17 December 2016

Pre-Christmas at Hash & Tag Cafe (16/12/16)

  It was late afternoon, I was reading my novels and scrolling through the inbox of the Facebook Messenger app. Something had hit me, I immediately went to our group chat whether they wanted to do a night out. From the moment I'm back in hometown for the semester break, the first thing came to my mind was- a high school gathering. Just a few of us would do the trick. Since most of us are back for the break, why not have a gathering and celebrate Christmas?

  I asked my friends in the group chat whether they have any free time for the night out. Yu Xuan was one of them to reply. She said:"Yeah, I would like a night out. How about you guys?" I'm always on the house whenever there's a gathering in my hometown, Malacca. Then came Zhi Bin, he said "Yes, I'm on it as well!" We just left Shi Wei, we also Siak Zhong as well whether he wants to come along too. We were busy chatting that we forgot where's the place of the gathering. I suggested in the group chat that we could do our gathering at Hash & Tag Cafe- it's like our usual gathering spot because of the relaxing atmosphere and soft music for you to chill out.

  We set the time at 9.30pm. I looked the time on my iPad which stated 8.43pm, which means I had 40-45 minutes to get myself ready for the night out. I picked out a blue polka dot blouse and a pair of black jeans. Ending the look with my trustee hairband and Baby G green watch, also a pair of my new Skectchers shoes. Around 9.40pm, Yu Xuan was outside of my house but I was wearing my shoes. My amah (maternal/paternal grandmother in Hokkien) had to entertain her while I was adjusting them. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the house. "We'll be back in time," Yu Xuan and I reassured amah before we headed off to Hash & Tag cafe. On the way, we chatted what we've been up to recently.

  When we reached our destination, we had a difficult time to get the car parked. Luckily, some kind people helped us. We waited about for 20 minutes before the boys arrived. The cafe has a Christmas tree and a snowman to get your Christmas feels. Before that, I had a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of Oreo cheesecake because I didn't eat much during dinner. Yu Xuan sent a message through the group chat asking where were the boys. Zhi Bin sent a photo that they're nearby. Another surprise was Siak Zhong came to the gathering too! We didn't get a reply from him earlier. We talked about each of our success in college and university as well as the struggle we faced in college.

  Time flies when you're having fun! We looked at the time, it was already 12.10am! Uh-oh, it was way passed our bedtime! They were heading out of the door and suddenly turned back because they almost left me behind. Shi Wei noticed my new shoes. "Hey sis, nice shoes!" he complimented. "Thanks! My mum asked her friend to buy them for her in Japan," I said. We waited for Yu Xuan to get the car drive over so it's easier to get in. I saw a blue vintage car. I asked who's car was this. Shi Wei said "You'll see!"

  As Yu Xuan and I were about to leave, Siak Zhong slipped into the vintage car. My jaw dropped! Two surprises in one night! What a night! My very first high school pre-Christmas gathering ended with a perfect note.

13 December 2016

Singapore Trip 2016 (10/12/16-12/12/16)

  It's been four years since I last visited to Singapore with my family and cousins to watch the light show at Gardens by the Bay and went shopping at Marina Bay Sands, we also watched the musical fountain show as well. This time it's even better! My first trip to Singapore after four long years, I was super excited! Let me give you some information about Singapore: It is a small island just below the peninsula Malaysia map. The people are known as Singaporeans. The Singapore flag consists of red and white colours. The top part of the flag is red, on the top left corner is a crescent moon along with five stars and the bottom part of it is white. 

  Before we headed to Singapore, we travelled from Malacca to Johor to visit my maternal uncle and cousins. It's been awhile since I last saw my cousins was during Chinese New Year. The moment I stepped into the house, the TV screen was showing Astro's 2016 hit movie- Ola Bola. I've watched it around 4 times, if I'm not mistaken. Thanks to my uncle who helped us to check the traffic condition in Singapore, the traffic was smooth when we proceeded our journey. At 6.30pm, we made it to our destination- Singapore! We stayed at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Milena, Singapore. It was the same hotel we stayed five years ago. I even brought my homework with me back then! That time, The Lion King Broadway Musical was live in Singapore so my parents took the opportunity to bring my sister and I to watch. We loved it! We watched it again after my sister begged my parents, we brought our cousins along for the second time. 

   After settling down at the hotel, we took a cab to my mum's ex colleague's place as she had a house warming party. We were informed that the catering food was not enough so they ordered Domino's pizza and chicken nuggets as well as French fries. We also met up with a couple's of my mum's friends as well for some late night supper! We had yam, oyster and prawn just to name a few. 

  On the second day, we went to Marina Square for shopping. At first, we wanted to take a cab to Marina Square but thanks to the friendly staff of the hotel, it was just a stone's throw away of the hotel! We saw a kids' Christmas performance when we got there so we decided to stop and enjoy the show. After the performance, we went shoe shopping at Pazzion and you find them really comfortable! While I tried a few pairs of shoes, my sister went to the shops around the corner. We had our dinner at Hans Cafe when my sister and I passed by the time we saw the cake. "We want cake!" we said in unison. So we had burgers and fries to fill our tummy after all that shopping! We got lost when we were heading back to the hotel, it took us half an hour to find the exit. Creepy but adventurous! 

  On the third and final day of the trip, we went to the Merlion Park to visit the famous Merlion fountain. Along the way we could see the Singaporean Eye, Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay. It was scorching hot! Luckily I was wearing my sunglasses to ward off the intense heat. I had a hard time to take the perfect picture of the Merlion as some tourists kinda "photobombed". After visiting Singapore for so many years, I finally got a glimpse of the famous Merlion fountain, one goal is ticked off the list! It's time for us to head back home to Malaysia. I'll be back to Singapore in the near future. 

28 November 2016

Are You Awake? (25/11/16)

  It's Black Friday! How did you spend your Thanksgivings Day this year? Thanksgivings is not so popular in Malaysia but Black Friday is! I've seen a lot of online store from H&M to Amazon to Zalora and a whole lot more are having discount in conjunction with the celebration. Okay, I'm back in college. You must be wondering why I'm still in Kuala Lumpur instead of relaxing in my hometown, Malacca? I'm here to attend another talk organised by the Sunway Buddhist Society (SBS) called "Are You Awake" by Lancester University's lecturer, Dr. Alvin.

  I'm in the library to check out some Black Friday goods online. After awhile I bump into my senior, Jia Jin, who is just at the helping desk to get some paper work done. I turn off and follow his direction to the computer table. "Hi Jia Jin!" I whisper. "Hey, Katelyn!" He asks me what am I doing here, I tell him that I'll be attending a talk which is held by the society. "Yes! Of course! You came all the way just to attend?" he asks. I say: "Yes!" So he helps me with my bag and the both of us take the lift back up to the library's main entrance but the awkward moment is we forgot to press the button!

  After Jia Jin drops me off at the university's foyer, he rushes off to class. I thank him for his help before he left. There are a lot of booths are being set up for tomorrow's career fair so my curiosity hits me and I just wander around the whole foyer. I drop by Sunway University Music Society (SMS) to check out. Recently, I got an unexpected invitation from the society to perform tomorrow so might as well to check out who is the person invited me to perform.

  At 12.15pm, I make a bee line to LT2. I peak through the transparent glass of the door. Yes, class is still going on so I wait at one of the benches. A familiar person just passed by me. Is that Kuan Hui? I thought. I have to double confirm, yes it's Kuan Hui alright! I haven't seen him for six months! I'm surprised to see him. When the students coming out from the lecture theatre, Kuan Hui and I make a move. We also bump into Loke zai (young boy in Cantonese) and Jia Yee. Once we are all settle down, Loke zai calls the President of the society, Hon Pong, to inform him that we are already arrived.

  Unfortunately, he didn't call back but did reply the message that we should start first and Hon Pong will be coming later on. I have to inform Dr. Alvin that we should start the talk without further delay, we ask him whether he wants to use a microphone but he says he doesn't need one. What makes the talk so interesting is that Dr. Alvin our background as a Buddhist and how were we exposed to the religion.

27 November 2016


   就是今天啦!今天是Geraldine颜慧萍的感恩音乐会以及EP首卖会,此活动在Bentley Music Auditorium Mutuara Damansara 举行。大约下午二时十五分,我们然后开车往雪州八打灵再也。一路上,我望着车窗外的风景,哼着《一个人的冒险》。心里很兴奋因为我是Yuii姐姐的 “小嘉宾”。据说艺人会带粉丝们一起出席活动。而且我不能露出我的兴奋表情,我怕爸爸说我是“三八婆” 。唯独耐心等待到现场再说吧!
  大约下午二时四十分,我们到达地点。我向爸爸道别后,我和妈妈乘电梯到四楼;抵达现场的时候,我第一见的艺人是Uriah徐凯!“Uriah!” 我呼唤他。他转过身说:“嗨!好久不见!” 我们互相拥抱如老朋友,我亲手把卡片送给他,我告诉他:“这是我亲手制作的。” 他看了看便说:“真有心!我们拍张照片吧!” 我们托一位粉丝替我们拍照。我也看到Jordan哥哥和Nicole姐姐。
  妈妈在领取门票时,我找主办单位,我对她说:“ 我和Yuii姐姐有约。” 她说:“啊!Yuii有约你!你能站久吗?” 我说不能,她一张椅子给我坐等待Yuii姐姐的到来。然后,我走过柜台看看艺人们的专辑,“嗨,小姐!你要购买Geraldine的专辑吗?” 负责人问我。我告诉他们我得问妈妈先。妈妈领取门票后,我告诉她我要买专辑。妈妈问我要哪个封面,我告诉她我要有花的封面;她买后,妈妈告诉我:“文,我手上的包包也有专辑呢!” 妈妈还问我:“哪个男生和Ron一起主持《Budget Go Cuti》是谁?” 我说是Jordan哥哥。她问我要他合照吗?我马上说:“要!” 我呼唤Jordan哥哥,他看到我:“嗨,你还好吗?” 我说:“很好啊!可以和你自拍吗?” Jordan哥哥说:“可以啊!” 我和他自拍之后,我问他最后一集的《Budget Go Cuti》他们去哪里,他说:“今晚守住吧!” 
 我传送简讯给Yuii姐姐,通知她一声我已经到现场了。不久,Yuii姐姐说:“我们做采访吧!” 采访?他们要采访谁呢?我看到一个大大的海报在我身后,Yuii姐姐说:“站在这儿吧!大家好,我是Yuii陈静宜!” Jordan哥哥说:“我是Jordan盛天俊!Yuii,你身边带来一位特别的粉丝吧?” 原来他们采访是我?!我不是在做梦吧?不要紧张,我心里说。他们要我自我介绍,我说:“大家好,我是Katelyn陈袈文!今年十九岁,来自马六甲。”

