25 June 2020

International MUN: Momentum MUN 2020 (24/6/2020-25/6/2020)

After being in the Malaysian MUN for quite some time, I decided to shift my delegation at an international MUN - can you keep up with the momentum at Momentum MUN? For everyone who is representing our country, we have a duty to put the name of our country on the map at international events. As this is my first time representing Malaysia, the duty is on me. This marked my 10th conference in my MUN career - a special milestone.

The sign up for Momentum MUN was last-minute, I didn't have enough time to prepare the topic for my council- ECOSOC, delegating as Argentina. In my mind, the main goal was to make Malaysia proud and fly the flag and go with the flow along the way. After I came back from university online class, I head to google meet to have a chat with fellow delegates from the Philippines, India and the host - Indonesia. Delegates were asked to log on to Zoom to have a small ice-breaking session before heading to serious business. 

Usually, after my speech, if I have extra time, I will yield my time back to the chair; also another reason is I don't want to get tongue-tied in council. But the chairs insisted, I should take a POI (Point of Information), although I was reluctant, I couldn't let Malaysia down as I was the sole bearer in the council. Keeping calm, I took the question from the delegate of South Africa. I left an hour early on the first day but my fellow delegates kept me up with the latest development on the draft resolution. 

On the second day, the delegates decided to form a big bloc since we all shared the same views. At one point, the delegate of Germany got a little emotional on his speech. The good news was we passed our resolution! Since we were an hour away from the virtual closing ceremony, we had an entertainment session. 

There was a confession page for our council, the chairs read out our confession. when my message was read, there was a little misunderstanding of the language as Malaysia and Indonesia share almost the same national language which is Bahasa Melayu. The delegate of South Africa graced with an amazing singing voice! The delegate of Japan set up a Skribble game, our drawing was put to the test. Not an artistic person myself, honestly. 

I didn't go to the virtual closing ceremony, as I had a university event to attend so I gotta prepared for that. I received the news that I got a verbal mention, making the country proud! Nonetheless, I'm proud to represent Malaysia at Momentum MUN and hope to represent the country at future international MUN, bringing the Malaysia Boleh spirit.  

A big thank you to the Momentum MUN team! 

18 June 2020

Star R. AGE: Empathy Journalism (18/6/2020)

Empathy- what does it mean to you? Empathy is showing kindness to others, put ourselves in their shoes and think if I were them, how would I feel? What is the feeling? Empathy can be in any form, but have you ever wonder that empathy and journalism work together? I thought about it: How can we apply empathy when we are writing a story for the newspaper? Well, stick around to find out! There are five key elements when we combine empathy and journalism. 

First and foremost, read a fiction book or novel. Yes, reading takes us to a place of wonders as we immerse ourselves into the story plot but have we wonder that reading will help us to develop empathy? What if the characters in the story, find something difficult to break the code? If we were the characters in the book, how do we feel? That's when empathy comes in. 

Secondly, active listening. When we are in conversations, we are often being talked over or cut off in mid-sentence. Try this way: Listen carefully to the person who is talking, we'll find somehow that he or she is going through a tough time. Always be attentive, don't be distracted, not talking about yourself and most importantly, please don't stare at the phone! We are all on our phones every now and then, if we are willing to put down our phones and pay full attention, empathy comes in. 

Thirdly, be curious. There is a saying goes "curiosity kills the cat". In this case for empathy, don't be afraid. Just because we are different in our own way, that doesn't mean we have to hide in a corner from getting us into trouble right? We can show empathy by writing a story on a person based on their story in their perspectives and point of view. 

Fourthly, identify biases. Let's be honest, that bias is human nature. Showing empathy is not about taking sides. How do we reduce biases? By identifying and reducing them actively. 

Last but not least is practice kindness! Be there and comfort them. The simple way is sitting beside without saying a word, our presence will give the person some comfort. Personally, this is my favourite key element. 

There you go, the five key elements of showing empathy. A little game for the Zoom participants. When one of the questions pops up "I am the oldest child in the family," that gets me excited, cause being the oldest, we are looked up by the younger siblings. We have a short sharing session on showing empathy to others and others have shown empathy to us.  

Before the seminar ends, we have an "assignment" which we need to complete by next week. It's based on the key elements that we have learned today. I'm sure the tasks can be done in no time! I'm looking forward to the next event. 

Have courage and be kind. Stand Together!

