28 November 2016

Are You Awake? (25/11/16)

  It's Black Friday! How did you spend your Thanksgivings Day this year? Thanksgivings is not so popular in Malaysia but Black Friday is! I've seen a lot of online store from H&M to Amazon to Zalora and a whole lot more are having discount in conjunction with the celebration. Okay, I'm back in college. You must be wondering why I'm still in Kuala Lumpur instead of relaxing in my hometown, Malacca? I'm here to attend another talk organised by the Sunway Buddhist Society (SBS) called "Are You Awake" by Lancester University's lecturer, Dr. Alvin.

  I'm in the library to check out some Black Friday goods online. After awhile I bump into my senior, Jia Jin, who is just at the helping desk to get some paper work done. I turn off and follow his direction to the computer table. "Hi Jia Jin!" I whisper. "Hey, Katelyn!" He asks me what am I doing here, I tell him that I'll be attending a talk which is held by the society. "Yes! Of course! You came all the way just to attend?" he asks. I say: "Yes!" So he helps me with my bag and the both of us take the lift back up to the library's main entrance but the awkward moment is we forgot to press the button!

  After Jia Jin drops me off at the university's foyer, he rushes off to class. I thank him for his help before he left. There are a lot of booths are being set up for tomorrow's career fair so my curiosity hits me and I just wander around the whole foyer. I drop by Sunway University Music Society (SMS) to check out. Recently, I got an unexpected invitation from the society to perform tomorrow so might as well to check out who is the person invited me to perform.

  At 12.15pm, I make a bee line to LT2. I peak through the transparent glass of the door. Yes, class is still going on so I wait at one of the benches. A familiar person just passed by me. Is that Kuan Hui? I thought. I have to double confirm, yes it's Kuan Hui alright! I haven't seen him for six months! I'm surprised to see him. When the students coming out from the lecture theatre, Kuan Hui and I make a move. We also bump into Loke zai (young boy in Cantonese) and Jia Yee. Once we are all settle down, Loke zai calls the President of the society, Hon Pong, to inform him that we are already arrived.

  Unfortunately, he didn't call back but did reply the message that we should start first and Hon Pong will be coming later on. I have to inform Dr. Alvin that we should start the talk without further delay, we ask him whether he wants to use a microphone but he says he doesn't need one. What makes the talk so interesting is that Dr. Alvin our background as a Buddhist and how were we exposed to the religion.

27 November 2016


   就是今天啦!今天是Geraldine颜慧萍的感恩音乐会以及EP首卖会,此活动在Bentley Music Auditorium Mutuara Damansara 举行。大约下午二时十五分,我们然后开车往雪州八打灵再也。一路上,我望着车窗外的风景,哼着《一个人的冒险》。心里很兴奋因为我是Yuii姐姐的 “小嘉宾”。据说艺人会带粉丝们一起出席活动。而且我不能露出我的兴奋表情,我怕爸爸说我是“三八婆” 。唯独耐心等待到现场再说吧!
  大约下午二时四十分,我们到达地点。我向爸爸道别后,我和妈妈乘电梯到四楼;抵达现场的时候,我第一见的艺人是Uriah徐凯!“Uriah!” 我呼唤他。他转过身说:“嗨!好久不见!” 我们互相拥抱如老朋友,我亲手把卡片送给他,我告诉他:“这是我亲手制作的。” 他看了看便说:“真有心!我们拍张照片吧!” 我们托一位粉丝替我们拍照。我也看到Jordan哥哥和Nicole姐姐。
  妈妈在领取门票时,我找主办单位,我对她说:“ 我和Yuii姐姐有约。” 她说:“啊!Yuii有约你!你能站久吗?” 我说不能,她一张椅子给我坐等待Yuii姐姐的到来。然后,我走过柜台看看艺人们的专辑,“嗨,小姐!你要购买Geraldine的专辑吗?” 负责人问我。我告诉他们我得问妈妈先。妈妈领取门票后,我告诉她我要买专辑。妈妈问我要哪个封面,我告诉她我要有花的封面;她买后,妈妈告诉我:“文,我手上的包包也有专辑呢!” 妈妈还问我:“哪个男生和Ron一起主持《Budget Go Cuti》是谁?” 我说是Jordan哥哥。她问我要他合照吗?我马上说:“要!” 我呼唤Jordan哥哥,他看到我:“嗨,你还好吗?” 我说:“很好啊!可以和你自拍吗?” Jordan哥哥说:“可以啊!” 我和他自拍之后,我问他最后一集的《Budget Go Cuti》他们去哪里,他说:“今晚守住吧!” 
 我传送简讯给Yuii姐姐,通知她一声我已经到现场了。不久,Yuii姐姐说:“我们做采访吧!” 采访?他们要采访谁呢?我看到一个大大的海报在我身后,Yuii姐姐说:“站在这儿吧!大家好,我是Yuii陈静宜!” Jordan哥哥说:“我是Jordan盛天俊!Yuii,你身边带来一位特别的粉丝吧?” 原来他们采访是我?!我不是在做梦吧?不要紧张,我心里说。他们要我自我介绍,我说:“大家好,我是Katelyn陈袈文!今年十九岁,来自马六甲。”

