24 May 2018

BeYoutiful SU Photo Exhibition (24/5/18-25/5/18)

   Media technology practical class ends, I head over to the BeYoutiful campaign photo gallery. BeYoutiful campaign? Sounds familiar to you? Well, if you check out my last post on the campaign’s carnival, I’m sure you will recall back what happened on that day.

After settling myself down, I walk around to take a look at the college boulevard. It’s not ready yet as the seniors are doing some last-minute preparation on the photo gallery so students who come to drop by will feel the love all around on this beYoutiful day! Get it? Beautiful, beYoutiful? No, okay! Let’s move on.

I come across the photo gallery. I see the photos which were taken during the BeYoutiful carnival. Most of my course mates pictures are up, but where’s mine? Well, probably I have to drop by tomorrow to see whether it’s up on the second batch of the photo gallery.

Remember about the “breaking barriers”? Writing your insecurities on the board and giving it a good punch after that, it’s back for a second time around! Plus, there’s a message board for us to write encouraging messages to everyone that it is okay to be ourselves and don’t change because of someone else, because we are beYoutiful in our own unique way.

 Unfortunately, I have to miss the performances and the event lauch as I have a lecture to attend. I can drop by on the last day as the event will be running for two days.

Miss out the first day? Drop by on the second and final day of BeYoutiful photo gallery, you might spot yourself in there! It’s a good way to end the first week of university since resuming from the semester break. If you see two “fishies” in yellow and orange, show off some shaking moves to shake a new self.

BeYoutiful SU Photo Exhibition 
Date: 24/5/18-25/5/18 (Thursday & Friday) 
Venue: Sunway College boulevard 
Time: 10am-5pm 
For more details, please visit the BeYoutiful campaign’s official social media sites. 
FB: Beyoutiful_su  
Instagram: @beyoutiful_su 

22 May 2018


  漫长一个星期的休假来到了尾声,双威大学学生们返回校园上课啦!开学的第一天,就有课外活动。什么活动呢?当然是华文学会举办的辩论课堂!我相信大家会问:“什么是辩论?” 以我的看法是把对方打得很难堪,直到 “投降” 为止。想知道什么是辩论,接下来你就会知道!

 啊,不过呢,让我来向你们介绍辩论课堂的老师—— 李荣森老师。李老师是毕业于马来亚大学,他和颜如晶是同届的大马代表辩论选手。相信对《奇葩说》这中国辩论综艺节目不陌生吧?大约晚上七时十分。华文学会会员陆续到来,李荣森老师也到了。那么话不多说,我们正式上课!

  辩论有分三位辩手:主辩、二辩以及结尾辩。哪它们三个的在辩论里扮的角色是什么呢?主辩手是以开场为主,而二辩手则把主题切入更深的一层;这时候我们就可以看到双方辩手 ”互相残杀” ,也让整个辩论赛场变得精彩!总是也要来个尾声吧?结尾辩手把整个主题梳理整合,让辩论赛场画上句点。

  好了,辩手的角色之后,我们正式进入正题!第一个主题是:消费税或大马人民所熟悉的GST,是否应该消费呢?有几位同学赞成保留消费税,而有些反对。老师问我:“你呢?” 我说:“老师,我保持中立。” 老师赞叹道:“哇,你们不知道赚钱的辛苦!好了,话不多说!我们正式开始!”

  然后,老师说辩论时间分为三十秒、一分钟及三分钟。接下来的主题是—— 《喝水对健康好》。我是以三十秒为开场。老师给我的指点是:强调在水帮我们生物解渴就可以了。最后一个课题就是—— 《小三是没错的》。小三在爱情里是被旁人说的 “爱情破坏者” ,说不定哦!同学们纷纷对小三的意见。


5 May 2018

BeYoutiful SU Carnival (4/5/18)

  Public Relations Writing lecture ends at 11.30am, my course mates and I head over to the boulevard at Sunway College to support our seniors in conjunction with their campaign- BeaYoutiful. What is BeYoutiful campaign? It's about self-love and self-acceptance. I mean we all try to change for someone who we are not right? With this, students can redefine what does beauty really mean to them.

  I'm about to head down the stairs, Ishaq, my best friend, who is also on his way to the carnival. Well, the carnival is not that big but it sure lights up the whole boulevard. There are so many of them, what am I going to choose? I hear some senior students screaming, apparently one of the students is breaking a board with his or her insecurities written on it. Everyone has their insecurities, so it's time to break mine once and for all.

  My insecurity is not fitting in and no sense of belonging when it comes to hanging out with a group of friends. I feel left out at times and still do today. After writing my insecurity on the board, Eric comes over to hold the board. Before that, let's some gloves on to ensure safety- preventing the hand from being hurt when punching it, unless you are a martial art expert, you know where are the pressure and force. If you're not, better to put the gloves on for safe keeping.

  Let's break that insecurity! I try to break it for the first time but it didn't work out, "C'mon, try harder! Punch it real hard this time!" the seniors encourage me. Thinking of all the times of being left out, something tells me that I should break it, show them that they are messing with the wrong person. Taking a deep breath, I punch the board real hard time to break my insecurity. It broke it into two! A survey is required to fill up after you participated in the activity.

   You can't leave the carnival without capturing the moment on a camera right? All that punching and walking made my tummy grumble. My course mates, Mudita, Jaya and Ness walk to the college cafeteria to have lunch before heading to the next class- Media Relations and Public Affairs.

  How do you define beauty? Is beauty really on the outside, not from the inside? Or just within it? Find out more on the BeYoutiful campaign on their official Facebook page and Instagram account. There are tons of competitions and prizes for you to win! Grab the opportunity now!

Facebook page: Beyoutiful_su

Instagram account: @beyoutiful_su
(T&C Apply)