27 June 2017

《鹅卵石》DVD首买会 (27/6/17)

  一年一度的大众书局书展回来了!而今天是Astro小太阳许友彬电视系列—— 《鹅卵石》DVD 首卖会!早上十一时,我们往吉隆坡双峰塔 (KLCC)的路程走,我心里非常兴奋,但最好在父母的面前装一脸严肃。我也赢到书展的入门券,可以借用它出席首卖会。怎知,一到哪儿,我忘了带身份证和大众书局的会员卡片。妈妈只好拨电话向在马六甲家乡的妹妹求救,幸好过关,不然的话我不能进去了!

  爸爸到的时候,妈妈就打开我的轮椅让我坐因为书展的场面要穿过人群。有一些民众差点撞我呢!妈妈就问我:“文,你要去哪儿先?” 不必思考,我直接说:“去Hall 1 的主舞台吧!” 我们进去的时候,可以听到司仪在和小演员们谈话。而小演员们就和一众的大小朋友分享他们拍摄《鹅卵石》的过程和经验。司仪竟然是Yuii姐姐!我们在找位子的时候,刚好有人离席,我赶快从轮椅跳下来直接坐在空位。我托爸爸帮我购买《鹅卵石》的DVD 和小说。我要拍照的时候,有个小妹妹不断的枪镜,无法让我拍一张完美的照片。

  这时Yuii姐姐要小演员摆最酷姿势,得到最热烈的掌声就是赢家!最终,Gabriel的姿势得到全场的热烈掌声!子恩在台上唱一小段的《心石》,歌声还不错嘛!Yuii姐姐说:“好,哪有请Nick龚建华为我们献唱《鹅卵石》的主题曲—— 《心石》!” Nick哥哥这时候,踏在舞台唱歌,简直就是完美!分享会圆满结束,来个大合照吧!签名环节会在舞台的左手边。我去排队,我突然间离队,妈妈赶快把我拉回来:“你站在这身穿鸿鸿的男子吧!” 轮到我的时候,我向小演员们说:“你好!我是陈袈文!” 我不小心把慧瑜的牌子掉了,我马上弯下身子把牌子捡起来再放回桌上。

  Nick哥哥看到我的时候就说:“嗨,好久不见!” 我微微一笑,我说:“来支持你啊!” 他问我:“你在哪里读书?” 我说:“我在双威大学就读。” 他补充一句:“你独自一人吗?” 我指了指父母。经过Gabriel的身边只是打声招呼。我问工作人员:“请问Yuii姐姐在哪儿?” 他们指了指前方,我走过去要给她一个 “小惊喜”。刚好她在和一个男子说话。这时我走去,我叫Yuii姐姐一声,她转过身马上给我一个温暖的拥抱。她说:“Katelyn,好久不见!最近好吗?” 我说:“很好啊!” Yuii姐姐疑问:“是吗?哪你来支持谁呢?” 我点了点头就说:“我来支持Nick哥哥、Gabriel和《鹅卵石》的小演员!我不知道你是今天的司仪呢!” 妈妈把这个温馨的画面拍下在我的智能手机。


26 June 2017


  我一向看的音乐剧是百老汇(Broadway),从来没看过大马的音乐剧。如今,我的梦想终于实现了!早上十时四十五分,我们往吉隆坡艺术馆(Klpac)出发,一路上我们没说话。我心里超级兴奋,但不敢露出在脸上怕爸爸有话说。其实离我家不远,二十五分钟的车程就到了。抵达目的,爸爸把车子停在入口处,他说:“文,你先下车。爸爸去泊车。” 我便从车子跳下来,爸爸的车离远之后,我看看四周围。好漂亮啊!

   我到门口,但开不到。我看到三个青少年在自个儿谈天,我鼓起勇气问:“请问可以帮我开门吗?” 有一个少女说:“可以啊!让我来吧!” 她开门让我进去,我再问:“《9零》的演出舞台在哪儿?” 少女说:“哦,你往又走,你可以看到《9零》的演出地点。” 我向她道谢,并走去。我看到大大的《9零》的海报,我轻轻抚摸它。我找个地方安顿自己,有一对身穿红衬衫的情侣在哪儿,我问他们:“请问我可以坐这儿吗?” 男方做了“请” 的手势,我坐下等爸爸来。

  不知不觉,我看到一个熟悉的背影但我不确定他是否我大学同学—— Ezac。他走过我的时候,我向他挥了挥手。正好我把头转去,我看到爸爸走过来,爸爸到我身旁的时候说:“我找不到你。” 我看到一个熟悉的名字在《9零》的书册—— 彭学斌。我常常看到他的名字在历届的新秀音乐作品,我对爸爸说不到两句,他就泼我冷水就说:“明星、明星!你整天就会明星梦!” 至少听我说完,不到两句就泼冷水!