 Jordan哥哥说:“我们时常会在活动上看到她。” Yuii姐姐附和说:“对啊!” 他们还说几乎他们每一个是我的偶像。” Yuii姐姐说我会很卖力在Instagram和面子书留言,这令她很感动。他们问我如和诠释“一个人的冒险” ?我告诉他们:“一个人的冒险是可以用另一个角度来看,而且我们可以独立。” 为了感谢我的出席,她说:“我还特别准备一个小礼物给她。” 我马上向妈妈伸手取牛油曲奇饼干,我还说这是亲手制作的。”我们来见证这温馨时刻吧!” 我和Yuii姐姐交换小礼物。我采访不久,《新闻报报看》的主播—— 关萃文,正在做采访!她说Geraldine是她的 “女儿” ,她提到《十万个为什么开心乐龙龙》的角色。她是妈妈,而Geraldine是女儿—— 囡囡。萃文姐姐采访后,我和她拍照。

  主办单位带我到座位,想不到我坐靠近舞台!艺人们一个个入席就坐。我左看右看,我被电台主持人和新秀包围着!哇,梦想成真!我也想不到Sean许益凯也有来!“Sean哥哥!” 他说:“嗨,你还好吗?” 我说:“我很好!” 在等待音乐会开始时,我把亲手制作的卡片给Nicole姐姐、Danny哥哥和Amy姐姐,我剩下的只是Yuii姐姐和Geraldine姐姐的。还有,怎么会少自拍呢?后面几排是今年的新秀,我转过身和他们打个小招呼。大约下午四时,音乐会正式开始!我们今天的主角—— Geraldine颜慧萍登场啦!第一首歌是——  《一个人的冒险》。我们把粉丝团派给的纸条给举起来让Geraldine知道,我们是会永远会支持她。

  不只是粉丝还有艺人朋友,她的家人特地从柔佛麻坡过来看她的音乐会,Geraldine的外婆首次出席外孙女的活动。我想起如果有一天可以办类似的演唱会,我也会邀请阿嬷。一首又一首熟悉的歌曲在我耳边响起例如:《自力更生的星球》、《一步距离》、《好时光》等等。Yuii姐姐时不时问我:“你享受吗?” 我点点头。 Geraldine在歌曲的半段差点儿哭了,我的心也是被打动到。我们是第一批观看《一个人的冒险》MV首播!加上她在新秀期间唱的歌。

  “Geraldine,要不要唱多一首歌吗?给大家一个bonus吧!” Jym 说。现场的观众的朋友说:“ 《BFF》!” 我知道这首歌!它是—— 《BFF》!昨天我在学院也表演这首歌。台下的观众也跟着唱,萍迷们到台上献上蛋糕还有她一起合唱呢!非常温馨的画面!音乐会结束后,我和Yuii姐姐自拍。大家排长龙等待得到Geraldine的亲笔签名。