 Jordan哥哥说:“我们时常会在活动上看到她。” Yuii姐姐附和说:“对啊!” 他们还说几乎他们每一个是我的偶像。” Yuii姐姐说我会很卖力在Instagram和面子书留言,这令她很感动。他们问我如和诠释“一个人的冒险” ?我告诉他们:“一个人的冒险是可以用另一个角度来看,而且我们可以独立。” 为了感谢我的出席,她说:“我还特别准备一个小礼物给她。” 我马上向妈妈伸手取牛油曲奇饼干,我还说这是亲手制作的。”我们来见证这温馨时刻吧!” 我和Yuii姐姐交换小礼物。我采访不久,《新闻报报看》的主播—— 关萃文,正在做采访!她说Geraldine是她的 “女儿” ,她提到《十万个为什么开心乐龙龙》的角色。她是妈妈,而Geraldine是女儿—— 囡囡。萃文姐姐采访后,我和她拍照。

  主办单位带我到座位,想不到我坐靠近舞台!艺人们一个个入席就坐。我左看右看,我被电台主持人和新秀包围着!哇,梦想成真!我也想不到Sean许益凯也有来!“Sean哥哥!” 他说:“嗨,你还好吗?” 我说:“我很好!” 在等待音乐会开始时,我把亲手制作的卡片给Nicole姐姐、Danny哥哥和Amy姐姐,我剩下的只是Yuii姐姐和Geraldine姐姐的。还有,怎么会少自拍呢?后面几排是今年的新秀,我转过身和他们打个小招呼。大约下午四时,音乐会正式开始!我们今天的主角—— Geraldine颜慧萍登场啦!第一首歌是——  《一个人的冒险》。我们把粉丝团派给的纸条给举起来让Geraldine知道,我们是会永远会支持她。

  不只是粉丝还有艺人朋友,她的家人特地从柔佛麻坡过来看她的音乐会,Geraldine的外婆首次出席外孙女的活动。我想起如果有一天可以办类似的演唱会,我也会邀请阿嬷。一首又一首熟悉的歌曲在我耳边响起例如:《自力更生的星球》、《一步距离》、《好时光》等等。Yuii姐姐时不时问我:“你享受吗?” 我点点头。 Geraldine在歌曲的半段差点儿哭了,我的心也是被打动到。我们是第一批观看《一个人的冒险》MV首播!加上她在新秀期间唱的歌。

  “Geraldine,要不要唱多一首歌吗?给大家一个bonus吧!” Jym 说。现场的观众的朋友说:“ 《BFF》!” 我知道这首歌!它是—— 《BFF》!昨天我在学院也表演这首歌。台下的观众也跟着唱,萍迷们到台上献上蛋糕还有她一起合唱呢!非常温馨的画面!音乐会结束后,我和Yuii姐姐自拍。大家排长龙等待得到Geraldine的亲笔签名。

Uriah和粉丝们拍照完后就到我的身边坐下,我们谈天。我问他:“身为艺人,你们是如何分配工作和休闲时间?” Uriah想了一下就说:“很好的疑问!其实不要把工作看得那么紧密,你会造成压力。不如这样看吧!你要把时间定好。在这一段时间你是在工作,时间到了你就想看下一个活动例如去打羽毛球、看书、唱歌等等。这样你不会觉得压力。” 我一定会铭记于心。妈妈招收就说我可以到台上去亲笔签名了!Uriah说:“我帮你吧!” 我说:“好啊!” 他把手搭在我的肩膀上,感觉像哥哥守护着妹妹。我本来去舞台的左手边,但Uriah说:“Katelyn, 这里!” 在他的协助下,我慢慢爬上小楼梯。

“咦,你曾经出席《Astro新秀大赛》参赛攻略音乐分享会在KLCC吗?” Geraldine姐姐问我。我马上说:“是啊!” 我还问她洁莹姐姐在哪儿,她告诉我洁莹姐姐她在台湾无法出席音乐会。如果洁莹姐姐有出席,我和她可以重新团聚。“还有男神帮你啊!” 她补充说。Geraldine姐姐指的 “男神” 是Uriah!我们拍照的时候也把Uriah叫过来和我们一起合照。

My interview with the stars. I didn't see that coming

The moment I stepped into the hall, the first person I saw was Astro Star Quest 2014 champion- Uriah See

Live Wire at Sunway University (26/11/16)

   It was my very first performance since I furthered my studies at Sunway Campus. My mum dropped me off with the sudents of Sunway Music Society (SMS) and there was a career fair going on so a little bit of entertainment to lighten up the mood. We were going through our last-minute checking to confirm the songs that we were going to perform later on. While waiting, I warmed my vocals up by doing the lip trails and drank honey so I could hit the high notes. My high school friend, Cheryl, also came for the performance too. She brought her guitar and a green file which contained all the chords and lyrics.

 While waiting for my turn to perform, I had some fun by singing a duet with Josh and Thomas- She Will be Loved by Maroon 5 and Drag Me Down by One Direction. A lot of performances had been cut off because The Ministry of Higher Education was also here as well to launch the career fair, so when the minister was delivering the speech, we were asked to turn PA system off until we were given the green light to continue with our event. I have waited for a long time to perform. Nemo came to apologise for the inconvenience caused, I said it was okay as long as I got the chance to show my talent, it's fine by me. 

  After Pearl, it was my turn. I stepped on the stage with confidence. Everyone was staring at me which made me feel uneasy at first. I tested the microphone to make sure everything is good and the sound system was okay. All the performers sang English songs, why not a twist of the performance with a Mandarin song? BFF by Astro Star Quest 2011 champion and 1st runner up- Geraldine and Jie Ying. Everyone was joining in the fun, I love it! Being on stage that means I can be myself without any judgement from anyone and it is a wonderful place to let go and feel free yourself. The good news was we were given the opportunity to have a lunch buffet at the Gallery View at Level 1. Although we had taken the food at the food truck but that one saved for dinner time. 

  When I was done eating, my mum called me where I was. I told her I'm at the Gallery View, at Level 1 at the university building. We took the lift back down to retrieve my lunchbox and drink which were left at the cafeteria table. It's so good to perform with students who share the same passion in music and singing. I finally got the chance to perform on campus which I have always wanted in my whole life! My goal had achieved! I'm looking forward to these kinds of events in future. Thank you Sunway Music Society! 

22 November 2016

Elevate 5 Years (21/11/16)

  Five years ago, American boy band- Big Time Rush (BTR) released their second studio album Elevate on 21 November 2016. The album was released by Columbia Records in association with Nickelodeon. The album acts as the soundtrack to the Nickelodeon hit TV series of the same name in the second season and the telemovie, Big Time Movie. The genre of the album consists of pop rock, alternative and dance rock just to name a few. Following their success of their first album, BTR, this inspired the band to write more songs on their own. They had written a total of eight songs during the process of the album. There are 12 songs in the album. 

  In US iTunes Store, a bonus track titled Blow Your Speakers is featured while on the UK's edition is Epic. On the band's official website, Paralysed is featured. Their first single in Elevate is Music Sounds Better With U featuring rapper Mann. It was released on 1 November 2011, the world premiere of the music video was released on 12 November 2011. In support of the band's new album, TeenNick hosted a special listening party and in conjunction with the music video of their first single, Nickelodeon aired a special thirty-minute special called Big Time Rush: Music Sounds Better With U which features the band talked about their process on producing and recording their album. 

  What's with an album without a concert tour? In early fall 2011, the band announced they were going to kick off their ever tour which started on 17 February 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada and ended on 10 March 2012 at Radio City Mall in New York City. Joining the band on tour was British boy band, One Direction on 9 March 2012, which marked their first tour in the U. S. In my personal preference, my favourite songs from the album are Music Sounds Better With U, If I Ruled the World (feat. Iyaz) and Superstar just to name a few. Time of Our Life music video was released during the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2012 where the band won for  Favorite Music Group. A re-released for the album in 2012 which featured the new track Windows Down

  Five years had passed by BTR's Elevate is still elevating in our hearts and when you listen to their songs you feel like a superstar and you rule the music world. Music does sound better with BTR after all these amazing five years of the album.

 What are your favourite song in Elevate

12 November 2016

Last Day as College Student (11/11/16)

  The moment my parents drop me off at the library, I immediately go to the Sunway Campus Library's fountain view at Level B1. I take my favourite royal biography- The New Royal Family. It's all about TRH Prince William and Duchess Catherine on raising the future heir, their first born- Prince George of Cambridge and how William and Kate adjust their lives to parenthood. Although, it was renewed for the latest edition and published two years ago, that didn't stop me to get to know their roles in the 21st century. I take a photo of the fountain view and post it up on the social media. Oh you might be wondering why I'm in college today? I'll be attending a talk held by Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS), titled: Science & Development in Buddhism. It's going to be at LT2, starting from 12.30pm to 2.00pm.

