11 January 2016

College Reopen (11/1/16)

  After two months of the long semester break, it's time for MUFY students to head back to college for semester two. I can't wait to meet my friends. The alarm clock rings at 6.00am, I wake up from the warm bed, the date states on the iPod's screen is 11 January. That means is the beginning of semester 2 of MUFY. 

  We leave the house at 7.03am to avoid the traffic congestion. But it didn't turn out well. When we reach the ground floor of the condominium, the traffic is very terrible! Cars keep on cutting into the line. A car almost knock us down. My mum is really frustrated by the awful action of the driver. The traffic congestion continues until the traffic light. We take the road at the National Palace as a short cut so I won't be late for college. 

  Well, last year of college! I thought. At 8.30am, my dad drops me off at Sunway University's pick up point because I'm heading to the library. I don't have any classes until afternoon so I have the whole morning to myself by chilling at the library's drink and phone area. It's early as most classes start at 8.30am, so I have the whole place to myself for awhile. 

  To kill boredom, I bring a novel with me so time can pass by quickly as I read. At 10.40 am, I text my best friend, Ru Tian. She told me that she is at the college's foyer and will be going out with her friends for lunch. Speaking of lunch, I can feel my tummy rumbling when I reply her text through WhatsApp. I look around as I spot a girl who is done talking with her friend over the phone. 

  "Excuse me, could you bring me over to the college please? It's just opposite of the university," I say. "Sure of course!" the girl says as we walk out of the library. We are heading for the stairs, suddenly my phone rings. It's a call from Ru Tian. I answer the call "Hi Ru Tian, I'm just at the steps of the university," She says "I'm walking over now," What? I just exited the library. "I found you!" Ru Tian adds as we both hang up the phone conversation. 

  Ru Tian walks over and we greet each other with a hug. I thank the girl who helped me earlier. I saw Michelle and Suk Ying not far from where we are standing. Everyone is so happy to see each other after the two months break. We are walking to the foyer so she told me that she and her friends are going out of the campus for lunch. 

  Out of the campus for lunch? I thought. Throughout semester 1, I have never been out of the campus. The only place I went was the new cafeteria at the university. Other times, I just ate lunch along the empty corridor alone. Since I'm graduating in college in five months, I decide to give myself a shot. What is the feeling of stepping out of the campus. 

  "Do you mind if I join you for lunch?" I ask Ru Tian. She gives me a questioning look. "Are you sure?" she asks. "Yeah, I'm sure! Besides, we're graduating in five months so why not give it a shot," I reassure her. After much discussion, we decide to dine at After Black cafe where it's opposite of the college. While I'm on my way, I bump into my high school friend, Jacqueline. I haven't seen her for almost two years since we last saw each other back in high school. 

  We have to cross the road to get to the cafe. When we arrive, the cafe is packed with students. Everyone is sitting on high stools. Well, I'm not good at sitting higher seats so the waiter arranges us to sit at a lower one which is right at the corner of the cafe. Although it's a bit tight, we still manage to squeeze our way in. I sit with Ru Tian while my opposite is David. 

  Since its my first time here, the waiter recommends us their signature dishes. Teng Jie, David and I order carbonara pasta with cheese. Ru Tian orders salad with salmon, I have a few bites and it's really good. I order an Oreo cheesecake but I have to take it away because I'm running late for my first class of the second semester- Fundamental Mathematics. 

  Once I'm done with my food, Ru Tian accompanies me to the North Building. We bump into Justine along the way so I ask her where is her classroom. "It's NW-TR-1-3," she says. Oh, it's next to my class! Ru Tian and I hug each other before leaving. When I step into the classroom, my former economic course mates as well as globalisation are in the same class. That's a surprise! 

  Here's another one- Tyler's accounting classroom is just next to mine which is English. Too many things happen on the first day of college! My new friend and English course mate, Mal (who kinda reminds me of the character in Disney Descendants), accompanies me to the ground floor where I usually wait for my uncle to pick me up. 

  My musical journey in college is about to begin. 

10 January 2016


  Astro本地圈新春活动正式开跑了!首站是在我的家乡—— 马六甲。

 新春活动的前一星期,我已经计划什么时候抵达所以大家有机会玩游戏,回顾童年的回忆。怎知,出乎所料,我今年迟到了!我也没用账单来兑换礼物,真的有点失望!但是我还可以观赏艺人们的精彩表演。当阿姨泊车的哪一刻,我打开车门然后迅速跳下。当我听到《心想有着数》在播放,而我听到艺人们快要把歌唱完了。我边走扯开桑子高歌唱,妈妈说:“文,你别在这儿当'三八婆' !” 我即时把嘴巴合起来。

