While waiting for my turn to perform, I had some fun by singing a duet with Josh and Thomas- She Will be Loved by Maroon 5 and Drag Me Down by One Direction. A lot of performances had been cut off because The Ministry of Higher Education was also here as well to launch the career fair, so when the minister was delivering the speech, we were asked to turn PA system off until we were given the green light to continue with our event. I have waited for a long time to perform. Nemo came to apologise for the inconvenience caused, I said it was okay as long as I got the chance to show my talent, it's fine by me.
After Pearl, it was my turn. I stepped on the stage with confidence. Everyone was staring at me which made me feel uneasy at first. I tested the microphone to make sure everything is good and the sound system was okay. All the performers sang English songs, why not a twist of the performance with a Mandarin song? BFF by Astro Star Quest 2011 champion and 1st runner up- Geraldine and Jie Ying. Everyone was joining in the fun, I love it! Being on stage that means I can be myself without any judgement from anyone and it is a wonderful place to let go and feel free yourself. The good news was we were given the opportunity to have a lunch buffet at the Gallery View at Level 1. Although we had taken the food at the food truck but that one saved for dinner time.
When I was done eating, my mum called me where I was. I told her I'm at the Gallery View, at Level 1 at the university building. We took the lift back down to retrieve my lunchbox and drink which were left at the cafeteria table. It's so good to perform with students who share the same passion in music and singing. I finally got the chance to perform on campus which I have always wanted in my whole life! My goal had achieved! I'm looking forward to these kinds of events in future. Thank you Sunway Music Society!
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