  Around 11.20am, I walk out of the library but stop at the main floor of the library, that's where the Level UG (Upper Ground) is located. They are having a mini film exhibition on Asian films including Singapore, Indonesia, China, Taiwan and of course Malaysia! I tour the exhibition awhile especially Malaysian film area. They have information about some Malaysian legend actors like the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee and Maya Karin. They display many of the Malaysian films from 1950s till now. Who wouldn't forget Astro's 2014 hit movie- The Journey and the recent Ola Bola, the movie is based on the true events in the 1980s- the golden football years in Malaysia. Besides that,  Ice Kacang Puppy Love (2010) was one of the first Mandarin movies in my early teen years

  Unfortunately, the items on displayed are not ready to be home loan yet until the exhibition ends on 18 November. The mini film exhibition in Sunway Campus Library is from 8 November till 18 November. I walk to one of the seats at the foyer at the university side of the campus. After I settling myself down, I walk to the SSD booth where they are promoting the Asia Leadership Conference 2017, which is going to be held on 14 January 2017. The registration fee is RM200. Early birds (for non-Sun U students) will have a 50% of the price, the discount lasts till the end of the month. While Sun U and College students will have a 50% discount as well!

  I drop by to say hi to my friend, Shenn Kuan, who is one of the SSD students. "Are you coming to the conference?" Shenn Kuan asks me as she hands me the flyer. I take a look at the flyer of the conference, "I'll think about it," I say "I'll tell my friends," I add. I walk back to my seat, I take the iPod from my bag again and take the a photo of the corridor of the university side. Last photo of college life in 2016. I realize that my iPod is running of battery so I go to one of the tables and charge the device because I need it for the talk later. While waiting for it to charge up, it's back to my book on the royals!

  At 12.20pm, I pack up all my stuff and head straight to LT2 to attend the talk. I'm about to open the door, some students come by to help me open the door. I thank them for their help after taking my seat. I double confirm the place with the society on their WhatsApp group chat. Not long after, the president of the SBS, Hon Pong come. "Hey Katelyn! You're here early!" Hon Pong says putting his bag down. "Yeah, it's the best to get everything early!" I laugh. After a few minutes, the other members start to come in. In the end, the talk is cancelled at the last minute as they forgot to inform Datuk Seri Victor Wee, the Prof. in Tourism of Taylor's University. Hon Pong apologises for the inconvenience caused.

  "No, no it's okay!" I say. What are we going to do for the next two and half hours? Planning the activities for 2017! We have a little fun by playing the microphone. When there is a microphone in my hand, I'm full on my "singer" mode! Time to show my singing skills off! Hon Pong draws out the planning on the board.

  In mid-meeting, Hon Pong asks me "Do you join any societies and clubs on campus?" I say "No. The only society I join on campus is SBS," Something has struck him, "Katelyn, would you be like our committee member?" Wait, what? I didn't expect that question coming. If you are a committee members of any society and club, you have to attend meetings. I wasn't a committee member back in my high school days. "I don't know, Hon Pong" I hesitate.

Being a committee member, you have big responsibilities! "Don't worry, we'll guide you," Cynthia says, who is the PR of the society. Hon Pong wants me to be the assistant secretary to Yi Xin, who is my high school senior. He knows my relationship with Yi Xin will make an amazing team. But Cynthia suggests that I should her place as PR, she and Hon Pong will be graduating soon.

 At 2pm, the university students are here for their lecture so we have to leave the room. When we exit the room, it's already start to rain. We go to the new canteen to have our free vegetarian lunch. My last tong sui before I come back to continue my undergraduate degree in January. I wait for the rain to stop as Cynthia go to the library to get some papers printed out. After that, we walk to the waiting point to wait for my Uncle Andy to pick me up.

  I'll see you next year, Sunway University!

2 November 2016

19th Birthday (2/11/16)

  Yes, it's official! I'm 19 years old! I'm celebrating my last birthday as a teenager. Another year, I'm stepping into adulthood. Well to my parents especially my dad, that I will never grow up but to me I'm almost a grown up but with a child's heart. 

   I had extra class in college so my mum always drops me off to my class before going to work. As I was about to do my revision, birthday messages kept pouring in to my Facebook page wall and messages. The first one to wish me was my friend, Hayley. Followed by my high school seniors and the kids in my batch, juniors as well as college seniors. 

  This year my birthday is very special because it also coincides with my Chinese birthday (the 10th lunar month day 3). My mum and I share the same Chinese birthday. I used to celebrate my birthday in my hometown, Malacca, the place where I grew up. My amah (maternal/paternal grandma in Hokkien) always boiled red eggs and long gaviety mee sua for me. Every year, she and gong gong (maternal/paternal grandpa in Mandarin) always give me birthday ang pao (red packet in Mandarin) as a blessing. 

  This marked my second year without celebrating my birthday with them. Both of my maternal grandparents play a huge role in my life. They've been taking care since the day I was born. They made sure that my childhood was "normal" as any other kids of my age but only a little bit special. 

  At night, my parents brought me to Fong Lye restaurant as my birthday dinner. I don't care what kind of birthday present I received. As long as the gift is sincere from the heart, I'm more than happy with it. After dinner, we went to a nearby bakery to buy Oreo cheesecake. Although, this afternoon I had a piece of chocolate cake from my junior, Hui Yee, still I want an extra piece of birthday cake. To be honest, my craving was on full mode! 

   As I got home, more birthday wishes kept on pouring in! Most of them were from my maternal cousins and relatives. Unfortunately, the examination is around the corner so I did have a little stress from it. Who says I can't achieve my dream to university? Just watch me and I'll prove you wrong! No one is ever going to crash my dream, not even the ones who try to crush it. I bet I'll let your jaw drop in a mid air. 

  No matter how hard the challenges are, I must face them with bravery and strength. Most importantly I simply must have courage and be kind. A quote from my favourite movie- Cindrella (2015). Also here's another quote from the movie: When there is kindness, there is goodness. When there's goodness, there is magic! I'm sure I will apply these quotes in my everyday life. 

  Anyway, happy 19th birthday KM! 

29 October 2016

Deepavali 2016 (29/10/16)

  Deepavali or Diwali is a very special day for Hindus as they celebrate the special celebration good over evil. It is also known as the Festival of Lights. Most Hindu households will place lamp lights at their houses. To me, I'm not a stranger to the occasion as I grew up in a multicultural country so me and my fellow Malaysians observe the celebration every year. I used to observe the celebration back in my high school days and now in college- students use the coloured rice to create an art called the kolam. On this very day, the Hindus will use oil to bath as a symbol of washing away the bad luck and sins. They will have prayers for a blessed Deepavali, everyone celebrates with peace and harmony. 

  Every year, my family and I will visit to my uncle's place in Sungai Buloh, Selangor to celebrate Deepavali. Did you know that I have a multicultural family background? Okay, let's proceed to the scene at my uncle's place. As we arrived at the house, my Uncle Felix was talking to some guests at the garden. When my uncle saw us upon arrival, he welcomed us with open arms. I heard piano in the living room from the moment I stepped into the house. My cousin, Sandhya Tan, was dressed in a beautiful saree made in India. Patti (grandmother in Tamil and my cousin's maternal grandmother) was really happy to see us, especially my younger sister and I. Sometimes we visit our cousins when we are both in KL, sometimes Sandhya or known as Kim Hua in my family will visit us as well during the school holidays. 

    On the table, we have puri, dahl and of course my favourite food during Deepavali is muruku! My Aunt Sheela made them herself. My cousins Shyam and Suraj, Sandhya's older brothers served us drinks and snacks. After eating, I went upstairs to look for cousin Sandhya. She was in her room with her friends. Their mums and Aunt Sheela were schoolmates. They were watching a video on YouTube. Not long after, my sister also came in to join in the fun. We watched a few acapella videos. We loved to stay a bit longer but we had to leave early because we had some important stuff to do. 

  As we were about to leave, Aunt Sheela's school mate, Aunty Diana showed off her piano skills. Sandhya and her friends danced along to the music. What a fun family affair we had today! I wish everyone a very Happy Deepavali! May all the light shine away the evil. 

28 October 2016

My Last Day in MUFY (28/10/16)

  Today is the last day for me in Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY). It felt like yesterday when I started to join the the Pre-U programme on 6 July 2015. At that time we had the whole second floor of the South Building to ourselves as if the place it's our "territory". We always bumped into fellow MUFY students when we moved from one classroom to another just like in high school but there was a slight difference. You see in high school, we only bumped into each other along the corridor when we have breaks, gym class or going to the science laboratories but in college when you're heading to the next class, you always bump into your fellow course mates. 

  By the time I returned for the second semester in January, things were changed by a little- the West wing of the South Building had undergone a renovation  for the Sunway Foundation Programme - Foundation in Science & Technology (FIST) and Foundation in Arts (FIA) while the in the middle of the corridor is the Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) study room. Our classrooms started to scatter all over the place but at that time it was not so bad, most of them were still in the "territory". We just need to get to the North Building early for our next class, usually it takes about 10 minutes to get there. If you are quick, I think less than five minutes will do the trick. If you are second floor of the East Wing, you just need to go to one floor down then you see a door on your left with the words "Exit to North Building". You just go straight and turn to your right, you'll see the lift. 

  The third floor used to be A-Levels' "territory". Now it had transform into MUFY's new office! There even have a study room for the students to do their homework during their break time to wait for their next class. I immediately "fell in love" with the place from the moment I  first stepped into the room. Not only for students to discuss their homework, also students can consult with their lecturers if they had a problem in their studies. Also, there is another short cut to the North Building. If you stepped out of the new MUFY office, you your right and walk straight up to a door. Once you entered the short cut, you turn left , you see the A-Level's office. Then, you turn right you will see the General Studies Room, TES office and a classroom in between until you see a wall with an arrow stated the words "North Building". If you want go to North West classrooms turn to your left while North East is on your right. And again, the place it's no longer available as renovation is in the process. 