  当我们继续迈开脚步,外婆在后面温馨提醒:“文,走慢点儿!我们一定会到!” 我们到的时候,台上的司仪在问艺人他们在童年的时候如何过新年。我穿过人群,好不容易才得到最好的“位子” 。我看到Ron哥哥的时候,他朝我的方向挥手呢!看来他还记得我!我问身旁的摄影师大哥是否把一张椅子拿过来让我坐因为我告诉他我的行动不便。他马上向当场的志愿者说了几句话,不一会儿,椅子就拿过来了。我为Elaine李宜玲、Ron彭世豪以及Uriah徐凯做的卡片从背包取出然后吩咐志愿者交给他们。

  我坐下的时候,艺人和观众互动游戏正式开始!首个游戏是把脸贴在透明的卷纸上,我看了看心里想:“会不会把台上的游戏者'窒息呢?” 接下来,下组的艺人是欢喜帮—— 2011年《欢喜来咔啦》冠军得主Shian戴伟贤和Jentzen林震前为大家送上《欢喜摇出好运气》。亚发白咖啡的吉祥物到台上和他们助兴。最后艺人组表演由陈韵传、Apple邱诗凌、Justin吴宗翰、Uriah徐凯以及Yuii陈静宜组合。

  当徐凯出场的时候,全场轰了!我以为他没来,所以当初是有点失望的。当他出场时,我整个人顿时震惊,一时说不出话来。阿嬷拍拍我的肩膀说:“文,你的偶像。” 他们献唱《万事如意乐陶陶》。当韵传姐姐看到我的时候,她向我挥了挥手,我顿时兴奋起来。到最后一刻,他们在台上进行最后一项游戏,然后进行抽幸运奖。

  全体艺人献唱猴年贺岁专辑主题曲——《大盛年》。它是我最喜欢的歌曲。可爱的猴爷和大家见面!艺人们和台下的观众拍张大合照。接着大家到舞台的左手边排队等待艺人们的亲笔签名。司仪对我说:“这位小姐待会我会安排你到台上。” 我们通过保安的允许才能从舞台的右手边上去。第一位是MY FM 主播们—— Jason 贾森和Wayne。我问Wayne姐:“你还记得我吗?” 她说:“我当然记得!我们去年在后台见面。” 然后转向贾森告诉他我们去年有见过面。

  我经过Jentzen的时候告诉他外婆是他的“粉丝“ 因为我外婆的贯籍是福建。当我到韵传姐姐的座位时,她说:“袈文,想不到你今年会来!” 我说:“支持你啊!” Amy文小菲和Jordan盛天俊也很开心遇到我,“我好开心和你们团聚。” 我对他们说,“我们也是!” 经过Ron哥哥的时候,阿嬷说:“文,Ron呢!还有Elaine!” Ron哥哥对我说:“嗨,袈文!我们又见面啦!” 想不到他还记得我啊!真的开心极了!

  “文,别忘记Apple哦!” 我叫一声:“Apple姐姐。” 她指了指身旁的Ron说:“我是姐姐,叫他'弟弟' 就行了!” 我不禁笑起来。我和Yuii姐姐首次见面。当我到Uriah的座位时候,我真的一句话说不出!阿嬷对他说:“我的孙女是你的大粉丝。” 她补充道:“她以为你没来,当初有点失望。” 而我和Uriah有谈点小话,还有我七年崇拜的偶像—— Danny许佳麟也在呢!怎么能少Justin吴宗翰呢?Uriah还给我一个大拥抱啊!我巡视整个舞台和艺人们自拍。

  我很开心!在休假告一个段落时,能够再次见Astro本地圈艺人。我要特别感谢我的外婆因为她完成我的“休假心愿” 。

Hi Danny! First time meeting you, you're my childhood idol

MY FM deejays are playing games

Elaine and I reunited after 11 months since we last met

My favourite newscaster

Some things never change between KER which stands for Katelyn, Elaine, Ron

The best day of my life when I meet Danny and Uriah. Uriah, thanks for the warm hug and small talk. It's been fun! Danny loves kids

6 January 2016

An Outing at Paddle Beans Cafe (6/1/16)

  I met up with my primary school ex-classmate- Joanne, who is on semester break at the moment. The last time we bumped into each other was three years ago when we were in Form 4. 

  I was done with the weekly Mandarin class which was on Friday. I was walking down the stairs, I saw three girls were clad in their uniform which was the same as I was wearing except for the high school logo. 

  "Kar Marn, is it really you?" a girl asked me. I looked at her face. She looked familiar as if I have seen her before somewhere. I looked at the name tag which said "Joanne Loh". It's my primary school friend! I almost recognise her. Along side with her were two of her friends, one of them who is Carey- the girl whom I met at English tuition. 

  From that day on, we bumped into each other for the first time and last time. The rest of the time, we contact each other through Facebook. I thought we wouldn't meet up again until one night. 

  I was on Facebook as always check kin any interesting on News Feed. I usually go to Messenger to "catch up" with some friends who I haven't met for months since we last saw each other. 

  A message popped up from Messenger. Little did I know, it was from Joanne. She asked me out to have lunch with her. My first invitation from a long-time friend. We decided to have our meal at Paddles and Beans Cafe. 

