29 October 2017

菩提工作坊:《走在阳光道上》实验剧场 (28/10/17) 

  续Taylor's University 第五届的iLead Shine Conference,我到回双威大学学院等爸妈来接我去雪隆佛教联谊会(Buddhist Gem Fellowship)出席菩提工作坊的《走在阳光道上》实验剧场。一路上,车上的气氛很沉有僵硬,我只好望出车窗看风景让心情平抚。

  我们到了雪隆佛教联谊会,第一时间就到报名处。我再乘坐电梯上去到二楼,上星期见到菩提工作坊的佛友认出了我:“咦,你也有来啊?” 其中一位师姐问道。我说:“是啊!” 师姐说:“哪到里边请!待会聊哦!” 我找不到璟芳的人影,听到有人叫我:“凯特琳!” 我转头就到看到璟芳。妈妈放下我之后,就走了。


   节目开始就是揭晓菩提工作坊的三十周年的徽章,主持人说:“你们也可以盖上耳朵,如果你们怕的话。” 礼堂的观众哄堂大笑,其实林坊长和凉茶婆婆把手柄推下就是揭晓三十周年的徽章。镜头里的照片带大家回到1988年—— 菩提工作坊的成立。1988年我在 ”空中” 呢!九年后,我才来到这个世界。

   台上灯光开始暗下来,我们回到29年前的菩提工作坊。一个热爱佛曲的青年—— 叶景华(Gary哥 饰)和一班的伙伴们在唱歌,突然间灵感来了就说:“不如我们开个地方让所有热爱佛曲的青年们用歌声传达佛法。” 伙伴们点头同意表示这注意不错。日子过久了,大家回各自家乡,但他们有一个承诺就是他们一定回来工作坊相聚。

  刚回吉兰丹家乡不久的景华得了一通电话来自柔佛的方志明(林振威 饰)是否能够再到首都吉隆坡一趟,自从伙伴们走散了工作坊也没有消息了。于是要重新建立菩提工作坊,景华决定到吉隆坡一趟。重新建立菩提工作坊,却被遭拒绝因为外界认为佛曲不是唱歌或娱乐之类的。景华要放弃,但是一路以来支持他的干妈(也就是现在凉茶婆婆)告诉他:“只要你有恒心、坚持和信心,你一定会把菩提工作坊建立起来。你也别忘记有你支持的伙伴们和家人。” 


  演出结束后,我马上去找饰演尤国林的俊伟哥哥和青年景华师兄—— Gary哥哥。Whale姐姐对俊伟哥哥说:“俊伟,她是你的‘粉丝’ 。一直问我靓仔哥哥在哪里。” 俊伟哥听了也笑了,我唱一段《生命中的朋友》给他听。“你的歌声不错!你应该我们工作坊的歌唱训营。” 俊伟哥说。

  我也秀了歌声,这次唱TF Boys Karry王俊凯的《树读》。我也买了一件菩提工作坊三十周年的T恤,衣服上写着:舞台就是一个道场!就算是送给自己的提早二十岁生日礼物吧!很适合我,因为我一站在舞台,我不会被批评或指点,反而我是以歌声展现出我的故事。希望明年可以参加菩提工作坊。我要用歌声来传达佛法。

19 October 2017

Can’t Touch This Campaign Closing Ceremony (17/10/17) 

  After eight weeks of the anti-sexual harassment- Can't Touch This Campaign, had finally came to a close. It was right after the morning class, I headed down to the university boulevard, that's where the closing ceremony was held. "Hi Kar Marn, you're early!" said Priya, the director of the campaign. "I just wanna to get a good spot," I said.

  Aliah, who was the emcee of the day, she was doing some final rehearsals. "Hi Aliah!" I greeted her, Aliah gave me a big hug. "Hi, so sweet of you to come and support us," she said. I couldn't miss it for the world! "Why not you take a good seat, so you can take a look at us," she added, guided by my seniors, I was placed in my "VIP seat".

   Every seat had a survey form to get feedback from the students and staff of the campus. It was supposed to be filled at the end of the campaign but I filled in straightaway. Goodie bags as free gift were given to the guests upon arrival and energy drinks from RedBull were distributed as well.

  A few minutes to 10.00am, students and staff started to arrive for the closing ceremony. Invited guests such as Ms. Nisha Ayub, a Malaysian activist, Vice Chancellor, Professor Greame Wilkanson, the Dean of School of Arts, Professor Harold,  and the Head of the Department of DCLA, Dr. Chan Nee Nee.