  Okay, that's enough about the short cuts to get to your classes the fastest way. MUFY also have some co-curricular activities like the MUFY Games 
, Sharity Carnival and MUFY Talent Quest just to name a few. The lecturers in MUFY are super amazing! Especially the English lectures. I remembered during my first and second semesters, my English lecturers- Ms. Felicia Lee and Ms. Lim Ying Ying, used interesting techniques to make the lesson lively. Sometimes we are divided into groups to work with our class mates instead of just sticking with your own friends. Everyone makes new friends right? 

   If you are not "satisfied" with the score of your subjects in the finals, there is a chance for you an extra semester or which we called the "third semester". Some students think that the third semester is some sort of "remove class" in MUFY but I think it's a chance to prove ourselves that we could better than the first two. The best part is you choose the subject you would like to improve but be warned- not allowed to take more than five. I have no regrets of taking this Pre-University course. It's an experience of a lifetime! University life is waiting for me! 

27 October 2016

Adidas Neo Campus Lauch (26/10/16)

  I arrived in college on the usual time, 8.20am. As I was getting my way out from the car, I saw a poster of my idol and friend, Danny Koo from Astro All Stars at the New University Building (NUB) which was near the library. I saw the words "Adidas Neo". Something tells me that I might be reuniting with my idol whom I admire for seven years is coming for a campus visit. I put it aside first as I continued made my move to the MUFY (Monash University Foundation Year) hub as first class was cancelled.

  After settled myself down, I started to do my revision as finals is coming next week. My Globalisation course mate- Wei Jay, as he entered the MUFY student room, he asked me whether there's a class today or not. "No, Wei Jay. There is no class today. Didn't you listen to Ms. Uma yesterday after class that today's class is cancelled?" Wei Jay said "Guessed I left early after the test but thanks anyway!" I said "No problem!" As Wei Jay packed up his bag and left the room. At 9.35am, I made my way to the next class which was Economics.

  We discussed the past year questions. To our surprise, the lecturer let us out early! As my friends and I were walking to the NUB, my mind was on Adidas Neo campaign again. I walked up the ramp and looked at the poster at the same time. After putting my bag at one of the tables, I walked around the university foyer as they were several booths set up by the students. The first stop I dropped by was Adidas Neo.

  Students were trying on the new product. I got my hands on the shoes and it's really comfortable but it was awkward when I went for the test walk because my left foot was wearing my trusted DC shoes and the right one was Adidas Neo. I found out the shoe is very light compared to other products. I asked casually to one of the organisers "Is Danny coming?" One of the organisers said: "Yes, Danny is coming! Around 12pm, you can drop by to say to him." Wow, reuniting with my idol after three months since I last met him.

  While waiting for Danny's arrival, I waited at SUSC's (Sunway University Student Council) booth. The students were kind enough to drop by for awhile. Around 12.05pm, Danny has arrived along with othe ambassadors of Adidas Neo. I was so excited! One of the SUSC students brought me over to the Adidas Neo booth to catch a glimpse of my idol and friend. He was taking a selfie with a student who first spotted him. I asked a lady organiser "Could I meet Danny please?" She said "Yes, you can! But he's changing, he'll come out in a short while," Less than five minutes, Danny was clad with the brand's products.

  "Danny gor gor (big brother in Cantonese)!" I called Danny. Danny was quite surprised to see me on campus. He said "Hey! It's been awhile since we last met! How have you been? Are you a student here?" I said:"Yeah I'm good! And yes, I'm a student here." Puting an arm around me, Danny and U I took a quick selfie as I was rushing to my next class, Biology. I gave Danny a big hug before I made my move.

  In Bio class, we were doing our revision as I realised I left my jacket at the SUSC's booth. Luckily, my bio lecturer let us out early as some of them were having a Chemistry test. Genieve and I took the lift back to Ground Floor.

  Once we reached, I quickly walked over to the SUSC booth to retrieve my misplaced purple jacket. As I was walking to the waiting area, I saw Danny was at the photo booth taking some pictures with the students along with some big props. That made me to stop in my tracks to say hi to him, again. I squeezed my away to the photo booth. I took the iPhone from Genieve as I handed it to Danny. We took another picture. I had the chance to ask him a question which has been in my mind for a long time. "Can I sing a duet with you one day?" I asked. Danny said "Yeah, sure! One day, you pick a song yet?" I said I haven't. I wanted to talk more but I realised I was "blocking"other students. Before I left, I said thanks to Danny.

  What a an amazing day I had! A mini reunion and day out with Danny just gave me the best earliest  19th birthday present! I respect Danny as an artist as he has the passion for music and created so many videos throughout his eight years in the music industry. He is so humble and has a child's heart when he is around with children when hosting kids' programmes. He is one my idols that I look up to in the music world.

22 October 2016

Practising Buddhism (21/10/16)

  After Biology class Genieve and I walk to the Lecture Theatre at the New University Building (NUB). You might think that both of us are going together right? Well, I'm the one who was going not Genieve, she's  just dropping me off to the talk is held by the Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS). We invited Datuk Seri Victor Wee (he's a Malaccan!)  from Taylor's University Lakeside Campus to give a talk on how we can apply Buddhism in our everyday life.

When I arrive at Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2), I knock on the door. Hon Pong, the president of the society notices me through the small transparent glass on the door as he signals Yee Tang to open the door for me. I quickly make my way to the front seat. The chair is really tricky to pull out as the bottom of the seat has some kind of spring which makes the chair to reposition to its original place. That really concerns some of the seniors as they are worried whether I will fall of the chair or not. Everything turns out fine.

  Datuk Seri Victor Wee talks about relationship between us and the people we interact in our everyday life. First relationship between couples (husband and wife & BF and GF). "Why there are young couples ended up in a divorce nowadays?" Datuk questions us. "Because during the dating time, they were so blinded by love. By the time, they got married, they found out their true colours and it will end up in a big fight and arguments. That's when divorce steps in," Now I know why my folks didn't want me to be involved in a relationship. That's one part of my question has been answered. For husband and wife there are four kinds which are:
A male ghost with a goddess (Husband is bad but the wife is good)
A female ghost with a god (Wife is bad but the husband is good)
A male ghost and a female ghost (Both husband and wife are bad)
A god with a goddess (Both husband and wife are good)

I bet everyone will pick the last one. Everyone wants a happy marriage or relationship.

  Moving on to friends, teachers and students as well as family. On family, parents must set good examples to the children, giving them unconditional love and spending time with them to make the bond closer. Also doing good too! If a parent drink a lot or smoke, the child might follow the footsteps when he or she grows older. In school or college, teachers and lecturers are the source of knowledge for students as they educate the future generations as they will run the country (it doesn't matter which profession) in years to come. Not just educating them through books but also protect them from danger.

  Friends on the other hand, we have to choose the ones who care for us, concern about, giving advice when times in need, providing the biggest support. Guiding us away from evil. Not the ones who downgrades us or even left you when you're in trouble and not accepting for who you are as a person. The reality is nobody is perfect! We have our flaws and strength, we need to accept and learn from it. If a friend who is not worth it, just walk away. You don't need give him or her a snap when you two pass by, give them a big smile with warmth. I'm sure they will regret one day.

  To promote peace, it's like planting a seed on the ground and water it with love. When the trees grows, we can spread the love not the hate unless some people want to do the other way round. The talk ends with Q&A session and a small prayer. It's lunch time! You guess it! Free vegetarian lunch at the new cafeteria. My lunch can't go without tong sui. Datuk Seri Victor told us about his education journey. He did his degree at University Malaya (UM), proceeding his Masters in the UK and finally his PhD in the US. He reveals that he is a Professor in Hospitality and Tourism which brings much delight to Jia Jin as he is doing the course.

  After lunch, we visit to the Pure Land exhibition at the Art Gallery, Level 1. We go into a special room where the walls are filled with sketches of lines. The fun part is when we use the iPad (borrowed from the exhibition), we can see the statues of Buddha and other work of art from the Middle East. It's really amazing! The exhibition is until 25 October 2016. Grab your chance and get ready to be transported into a magical world of wonders! Don't forget to sign the book too! What a fun day!


13 October 2016

Interfaith Talk at Sunway University (13/10/16)

  Just left a few minutes before my first class ends, my phone vibrates while I'm watching a Youtube video in  Globalisation class. While my lecturer is not looking, I take a peak at the SBS Member Group chat through WhatsApp. Our president, Hon Pong sends a picture of the scene of the talk at JC 3 hall. The talk ends at 10.30am so that hits me want to go as well. At 9.42am, Ju Lynn and use the short cut which is the bridge that leads to the New University Building (NUB). Luckily, we didn't use the lift at the university building of the campus. The dialogue is organized by Sunway Student Council.

  It's an awkward moment when I enter the hall but nonetheless the students are kind enough to offer me a front seat of the hall. I got a great view of the stage although my neck hurts when look up at the screen. Anyway, I settle myself down before turning my full attention to the speakers.

On the big screen, there are four speakers who represents each religion. Mr. Wong Chong Tat is the consultant of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), Mr. Jason Leong is under the Christians for Peace and Harmony,  Master Dr. A.S. Varadrajan is under the Malaysia Hindu Hendu and Dr. Wan Adli Wan Ramli from University Malaya. Not forgetting the moderator of the dialogue is Mr. Terrance Lim.

  Each of the speaker takes turn to talk about their respective religion. This is very interesting! I thought. Mr. Wong speaks about greed and hatred, how should we avoid them. For example, someone takes up the parking lot when you are about to park the car in that very spot, just because of that you get down from the car and start a massive argument with the person who takes up the parking lot. It's because of the words "You" and "I" in that argument which divide us apart and we don't want that to happen. Another example is the experience of Mr. Wong going back to his hometown.

  Mr. Wong took a midnight coach back to his hometown. Suddenly, the bus met an accident with a car. He said "I was also one of the kei po ci (busy bodies) to have a look. I saw a Malay man who was seriously injured so I asked the two Malay men beside me to say some grace to the victim to not think about the pain," That was very touching move made by Mr. Wong. Besides that, Dr. Varadrajan speaks about his family history. He mentions about cancer patients have a vegetarian diet. "If we eat roti canai but inside of the flour there is no nutrient at all! Same goes to us, please take care of your health," He also adds "When you step out of the hall later on, I bet some of you will forget immediately," The hall fills with laughter.

