29 May 2015


  上中六的我已经大约三星期了,如今学校中年假期到了!马六甲武吉巴汝中学的学生们也完成了中年考试,总算可以放下心头大石,好好享受两星期假期。铃声响,学生们一窝蜂似的从教室的门口冲出去,有一些则喊:“假期到了!” 我向同学们说一声“假期快乐!” 哇,好久没尝试学校放假的滋味!由于在这五个月没有返回校园,自己也不知道在家玩平板电脑、听歌、看书等等。相信读者们有假期计划吧?


  刚踏进中六的我,我并没什么兴趣要去报读它因为我的计划是到学院升学。怎知三个我却被选中报读中六!虽然我不愿意,但是为了顺从外婆,我只好硬着头皮去。现在我还是在“挣扎” 着。一般上的科目都是国文,我会加倍努力去尝试。若是我不能,我只好退出中六吧!不过换一个角度看,我觉得中六其实有苦中甜。






22 May 2015

Congratulations to Faris! (22/5/15)

  First of all, I wanna say congratulations to my best friend, Faris, who is accepted to KUIM. Faris and I became friends about two weeks ago. I can't believe that we became best friends in these two short weeks! Okay, let me tell you my friendship with Faris. 

  It was the first week of Form Six class. The Upper Six students were having their second semester examination. Our class, 6B1, had been used as the examination hall so we were placed at the school's library at that time. Our classes were conducted at the library throughout the second semester examination. We were having Bahasa Malaysia class, I was seated way back of the library. 

  To get a great seat, I asked one of the girls to help me to the front row. My movement was alerted by Cikgu Shamsul, "Girl, what are you doing?" he asked. "Dia tak dengar, nak duduk kat depan.(Sir, she can't hear clearly. She wants to sit in front)," said Sarah. Cikgu Shamsul gave me the green light to sit in front of the library. 

  After Bahasa Malaysia class, a boy came up to me. "Siapakah nama awak? (What is your name?)" he asked. I introduced myself as Kar Marn and I told him, he can call me KM for short. The boy later introduced himself as Faris. Faris reminded me of my ex classmate, Amirul back in St. David's High School. He facial looks a little like Amirul. 

   We talked about our dreams and ambitions. I told him I was hoping to meet Malaysia's badminton star, Datuk Lee Chong Wei and also to travel to the UK with my family one day. He said "Wow, I have never seen a girl with such high ambitions! Hope your dreams will come true," And from that day on, my friendship between Faris had developed. 

  Yesterday, I was doing a research on Business Studies (Pengajian Perniagaan). Suddenly Faris called me "Chin Kar Marn!" I turned back said "Yeah?" He took out his smart phone and took a selfie with me. That was my first selfie with Faris. 

  Just this morning, Faris told me that today is his last day in SMK Bukit Baru, his alma mater for the past five years because he has been accepted to KUIM. He is an awesome friend to me. I have no regrets to become Faris' best friend. All the best in your future undertakings! 

15 May 2015

A Meeting with Sunway College's Directors (15/5/15)

  I wake up at 10.30 am, it is a big day for me because I'm meeting with Sunway College's directors. My mum told me earlier on Wednesday that I'm meeting with these "VIPs", I'm really excited! After getting dressed, it's time to embark our journey to Selangor. On the way to Sunway College, my mum reminds me not to address them as "uncles" or "aunties". I keep that in my mind.

  When we arrive at the college, music is blasting through one of the faculties. Students are roaming around the campus. After my dad dropped my mum and I off, we waited outside at the Information Centre. We went to another Information Centre to ask some directions. "Madam, go straight forward and you will see the meeting room infront of you," says the security guard. 

  We go into the meeting room and wait for the "VIPs".Not long after, Mr. Lee Thye Cheong is the first one to greet us. He is the director of the Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY). While my mum is having a conversation over the phone. Mr. Lee asks me what I am doing at the moment. "I'm currently pursuing at SMK Bukit Baru, Melaka for Form Six," I say. "What are you going to do?" he asks. I say:"I'm going to pursue Foundation in Arts. After that, I'm going to pursue English and Communication." 

   "Very good! At least you have an idea on what are you suppose to do," Mr. Lee praises me. He explains the MUFY programme outline to us. I'm all ears when he explains every unit of the subject. After the meeting with Mr. Lee, we have a meeting with Mr. John who is a Principal of Sunway International School (SIS) based in Malaysia. He explains the Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP) which involves course work and community service. Madam Ruma Lopes drops by and gives us the Foundation in Arts brochure. 

