21 April 2022

UN ECOSOC Youth Forum 2022 (19/4/2021-21/4/2021)

Last year, my dream came true as I attended my very first virtual ECOSOC Youth Forum by the UN. This year was no exception. Unfortunately, I got sick due to the amount of sleep I had last year. This year, I have learned my lesson and tried to plan accordingly. 

On the eve of the forum, I attended one of the side events - “Building youth partnerships to advance the SDGs and build back better” by UNDP, UNV and UNICEF / Generation Unlimited. Let’s be honest, after two years of a pandemic the world is struggling. For example, when the first Movement Control Order was implemented on 18 March 2020, my final and extended semester was moved completely online and it was really a struggle for me. I passed in the end which was a relief! 

Moving on, “Building youth partnerships to advance the SDGs and build back together”, one point I could summarise is children are still the most vulnerable, besides the adults but I think all of us were and still are badly affected by the pandemic. Even though Malaysia opened up its borders earlier this month on 1 April 2022, still most of us are still cautious of it. 

The next day was the big day - the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2022! This year, I managed to assemble some fellow Malaysians who are on board. We even have a Malaysian Youth group chat on Whova. Youths from all over the world used this app to connect with each other throughout the forum and it took me a while to get the hang of it. 

At 9pm (9am New York time), the forum began with opening remarks from the President of the ECOSOC - H.E. Me. Colin Kelapile, followed by speeches about the challenges they faced in their countries as youths. 

At 11.00pm (New York time 11.00am), we had a networking session. I went to the Chinese speaking networking session. Mostly they talked about SDG 5: Gender Equality, I brought my passion for mental health and children. 

The next day was the regional breakout session. I went to Asia and the Pacific. What really amazed everyone was that 12-year-old Jivitesh Gupta from India gave a powerful speech on the importance of achieving the SDGs and advocating adolescent health in his country. 

During the fireside chat sessions, we have speakers from Bangladesh, Fiji, Japan and Malaysia. All of us are doing our best in accomplishing the work we have done. Take SDG 13 for example, Climate Actions - was a hot topic at the forum but are we aware what are the cause and effects? It same goes for other SDGs as well as they are interconnected with each other. 

For the second and final networking session, we had to get up super early because of the time zones. The participants were fewer from the first one but at least from my side, it was still casual and relaxed. 

Three days of ECOSOC virtual youth forum had finally come to an end! I would like to applaud the Malaysian delegation, well done to all of us! A first of many to come! 

9 April 2022



我们来个破冰环节,就是我们来猜歌手和歌名。我竟然来迟了,我出一道题目。在留言区私信欣莹后,就给一些提示关于相关歌手的身份以及歌名。答案是—— 大马情歌天后—— 梁静茹的《暖暖》!下一个破冰环节是《两个真话,一个谎言》。

既然大家已经暖身了,马上进入第一个环节—— 作曲。作曲大家第一个联想到是一定会一些乐器,并非如此!一个完全不会乐器也可以作曲啊!马修测老师为大家演唱几首熟悉歌曲例如:光良的《童话》、五月天的《突然好想你》等等。我们在日常生活哼一些一些小曲也可能变作曲之一。要完成一首歌,当然要歌词和曲子,加上我们在录音室所看到的混音。最重要曲子和歌词要留下深刻的印象。

掌握作曲技巧,我们进入作词的环节。作词的灵感可以发生在日常生活中,写一写在笔记本,不知不觉一首歌词完成啦!之后,我们被分到各自小组进行创作环节。我们的歌是要以《家》为主。“家” 让我第一个联想到是 “靠山”,写一首歌家像一座靠山。无论任何风雨,我们有家来护着我们。

在我组里,我们各自写一首歌歌词再来选最佳作品。最终,我们选程志杰写《降落伞》,之后我们有作一些修改。午休后,我们进入最后课堂—— 歌唱。我们邀请本团队的歌唱老师—— Aki 黄淑惠老师来传授我们一些歌唱技巧。我发现每次歌唱时候,呼吸会不足就向 Aki 老师请教如何怎样有足够的气把一首歌唱完。




课堂结束,我们到回各自小组来完成歌词和作曲因为我们会有一个小呈现!完全想不到我们竟然可以写一首歌!还加了饶舌 (rap)元素!在剩下的几分钟,我们把《降落伞》歌词整理好,准备向大家呈现最终成品。回到大组时候,大家准备就绪呈现最终成品。我个人喜欢 B 组,真的很像让你回家的感觉!最后一组呈现完毕,我们邀请老师给大家一些点评。由于老师们的时间表太紧密,须要仔细看回每组的呈现。

线上创作营结束之前,我们给大家看马六甲唱享6度的音乐之旅。我在团队里的深刻印象是在两年前的第一个行动管制令,我们做了两个月半的现场直播;还有以线上的方式来录制 MV 翻唱——《Saya Anak Malaysia》和去年牛年的《今年全 cow 你》。 今年的农历新年翻唱,我们很荣幸可以到马六甲八蚌佛子舍取景录制。看回一幕一幕的画面,我们唱享6度经过无数的风雨才会有今天的成就!希望疫情有所缓和,大家可以回到练习所一起唱歌!

大家好,我是马六甲唱享6度的 Katelyn 陈袈文!期待可以回到熟悉的舞台和大家见面!点击以下链接来追踪唱享6度的音乐之旅!

Facebook: 马六甲唱享6度团队

Instagram: changxiang6d 

YouTube: YBAM Melaka SLC