  Mr. Jason Leong mentions about is better than justice. Through his experience as a lawyer, he says that in a court there will be a winner and a loser. If a sensitive issue has brought up in the court, it would be a big case to handle and there's no win-win situation. Mr. Jason also mentions about the false news that see on the Internet. Now, the Internet is so widespread there are a lot of false news every now and then. Finally, the floor is handed Dr. Wan Adli. In Islamic teaching, he mentions that we have to accept each other for who we are. 

  Token of appreciation are presented to speakers when the dialogue comes to a close. Lucky for me, I got to stay back for awhile to ask Mr. Wong a few of my personal experiences in college. Like the "friendship breakup" back in April. "Some of the students don't accept us for who we are. Like you for example, you have physical disabilities. Some of them think you are a burden to them so they said a mouth of hurtful words to you," He also adds "What you can do is just walk away with pride and find the friends who accept you just the way you are because in Buddhism, we always give them words of blessings," My question is finally answered!

  Four religions during the dialogue but makes up one huge success! It doesn't matter which belief we are in, as long as we live together in harmony and unite together as one!

2 October 2016

Melaka's Got Talent 2016 (1/10/16)

  After trying out every talent show hosted by colleges, universities and TV shows, I wasn't chosen in any of these talent show this year, the star in my hand almost slipped off, but Melaka's Got Talent Show lighted up my star again. That made me went back to the stage and spotlight. Prior days to the competition, I got a call from the orgarniser to get the confirmation of my performance.

  At around 12.45pm, we hit the road to Cofeology Cafe & Restaurant. We reached at the destination. There were tables arranged outside of the cafe for the contestants to sign up. My name was in the list so I just signed my signiture on the paper.

  I stepped into the cafe, my grandma noticed a familiar girl from high school. "Really?" I asked as I proceeded to the performance seats. There were a lot of contestants getting their music to be sound checked. I just looked around my surrounding. The place was my first girls' night out with my best friend, Yu Xuan.

   As I turned my head, I saw Jacklyn, who was my schoolmate for 10 years! "Hi Jacklyn!" I said. We both embraced into a big warm hug. "It's been a long time! How are you?" I said:"I'm doing good!" We caught up a lot on what we were doing these days.

  Not long after, contestants were being called to the "backstage" for a briefing. The organiser said "Most importantly, you guys have fun and enjoy the spotlight! Break a leg!" We wished each other good luck.

  As planned, we started the performance. The first one was singing followed by the rest such as dancing and ball dribbling. There was a performance which warmed my heart because they lost a friend and they dedicated a song to him.

When it was my turn to perform, I stepped up with confidence because I'm at my favourite place where it's the stage. Let me take a quote from High School Musical 3: Senior Year "The stage is a wonderful place," I performed the theme song A Step of  Distance (一步距离) by Astro Star Quest 2011 champion, Geraldine Gan. It was from Astro's 2014 hit movie- The Journey .

I was "honoured" to perform in front of the VIPs. Jacklyn performed Rolling in the Deep by British singer- Adele. Unfortunately the last contestant didn't turn up which led to the end of our show. Time was left for the judges to calculate the scores. 

  While waiting Jacklyn and I did have a little fun by entertaining a few songs. She sang Missing You by Hailey Stainfield while I performed Let's Get Out of This Town by country singer- Carrie Underwood. We were asked to come back to our seats as the judges announced the winners. Third and second places went to both singers respectively. The winner of the talent show was Drummer Boy.

  Everyone got their certificate of participation for being a good sport. I had lots of fun! I met a lot contestants who shared the same singing passion as me. I'm looking forward to more performances in the future.

13 September 2016

Girls' Night Out Tagged at Hash & Tag Cafe (11/9/16)

  What's with a semester break without a girls' night out? Yu Xuan and I were out in full force for our third girls' night out. The first one was Brats & Uni cafe, the second time was at my place. Weeks before the one-week semester break, we've been planning to meet up since the last one was in June. I arrived in my hometown, Melaka, on Saturday. The first thing I always wanted to do is to meet up with some high school friends.

  I went to the Messenger app to check out who was on the house. Unfortunately, some of them were on a road trip with their family while some of them weren't back yet, so it's just left Yu Xuan and I. I was really excited for the night out. After doing revision, it's time for me to pack up a few stuff for the night out. While I was getting ready, Yu Xuan texted me through the Messenger app that she would be a little late. I said "It's okay, take all the time you need!" By the time I came out from the washroom, she just arrived. What a nice timing, I thought.

   After putting on my trustee black and red DC shoes, it's off to the night out at Hash & Tag cafe (I did mention in one of my blog posts, feel free to check it out!). It's my first time back at the cafe since I last visited in June. I reorganized the same young waiter who served us during our last visit. This time, I'm gonna try out the waffles. As the waiter handed us the menu, we looked through what we were going to dig in. Eggs are my favorite so I decided to try the eggy waffle while Yu Xuan chose a crab waffle.  As for drinks, Yu Xuan and I chose green tea latte and hot lemon tea respectively to heat up the night.

  I decided to go for dessert. I asked Yu Xuan whether she wanted to have a bite. "You go ahead!" she said. I went to the counter and ordered a tiramisu which I tasted last time when I first visited the cafe. That was one of my list when I arrived- tasting the tiramisu.

  The rest of the night was just catching up. I had the best time of my life! Just my girl, Yu Xuan and I chilling the night.

10 September 2016

C&S Carnival in Sunway College 2016 (6/9/16-8/9/16)

  It's that time of the year- the second half of C&S carnival in Sunway University College. I've been looking forward to it for weeks! Since I missed the first one in March, I'm not gonna miss the second time around. Let's take a look at the three-day scene of the carnival.

  On Tuesday, it was the first day of the carnival, I was super excited! I can't wait to help out at the society where I'm in- Sunway Buddhist Society also known as SBS for short. Once at 11.00am, I went to the MUFY hub to hand in some important homework. I was supposed to wait for my senior- Yi Xin, to pick me up at the third floor, South Building, but due to something, that got her a little late so I asked two of the students who were just about to go off.

  As I arrived at the ground floor, I went straight to the Energy Hub. I got lost along the way. "Where's the SBS' booth?" I asked one of the students at the Japanese Cultural Club. A girl said:"I know where it is!" She led me to the booth where it was just at the corner of the hub. Small but at least students will drop by right. I thanked the two fellow MUFY students. One by one, members of the society came! I was so happy to see them. The last time I saw them was about 4 months ago. 

  We have our president of the society- Hon Pong, the PR- Jia Jin and our soon-to-be president- Nico, came to help. I was so happy that I gave them a hug. "Hey Katelyn! How are you?" Jia Jin asked as he settled the banners and posters. "I'm good! How about you?" I said. "Very well! It's so good to see you again!" Well, we have a camp coming up on this Saturday. This is our very first camp in 26 years of SBS' history, we're collaborating with IMU's Buddhist Society. The theme of the camp is: Path to Happiness- Liberate Yourself. It's a three-day-two-night trip in Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. About an hour drive from the campus. 

  To make it more interesting, I decided to a live video through Facebook so that students will know more about the society. Of course, I got the green light from my seniors. It's been a blast! Unfortunately, no one was dropping by as our booth was located in the corner of the hub. There were music performances. I decided to try it out, just to feel the taste of being back in the spotlight. At first, I got rejected by the music society. After much persuasion, they managed to get me through. C'mon, this is my passion, can't you just let the girl to perform just once? 

  On the second day, as usual I went back to help out, Surprisingly, I was the only one at the booth. Since no students dropped by, might as well kill the time by doing some homework just to get the boredom off. I also brought some moon cake, butter biscuits and sweets for them. They deserved all the treats. Nico liked the dao sa piah as well as the moon cake, so did Pratima. As were talking, I found out that Jia Jin, Nico, Yi Xin and I were wearing the Buddhist strings on our wrists. We decided to take a picture. 

  We also managed to pull some students in join our camp but most of them just passed by. The Photography Club students came to take our pictures. Our campus' mascot, Samson the Sun Bear dropped by to say hi to us. 

  On the third and final day, we did our very best to get the students to join in the fun. Two of them came to drop by and we managed to convince them. I'm very happy what I've gone through throughout these three days. I would like thank my seniors, especially Hon Pong, Jia Jin and Nico who guided me throughout the activity. I'm so proud that the carnival was a success! Thanks those who helped out and came by to support us. 


5 September 2016

Fish Out of Water at The Fish Bowl (5/9/16)

 My last class which is Biology ended at 1.30pm. Hui Yee and I are waiting for Ammelin, my batch mate, to pick me up because we're heading to The Fish Bowl poke cafe to have lunch. Hui Yee accompanies the two of us, to the lift since she is done for the day. Ammelin presses the down button but the lift is going up so we decide to "ride" with the rest of the students until it reaches the fifth floor, then back down to the ground floor. 

  When we reach the ground floor, we let out a sigh of relive. Since the newly opened cafe is at the university side, we have to walk all the way till the end of the campus. The sun is scorching high above us but that didn't stop us from getting our lunch. On the way to the cafe, some students also walking out of the campus at this time of hour. Still, we have to cross the road to get to our destination. I manage to stop a car. 

  Along the way, Ammelin tells me that The Fish Bowl poke cafe is always full when she comes for lunch. Since it's around 1.40pm, I think there will not be much students as most students' break time is at 11.00am. The moment we enter the cafe, I smell fresh salmon filling in the air. The setting is an underwater theme- the white float hanging on the wall says Welcome Aboard. Since it's our first time dining here, San, who is one of the co workers of the cafe gives us a brief guide on how to order our "fish bowl". 