Uriah和粉丝们拍照完后就到我的身边坐下,我们谈天。我问他:“身为艺人,你们是如何分配工作和休闲时间?” Uriah想了一下就说:“很好的疑问!其实不要把工作看得那么紧密,你会造成压力。不如这样看吧!你要把时间定好。在这一段时间你是在工作,时间到了你就想看下一个活动例如去打羽毛球、看书、唱歌等等。这样你不会觉得压力。” 我一定会铭记于心。妈妈招收就说我可以到台上去亲笔签名了!Uriah说:“我帮你吧!” 我说:“好啊!” 他把手搭在我的肩膀上,感觉像哥哥守护着妹妹。我本来去舞台的左手边,但Uriah说:“Katelyn, 这里!” 在他的协助下,我慢慢爬上小楼梯。

“咦,你曾经出席《Astro新秀大赛》参赛攻略音乐分享会在KLCC吗?” Geraldine姐姐问我。我马上说:“是啊!” 我还问她洁莹姐姐在哪儿,她告诉我洁莹姐姐她在台湾无法出席音乐会。如果洁莹姐姐有出席,我和她可以重新团聚。“还有男神帮你啊!” 她补充说。Geraldine姐姐指的 “男神” 是Uriah!我们拍照的时候也把Uriah叫过来和我们一起合照。

My interview with the stars. I didn't see that coming

The moment I stepped into the hall, the first person I saw was Astro Star Quest 2014 champion- Uriah See

Live Wire at Sunway University (26/11/16)

   It was my very first performance since I furthered my studies at Sunway Campus. My mum dropped me off with the sudents of Sunway Music Society (SMS) and there was a career fair going on so a little bit of entertainment to lighten up the mood. We were going through our last-minute checking to confirm the songs that we were going to perform later on. While waiting, I warmed my vocals up by doing the lip trails and drank honey so I could hit the high notes. My high school friend, Cheryl, also came for the performance too. She brought her guitar and a green file which contained all the chords and lyrics.

 While waiting for my turn to perform, I had some fun by singing a duet with Josh and Thomas- She Will be Loved by Maroon 5 and Drag Me Down by One Direction. A lot of performances had been cut off because The Ministry of Higher Education was also here as well to launch the career fair, so when the minister was delivering the speech, we were asked to turn PA system off until we were given the green light to continue with our event. I have waited for a long time to perform. Nemo came to apologise for the inconvenience caused, I said it was okay as long as I got the chance to show my talent, it's fine by me. 

  After Pearl, it was my turn. I stepped on the stage with confidence. Everyone was staring at me which made me feel uneasy at first. I tested the microphone to make sure everything is good and the sound system was okay. All the performers sang English songs, why not a twist of the performance with a Mandarin song? BFF by Astro Star Quest 2011 champion and 1st runner up- Geraldine and Jie Ying. Everyone was joining in the fun, I love it! Being on stage that means I can be myself without any judgement from anyone and it is a wonderful place to let go and feel free yourself. The good news was we were given the opportunity to have a lunch buffet at the Gallery View at Level 1. Although we had taken the food at the food truck but that one saved for dinner time. 

  When I was done eating, my mum called me where I was. I told her I'm at the Gallery View, at Level 1 at the university building. We took the lift back down to retrieve my lunchbox and drink which were left at the cafeteria table. It's so good to perform with students who share the same passion in music and singing. I finally got the chance to perform on campus which I have always wanted in my whole life! My goal had achieved! I'm looking forward to these kinds of events in future. Thank you Sunway Music Society! 

22 November 2016

Elevate 5 Years (21/11/16)

  Five years ago, American boy band- Big Time Rush (BTR) released their second studio album Elevate on 21 November 2016. The album was released by Columbia Records in association with Nickelodeon. The album acts as the soundtrack to the Nickelodeon hit TV series of the same name in the second season and the telemovie, Big Time Movie. The genre of the album consists of pop rock, alternative and dance rock just to name a few. Following their success of their first album, BTR, this inspired the band to write more songs on their own. They had written a total of eight songs during the process of the album. There are 12 songs in the album. 