  Lastly, Madam Cheng Mien Wee is the last one to meet us. She explains the programme outline of Foundation in Arts. Maths is the normal one so I can say it is okay to me. Then, we head to the Information Centere to gather some information. After the three meetings with the directors, it's time for us to head home. 

  Hopefully I will be accepted to Sunway College. 

8 May 2015

Form Six Orientation Week (5/5/15-8/5/15)

  It's been a week since I entered my first few days as a Form Six student. What is Form Six? Let me give you a simple explanation. Form Six are divided into Lower Form Six and Upper Form Six, at the  end of Form Six, students will have to take STPM (Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia). The Form Six today is very different now. 

  Now they don't call it Form Six, they called it as PPU (Persediaan Pra Universiti). We are allowed to wear either home clothes or school uniforms to selected Form Six schools. Mine will be in SMK Bikit Baru. On the first day of Form Six which is on 5 May 2015, I went to sign myself up at SMK Bukit Baru. A lot of questions were running on my mind. Can I do this? Is it the wise decision to pursue Form Six? 

  The first few days of Orientation Week were very boring. I almost slept throughout the orientation for three days straight, believe me I wasn't happy at all. I kept on begging my elderly to let me quit Form Six but all plead were fell on deaf ears. To be honest, Form Six is not one of my options after completing SPM. After the SPM examination results were released last two months ago, I started to search colleges and universities online. 

  My nightmare began when my grandma told me that they had a selection of Form Six last month. I was reluctant to serve the net because as I said before it was not in my "Options After SPM List". Believe it or not I was selected for Form Six. I wanted to reject the offer but my grandma said "Your mum, uncles and aunt did Form Six when they were your age. I think you should do it as well," Me? Pursue Form Six? No way! My grandma and I eventually didn't see eye to eye when it comes to colleges and universities, instead we had a heated argument. 

  Like I have mentioned earlier, they won't even listen what I have told them about Form Six. I have no choice but to be the "good girl" yet again. If only I have a chance to choose, I will definitely choose college to pursue Foundation in Arts which ever college are available.

  Oh well, what ever what I have gotten myself into. I'm sure there is a way out for me to go to college. 


4 May 2015

卫塞节 2015 (3/5/15)

  卫塞节—— 对佛教信徒说是一个重要的日子,因为是为了纪念释迦摩尼佛的诞生,终身以及启示。我国马来西亚在六十年代宣布卫塞节是一个全国公共假期。


  我们到哪儿的时候,只见人山人海,男女老少都来这儿庆祝卫塞节。爸爸对妈妈说:“你和孩子们先下车,我去泊车。” 我打开车门,然后跳下来。妈妈吩咐小妹替我拿拐杖,我们往佛堂走去。我上楼梯的时候,以为佛教信徒伸出援手说:“这位女士,你需要帮忙吗?” 妈妈说:“我可以,谢谢您的好意!” 后来,当地志愿者牵着我的手到门口,我向她道谢。

  我在门口看到乐捐箱,箱子写着:“为尼泊尔大地震受难者祈福。” 尼泊尔首都—— 加德满都在4月25日发生8.1 及大地震,八十年以来最严重的地震·。来自各国的搜救队员到尼泊尔伸出援手。尼泊尔也是释迦摩尼佛的出生地方。目前我国四个宗教团到当地为尼泊尔居民伸出援手。

  我们排队为小菩萨浴佛。浴佛让我们像佛祖一样有一颗纯洁的心。浴佛后,志愿者为我戴上平安绳子在手腕上,她问我:“小姐,你是受伤的吗?” 我微笑说:“不是,我是天生的。” 志愿者说:“希望你健康,平安快乐!” 然后她给妈妈四盒的饼干。我们乘坐电梯到二楼参观。十年后,佛光有一些的改变。

  二楼也是有浴佛仪式。我们向释迦摩尼佛致敬,爸爸告诉我:“文,你看看!这是为尼泊尔大地震的受难者祈福。 想到尼泊尔大地震,我的心突然有一种伤心的感觉。” 我记得爸爸曾经说过他为我学佛供养写上名字。我说:“爸,我记得我的名字有在这儿。” 

  我们找了几行,终于我的名字“陈袈文” 三个字眼依然还在!我们到楼下去购买素食,今天是农历四月十五。佛曲从播音器传到四面八方。回家之前,我点了许愿灯。