  I look through the steps carefully. I tick the one that I love to eat on the list, probably almost everything! Nah, I'm just kidding! Ammelin hands our orders to San. After a few minutes, our "fish bowls" are done. I look at the combination of my meal and I know why they called The Fish Bowl because the round cup is like a place for the fishes to swim. Instead of real life fishes, the dishes we ordered are described as the "fish". A very interesting name! I can't wait to taste more when I visit to the cafe next time. Maybe, I'll be putting Mayo or Thousand Island as the final toppings of my dish. 

  A very pleasant and relaxing cafe. The staffs are very friendly and hospitable, so drop by at The Fish Bowl when your nearby to get your lunch out of the water.

3 September 2016

MUFY Sharity Carnival 2016 (1/9/16)

  It's the time of the year again- the yearly MUFY Sharity Carnival is on full swing! All classes are reduced to half an hour to ensure all the students to get involved with the event. It's my second year joining the event. I used to think that the carnival was big, in the end I found out it was quite small yet fun! Most games are held at the second floor of the South Building. The food and drinks are all at the Energy Hub.  This time is a bigger event! In conjunction with Australia Week, all the Australian academic programmes in the college- AUSMAT, MUFY and VU Business School come together to educate the students on Australia.  

  Before the big day, we had a pre sale a week before. It was held at the new location, third floor (South Building). They sold handicrafts and pies. After Globalisation class, my friends and I go to the Energy Hub to check out the yummy foods and drinks. As planned, Joni, Othy and I meet up every Thursday. My homie, Hui Qing, sent me a picture of her stall through WhatsApp. I manage to catch up with her. Before leaving, I said "Hui Qing, could you please reserve some brownies and choclate biscuits for me?" Hui Qing said: "Yes, I'll keep some for you!" I thank her.

  Joni, Othy and I go to the foyer a always. Well, gotta do a little bit of course work before you can have fun right? Tomorrow, I'm having a bio topic test so gotta do all the preparations. Although, it does not include in the internal marks, still test on our biological knowledge. At 10am, the three of us head for our respective classes. I'm five minutes late so just left 25 minutes before class ends. At 10.30am, Hui Yee and I head to the Hub for some fun. I buy ice cream, brownies and biscuits as well as coke.

  Since Hui Yee is helping at the carnival, she accompanies me for about 10 minutes, it's worth it! It's just me sitting at the old cafeteria, listening to the music. I also bump into my batch mate, Ammelin. The two of us went for another round of "window shopping" at the carnival, I try some tasty food along the way. All thanks to my juniors, Hui Qing and Ryan, who are so kind to let me try some food samples. It's so yummy! Around 11.55am, Ammelin and I left the carnival and head to the library. I kinda stop in my tracks when sign reads All You Need to know About Australia.

  The booth is organised by the VU Business School students. They have a game to test your knowledge on how well you know about the Down Under. I manage to get three right. Especially the last one when the question about which two mammals only lay eggs. "What is it?" one of the students asks. "The echidina and the platypus," I answer. "Wow, you're the first one to get it right!" she said. She asks how do I know the answer.  "I watch this Pet Collective YouTube series called Growing Up with Bindi & Robert Irwin," I said.

The rest of the day just chilling at my favourite place on campus- the library! Crikey, what a great day!

30 August 2016

Crime Prevention Campaign at Sunway University (30/8/16)

  After Economic class, I go to the library to have some "me time" as my course mates are having topic tests for Accounting so they decide to skip lunch and focus all their attention on the books. While I'm on my way to the library, students are getting together at the main foyer of the college. I guess it's lunch time for most of them. Well, I'm not that hungry because I'm saving that appetite when I get home from college. As we walk along the pedestrian walkway, there's a slight rain from the heavy showers early morning. The floor is very wet so I have to be careful, especially when you're on elbow crutches because the rubber end will just let you slip and fall, that would be embarrassing! 

  Damian and Pui Yee accompany me into the library while the rest of them wait outside. Luckily they find a seat which is very near at my favourite spot of the library- the fountain view. "Thanks a lot! You guys go ahead, I'll be okay," I said. By the time, I come out from the washroom, the room is almost full! While I'm doing my revision as always, I hear some music that is coming from the University foyer. I didn't care that much at first, so it's back to the books again. 

  Suddenly, the national anthem, Negaraku is played which I pause for awhile and sing softly until the end of it. Curiosity hit me- I have to check out what is going on up there. I ask the student who sits beside me to take me out of the library. To my surprise, a campaign is launched by none other than Sunway's founder- Tan Seri Dr. Jeffery Cheah, alongside with PDRM's Crime Department to raise awareness about crime prevention. 

  There is a small play during the launch. The Pink Panther theme song is on cue, "evil laughter" is heard. As we look up to the balcony, a student who plays the bandit has the real poster. The one revealed by the officials is a "fake". Here comes our "policeman"! He asks the audience where is the "bandit". Together with university's mascot, Samson the sun bear and a little help from the public, the "bandit" is now under the long arms of the law. What a great showcase to raise awareness about our safety. 

  Lucky for me, I have the golden opportunity to talk to one of the policemen who attends the campaign. He is Inspector Foo. Inspector Foo tells me everything about the campaign, also I ask a few questions regarding to the campaign. He even gives me tips on how to detect a finger print. "You find a shiny and clear object, that way you can spot the finger print easily," Inspector Foo said. We are sitting on the mini stage so finger prints are really hard to find. Can't end the conversation without a selfie right? Wow, meeting a real life policeman up close and personal. 

  All the VIPs are invited to have high tea at Level 6 of the university. It's back to my books. After I'm done studying, I eventually bump into my best friend, Bair! We have a lot catching up while waiting for the car. 

  I have the best day of life! What a way to celebrate National Day in college. I have gained more knowledge on crime prevention. Who knows I might be Sherlock Holmes one day? 

DSP Foo with Katelyn at the Crime Prevention Campaign 

24 August 2016

Welcome Home, Our Heroes! (24/8/16)

  After a long 30-hour flight from Rio de Jernio, Brazil, our 32 Malaysian athletes have finally come back to the home soil to celebrate their victory at the recent Rio Olympic Games 2016. At around 2.18 pm, our heroes have arrived! As the plane lands, big splashes of water are sprinkled on the airport runway. There are approximately 5000 supporters to welcome the heroes, along side with dignitaries, families and friends. 

  I want to go, unfortunately the time they landed in Malaysia clashes with my time in college but that didn't stop me to catch the live event on Facebook. Major Mandarin presses such as China Press, Sinchew Daily and Oriental Daily News just to name a few. While television programmes such as Astro Arena and Astro BDQ are reporting live through Facebook as well, not forgetting some top listened radio stations like hitz.fm, MY FM as well as OneFM crews who join in the party as well. 

  While I'm on my way back from college, Kompleks Bunga Raya is packed with people who come to support our heroes. There are some entertainment from the footage too! Appearantly, national day celebration comes very early for these guys as a few entertainers sing some national themed songs like Jalur Gemilang and Saya Anak Malaysia. When the heroes make their grand entrance, the media are swarming them with cameras and supporters are shouting "Malaysia Boleh!" They are presented with a galland of flowers by the dignitaries. 

  The press conference begins as every athlete answers the media's questions about their sweet success in Rio. All eyes are on our badminton hero- Dato Lee Chong Wei. When the press ask about what are the values they learned from their success? Diving princess, Pandelela Pamg said "It's to inspire the younger generations of today to never give up on your dreams, work hard and most importantly to be confident in yourself," Badminton mixed doubles sliver medalist, Goh Liu Ying said that she hopes the juniors would take them as role models in order to achieve success. 

   The heroes are really surprised by the welcoming ceremony, they never thought they will come back as heroes. Recently, badminton men's doubles, Tan Wee Kiong, has become an Internet sensation overnight since he won the sliver medal with his partner, Goh V Shem. A heartwarming scene when a young fan presented her badminton gold medal to Chong Wei, which she won in her primary school days. To Chong Wei, he is the champion in our hearts as well as the heroes too! 

    Despite I'm having Cerebral Palsy since 18 months old, these athletes inspire me to dream big and never give up, no matter how hard the challenge is. If you asked me who is my biggest inspiration among them, I would say, Dato Lee. Why? You might ask. The answer is simple: He has this fighting spirit every time he goes on the badminton court. He has a very calm mind to face the challenges whether is on or off the court. 

  I have the book written by Lee himself, Dare to be A Champion. The book caught my attention when I was at the Popular Book fest in 2012. The book is about Lee's life from his childhood days to his road as becoming the champion of the people today. Let me just take a quote from the book: "If you dare to win, you dare to loose". The quote tells us that if we are dare to face the challenge, we are dare to take the risk along the way. 

  Thank you heroes for your sweat, tears and sacrifices that you made throughout your three-week journey in Rio, Brazil. You inspire the younger generation of today to never give up and move forward You guys deserve a good long rest. Malaysia Boleh! Once again, welcome home! Selamat pulang je tanah air (Welcome back to the home soil). 


20 August 2016

Sweet Victories for Malaysian Badminton Team (19/8/16)

  It was a great night for Malaysians because our badminton team had marched into the semi-finals in men's singles and men's doubles finals. Malaysians were looking forward to the 37th and final "Lee-Lin" face off. At 7.30pm, we were all glued to our seats to see the spectacular face off in the Rio Olympics 2016. I've been counting down the time from the moment I reached home from college! 

  The moment our badminton hero- Dato Lee Chong Wei made his entrance, the spectators cheered him on alongside with the "Malaysia Boleh" spirit. Our national flag was soaring all the way throughout the competition. Some of them went to restaurants, mamak and some even held a fan gathering place throughout the nation to cheer our hero on. As for me, I sat on the couch while eating my mummy's marinated grilled chicken with potatoes and some bits of mushrooms. 

  The game had just begun. Everyone was cheering when Chong Wei got a winning point. He lost the first match but climbed back up to the second which left the victory to the decisive set or also known as the "rubber set" in the sports context. The decisive set was super intense when the both players reached a 20-20. I was screaming "Malaysia Boleh!"which caused my parents to give me a glare. Well I don't care! It's for the country. It's now 21-20, the moment we all have been waiting for. 

