21 October 2018

Punchlain SU Comedy Night (20/10/18)

Are you feeling stress about the piling assignments these days? Or you feel down over a recent incident? Can't find anything to cheer you up? Head over to Punchlain SU organised by DCLA's Year 3 students of PR Project Management at Sunway University! 

Weeks before the event, the seniors came to drop by promoting their event during Issue and Crisis Communication lecture. I was a little hesitant to come because I was not sure about my plans in hand yet., until yesterday one of the seniors, Amanda, that the team had five free tickets. At one point, I was thinking, "Hey, since there is a free ticket, why not give it shot?" It's worth a shot since I didn't go to a comedy night before. My seniors are super supportive, why not return them favour? 

I make my way up to JC 2, the seniors are still doing some last-minute checking to make sure the event is in top form. Most of them recognised me because I covered their previous event during the last semester- BeYoutiful. My tummy starts to rumble when I see the food pantry but it is not opened until 7.00pm. Oh yeah, I also receive my free tickets while waiting. 

Once the food pantry is opened, everyone heads to the food pantry to dig in. My favorites are the curry puff and the brownies, and especially the egg sandwich! I also bump into my course mates too! They are surprised to see me at the event, "Hey Kar Marn, I didn't know you are here! Did you buy a ticket?" they ask, "No, I got it one for free from one of the seniors," I say. 

I take two photos at the photo booth by Fuji Film, one is with course mates and the other one is with my seniors. As we are waiting patiently for the photos to be printed out, the doors are opened and it's time for us to go in. It's okay I can collect the photos later when the show ends. 

 Once everyone settles in, our lovable emcee, Ruwan, takes the stage. "As they always say, laughter is the best medicine!" the crowd cracks up, and it's true! I have to agree with that saying 100%. We have performances from Kavin Jay, Ayim Razak, Papi Zak, Chrissy Wu and Gajen Nad. Overall, my favorite performances are from Gajen Nad, who kills his last performance with a Hindi and Indian dance. It's totally awesome! 

We also have a game in between to ease up the atmosphere. I'm not good with jokes so I didn't have anything in mind. If I had ever come up with one, trust me, it's not funny at all! Anyway, back to the show! 

After the event, tokens of appreciation are given out to the VIPs and the event director, Ms. Sheena herself, make a speech to thank everyone for coming and making the event a huge success.  I have my one-on-one interview with one of the crews, Angie. 

Katelyn (K): What is the main purpose of the event? 

Angie: (A): We have three goals when planning the comedy night. First of all, the Malaysian comedy scene is under appreciated, cause most of them think that comedy won't make out of money. Secondly, we want to nurture fresh and young talents in the comedy scene. The third and final goal is give people a relaxing time to distress themselves from their hectic work and assignments, especially. Also, we have collaborated with Shelter Home, a there is not enough donations for the children who are living at the home itself. 

K: Why did the team choose a comedy as the theme for this semester's event? I realised that previous semesters, they held balls event. 

A: Like you have mentioned earlier, they held balls event in previous semesters which the team think is common. So we decide to be different by having this comedy night so that everyone can have fun. It also benefits people too. You know the people in big states like KL and Selangor, they are really stress out from work and studies, it may lead to depression or any mental health related issues. With this event, we hope they can relive the stress through laughter. 

K: How did the team overcome conflicts? 

A: We overcome conflicts by talking it out on whatever we do or anything comes out of hand instead of keeping to ourselves which can lead to miscommunication. The key is to communicate! 

K: Anything you want to say to the team? 

A: Although it's tough, we are grateful that each of us in the team did a fantastic job to make the event. We're happy and satisfied on the outcome of the event. 

K: Thank you! 

A: No worries! Thank you for coming to the event. 

Congratulations on the success of the event, it is definitely a night fill with joy and laughter. If you miss you out that night, you can catch all the highlights on Punchlain's official FB page and Instagram account. 