14 June 2020

The Surprise Comeback: UNAM Youth Assembly Conference (13/6/2020-14/6/2020)

On 8 September 2019, I marked my final journey in the Model United Nations (MUN) scene and went into "retirement" to focus on my university studies. The first question you might ask "Are you completely cut off from the Malaysian UN scene?" My answer was no, I would be involved in UN-related activities but coming back to the scene, it was a mystery. 

Due to the coronavirus, the mass gatherings are strictly a no-no, everything is taken online. Delegates, may I present to you the Youth Assembly Conference (YCA) organised by United Nations Association Malaysia (UNAM) Youth! A week before the event, we had a pre-conference online workshop. Fresh out of retirement after nine months, some of the details need to be refreshed especially on the consultation of the whole. 

The day of the conference has come, I log on to the Discord app to attend the very first virtual MUN of the year. We have a keynote opening speech, from the UNAM Youth president, Rehan. Delegates have to "move" to "meeting room 1" for the conference. In the physical MUN, we are usually assigned to a country that we are representing, make an opening speech and state on the country's policies, what can delegates hope for the outcome at the end of the conference. 

  Similarly to physical MUN, but this time we are representing ourselves as Malaysia's youths on how can we help the Rohingya refugees despite facing the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on issues such as education, work permits, healthcare etc. I work alongside newcomers on the MUN scene, and some of them ask me what advice I could give to newcomers? I don't have much to give but all I could say is observe and listen to what other delegates might present during the debate, if we have a strong point, fight it back diplomatically. 

At the end of the first day, we created a group to discuss further on the topic. The second and final day, we spent an hour on how to make our points stronger. The debate is firing up with more passion as compared to the first day. I bring up a motion on "Xenophobic behaviour towards refugees in Malaysia" but it failed. Never mind, we have other topics to discuss on. We "failed" the model resolution. 

UNAM Youth is honoured to invite to Mr John and Mr Islam on their views on the Rohingya refugees, as well as from our UNAM Youth president himself, Rehan. We end the day by playing a game on Jackbox TV, but I preferred Kahoot! Although this virtual MUN is amazing, I'm hoping to come back to the physical Model United Nations anytime soon when this pandemic is over. 

This is Kar Marn, delegate of Youth Assembly, signing off! 

5 June 2020

Opinion: Quote- Have Fun and Be Yourself

"Be yourself"- this is the phrase that everyone says to us no matter is meeting a new friend, being in a group of friends, especially going out for the first date. We want the other person to know more about us, the real question is: Are we really being ourselves and having fun? If the answer is yes, congratulations! If the answer is no, take all the time you need, I'm sure the answer will lie in between.

Is it hard to be yourself? It depends on the individual to define the phrase in their own way. Let me tell you a story on the experiences of  "be yourself" which lead up in both good and bad ways. I was a 19-year-old college student, trying to figure out which group of friends I belonged to. On 11 Jan 2016, the second semester of college was resumed, I was excited I couldn't wait to meet all of my course mates again, after a long two-month break. 

We headed to a cafe where it is opposite the college, we had a great time. I thought I fit into this group of friends. I did the best I can to create opportunities to bump into them, getting know their timetable so I could fit our time together to hang out. The time I hung out with them, I felt a sense  of uneasiness inside me. Sometimes, I got talked over, which was not a good feeling. I was the one who was always observing how they acted and talked, which I think is a good thing from a bystander's point of view. 

In April 2016, their "leader" of the group told me that I don't belong in their group, and having me was a "waste of time". I was heartbroken, these so-called "friends" excluded me socially just like that! I realised that they were not able to accept for who I am as a person, and expected to act in the same way as them. This is not "be yourself, have fun" at all! Why we want to have fun and change the way that we are not ourselves? Something tells me that it's time to leave them for good! 

It took me a while to recover this friendship heartbreak. Everything happens for a reason. The healing continued, somehow it led me to reunite with my high school senior and met some amazing friends during an event of Sunway University Buddhist Society (SBS). Immediately, I didn't feel left out and the feeling of "have fun, be yourself" was coming back! I knew that there is always someone in our lives, can accept for who we are without changing ourselves just to fit in. I'm thankful for them to appear in my life at the right time when I was at the lowest point in college. 

University began for me in 2017, a new milestone had reached and a new mission. Again, I didn't fit into any of group of friends, except when it comes to academic purposes, otherwise, I'm always alone but I'm lucky to have my seniors and a few best friends in the course who always look out for me. 

Along the way, I have been criticised for my personality and being outcasted. This is not going to stop me from having fun and being myself - the girl I always meant to be! Always remember to have fun and be yourself, it is ourselves to make others to see the other side of us and not others who try to change for who we are not.