper's novel of the same name. The movie is about a 12-year-old named Melody Brooks (played by Phoebe Rae Taylor) who has cerebral palsy and is trying to navigate her inner voice. 

Like the main character, Melody, I have had cerebral palsy since I was 18 months old. I'll tell you later what Melody and I have in common. Okay, let's follow Melody's journey (note: please do not read for spoilers).

Despite enrolling in a special education school, Chuck and Diane Brooks (played by Luke Kirby and Rosemarie Dewitt respectively) are convinced by Dr. Kathrine Ray (played by Courtney Taylor) - who is a PhD candidate and a regular visitor to the school, to enroll Melody to a different school - to be with students at a regular middle school.

At first, Chuck refuses to enroll Melody in a regular middle school but after some convincing from his spouse - Diane, he decides to give it a shot. Melody gets to experience the life of a regular middle school student weekly and she is placed in Mr. Dimming's (played by Michael Chernus) History class, The question he asks before the class starts is - Why do we need to study the past? The answer is to prepare for the future. 

Melody's new classmates give her some weird looks because they have not seen a classmate and student with disability join their class but she proves she can just be like everyone else. She even got a question right on her first day! After class, she befriends a classmate named Rose Spencer (played by Maria Nash), Melody starts to feel like a regular 12-year-old, hanging out at malls with friends. 

Here comes the challenging parts, be prepared! Melody and Rose's first hangout is at a space fair but when Rose sees her friends from school, Melody is left behind. Chuck told Rose to include Melody in the activities and not to leave her alone. Melody, on the other hand, wants an assistive talking device after watching a short clip of the late Stephen Hawking, who also used the device throughout his life. And again, her parents considered the device to be "too expensive" to them. 

After that with Dr. Katherine Ray’s help, Melody got her assistive talking device on track and it brings the family closer! They can understand what Melody wants to express. Another challenge that Melody has to face is her friends. Let’s just say not everyone is accepting our habits and behaviour. Due to cerebral palsy, Melody has challenges to control her motor skills. 

Besides that, she also faces some indirect discrimination. Mr. Dimming refuses to grade her test even though she scores a full marks on it. Due to the last-minute notice, she misses her flight to Washington DC for a national competition, she feels left out and by expressing her anger - pouring milkshake on to the assistive talking device.

Lastly, parents should listen to their children. Diane accidentally knocks over Penny on the driveway even Melody tries to warn her that the younger sibling is behind while reversing the car. I’m 27, sometimes my parents don’t understand me as a person. I don’t even have a chance to speak even though I can talk like everyone else.

As a person with cerebral palsy, I do get cut off in mid conversation when I’m with the folks, I got cyber bullied when I was 13 and more indirect discrimination. These challenges do not define less of a person with disability, I still can do the things like people of my age. I just want everyone to be treated with equality and respect, more importantly spreading kindness (and not out of sympathy). 

I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 18 months old. This is me chilling at Jyuan Cafe in Ipoh, Perak.

People with disabilities are not inspirations, they leave an impact to the world to make a difference. 

I just want to leave an impact on the world.

You can catch Out of My Mind on Disney Plus, watch the trailer here

“Maybe I’m not so different from everyone else after all” - Melody Brooks.

Note: The above write-up is entirely my opinion and review of the movie.