30 April 2023




有一些歌手在停车场困住须要队友们过去接他们,因为我们是已经 “全副武装” 准备上场演出。在等的同时,我也吃了一小包的咖椰球(kaya ball),在歌唱时候不会饿着肚子。也感谢队友们的照顾!大约晚上三十分,大家已经回来了,是时候准备乐器、麦克风、音响等等。

我是非常期待,迫不及待想要握着麦克风唱歌!“袈文,你先冷静!” 但心里不能因为真的有一股热血沸腾在骨子里。《真善美的旋律》当的一首歌的开炮,当麦克风交给我时候,学莉对我说:“现在是《缘之家》。” 我点了点头,马上进入状态。当《缘之家》结束时候,队友们提醒我:“唱歌时候,麦克风别握那么近。在适合的角度就可以了。” 在下一首的英文佛曲—— 《Happy Wesak Day》有稍微好点。

临时安排的《转角处》,我对亿杰说:“我记得当时唱的部分是在副歌。” 他说:那就你唱副歌的部分就可以了!” 一首接一首的佛曲例如《浴佛歌》《心圆满》《佛陀牵着我的手》《佛法的力量》等等。也包括流行歌曲—— 近期火红的李荣浩的《乌梅子酱》和 《Letting Go》。我个人很喜欢《Letting Go》这首歌,该放手就放手,别对一样事件过于执着。



号外!号外!号外!我们有个好康要带给大家!喜欢唱歌创作的你想要展现你的音乐天赋,欢迎15岁至30岁的音乐爱好者参与马佛青甲州联委会举办的《真善美的旋律. 与愿起飞》佛曲音乐营。大家可以到马佛青甲州联委会的官方面子书Instagram  知道更多详情。



28 April 2023

ECOSOC Youth Forum 2023 (25/4/2023-27/4/2023)

 For the past two years, I attended the ECOSOC Youth Forum as an individual (online), This time is a little bit different, this is my third time and a first as a Young Leader for UNICEF Malaysia! I'm not attending alone, 'Ariff, Ben, Celine, Chloe, Shana and Kuha are among the young people in the delegation. 

Since we need more money to head over to New York in the US to feel the live atmosphere, we are attending the forum online thanks to technology. I didn't stay throughout every session because of the time differences (Malaysia and New York are 12 hours apart). When I first joined the forum, I got sick due to the lack of sleep. I learned my lesson last year and am an expert now this year. I also gave these tips to fellow Young Leaders. 

The networking session is something I was looking forward to but we are attending online and there were a lot of hiccups in between. I was looking forward to the mental health networking room when it was first put up and I didn't know why it went off and was replaced with digital transformation, we managed to tie that up with mental health and everyone was firing away! Phew, that saved it! 

Just like last year's forum, the Regional Parallel Session was always one of the highlights. Malaysia falls under the Asia and Pacific regions. Kicking off the event was Savi, the emcee of the event with opening remarks from our very own Malaysian, Sharifah Noriza. In her opening speech, localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are always a challenge because not all communities can understand the concept of the implementation and the importance of the goals that we are going to achieve in 2030. 

Continuous support and crucial partnership as well as education the main factors to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. For me personally as a person with disabilities (PwD) - inclusion is the key. Let's just face the fact that not all of us can understand the struggles of special needs, it will take time to understand and most importantly the patience to learn at a deeper level. I took two years to look for a job, and now I'm happy with the current one that I'm in now. Inclusion to me being involved at every level will bring our society forward. 

On the third and final day, I only watched an hour of the live stream because two days straight of attending caused me digital fatigue. It was time for me to take a rest from the whole event. 

That's not all, just right a day after the forum, "Ariff, Ben, Kuha and I chatted with Isara of Japan through a Google Meets call to talk about mental health and the challenges we faced as youths in our community. What really impressed us all was that Isara founded Mindfull - a start-up mental health organisation for people in different forms. 

This is not the end but this is the beginning of the journey. I always take a quote from my favourite Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon "You just have to take the first step even before you are ready"! Lastly, thank you UNICEF Malaysia Young Leaders Program for giving me the opportunity! Looking forward to joining future activities!