  剩下的几分钟,我们在舞台(二)的门口等临位员工亮绿灯让我们到里面就做。在等待的时候,我和Ezac 聊聊天。“我想不到会在这里遇到你。” 我说。他附和说:“是啊!听说这部音乐剧很好看。对了,你是如何得知?” 我说:“我是在社交网站得知。” 不久之后,临为员工开门了,他们先让我进。我便低下身子进去,我还被安排做在第一排呢!一个大大的白荧幕在播放着Ruby狄妃的《Who Am I》的官方MV。接下来的视频时《9零》的彩排幕后花絮。

  突然间灯光慢慢暗下来,剩下一片黑漆漆,看不到五指。音乐剧的女主角—— Jolin (Ruby狄妃 饰演)唱《Who Am I》为开场白。后来,就移到Jolin的工作地方。Jolin 是一位90后的女孩?每次提出的疑问是:什么是90后?90后是90年代出生的青少年。他们总是被社会标签是草莓族、叛逆、缺责的代言人。

  在事业上,她和同事们得不到公司老板—— Benedict(Eagle李明杰 饰演)。而唯一得到老板的同意就是筱箐。在家里,Jolin 尽力当爸爸妈妈的乖女儿;为了满足妈妈,她宁愿放弃音乐梦想,继续当90后的上班族。音乐梦想,爸爸非常支持她,而妈妈就反对因为她认为音乐梦或所谓“明星梦” 是不可能在社会脚踏实地。乐队的方面,她最近很少出席,甚至要乐队解散!

  直到有一天,她回公司的时候,同事筱箐突然间辞职。同 事们问筱箐为什么辞职,她说:“我的梦想是当一名蛙人。据说,可以在海底世界拍摄或有些人失踪在海里,需要这些蛙人的帮忙。” 离开之前,筱箐鼓励Jolin 不要放弃她的音乐梦想。回到家,她终于和父母坦诚要辞职现任的工作,改行去音乐当一位歌手。这掀起母女俩吵架,Jolin到附近的公园和Ronny谈谈心事。再次得到Ronny的鼓励,Jolin决定归乐队完成她的梦想。

  音乐剧的尾声,演员和观众见面啦!司仪说:“想要和演员拍照的观众,可以到前台。谢谢!” 我在排队的时候,听到一位工作人员说:“Ruby还没出来。” 不久,《9零》的演员们出来了!Ruby经过我身旁,我叫她一声 “Ruby姐”。我想见到的演员就是饰演吉他手,August的William陈建宏!“William!” 他经过我身边的时候说:“嘿!好久不见!” 爸爸为我和William拍照,我们再自拍。我问他:“William,新秀们没来吗?” William说:“他们昨天来了。” 他补充:“谢谢你过来!” 我说:“我想看这部音乐剧很久了!很好看!” 所有的演员跟我合照,非常开心的一天!离开之前,我给William一个温馨的拥抱。


21 June 2017

The Death of Advertising (19/6/17)

  After attending "Fly with GOLD" opening ceremony, I went to the library to get some work done. Unfortunately, the upper ground level of the library was full so I had to go down to the basement floor to use the computers. As I was about to head to the Instructional Lab, it was almost packed up. Luckily, the seat beside me was empty and it is my favourite spot! I can take a look of the fountain once in awhile when I feel tired. The seat was a bit hard to handle as the chairs are on rollers. Fortunately, the student helped me to stop the chair from rolling. Otherwise, I'll be on the floor!

  After logging on to the computer, it was time for serious work. I tried to lighten my mood by logging on to YouTube to listen to my favourite hits and catching up the highlights of this year's Trooping of the Colour over the weekend. As I was about to get on with work, I realised I brought the wrong book to study. Oh no! I was supposed to bring the lecture book but I brought the tutorial book instead. Luckily, I saved some tutorial exercises in my pendrive. Around 12.50pm, my friend, Kaz, came to pick me up as we had to go to the college side to attend an advertising forum organised by the Department of Communication and Liberal Arts (DCLA)- The Death of Advertising.

