自从中四参与佛学会,我所出席的佛曲活动都是比较轻松和充满青春活力。这一次我出席是比较 "壮观" 的一个佛曲演唱会。由黄慧音老师所自导的佛曲演唱会----《礼赞梵乐演唱会》。爸爸放我下车时候,就走进去。同时在等他泊车时,我抬头望怡霖姐的身影。爸爸取票后,我在《礼赞梵乐演唱会》的大海报拍一张照,然后前往进现场。
演唱会举行在的二楼的舞台(一),我们乘坐电梯。演唱会开始之前,我先翻看歌手的名字,还有演唱会的来源。在歌手的名单里,看到几个熟悉的名字—— 黎升銘老师和Amy王明丽,两位是在大马娱乐圈的歌手。
当升铭老师出场时,他身穿灰色外套裤子,加上白色鞋子衬衫,我马上被老师引入眼帘! 慧音老师在钢琴上弹两首歌,其一首是《Chant of Metta》。让我想起在两年前的佛学会迎新会播放这首歌,还有在其他的佛教活动。最后歌手们像佛陀致敬,演唱会正式告一个段落!歌手们向观众们挥手致谢意,这场是最后一个演出了!
当离开时候,我一直回头看但还是找不到怡霖姐姐的身影。我在场外遇到心愿FM的副台长阿媛,我告诉她:"我时常收听你们的节目!" 阿媛说:"谢谢你的支持!给你智慧满满的正能量!请问你名字是……" 我说:"我是袈文!"
乘电梯到大厅的时候,似乎给所有人挤爆了!我慢慢走向前,左看右看。想要见的偶像,出去的时候在脑海 "彩排"几次想要对他们说的话。我第一个找黎升铭老师,心里一直 "扑通" 跳,终于见到本人了!"升铭老师,您好!我是袈文。我很喜欢听《三好歌》。" 我说。"谢谢你啊!" 升铭老师说。我和老师拍了张合照,心里有掩不住的兴奋!
终于见到怡霖姐姐了。"袈文,你还好吗?你刚才坐哪儿啊?" 怡霖姐姐问,我跟她说:"我坐在左手边。" 我、她、升铭老师和一众歌手合照。爱唱歌的我来说,非常开心!我再次心愿FM的团体,副台长阿媛跟台长说:"她是我们的忠实听众!" 我觉得脸有点发烫!
Hi my name is Katelyn, tune into my blog where you can read all the fun things that I do on special occasions
31 March 2019
Dharma Music Unity Concert- Sadhu for the Music 礼赞梵乐演唱会 (31/3/19)
26 March 2019
Back to University: The Final Year (25/3/19)
I'm heading to the library, I bump into my best friends Hanis and Ishaq. They are heading out for the moment but sadly I can't join them as I just arrived on campus. I decide to walk around a little before heading to the library. Sunway Peer Councelling Volunteer (PCV) is having a campaign called "Positive Me" to spread positivity around campus. I left a note and stick it to a positive tree. Positive tree, positive me! Get it? No, okay! Let's proceed to the journey.
The first lecture starts later in the afternoon today, so I watched some videos which are going to be taught later. I bump into Wai Loon, while I'm watching the videos. "Hey Kar Marn, how are you? Long time no see!" he said. "I'm doing good! What are you doing at the moment?" I ask. "Just some stuff to handle for the Chinese Cultural Society. How about you?" he said, I tell him that I'm watching some videos to prepare for the first lecture.
I left half an hour, I quickly pack up my stuff and double check to make sure that I didn't leave anything behind on the computer table. I head out of the library, one question pops into my mind: "Which side of the lift leads to the classroom? The East or the West building?" Why not try the East side? No harm trying! I have a star struck moment with Chef Patrick Siau while I'm on my way to lecture, whose team was the champion of the dessert competition in France earlier this year.
Sure enough, I reached the classroom! I look at the time displayed on the big screen. Really? Four minutes? That's fast! Usually it takes me about five to 10 minutes to get to class. Well, since I have the whole classroom to myself. I continue to watch the videos which I left off, Chelsea gives me a big fright when she comes in. Guess I'm too engross without knowing the presence of my course mate.
One by one, my other course mates start to come in. Before the lecturer comes in, Chia Ming and Sonia talk about their experiences on internship earlier this year. Not long after, Dr. Leong, our Political Communication lecturer, we were under her for Law and Ethics in Communication back in Year 2 last year.
After class, I bump into my friend, Pam. We chat about what we had done over the holidays and the subjects we are taking now. It's so awesome to see your friends again after the semester break. What could I ask more?
Join Katelyn in a whole new world, as she steps into her final year of university. One step closer to fulfill her dream
25 March 2019
EOSMUN 2019 (22/3/19-24/3/19)
After three weeks at Reform MUN 2019, time to head for another MUN before Year 3 of university starts in a few days, it's EOSMUN 2019 with its theme The Power of Truth. EOSMUN is held at IGB International School. I'm in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), this time I'm delegating for Bahrain. Last year at SUNMUN, I was delegating for Japan of the same council.
I wear a white dress which is one of the two flag colours of Bahrain. When I arrive at the school, UNHRC is just at the first table. After collecting my card and goody bag, I look for a seat to settle down and I mingle with the students of the school. At 2pm, delegate make a beeline to the hall for the opening ceremony.
We just settled in our seats not long and the emcees kindly ask the delegate to move in front of the hall but I stay where I am. The opening ceremony starts with welcoming remarks of the emcees and the head teacher of IGB International School. Videos of each council is shown on the screen to give a brief idea of the whole conference.
