30 September 2022

Into the TYDELverse Live Showcase

 My very last concert was at the #StandTogether Kindness Concert in 2019, now it's TY:DEL's very first concert since the band made their debut! Way before the band was fully formed, Carlson and I were university coursemates, followed by the other members - Ritchie, Timothy and Roshan. 

My earliest memory of TY:DEL is when Carlson sang a solo version of "No Turning Back" at Beyond Labels' closing ceremony on 12 June 2019 (Wednesday) on campus. Then, into the second semester of my final year in university, Ritchie and Timothy played one of the band's earliest singles - LDR, at the university foyer. Oh my, I was starstruck back then! 

We all knew during the past two years, it wasn't easy for any of us because one global pandemic hit everything but it didn't stop TY:DEL from making their music. After all, it was a great way to have some music during that long period at home. Did you know Bad Together (feat. Claudia Tan and Irwinandfire) was one of my top songs played during the pandemic period? It really helped me to kill boredom at that time. 

Okay, time out! Let's head over what really happened at the concert, shall we? I arrived at the concert, there were long queues of people waiting for the door to be opened. I was the first one to get into the venue (please don't be jealous, okay?). The moment I stepped into the room, Ritchie was the first one who came up to me and gave me the biggest hug! They were still setting up and I just sat there chilling. 

The doors were opened and everyone started to come in. Most of them were TY:DEL's family and friends. I even chatted with Roshan who is the backup drummer for the band. Hey, every band needs a supporter to get the show going on. I chatted with a few of them before the show started. 

After a few opening acts, the moment we have all been waiting for! TY:DEL! The first song was To Anyone, followed by a few classics like 21, LDR and the very first song No Turning Back (I think most of us knew TY:DEL through this song). I remembered Carlson performed solo at the closing ceremony of Beyond Labels on 12 June 2019. 

The finale of concert ended with Bad Together with Claudia and Irwinandfire. After the concert, we took a few pictures and I caught up with the band and some of university coursemates as well who came. Most of us are Carlson's coursemates from university. 😜 

Congratulations on the success of the first showcase, this is just beginning! Once stepping into the music scene, there is no turning back! Keep the music going on! 

Follow TY:DEL on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: 

Facebook:  TYDEL 

Instagram: @ty.del 

Twitter: @its.tydel

10 September 2022

马佛青甲州联委会:佛青之夜 2022 (10/9/2022)


傍晚五时五十五分,我换上唱享6度的衣服,穿上鞋子,往鸡场街出发!我在路上想着以前在观众席位看唱享6度歌手们的演出,如今是到自己在台上演出。看来这几年的努力已经值得啦!把车子停泊在路旁,外婆和大舅舅带我去海南会馆 —— 那是所有演出者们的 “休息室” 。当我安顿下来,歌手伙伴们在进行音响测试。


大家围绕成一个圈,再练歌多几下。在等着时候,大家在聊天,也即兴唱马佛青五十周年主题曲—— 《100 度 C》。催场义工告诉我们是时候上台了。在义工们的带领下,我们穿越人群,终于到舞台的旁边。

在《第一天》演出即将结束,我们开始就位,我就在 “后台” 观看伙伴们演唱的 《简单生活》和 《城里的月光》。《转角处》在开始之前,司仪们——亿濠和学莉在介绍下个歌曲的演出。待全部就位了,开始表演咯!

在演出中,我和麦克风在 “打战” ,但心里面一直告诉自己要把歌曲演完。幸好把第一首—— 《转角处》演完!接下来这首是《我们的一定圆》,去年我们也拍翻唱 MV,今年是现场版。在演出结束,我们祝大家中秋节快乐!