  Both of us went up to meet our other classmates who were waiting for us. As we were at the college side, we were trying to figure out which way was the easiest to go. I suggested that we should go to the third floor from the South Building, there's an exit which would lead us to the North Building of the college but the boys suggested that going up the forth floor because the venue of the forum. Four against one, I guessed stick to their plan.

  We reached the forth floor, passed by the rooftop garden of the college and the Jeffery Cheah Hall (that's where my orientation as a university student and MUFY Talent Quest back in 2015). Turned out we reached for the forum just in time. Mr. Woody, our Principles of Advertising and Design lecturer welcomed us with opened arms. I was about to take the first row as always but it was too glaring to see screen so I shifted up a few rows to have a good view. The first few rows were for the VIPs- Professors, lecturers and Senior Executive etc. Finally I had my lunch because in the library you can't have food.

   We have three distinguish speakers from the advertising industry- Mr. Vince Tan, Mr. John Louis and Mr. Shafiq. The emcee of the forum, Benjamin opened the forum with a warm welcome to the audience. Advertising is really "dead"? No, not really. Mr. John said "We are still using banners. In 40 years to come, we'll still be seeing banners," Mr. Tan talked about on how to create a social media platform through advertising. He mentioned that the target audience is important. Who are we aiming at? Children? Students? Housewives? With enough budget, you can create your own advertising platform in no time.

  Due to the Q&A session, the workshop was late for 5 to 10 minutes. Only eight of the students attended the workshop for Copywriting. I'm not sure how many students attended the other workshop for Design Art. After the workshop, I headed to the university's student hub to meet my friends. Most of them were finishing the assignments we had to hand in this week. At around 5.50pm, we left the student hub and it was time for us to go home to charge up and rush our assignments later on.

18 June 2017

Lose the Blues Campaign Closing Ceremony (9/6/17)

  After Principles of Advertising and Design presentation, Joanne & Co bring me to the university foyer where there is a closing ceremony of "Lose the Blues" campaign which was organised by BA (Hons) Communication Year 2 students who are specialising in Corporate Communication and Public Relations. What is "Lose the Blues". To answer your question: "Lose the Blues" is a campaign that to raise the awareness of depression. Did you know that 1 in 4 of the people suffering from depression? It's a serious mental health issue that most of us would just "ignore" and carry on with our own life. Okay, now you know how depression "kills" people silently, let's just lighten the mood and move back to the scene.

  I find a good spot so I can take a good look on the stage. After settling myself down, I walk around the foyer to get my energy pump up. I walk up to the registry booth to sign myself up for the closing ceremony. I get to see my seniors practicing their opening lines and speeches, while I just sitting in my seat observing how they host the event. The emcee, you've guessed it, it's none other than Ruwan! He is wearing a "Lose the Blues" t-shirt with a grey overcoat. He walks over to me and I reach my hand out, he is clueless at first but I give him a hint: "You know what I want." Ruwan says "No, no, not today Kar Marn. The microphone is for the closing ceremony," Well I can have the microphone next time.

  At 10.48am, the VIP start to arrive by the escorts of the crew members of  "Lose the Blues", lecturers, and Directors of Sunway University under the School of Arts and DCLA's lecturers. An opening speech made by the director of the campaign. Her story was moving as she told the audience how her friends willing to get her an Oreo McFlurry even though it's late at night, this follow by the speeches made by Sunway Education Group Senior Executive Director, Dr. Elizabeth Lee and Her Excellency Hannah Yeoh. They show the highlights throughout the campaign from "Happiest in Sun U" Instagram contest to "Colour War" which is also known as the water fight.

  Prizes are given to the winners, and what's with a closing ceremony without a little bit of entertainment? The crew members, lecturers and VIPs are welcomed to the stage to take a group photo. "Lose the Blues" ceremony is officially ended. Now the moment everyone is waiting for the whole day- food! I have two rounds of miniature egg sandwiches. I even got the chance to speak Her Excellency Hannah Yeoh herself. The advise she gave us students is "Don't let attitude change you," Which is true because we are the ones who in charged of our personality and attitudes, it's not the other way round which might end up being depressed at some point.