Before we head to council, we have a council picture. Usually the council pictures are taken on the last day of the conference, I guess this a first for me. Once delegates are settled down in their seats, we head into lobbying session first. I'm working on the second topic which is "Protecting Migrant Workers in the Middle East. Since I'm representing Bahrain, I work with delegates of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, India, Bangladesh and Qatar just to name a few.
We have a small break for 15 minutes and it's back the second session of council, starting with the opening speeches, and it's back to lobbying session. Some of the delegates have their discussion outside of the classroom, they are working on the first topic which is "Privitisation in the Digital Age". We divide into two blocs of discussion.
On the second day, delegates arrive at their respective councils. Our council switch places because we had technical difficulties with the projector. Delegates continue to lobby on the topic we worked on yesterday. Before council starts, the delegate of Togo asks me what are the differences between add, amend and strike in a resolution. I have a surprise visit from Shaun, who I met during my very first MUN at MNMUN 2018.
Once lobbying time has ended, delegates return to their respective seats and debate on the first resolution of the day. Marvin, one of the secretariats, comes in and plays the roles as the delegate of the Russia Federation. The chairs are out for a moment so Marvin gives a speech on the resolution as a whole and there is no Point of Information (POI), which lead delegates "unhappy" and demand to have POI.
In the second half of council, we move on to the second topic. The delegate of Qatar starts an opening speech on the topic of protecting workers in the Middle East. The chair asks me whether I would like to accept Qatar's speech, my answer is no. In mid council, Shaun takes on the role of the delegate of the Netherlands, together, with my chair, Hydrogen, who then later switch to the delegate of Sri Lanka. Gareth and Shupriti come in as the delegate of Iraq and Iran respectively later on.
After all that debating, it's time to head to the cafeteria to have dinner, the it's off to socials. They have two rooms, one is the dance room and the other is the common room. I try my hands on ping pong. Thanks to some of my friends who help me with the game.
The third and final day of the conference, we move on to the third and final resolution. Marvin is acting chair for the first half. Then, Shupriti comes in to check on us and delegates as North Korea. At one point, I send a note to member nations to fight against the delegate of North Korea! Council is really heating up at that point. Finally, the resolution pass!
Delegates make their way to the closing ceremony. A video montage is shown throughout the three-day conference. Chairs and co-chairs of each council presents the award to the best performing delegates. When my name is called for the "Most Diplomatic Award" in UNHRC, I didn't see that coming! My very first MUN award in five conferences! Thank you to my chair, Hydrogen and co-chair, Alice for believing in every delegate.
I have the best time in EOSMUN, final day to enjoy the semester break before the new semester starts tomorrow. Next up, it's MNMUN 2019, it's where the passion began. Tune in to the next post of my MUN adventure.
4 March 2019
ReForm MUN 2019 (1/3/19-3/3/19)
Paying tribute to the two countries I'm representing, I guess the colour red is the choice. Oh, here's a tip for the first-timers: Always pay tribute to the country you are representing. Be it the colour of the flag or the national flower or even bring a stuff animal that represents the country (I've seen it once in my very first MUN), it shows that we have the respect for that country.
After my parents drop me off at Dwi Emas International School, I make the way to the hall for the opening ceremony. The ceremony kicks off with introduction of the councils and messages from World Vision representative, Ms. Denise Ng and our Secretary Generals as well as from Worldwide Wildlife Fund (WWF) Malaysia. With that, it's time to reform!
Delegates make their way to their respective councils. The UNICEF council is a little far, it takes awhile to get there as this is my first time in the international school. UNICEF council starts with introduction of members and a brief explanation on how Model United Nations (MUN) works as a whole.
Since a delegate is representing two countries, we have to decide on a topic that delegates are debating for the next two days or so. At first, most of them want to do topic 2 which is child poverty. After re-vote, most of us choose the first topic on mental health- a cause I'm passionate in. Due to time constraints, our lobbying session which lasts about 15 minutes.
Day 2 continues with delegates arriving and continue to the topic which they left off on the first day. I had a hard time looking for my council as they shifted the room, luckily one of the admins are there to help me out. As the main submitter of the first topic, we work on the opening speech but we have a little trouble on the solution, we have to forgo ours and pass it on to the next group of submitter.
In the third council session, our topic is switched to the second topic which focuses on child poverty. Yet, our roles are changed to another country. Mine is switched from China to Switzerland. This time the whole council work together on a resolution.
I have a hard time in searching as we need to link back to our countries' policies, turns out it's harder than I thought. I'm in stress mode for that moment. I think this is the most stress topic we have done researched on, as compare to the the previous MUN conferences which I had attended. It's okay, this is where the learning process comes in.
After all that debating, it's time for delegate to let their hair down at social night or also known as socials. It's the best part of every MUN. My favorite part is definitely the performances! I'm back at centre stage again! The feeling is so good! Some of the committees have really awesome dance moves! I find it very cute!
The third and last day, we are back on the first topic which is on children's mental health. I tried to submit an amendment but it didn't turn out well. At least I tried, I'm sure I'll get a hang of it in my next MUN. We have a karaoke session, a game of kahoot of guessing the flags of each county. At 1.00pm, we head to the main hall for the closing ceremony. Jia Fu and Soo Jin once again take the stage as emcees to host the ceremony.
A slide show of the three-day is shown on the screen and also upcoming MUNs in the next coming weeks and in early April. Awards are given out during the ceremony, and certificates are given in council earlier. One of the goal councils is tick off from the list! I'm honoured to represent the SUNMUN team in my first ever MUN in 2019. I'm looking forward to the next MUN.
I'm hoping to be the ambassador for UNICEF Malaysia because I love helping children wh looking forward to the next MUN. o are going through the same journey as me, of course mental health and education are in the list too! I'm hoping to bring the voices of Malaysian children in the real UN one day because this is what I fight for.