FB: Punchlain_SU 

Instagram: @punchlain_su 

18 October 2018

TogrtherLAH! Lokal Night (17/10/18)

After a week of semester break, it's time for the students of Sunway University to head back to campus. But for the DCLA students, something really got them excited, what is it? I'll tell you in a bit later on. And guess what? The TogetherLAH! team is back!

In case some of you have forgotten what is TogetherLAH! campaign is about, let me refresh the memory. TogetherLAH! is a Malaysian themed campaign run by DCLA's Year 2 students of PR Project Management and Corporate Communication  at Sunway University, to inculcate the Malaysian culture among Malaysians and create a favourable attitude towards the country for our international counterparts. 

I'm sure most of you are really curious what is the big event right? Drum rolls please! We bring you Lokal Night also known as cultural night! Isn't this exciting? Before the big event, I'm going to take you on behind-the-scenes to see what we are up to prepare the big night. 

The team gathers at the corridor of LT 7 and 8 to finish the final details. Some of them are in charged of the photo booth decoration, the completed flag expression board as well as blowing up the balloons. I'm a little bored as I have nothing to do and not much to help out at that time, but I entertain one of the performers. 

As the time nears 6pm, we all head to the entrance of JC 1 to get our positions ready. I'm at the registry counter along side Mei Fong, Chivonne, Jessica, Christine as well as Ezac. My position is the VIP attendant, which means I'm in charged of the VIP guest list. Upon registration, VIP and guests will receive a goodie bag which contains Malaysian childhood snacks- Apollo biscuits, jelly, Kopi O sweet etc. Don't they just bring back the childhood memories? Even Sunway Education Group Senior Executive Director, Dr. Elizabeth Lee is impressed and surprised with the door gifts when presented.  

I'm star struck when I attend Talitha Tan, who is the guest performer for the night. I even take a selfie with her. Okay, back to work! All the VIP guests list are done, it's time to move on to the normal guests list and walk-ins.  

The doors are opened as scheduled at 7.15pm, students and guests start to fill up the hall. The registry team is still on duty.

When I’m told that I have to stay up until 10.00pm and miss the whole performance, I’m a little sad and disappointed. I missed my favourite performances which are the wushu and tai chi as well as the Chinese orchestra. 

To cheer myself up, I munch on the childhood snacks. After awhile, our event supervisor, Kavind, leads me into the hall to enjoy the rest of the show, which means I’m off from the job! 

The lucky draw is up. One of our course mates is the lucky winner of the night. Our guest performer, Talitha, performs three songs: America Boy, Mine, and her original- Okay, follow by a sharing session on what makes us Malaysians. The final performance which is another traditional Malay dance by the MSU’s Performance Arts and Cultute Club (PACC). 

The event ends with the appreciation ceremony and a group photo. With that, lokal night is a success! 

As a Malaysian, I'm proud of our diversity. Our campaign is coming to an end with our closing ceremony on 2 November 2018. 

Follow our FB page and Instagram account for more updates of our campaign. 
FB: Togetherlah_su 

Instagram: @togetherlah_su

Hi I'm Kar Marn, I'm going to be your attendant for Lokal Night! 

8 October 2018

UN SDG 3rd Anniversary Celebration 2018 at Sunway University (7/10/18)

The semester break has officially started, most of them have already gone back to their respective hometowns to spend their one-week holiday. Before I head back to my hometown, Melaka, I decide to spend my weekend on campus. Is there a big event on campus? It's the third anniversary celebration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), it is celebrated all around the world!

You must be what are the Sustainable Development Goals? The Sustainable Development Goals was launched by the United Nations (UN) on 7 October 2015. These global goals are the challenges that we face in the world today such as poverty, inequality, huger, health, education etc. We hope to reach the 17 goals by 2030, to ensure that we leave no one behind.

As I arrive on the campus' football field, there's a big stage and two performers are singing to the late Michael Jackson's Beat It, as if I'm attending my very first open-air concert on campus! Oh wait, I am! I make my way to one of the tents to ward off the intense heat. Thanks to the Sunway Student Volunteers (SSV), they give out complimentary drinks to the participants at the event and also badges for the goals, as well as posters!