  In US iTunes Store, a bonus track titled Blow Your Speakers is featured while on the UK's edition is Epic. On the band's official website, Paralysed is featured. Their first single in Elevate is Music Sounds Better With U featuring rapper Mann. It was released on 1 November 2011, the world premiere of the music video was released on 12 November 2011. In support of the band's new album, TeenNick hosted a special listening party and in conjunction with the music video of their first single, Nickelodeon aired a special thirty-minute special called Big Time Rush: Music Sounds Better With U which features the band talked about their process on producing and recording their album. 

  What's with an album without a concert tour? In early fall 2011, the band announced they were going to kick off their ever tour which started on 17 February 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada and ended on 10 March 2012 at Radio City Mall in New York City. Joining the band on tour was British boy band, One Direction on 9 March 2012, which marked their first tour in the U. S. In my personal preference, my favourite songs from the album are Music Sounds Better With U, If I Ruled the World (feat. Iyaz) and Superstar just to name a few. Time of Our Life music video was released during the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2012 where the band won for  Favorite Music Group. A re-released for the album in 2012 which featured the new track Windows Down

  Five years had passed by BTR's Elevate is still elevating in our hearts and when you listen to their songs you feel like a superstar and you rule the music world. Music does sound better with BTR after all these amazing five years of the album.

 What are your favourite song in Elevate

12 November 2016

Last Day as College Student (11/11/16)

  The moment my parents drop me off at the library, I immediately go to the Sunway Campus Library's fountain view at Level B1. I take my favourite royal biography- The New Royal Family. It's all about TRH Prince William and Duchess Catherine on raising the future heir, their first born- Prince George of Cambridge and how William and Kate adjust their lives to parenthood. Although, it was renewed for the latest edition and published two years ago, that didn't stop me to get to know their roles in the 21st century. I take a photo of the fountain view and post it up on the social media. Oh you might be wondering why I'm in college today? I'll be attending a talk held by Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS), titled: Science & Development in Buddhism. It's going to be at LT2, starting from 12.30pm to 2.00pm.

  Around 11.20am, I walk out of the library but stop at the main floor of the library, that's where the Level UG (Upper Ground) is located. They are having a mini film exhibition on Asian films including Singapore, Indonesia, China, Taiwan and of course Malaysia! I tour the exhibition awhile especially Malaysian film area. They have information about some Malaysian legend actors like the late Tan Sri P. Ramlee and Maya Karin. They display many of the Malaysian films from 1950s till now. Who wouldn't forget Astro's 2014 hit movie- The Journey and the recent Ola Bola, the movie is based on the true events in the 1980s- the golden football years in Malaysia. Besides that,  Ice Kacang Puppy Love (2010) was one of the first Mandarin movies in my early teen years

  Unfortunately, the items on displayed are not ready to be home loan yet until the exhibition ends on 18 November. The mini film exhibition in Sunway Campus Library is from 8 November till 18 November. I walk to one of the seats at the foyer at the university side of the campus. After I settling myself down, I walk to the SSD booth where they are promoting the Asia Leadership Conference 2017, which is going to be held on 14 January 2017. The registration fee is RM200. Early birds (for non-Sun U students) will have a 50% of the price, the discount lasts till the end of the month. While Sun U and College students will have a 50% discount as well!

  I drop by to say hi to my friend, Shenn Kuan, who is one of the SSD students. "Are you coming to the conference?" Shenn Kuan asks me as she hands me the flyer. I take a look at the flyer of the conference, "I'll think about it," I say "I'll tell my friends," I add. I walk back to my seat, I take the iPod from my bag again and take the a photo of the corridor of the university side. Last photo of college life in 2016. I realize that my iPod is running of battery so I go to one of the tables and charge the device because I need it for the talk later. While waiting for it to charge up, it's back to my book on the royals!

  At 12.20pm, I pack up all my stuff and head straight to LT2 to attend the talk. I'm about to open the door, some students come by to help me open the door. I thank them for their help after taking my seat. I double confirm the place with the society on their WhatsApp group chat. Not long after, the president of the SBS, Hon Pong come. "Hey Katelyn! You're here early!" Hon Pong says putting his bag down. "Yeah, it's the best to get everything early!" I laugh. After a few minutes, the other members start to come in. In the end, the talk is cancelled at the last minute as they forgot to inform Datuk Seri Victor Wee, the Prof. in Tourism of Taylor's University. Hon Pong apologises for the inconvenience caused.