  The closing ceremony started off with speeches from the campaign director herself, Priya. She was proud of her team that during the eight weeks of running the program, they received positive feeedback from the students, staffs as well as lecturers. "It's time to stop touching the campaign and start touching in our sleep," she said which earned laughters from the audience. A highlight video of the campaign was shown on the screen featuring the students of Diploma in Performing Arts (DPA) and some were from the maze challenge.

  A magical performance from Wayne Liew and singing from Sunway Music Society (SMS) . The ceremony ended with a big punch of the Bobo Dolls and souvenirs as a token of appreciation to the sponsors and VIPs. The moment everyone was waiting for- lunch time! Light snacks and refreshments were served. I had a few rounds of popiah and curry puffs. I took selfies with the seniors to end my day at the ceremony and it was time for me to head back to class for PR lecture.

  Hey, who knows I could run my own campaign when I step into my second year in university next year? 

10 October 2017


  前天我们和Aunty Rose去吃沙爹时候,经过马六甲英雄广场大草场时,我对外婆说:“外婆,我要去!明天带我去,可以吗?” 外婆说:“可以,当然可以!” 然而我要去的时候,阿姨不肯载我们,我快崩溃了!三、四年一次在全马举行的佛教嘉年华,不去不是很可惜?在没办法之下,外婆只好托二舅来当我们的司机。

  我们差点迷路,幸好我们还是到了现场。我和外婆进摊子的时候,有一位阿姨问我们是否要购买素饭,价格只是十令吉,便宜嘛!还算合格的价钱!突然间,有人搭在我的肩上。我一转头,是教我中一华文的曾老师!“袈文,你几时回来?” 老师问我,我说:“星期五就回来了。大学现在在休假,又碰巧到这个嘉年华。不如回乡看看吧!”

  第一个闪过我的脑海就是去找中学母校—— 马六甲圣大卫中学 (St. David High School, Melaka)。我看到 “圣大卫中学佛学会” 的八个字不在远处,我径直走去。外婆在后面暖心叮嘱要小心。“哈咯!我回来了!” 我给学弟妹们一个惊喜,“学姐!你几时回来的?” 学弟妹文我一连串的问题,我说星期五就回来,碰巧在面子书看到他们摆的摊子。

  身为学姐的我,当然要支持新一批的佛学会理事会。“学姐,真的谢谢你过来!” 学弟学妹们说。“不客气!佛学会是永远的学会,永远的家。” 我也在他们的摊子玩一场游戏,可惜没有抽到十八号,不然我就得 “大奖了” !我还想要玩,但是二舅说我已玩够、玩疯了,是时候回家。我很感谢外婆和二舅愿意为我牺牲来陪我到这难忘的嘉年华。


4 October 2017

Can't Touch This! Anti-sexual Harassment Campaign Maze Challenge (3/10/17)

  Can't Touch This! Anti-sexual harassment campaign organised by Year 2 Public Relations and Corporate Communications students of Department of Communication and Liberal Arts (DCLA). It is raise awareness on sexual harassment among Sunway College and University students to provide a more accommodate environment to those facing such hardships and educating the Sunway community's knowledge to overcome such predicament.

  I headed to the Gallery View right after my library time. I was greeted by the seniors upon arrival, "Hi Kar Marn! Are you ready for the maze challenge?" the seniors asked me. "Yes, I am but a little scared," Prior entering the maze, we attended a mini self-attendance class. To defend off the harasser, we can use different parts of the body such as hands and legs. As for me, I have an extra weapon. which is the crutches!

  I was a little hesitated of going into the maze as it was like a haunted-house theme but it just replaced with catcalls and wolf-howling kind of stuff like that. With encouragement from the seniors, I decided to brave myself up for the maze challenge. My team mates were way ahead of me to find the "victim". I was not far behind.

  I wanted to turn back at some point because it was too scary but my seniors kept on giving me words of encouragement to complete the challenge. Finally we found the "victim" by saying the theme of the campaign "Can't Touch This!". There's a VR Lab challenge too but due to my physical condition, I left it to my two teammates. One of them able to defend the virtual harasser, while Lavanya, well she didn't get through. At least, she did her best.

  We realised our "victim" had been "kidnapped" by the "harassers". Man, I should look over the "victim" instead of getting engrossed with the VR Lab challenge, haha! Okay, jokes aside and let's get back to the serious part.  Kirtana accompanied me on the way out, our "victim" was saved! We were greeted by the lovable Sofia, our campus' new mascot. She gave me a big bear hug, "she'll always be there for you when times in need," Kirtana said.

  Aliah, another senior of mine asked me whether I like the challenge. "It was fun and scary," I said. "Glad you love the challenge and thank you for supporting us," she said. A group photo with Sofia to wrap up the maze challenge! Mission accomplished!