I'm waiting for my friend Hanis to arrive. I'm near the VIP tent, I bump into a few famous faces. Malaysia's famous comedian and funniest man in the world- Harith Iskander, along with his wife, Dr. Jezzmine Lim, and state assembly person for Subang Jaya- YB Michelle Ng. Not long after, Hanis has arrived. As we are chatting, the emcee announces the arrival of HRH the Raja Muda of Selangor. Quickly, I jump off from the stage and we look for another platform to have a seat.

We found one not far from the VIP tent. At around 9.00am, the celebration begins. When High School Musical's We're All in this Together is played, the flag bearers for each goal comes up to the stage. Who doesn't love High School Musical? I even dance to the music! To start off the celebration, Sunway University Cheerleading (SUC) is here to heat up the stage with their amazing stunts and flips!

The emcee asks all the students to move forward to the stage. I'm still remain on the platform as it is difficult for me to get down on the grass. One by one, 17 VIPs come up to the stage and make their pledge on the goals they are passionate in. At one point, Hanis checks on me to make sure that I'm comfortable.  Sunway founder, Tan Sri Jeffery Cheah, AO, makes his speech to wrap up all the 17 goals. A drone flies over to capture the momentous event, Hanis and I wave to the camera.

When the VIPs come to our side, we shake hands with his HRH the Raja Muda of Selangor. I give my best curtsy when I meet HRH. I have a mini reunion with the national tenpin bowler, Sin Li Jane. We met before at last year's SEA Games homecoming celebration. I even give Li Jane a big hug!

The celebration is not over yet! I have my own VIP moment at the tent, and a good view of the stage too! A magic show,  opera singing, a group of kid dancers, and the best part of all is the performance from the Malaysian Army! With that, the celebration of the SDG has come to a close. I'm super happy that I attended the biggest UN event in the world, apart from Model United Nations (MUN). Maybe I can represent UN Malaysia for one of these goals as a youth ambassador, who knows right?

 I, CHIN Kar Marn, make a pledge on Good Health and Well-Being. Let us join hands and make a pledge to each of the SDG that we are passionate in.

3 October 2018

SBS 《心门之初心》舞台剧庆功宴(3/10/18)


从图书馆出来,看见乌云密布的天空,我赶紧加快脚步因为快要下雨了!背着沉重的背包,我到学院学楼乘电梯至三楼,再拐个弯就到庆功宴的课室了。当我越靠近课室时,心里 “扑腾扑腾” 的跳,是不是我走太快或者紧张?无论如何,先调好呼吸才进去吧!深一口气,我到门口就和大家打招呼:“Hello!”

“Katelyn!” 他们很兴奋看到我的到来,我坐在主角—— Derrick的身边。我快喘不过气了。他们问我如何来这儿,我说:“从图书馆啊!” 众演员关心的说:“那么远啊?你行吗?” 我说可以,最重要小心就可以了。所有出席的演员和筹委会到齐,开饭啦!我们已经预购的Dominos Pizza 一一把它们打开,肚子就在这时候也打鼓。在吃的当儿,璟芳播放完整的舞台剧在荧幕上让大家回顾一下。


最开心的时刻可以和一众的演员唱歌,特别是和Han Kee与Derrick一起合唱《择》。两位赞我有一个甜美的嗓子,我当时脸红了!心里非常开心!更希望有一天和两位在学校的活动一起同台唱歌,用我们的歌声传达爱和关怀。

庆功宴结束之前,大家手中有一张奖状。当我收到奖状,心里非常开心因为所有的泪水和辛苦都是值得的!我当时想要放弃,可是停下脚步想一想:“为什么我会在这里?我是为了什么而参与舞台剧的筹委会?” 后来才发现原来所有的事情,不能自己一个人扛,而是整个团队的合作才会有那么精彩的一个舞台剧。

