12 July 2020

Comfort MUN 2020 (11/7/2020-12/7/2020)

After the first virtual international Model United Nations (MUN) at Momentum MUN, it's time to get comfortable for Comfort MUN 2020! What's more, I'm in the UNICEF council again, this time representing the Republic of Korea (ROK) with the topic on "Combatting Child Trafficking". I'm surprised at the statistics when I did my research on the country I'm delegating. 

As with the previous international MUN, the conference takes place in the comfort of our homes. A day before the council, my fellow delegates are really spicing up the topic. I want to talk more in the group chat but I'll save for the debate later on. 

I wanted to raise my topic on combatting child sex tourism, unfortunately, the other delegates are debating their topics instead so I might save it later. During the unmoderated caucus, I didn't have the chance to speak but the delegate of the United Kingdom is kind enough to notify since I was in line for so long. We have delegate social, where delegates from Comfort MUN get to know each other. We played a game of "matchmaking" which is another version of "Who'd You Rather?". 

I didn't join the midnight crisis as "energy" need to be restored, so I use the time to discuss the draft resolution with my fellow delegates. The second day of the council is firing up, which kind of made me wonder are we in a crisis council or a child-friendly council who we gather to fight for every child? To wrap things up, we want to merge our draft solutions as one but it didn't work out. In the end, the draft resolution that I worked with my fellow delegates failed, the other bloc passes.  

During the closing ceremony, we have a special guest, Mr Noah from the United Nations Associaton of Kenya. This time no award for me but being able to represent Malaysia at my second international MUN is the biggest honour of all! 

An award or not, it doesn't matter but the best award is that I get to play my role as a UNICEF ambassador in the council. I will continue to fight for every child. This is Kar Marn representing South Korea from UNICEF, signing off! 

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