  "No, no it's okay!" I say. What are we going to do for the next two and half hours? Planning the activities for 2017! We have a little fun by playing the microphone. When there is a microphone in my hand, I'm full on my "singer" mode! Time to show my singing skills off! Hon Pong draws out the planning on the board.

  In mid-meeting, Hon Pong asks me "Do you join any societies and clubs on campus?" I say "No. The only society I join on campus is SBS," Something has struck him, "Katelyn, would you be like our committee member?" Wait, what? I didn't expect that question coming. If you are a committee members of any society and club, you have to attend meetings. I wasn't a committee member back in my high school days. "I don't know, Hon Pong" I hesitate.

Being a committee member, you have big responsibilities! "Don't worry, we'll guide you," Cynthia says, who is the PR of the society. Hon Pong wants me to be the assistant secretary to Yi Xin, who is my high school senior. He knows my relationship with Yi Xin will make an amazing team. But Cynthia suggests that I should her place as PR, she and Hon Pong will be graduating soon.

 At 2pm, the university students are here for their lecture so we have to leave the room. When we exit the room, it's already start to rain. We go to the new canteen to have our free vegetarian lunch. My last tong sui before I come back to continue my undergraduate degree in January. I wait for the rain to stop as Cynthia go to the library to get some papers printed out. After that, we walk to the waiting point to wait for my Uncle Andy to pick me up.

  I'll see you next year, Sunway University!

2 November 2016

19th Birthday (2/11/16)

  Yes, it's official! I'm 19 years old! I'm celebrating my last birthday as a teenager. Another year, I'm stepping into adulthood. Well to my parents especially my dad, that I will never grow up but to me I'm almost a grown up but with a child's heart. 

   I had extra class in college so my mum always drops me off to my class before going to work. As I was about to do my revision, birthday messages kept pouring in to my Facebook page wall and messages. The first one to wish me was my friend, Hayley. Followed by my high school seniors and the kids in my batch, juniors as well as college seniors. 

  This year my birthday is very special because it also coincides with my Chinese birthday (the 10th lunar month day 3). My mum and I share the same Chinese birthday. I used to celebrate my birthday in my hometown, Malacca, the place where I grew up. My amah (maternal/paternal grandma in Hokkien) always boiled red eggs and long gaviety mee sua for me. Every year, she and gong gong (maternal/paternal grandpa in Mandarin) always give me birthday ang pao (red packet in Mandarin) as a blessing. 

  This marked my second year without celebrating my birthday with them. Both of my maternal grandparents play a huge role in my life. They've been taking care since the day I was born. They made sure that my childhood was "normal" as any other kids of my age but only a little bit special. 

  At night, my parents brought me to Fong Lye restaurant as my birthday dinner. I don't care what kind of birthday present I received. As long as the gift is sincere from the heart, I'm more than happy with it. After dinner, we went to a nearby bakery to buy Oreo cheesecake. Although, this afternoon I had a piece of chocolate cake from my junior, Hui Yee, still I want an extra piece of birthday cake. To be honest, my craving was on full mode! 

   As I got home, more birthday wishes kept on pouring in! Most of them were from my maternal cousins and relatives. Unfortunately, the examination is around the corner so I did have a little stress from it. Who says I can't achieve my dream to university? Just watch me and I'll prove you wrong! No one is ever going to crash my dream, not even the ones who try to crush it. I bet I'll let your jaw drop in a mid air. 

  No matter how hard the challenges are, I must face them with bravery and strength. Most importantly I simply must have courage and be kind. A quote from my favourite movie- Cindrella (2015). Also here's another quote from the movie: When there is kindness, there is goodness. When there's goodness, there is magic! I'm sure I will apply these quotes in my everyday life. 

  Anyway, happy 19th birthday KM!