  The 22nd point came, Chong Wei screamed with pride and tears of joy were shed. Malaysians were celebrating the historic victory moment. Both players praised each other for a job well done! The heartwarming came when Chong Wei and Lin Dan exchanged their team's shirts- it was a very rare scene on the badminton court. I was back on social media, Malaysians were congratulating our hero. 

  It was also men's doubles finals which I had mentioned earlier. We stayed up very late to see budding badminton men's doubles players- Goh V Shem and Tan Wee Kiong in a golden match face off with China's Fu Hai Feng and Zhang Nan. They won the first match but tried even harder at the second match. China got the second one which left us yet again to another rubber set. Two rubber sets for Malaysia's badminton team in one day! What a match! 

  China got the winning point, Malaysia crowned as the runner-up. V Shem-Wee Kiong created by becoming the first men's doubles pair to get an Olympic medal in 20 years. They are still champions in Malaysians' heart. Thank you V Shem-Wee Kiong, to see our national flag soaring at the victory ceremony. It was worth it to stay up late to watch our badminton heroes fight for the country. You made us proud! A big thumbs up to you all. 

   Once again, thank you for uniting Malaysians. 

26 July 2016

Lunch at Rock Cafe (25/7/16)

  After Economic class, my new course mates and I were having our break. "Where are you guys going?" I asked. They said "We don't know. It's up to them," giving each other a stare glare. After much deciding, we decided to have our lunch at Rock Cafe where it's a stone's a throw away from the college. They asked me whether I could walk that far. I said "Yes. Besides, I need some exercise, haha!" 

   We took the lift to the ground floor, as they were catching up with their friends, I bumped into my high school senior, Yi Xin. "Hey Katelyn!" I said "Yi Xin!" She asked where I was going, I told her we were going to Rock Cafe. "Have fun!" I always give my seniors a "goodbye hug". We walked to Rock Cafe, along the way Wei Qi whether I was tired. I said "No, I'm fine!" I thought it was far, I didn't know it's very near. Let's just say 10-15 minutes. 

   Wei Qi asked me what would I like to eat, I said I wanted a small plate of char kuey teow. Most of us ordered teh O ais limau (ice lemon tea). So everyone was talking, I saw my ex course mate, Tyler and I was glad to bump into him. We had a small chat. After eating, everyone went back to their talking, I got very curious so I looked around the opened space cafe. Wei Qi said "Is it hard to fit in?" I said "Yeah," she said "Don't worry, you'll get use to it!" 

  At 12.05pm, we walked back to the campus and all of us were sweating after all that walking so we needed to find a place to cool ourselves off by going to the Student Hub where it's at the NUB (New University Buliding). I knew a short cut where we could go to the hub by using the lift because Shenn showed me the way before. Somehow I got my "direction sense" right. 

  We just chilled and doing our course work. At 1.30pm, it's time for them to head to class while I headed for the library for some "me time" as always. When we entered the library there is a "referendum" for us students to sign in conjunction with the Quiet Campaign which was launched by the campus' library staffs. 

  It's been a fun day for me. 

25 July 2016

Dinner at Naughty Babe Dirty Duck (24/7/16)

  It was night out yesterday as I met up with my childhood friends, Natalie and Nicole at Naughty Babe Dirty Duck. Before that, I went to get my hair done at La fiorire Beauty Forever Korean Hair Salon. That was great to start for a night out. After that, we walked from the salon to the restaurant which I thought was very quick, felt it was like three to five minutes.

  We passed by a few shops along the way, we even saw a cake shop. Yeah, I thought we could drop by for a dessert or something. Not long after, Natalie and Nicole had arrived with their parents, Aunty Joen and Uncle Danny. Natalie dyed her hair to light brown, it really looked good on her. Uncle Danny asked where was my younger sister, I said "Oh , she's in Malacca to get ready for her big battle (SPM) which is going to be in four months," We ordered long sausage, spaghetti and ribs and some drinks just to name a few.

  Aunty Joen asked me whether I'm going to dye my hair, I said that wouldn't happen because I believe in the natural colour of the hair. In my opinion, just keep the original colour of the hair. We chatted the latest stuff we are doing. Also Uncle Danny asked me whether I'm joining "The Voice of China". If I joined the competition, my dad is the first one to "support".

  Natalie is on her summer break while Nicole is still studying. The three of us played some of the SnapChat filters on Natalie's phone. Although I have the app on my phone, it sure does take up the storage on my phone.We ordered another around of sausage and spaghetti because we were heading to SS2 for some durian since it's the king of fruits season. So those who are not fancied in durian better eat all up because we didn't want to look "hungry".

  Well, if you asked me whether I'm a big fan of durian, I would say 50/50. The moment we arrived at the stall, I was totally shocked! I've never seen so much durian in my life. The most famous durian among Malaysian is the Musang King. I didn't eat as much as my parents. Natalie sipped her coconut drink. While Nicole and I were busy on our phones. I even took a photo of the variety of durians on my iPod.

  It's an amazing night out! I'm looking forward to another one. 

19 July 2016

First Day of Semester Three (19/7/16)

  This is it! The third and final semester of my foundation year begins today. While most people think the third in MUFY is "slacking behind" but I think it's another chance to prove ourselves one last time. As the alarm rings at 6am, I get up from my warm bed and head for the washroom to wash myself up for a whole new musical journey. 

  We leave the house at 7.20am, the traffic is going on smoothly. On the way to college, I thought "A last chance to prove myself, don't blow it! My time to shine one last time!" I want to listen some music on the radio but my parents always listen to the business station, BFM 89.9, that make the secene in my mind more tense up. I didn't really listen what is on the radio so instead I look out through the window just to get my whole body calm. 

  At 8.15am, we reach the college. Today's class is at the North Building. We take the lift to the first floor. Surprisingly, there are a few students so I double confirm with one of them. They said "Yeah, rest will be coming soon," Sure enough, the classroom is all packed up. Some of them didn't have seats due to the limited space of the classroom. My second class, I go for economic. I'm very lucky to get the same teacher as the previous semester. Class dismisses earlier than usual. 

  I go to the first floor to renew the student ID, then go back up again. I got to catch up with some of my friends who are doing the third semester. Guess I'm not the only one. As I go to the ground floor, the workers of the college are hanging up signs for the new students who are in the July intake. It kinda reminds me of my first day in college. 

  Hopefully third time is the charm, as they always say. My new musical journey is about to begin. 

6 July 2016

2016年Astro新秀大赛: 参赛攻列音乐分享会(6/7/16)

  Astro 《新秀大赛》2016 参赛功略音乐分享会在KLCC Level 3 Plenary Theatre举行。本节目是为了寻找第二十届新秀冠军。爱歌唱的我当然不会错过这天大的机会!早上十一时,我乘德士到吉隆坡双峰塔。当地举行第十一届海内外书展。大约早上十一时我们抵达现场,外婆发现场外有很多身白青衣的学生说:“这么怎么会那么多学生?” 我说我不知道。我从小楼梯走下,再走向电梯乘上三楼。

  到了三楼,我看到Astro星势力的主办单位在忙着派入门券,我前几个星期已经在应用程式报名所以直接告诉我的名字就可以了。本来我想拿纸出来给他们看,但他们却说:“小姐,说您的名字就行了!” 我说我的名字,在名单的的第三十一位。写好名字后,一位姐姐就把入门券的边缘撕掉再把它们交给我。“好谢谢你们!” 姐姐就告诉我们:“不能拿水和饮料及食物进现场。” 我只好把水瓶交给妈妈。

  不久在场外,诗凌姐、淞凤姐以及慧萍姐的粉丝在排长龙。外婆向主办单位说我的行动不便,是否能够让我进场先再来找一个好位子。我听到外婆说:“最重要她是要看偶像。” 姐姐们不禁笑了起来,外婆还说:“有几个新秀在新年的时候和她见过面。去年,就让她到后台和她拍照。” Grace姐说:“原来如此!” 下午一时正,门打开,主办单位让我和外婆进场。“真的要麻烦你们,很抱歉!” 我说。姐姐们说:“没关系!” 我是本来坐在左手边,然后其中一位说:“不如你来坐右手边吧!” 她牵我的到右手边的座位。

  台上我看到一个熟悉的身影,应该是健华哥哥吧!后台很暗,他看不到我。等所有的观众入席后,场内开始暗下来就开始播放新秀们的作品、比赛画面和成就。洁钰姐和慧茵姐出场向大家问好。“相信在场的朋友有看《新秀大赛》或此节目陪着他们长大。” 这一句让我想起在我中三的时候,三舅拨电话来说现在在播放《新秀大赛》。当时的节目,年龄八至十三岁的学生和参赛们PK。我心里有一个念头就是参加《新秀大赛》!