  Paddles and Beans Cafe- I've seen my seniors posted some pictures on Facebook so I did have clear vision of the  cafe. We wanted to plan it yesterday but the cafe is close on Tuesdays. We decided to move the "date" on Wednesday. I just can't wait for that day to come. 

  This morning I woke up very early to get myself ready for the day out. At 11.00am, we leave for Paddles and Beans Cafe. Joanne called while we were looking for the place. "I'll be there. I'm just looking for the cafe," I said. 

  Not long after we both hung up, I finally reached the place. It is really a nice place to have coffee or just catching up with friends. I saw Joanne sitting there waiting for me to come. "Hi Joanne," I greet her the moment I stepped in to the cafe. 

  Since it's our first time here so we got some recommendations from the waiter. We decided to try the waffles which is cookies and cream, hot chocolate and tortilla with chicken, cabbage and pineapple. I did some research on the cafe's Facebook page. 

  We chatted about our days in primary school and what we are doing nowadays. We chatted about our respective courses as well. Joanne is going to be in the medical field while I'm in the communication field. 

  We took selfies to mark our first day out of the year. At 1.00pm, both my grandma and aunt picked both of us up because Joanne's mum has an urgent matter to attend to. On the way, we chatted about the "little fights" we had in primary school. Looking back were so immature! It's part of growing up. 

  We dropped Joanne at her secondary alma mater which is Notre Dame High School, Melaka. After that it's straight to home. I'm really happy that I have the chance to reunite with Joanne. I can't wait for more. 

3 January 2016

红蜻蜓“阅” 定你—— 马六甲站 (2/1/16)


  在我十三岁的时候,当年的年终假期,我和当年十一岁的小妹随着妈妈和她的朋友—— 慧玲姐姐到大众书局去挑选我们姐妹俩的圣诞节礼物。当天是2010年12月26日—— 圣诞节的第二天,我们到Ikea百货公司购物。慧玲姐姐问我们姐妹俩要去哪儿,我们说到大众书局去购买小说,她说:“好吧!你们到哪儿选你们的圣诞节礼物。”

  当时的我还握着谭家姐妹送我的《High School Musical》的小说系列。我们到书局的时候,我们各散去寻找书籍,我还在“婴儿车” 看着我手上的小说。妈妈说:“文,你下来吧!别顾着看书。” 于是,我从“婴儿车” 跳下来便撑着拐杖去看看书籍。我走着走着,突然间我来到了华文书籍,有一本书让我引人注目。它是我在大众书局杂志看到的红蜻蜓出版社少年长篇小说! 黑妈妈的首部作品—— 《十二岁半》。

  当时我真的想购买那本小说,但是妈妈看到我就说:“文,你怎么一人溜走呢?万一坏人把你扎抓走怎么办?” 我说:“妈咪,我要购买这本书。” 我指了指摆我眼前的《十二岁半》。妈妈说:“慧玲已经让你选两本的《High School Musical》的小说系列还不够吗?别浪费人家的金钱。” 就这样我被妈妈拉走了。

 五个月后,我已经在中二了。当年的年中学校假期,我到马六甲Aeon 百货公司的大众书局去购买小说和课外作业,这样假期不会闷。我到少年读物书籍却看到书架上的《十二岁半》,我告诉妈妈我在吉隆坡的大众书局分行就看到此书。我当年也顺手购买沈雨仙的《希望树》。从哪天起,十四岁的我开始变成红蜻蜓长篇小说的忠实读者。


  外婆和阿姨带我到马六甲MITC 举行的大众书局大型书展和红蜻蜓小说作者见面。虽然两个月的休假快完了,但是趁我在家乡就去吧!等我回首都吉隆坡读书就没有机会了!我到现场的时候,我第一时间问站在门口的志愿者:“红蜻蜓小说签书会在哪儿啊?” 他们说:“在舞台处。”

  热心的志愿者带领我们到舞台处,只见三位作者和主持人在分享写作的过程。我到最前排坐下,聆听她们的个人的作品。如果要写一部好长篇小说就是多读、多锻炼以及多扩广事物。后来,读者们一一到台前排队。轮到我的时候,我第一位见是—— 邓秀茵。我对她说:“秀茵姐姐,我喜欢看《再见,小天使》、《记忆天使》。” 她说:“哇,全部都是‘天使’ 为主。” 我还告诉她我希望能像她一样写一部长篇小说。秀茵姐姐还给我一个拥抱呢!我很开心啊!

  接下来的两位是—— 吴彩欣和赖宇欣。不妨跟你们说,宇欣是一位就职的独中老师呢!彩欣姐姐是一位大学生。彩欣姐姐问我:“袈文,你今年几岁呢?” 我说“在这十一月,我十九岁。” 她在书里写“加油” 这两个字。我和两位作者合照。我很感谢我的外婆能够在新的一年里让我见作者们的本人。