  If there's something bothering you, don't be afraid to speak up because one voice can change your whole life. Talk to your parents, teachers or lecturers and friends. If you're not comfortable with the people around you, just call up BeFrienders, a Malaysian help line which can help you to go through your times because keeping it to yourself it's not an option, instead it will become a burden not just the one you love the most but also to yourself. If you speak up you help yourself to walk out from the dark to see the bright future ahead of you. If any of your friends or family members suffering from depression, talk to them and understand the situation you might safe a life.

2 June 2017

First English Presentation as a University Student (1/6/17) 

  Hey guys, new month of the first half in 2017! Wow, time does really fly when you are having fun! For the first time ever, I was having my first English presentation as a university student. I'm sure you might ask: You had presented in college, why this is your first time? Well, college giving you the basic steps to present in a smaller crowd while in university it will be a bigger crowd (it also depends how the size of your classroom or lecture hall is).
Before the presentation, our English lecturer divided us into groups. Then we were given a task to choose the product of our choice or come up with the product of our own as we are presenting in front of a group of "investors" to "convince" them to "invest our company". My team and I decided to come up with the idea of a massaging bed alongside with a pillow speaker. Each of us had a "role play" when presenting our product. I'm the Creative Director of the "company"- Venflow. We even shoot a video to "promote" before we started on the PowerPoint slides. I was doing the first part of the presentation which was the Introduction, my otter team members did on the benefits, process and conclusion respectively.
We also did a few meet ups during break time and free periods in the morning for practice as we wanted to give our best shot to impress our lecturer and classmates. I was a bit tongue tied during the rehearsals of the presentation as I didn't have points to present. Thanks to my team leader, Youlanda, she helped me to sort out the points to get my facts right. Although I was still tongue tied at some points, not so bad as compared to my first attempt. We did change a bit on the presentation slides to touch up a few points.
All of us agreed to wear white as the colour coordinator because we wanted to look "professional". On the day of the presentation, we rehearsed one last time during morning free period. We even brought a pillow and mattress for demonstration. After two periods of tutorials, there was a one-hour break. It gave me the time to practice at the last minute. At 2.00pm, it was time for me to head to English tutorial. Our group was presenting last which was a good thing because enough time for us to gather ourselves up.
One group came up with this air fryer product and you've guessed it- free chicken nugget for everyone to try! After the group presented on their product which was E-Cig, time for us to step on the stage. I cuddled the pillow for a few seconds to keep my nerves down but during presentations in my college days I just grabbed the end of my dress. Thanks to the constant practices we had gone through, all of us managed to present without a single hiccup. After the presentation, there was a Q&A session for the "investors" to know more about our product. Ms. Priya was impressed with all the teams' presentations.
First English presentation as a university student is done! There's more to come

DCLA Communication N Networking Student Club Soft Launch (2/6/17) 

  After tutorial for Principles in Advertising and Design, Joanne, Phooi Khew and Mei Fong drop me at the Gallery View, NUB Level 1. When we are about to enter the room it's dark, so we just go in and ask whether it's the right room of the Communication N Network (CNN) student club soft launch. We open the door to see the seniors preparing for the event. "Hi!" Aliah greeted me, who ws the emcee of the DCLA Alternative Media Talk.

  The committees of the student club are wearing in their best, I was thinking: "Maybe I should wear my dress." As you know, I'm just the average university girl. Who knows I'll be one of them some day, only time will tell. I asked Aliah whether she is gonna be the emcee of the day, "No dear, I'm not gonna be the emcee but Ruwan is," she points to the tall boy who looks sharp in his suit. While waiting for the event, I decide to walk around the room to get my energy hyped up, I sign the guest board and had a snack or two with drinks.

  I even get to see my seniors rehearse for the event. I'm hoping that I can host an event one day because when I step on the stage, the spotlight is on me. Yes, I love the spotlight! I feel a little hungry at one point so I go to the back of the room to grab myself a popiah and a box of mango juice. There's a guest signature board for us students and lecturers to leave our autographs behind.

  One by one students are filling in the room. The event begins with the countdown of the launch of the student club, follow by the entrance of the VIPs (Head of Department, Professors, Dean etc.). The committee of the club introduce themselves before we are treated to a magic show by Wayne and a performance by FeedBack. The remaining of the event is a game of charades, you know you can't say out the answer but you can give clues for the person who is guessing.

  My team won so got a big bag of  snacks! And with that ladies and gentlemen, the soft launch of the CNN student club has come to an end! I can't wait for future activities