  慧茵姐提着手上的环保代问:“谁今年即将参加今届的新秀?” 我二话不说马上举手,她走来我的座位,“你叫什么名字?” 她用广东话和我交流,而我用广东话说:“陈袈文。” 问我是不是很喜欢看新秀,我说是。慧茵问我:“你最喜欢的新秀冠军是谁?” 我说:“Nicole赖淞凤!” 淞凤姐的粉丝们尖叫。第一批的新秀—— Ron彭世豪、Jordan盛天俊、Amy文小菲及Elaine李宜玲等人为大家献上新秀的主题曲——《宇宙最强》。接着,新秀们一个个出来献唱他们的歌。后来,网路红人—— Danny许佳麟为大家唱一首《有多久》—— 它是今年的双亲节主题曲。

  Danny、Geraldine和Nicole示范甄选网络试音。最后全体新秀在台上送上《BFF》这首歌。《BFF》是我踏入青少年的第一首新秀的歌。他们走下台和观众朋友互动。宜玲姐他们走到我的座位时,我马上给她一个大拥抱。Jordan哥和Ron哥也是一样给大拥抱,Jordan哥说:“袈文,好久不见!” 宜玲姐要走回舞台时,我再给一个紧紧的拥抱。分享会结束后,新秀们纷纷回到后台,我想见他们一面但是希望落空。期中一位主办单位说:“你不能看他们全部,你只能选两位新秀。” 

  两位新秀而已?“Elaine姐和Ron哥,再多一个Nicole姐。” 他们三人走出来时,Ron哥第一个说:“嗨,袈文!好久不见,你还好吗?从新年到现在。” 他给我一个温暖的拥抱。“很好啊!” 我说。外婆对他们说:“袈文很想念你们!” 我唱一小段得《约定》给Elaine姐听还有《我值得快乐》给Nicole;再加上《BFF》。“哇,袈文,看来你有很多歌可以选在试音哦!” Ron哥说。和他们自拍后,我们离开现场。书展的主办单位说:“你的歌声很好听!” 我腼腆一笑。我向所有的星势力说一声“谢谢” 。


29 June 2016

St. David's High School Report Card Day 2016 (29/6/16)

.  It's the yearly report card day in St. David High School, Malacca. Report Card Day is also known as Parents' Day in Malaysian schools. On this very day, parents come to school to collect the students' report card and also get to know their children's day to day basis in school. Well, since I'm on my semester break from college, I might as well to drop by to my secondary alma mater. 

  At around 1.30pm, I started packing my stuff into trustee sling bag. Sunglasses to ward off the heat, hand phone for emergency and of course iPod for picture taking just in case. As the car stopped by the school gate, my grandma dropped off. The security guard opened the main gate for us, memories of high school were coming back to me. It felt like yesterday I started my high school life for the first time six years ago. 

  A lot of parents were at the canteen waiting for the school bell to ring because usually the bell rings at 2.10pm. Along the way, we bumped into my juniors, counselling teachers and parents. We walked all the to the new building because that's where Form Five's classrooms are. My grandma and I came to school to collect my sister's report card. Actually, grandma was doing the collecting part while I just catching up who I haven't seen them in three months. They visited to Sunway University College in March during their first school holiday of the year.

  We climbed four flights of steps, it wasn't very tiring because I climbed them during my final year in high school. The moment I reached the top, the first junior I saw was Praveena, who is the former school captain. "Hey, Praveena! Happy 17th birthday!" I gave a pat on her arm. "Thank you so much, Kar Marn. I'm so happy to see you!" she said. "So am I!"  All fifth formers in the prefect and librarian boards will "retire" four months before the SPM examination. They will pass the job on to the forth formers. 

  Students arranged the chairs along the corridor for the parents to sit. Well, to me, it's more like a patient who is waiting his or her turn at the clinic. Oh, I'm just pulling your leg. But seriously, the chairs were for the parents to wait for their turn to see the teachers. While grandma was waiting for her turn, I got a catch up with my juniors and some of my primary alma mater teachers' children are studying in the high school as well. 

  Once it's my sister's turn to see the teacher, I quickly got up from my seat and walked to the class. While she was packing her stuff, I got a small catch up with my former Modern Mathematics teacher, Puan Hoe Kim Yub. I passed the mobile phone to my sister to call my aunt that we were leaving the classroom. But somehow, grandma saw some friends which made her stopped in her tracks and had a chat with them. I dropped by to 5Sc1 to say "hi" to my physical education teacher, Mr. Sasi. I would love to sit and chat with my juniors but we were on a rush. 

  As I was about to descend the stairs, I saw my senior, Hwee San, who was wearing a black laced dress. Now it was my turn to stop in my tracks to have a small chat with her. We even took a selfie too. On our way out, we bumped into my Form One Bahasa Melayu teacher, Encik Asmi, even we bumped into the Principal, Mr. Chay Yew Choon and the Senior Assitant of Affair teacher, Mr. Tam Siew Shong. There were prefects at the school gate to escort the parents to their children's classes. 

  We were waiting for the car, I talked to Grace and as well as the birthday girl, Paraveena. We sang a birthday song for her. As the car came, we walked through the side gate. The weather was scorching hot so we have to speed up our walking to prevent from getting burned. Of course, we had to watch out for cars as well since it was after-school time. 

 But what's more important that my "mission" is accomplished! Looking forward to have another visit in the future. 

  Enter to learn, depart to serve. 


28 June 2016

Girls' Night Out at Coffeology Cafe (28/6/16)

  The moment I woke up from my nap, messages appeared from my iPod screen. My best friend, Yu Xuan asked any of us in the group chat is free tonight for a dessert. I said "I am!" but the others have already started their lectures in their respective colleges so it's really hard for them to get out on a college night. Some of them are having exam tomorrow. I guessed it was just the both of us- our very first girls' night out. 

  Yu Xuan sent me a message through a personal chat box on Messenger. She asked me where should we go later. At first I suggested we should go to a nearby shopping mall, Aeon to have dessert at the Coffe Bean but then Yu Xuan said the varieties at the Aeon shopping mall were not much. So we decided to have our night out at Coffeology. I went to Google immediately to find out the place then I gave her the cafe's address. 

  I was done watching Prime Talk 2000, Yu Xuan's car just arrived. When I opened the door, I realised the dogs were on the loose so my aunt had to tie them up before I proceeded to the main gate. Yu Xuan was wearing a dark blue polka dot dress and a pair of flip flops while I just wearing a Mkckey Mouse T-shirt with a pair of black pants. I should wear a dress. I thought. Anyway, the important thing was the night out. 

  Yu Xuan told me along the way that she planned the night out was supposed to be Brat & Uni Cafe, unfortunately the cafe was off for the day so we headed to Coffeology cafe where it's right beside Windmill Station. We took our seats and we looked through the menu. I ordered chocolate almond fudge and a chocolate milkshake while she ordered green tea latte and waffles. I decided to leave the strawberries and blueberries because they were not my favourites. Yu Xuan encouraged me to try because we never might know whether it's good or bad. 

  As I took a bite, strawberries and blueberries were not so bad at all! The blueberries tasted like grapes while the strawberries tasted sweet and a litle bit of sour, that's the Malaysian strawberries to you. We wanted to go to MacDonalds to have another taste of burger but the plan was called off. Around 10pm, we headed home. After dropping me off, Yu Xuan had a small chat with my grandma since she hadn't seen grandma for a long time. 

  I am very lucky and blessed to have a friend like Yu Xuan. She accepts me for who I am and being myself whenever I want, of course I need to limit myself at some point. Best girls' night out ever! 


23 June 2016

Night Out with High School Friends (22/6/16)

  Another perfect night which means another perfect gathering with high school friends. The last gathering was at a hawker stall where it was a stone's throw away from my place. This time my high school friends and I decide to chill at Hash & Tag cafe where it's just opposite of the new Aeon Bandaraya Melaka. Let's just start with the planning.

   I just took a nice relaxing bath, the moment I came out from the bathroom, my Messenger app had 44 unread messages. That's odd. I thought. When I opened the app, messages were flowing in. "Okay, what's going on?" I said. Apparently, one of us in the group chat decided that we should we have a night out. Just chilling and talking. Yu Xuan suggested the gathering on a Tuesday which was yesterday. Isn't a little late? As I checked the time, it was already coming to 9pm. Some of us couldn't make it because of the last-minute planning. We decided to call off to Wednesday which is today. 

   Yu Xuan suggested that we go to Hash & Tag cafe which I mentioned earlier. In the group chat, she asked any of us are free on that day. I got nothing to do so I was available. Shi Wei and Zhi Bin as well which made four of us. We did invite Siak Zhong to join in the fun but he had something to do so he'll come a bit later. I doubled confirm with them just to make sure I won't miss out any of the fun. 

  The night has come! I was watching Toy Story 2 after I had watch Prime Talk 2000. While watching halfway of Toy Story 2, I checked the time. Yes, it's time for me to get packing for the night out. I got my brown sling bag and put in my iPod and hand phone in. After getting my hair done, I wore a pair of trustees blue Vans shoes which my mum brought it in Japan back in 2014. As I was wearing my watch, I got a message from Shi Wei in the group chat asking me whether I'm ready. I answered "yes". While waiting for Shi Wei, I passed the time by singing and talking to my mummy in the phone as well as checking the latest News Feed on Facebook. 

  Not long after that, Shi Wei had arrived with Zhi Bin. Before I leave, my grandma told me to call her after the gathering. "Grandma, we'll send her back together with Yu Xuan," said Shi Wei. Grandma nodded her head: "Okay, have fun!" I did check out the place on some blogs. I heard the food is very delicious especially the waffles. It has a nice setting. When we arrived at the place, Shi Wei dropped Zhi Bin and I off because his car is a bit off of the parking line. 

  When we entered the cafe, Yu Xuan asked Zhi Bin to take a picture of her sitting alone in the corner of the cafe. I looked around, most of the customers are young people like us, youths. Sitting and relaxing, chatting along the way. I looked through menu through a clipboard. They had desserts like waffles and cakes, beverages like coffee, latte, hot chocolate and mocha just to name a few. Shi Wei, Zhi Bin and I went to counter to order. To my surprise my tiramisu is in a cup. I did take a few pictures of the dessert. 

  As I looked around the cafe, I said:" Hey, this is a perfect place for writers, bloggers and students alike to chill out." Yu Xuan said "It's true! The last time I came, I saw a bunch of university students were sitting in the cafe doing their work, "Oh yeah, my cousin told me that the cafe's waffle are salted, instead of sweet," she added. Waffles are salted? That's new to me. At some point, Shi Wei was caught by a quote "You can't change the past, so look into the future, the only way you can move is forward," 

"I have to take a picture with the quote," Shi Wei said. And the rest of the night was just taking photos at the cafe. I went over to take a look at the light bulb which contained coffee beans in it, I tried to touch it but Shi Wei said "Sis, don't touch it please," I went back to the seat. On our way out, I saw a Gramophone which is exactly like the Grammys trophy. I was caught by it but then it was time for us to go because it was getting late. I had a great time.